Some of the right side of the clipping has been cut off, but I'll transcribe as best as I can. The reason the right side is jagged is that the person who clipped this was doing so for the information on the reverse, about the 1910 Graduation at Bangor High School, Bangor, Maine. [I'll be discussing that clipping in a subsequent post]. Unfortunately, the end of the Islesboro news is cut off.
"ISLEBORO - June 13 - The high school closed Friday. The senior class Mark Penleton [Pendleton?] an [and] Arthur Hatch, have taken examinations for the University of Maine. Many in the junior class took part of the examinations preparatory to entering another year.
Capt. W. S. Pendleton is in New York visiting his sons for a few weeks.
Capt. Walter Small is home for a few days while his vessel is unloading at Stockton.
Mr. Fred Jones of Reading [Reading?], Pa., and his family have arrived for the season. They came from Boston in their steam yacht.
Miss Bessie Heseltine, assistant in the high school, leaves Wednesday for her home in Haverhill, Massachusetts.
The grammar and primary grades will close the 17th for the summer vacation.
Dr. and Mrs. Larrabee gave a most enjoyable party Friday evening.
Mr. Newton Pendleton entertained a few friends at his home one evening last week.
Harold Pendleton has returned from Portland, where he has been employed for the past two years.
The graduation exercises of the Islesboro High school passed off well. Sunday the Baccalaureate sermon was preached by Rev. A. G. Warren of the Second Baptist Church. The house was crowded and even the gallery was filled. The sermon has been a theme for talk by all who heard it. Mr. Warner [Warner or should it be Warren?]seemed like one inspired. Music was furnished by the children in the lower grades. Miss Edwina P. Quincy sang a solo in a very pleasing manner. Wednesday evening came the graduation exercises and the following is the program..."
Unfortunately, here the article pertaining to Islesboro is cut off. However, it's likely that the newspaper has been microfilmed, or even digitized, and the rest of the article could be had, with a little digging. As I said above, it's likely a Bangor, Maine, newspaper, with the date of June 14, 1910.
Hopefully this clipping will have some significance for you. Thanks for stopping by!
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