Monday, May 17, 2010

Cabinet photo, possibly of Amos Baker, taken by Kimball Studio, Gardiner, Maine

Cabinet photo taken by A. W. Kimball, Photographic Studio, No. 191 Water Street, Gardiner, Maine.

There are a few handwritten notations on the reverse, one of which seems to read "Mrs. Amos Baker", plus possibly part of an address "300 Frank"?

Researching online, I found in the vital records of Pittston that a Fannie Brookings, Mrs., married Capt. Amos Baker on 17 November 1878.  Pittston is just across the river from Gardiner.

I also found reference to an Amos Baker from Hartland, Maine, who served in the Sixteenth Maine in the Civil War.

But this man in this photograph remains a mystery.   It's even possible that the  "Mrs. Amos Baker" on the reverse of the photograph could have been the married sister of this fellow; he might not even be "Amos Baker" at all!

If you have any insights into this photograph, please let me know.  Thanks for stopping by!
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Downeast Maine & Maritime Canada Genealogy

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