Small photograph album that features scenes and people from the Corinth, Maine, area, and coastal Maine. Several people and places are identified; many are not.
The album may have belonged to Martha Rapsima Palmer of Corinth, who attended Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on the coast, about 1916-1918, or to one of her schoolmates.
Martha Rapsima Palmer of Corinth, Maine, daughter of Frank L. Palmer and Lottie E. (Stinchfield) Palmer; future wife of Gardiner Dudley Page
The Palmer Farm at Corinth, Maine
Haying at the Palmer Farm
Main Street, East Corinth, Maine
Roland Kingsbury; presumably Roland W. Kingsbury, son of William and Ella (Patterson) Kingsbury
Roland W. Kingsbury and wife/future wife Madeline (Stanley) Kingsbury, daughter of Seth and Louise (Pickering) Stanley
Ada Peckham; possibly Ada Peckham of Northeast Harbor, Maine; daughter of William M. and Ada (Frazier) Peckham
Old Man Seavey
Leona (possibly Haynes) and Madoline Haynes
The prettiest tree on Center Street in Brewer, Maine
Below, the entire album:
How wonderful that you've scanned this album. Working together we continue to uncover and document Corinth's past. Thank you. J. B.