Saturday, July 31, 2010

Photographs of Elderly Jotham Lincoln Sprague & wife, Dennysville Maine

Photographs of elderly Jotham Lincoln Sprague and wife of Charlotte, Maine, and Dennysville, Maine. 

The handwriting on the reverse reads" Mrs. J. L. Sprague, Dennysville, Maine", which was probably written by the photographer, along with instructions on how the photograph should be made.

From brief online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions requested]

Jotham Lincoln Sprague was born September 13, 1818 at Plantation 3, Charlotte, Maine, the son of John and Sarah (Lincoln) Sprague, who were born at Abington, Massachusetts, and Perry, Maine, respectively.

Jotham appears to have married three times:
  1. Julia Ann James, whom he married about 1846. They had three daughters, before Julia died in 1852. I'd like to know the names of Julia's parents. 
  2. Elizabeth Dinsmore or Densmore, whom he married about 1853. They had four children, at least two of whom died young, before Elizabeth died October 16, 1865. Elizabeth was born in Ireland, to, I believe, Samuel Hugh Dinsmore and Margaret Jane (Caffren or Coffren) Dinsmore, 
  3. Priscilla Smith, whom he married about 1868. They had at least one child. Priscilla was born May 26, 1830, daughter of William H. Smith and Deborah (Carter) Smith. Priscilla died October 2, 1896. 
It's Priscilla, presumably, who appears in the companion photograph.

Handwriting of the same person appears on the back of Mrs. Sprague's photograph, with instructions just a tad different.

Jotham Lincoln Sprague died March 31, 1897 at Charlotte, Maine.  If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

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