Saturday, April 11, 2015

c1918 Photograph Album with Scenes and People of Corinth, Maine, and the Maine Coast

Small photograph album that features scenes and people from the Corinth, Maine, area, and coastal Maine.  Several people and places are identified; many are not.

The album may have belonged to Martha Rapsima Palmer of Corinth, who attended Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on the coast, about 1916-1918, or to one of her schoolmates.

Martha Rapsima Palmer of Corinth, Maine, daughter of Frank L. Palmer and Lottie E. (Stinchfield) Palmer; future wife of Gardiner Dudley Page

The Palmer Farm at Corinth, Maine

 Haying at the Palmer Farm

Main Street, East Corinth, Maine

Roland Kingsbury; presumably Roland W. Kingsbury, son of William and Ella (Patterson) Kingsbury
  Roland W. Kingsbury and wife/future wife Madeline (Stanley) Kingsbury, daughter of Seth and Louise (Pickering) Stanley    

Ada Peckham; possibly Ada Peckham of Northeast Harbor, Maine; daughter of William M. and Ada (Frazier) Peckham

Old Man Seavey

Leona (possibly Haynes) and Madoline Haynes  

The prettiest tree on Center Street in Brewer, Maine

If you have knowledge of these people and can provide more identification, please leave a comment.  Please don't leave information about living people.

Below, the entire album:

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you've scanned this album. Working together we continue to uncover and document Corinth's past. Thank you. J. B.
