1880s autograph album that was given to Wallace Homer of Monson, Maine, at Christmas in 1880.
This album was donated to the Monson Historical Society. See all of the pages, in order, here.
See another post that features a religious book that belonged to a Mrs. Sarah Homer, possibly Wallace's mother Sarah Mussey (Mathews) Homer.
Another post features a CDV and tintype album of members of the Homer and Mathews families and others of Monson, Maine, and other towns in Piscataquis County, as well as photographs of people who moved away from Maine.
The album is approximately 7" x 4-1/4" and contains the sentiments of 86 of Wallace's relatives, friends, pastor and schoolmates. Many of his relatives had dispersed to other parts of New England, the Midwest and West but apparently come back to Monson for occasional family visits and had a chance to sign pages in the album.
An alphabetical list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Wallace Homer was born 29 December 1861 at Monson, Maine, the son of Edward Henry Hoar/Homer and Sarah Mussey (Mathews) Hoar/Homer, who were both born at Monson, Maine.
The 1870 Census of Monson gives Wallace's family's surname as Hoar. The "History of Monson, Maine 1822 - 1972", compiled for Monson's Sesquicentennial commemoration, notes that Edward Henry Hoar and his brother James Rudolph Hoar (whose children Lula Homer and Charles Orlando Homer of Galion, Ohio, signed pages in Wallace's album) changed their surnames to Homer about 1874. Duly, the 1880s Census of Monson gives Wallace's family's surname as Homer.
Wallace's paternal grandparents were William E. and Betsey (Goodell) Hoar. His maternal grandparents were Elijah and Anna (Bennett) Mathews. A few of the Homer clan and many of the Mathews clan signed pages in the album.
The family lived at became known as Homer Hill.
I believe the S. M. Homer of Monson, Maine, who signed on December 27, 1885, was Wallace's mother Sarah Mussey (Mathews) Homer.
Wallace was listed as single in every Census that I found, but I may have missed something. His niece, Dorothy Homer, born about 1906, daughter of Edward Mathews Homer and Ann Eliza (Pennington) Homer, was living with him at the time of the 1920 Census, and she continued living with him at the farm on Homer Hill, even after her 1925 marriage to Max C. Forbus. Dorothy's mother had died before 1914, when Dorothy's father married again, to Myrtle Estelle Huff. Dorothy signed a page in her uncle's album in 1914.
Wallace Homer died at Monson, Maine, in 1952.
If you have corrections and/or additions, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Signers in the album: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Sarah F. Barber of Monson, Maine, signed on September 6, 1887
- L. F. Bartlett, signed at Monson, Maine, on July 11, 1887
- W. A. Bray, signed at Monson, Maine, on March 15, 1883; intricate sketch of bird
- S. Alice Bull of Waterbury, Connecticut; shared a page with other people; "In memory of Pleasant house, August 25, 1899"
- Mrs. Hattie Bunker of Monson, Maine, signed on March 13, 1897 [or 1877]
- Tyler C. Burpee of Sheffield, New Brunswick, signed on March 4, 1881
- Laura L. Butler of Somerville, Massachusetts; shared a page with other people; "In memory of Pleasant house, August 25, 1899"
- Mary E. Butler of Monson, Maine
- M. M. Carter of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on April 2, 1881
- Annie Carter of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on August 10, 1885; Wallace's cousin
- Maud Cass, signed at Ludington, Michigan, on August 9, 1886
- Nellie A. Cushman of Kewanee, Illinois
- J. P. Daleen, signed at Monson, Maine, on September 2, 1872
- Charles Davison, signed at Greenville, Maine, on February 12, 1883. His wife Laura (Tenney) Davison signed the right facing page.
- Laura T. Davison, signed at Greenville, Maine, on February 12, 1883. She was Laura (Tenney) Davison, whose husband Charles Davison signed the left facing page.
- Emily F. Davison
- Lizzie M. Davison, signed at Greenville, Maine, on February 12, 1883
- Carrie E. Day of Mazeppa, Minnesota, signed at Monson, Maine, on September 27, 1885
- Harriett F. Drury of Brooklyn, New York. She was Harriette F. (Lawton) Drury; shared a page with other people, including her daughter Helen L. Drury. "In memory of Pleasant house, August 25, 1899"
- Helen L. Drury of Brooklyn, New York; shared a page with other people, including her mother Harriette F. (Lawton) Drury; "In memory of Pleasant house, August 25, 1899"
- Clara Eakin of Portland, Oregon, signed on September 18, 1890
- J. A. Eakin of Eugene, Oregon, signed at Monson, Maine, on September 18, 1890
- Mrs. G. W. Edes, signed at Monson, Maine, on January 8, 1882. Presumably Betsey Jane (Lord) Edes, wife of George Washington Edes who signed the right facing page.
- G. W. Edes of Monson, Maine, signed on January 8, 1882. He was George Washington Edes, whose wife, Betsey Jane (Lord) Edes, signed the left facing page.
- William Essensa of Sourisford, Manitoba, signed on December 10, 1887
- John R. Flint of Monson, Maine, signed at Monson Academy on January 12, 1882. "Snow blowing like fun"
- Lindley H. Folsom of Monson, Maine, signed on January 13, 1882 "your companion in fox hunting"
- Emma I. Gerrish, signed at Monson, Maine, on October 16, 1881
- Frank Gerrish, signed on October 22, 1881
- E. F. Gerrish, signed on October 15, 1881
- J. Eugene Goodell, signed on August 20, 1887
- Jennie M. Goodell of Monson, Maine, signed on August 20, 1887
- Mabel J. Goodell of Monson, Maine, signed on August 20, 1887 and again on May 26, 1897
- Hattie S. Goodell of Spencer, Iowa, signed at Monson, Maine, on August 20, 1887
- Mary L. Graffam of Andover, Massachusetts, signed at Monson, Maine, on August 20, 1887
- Winona E. Graffam of Andover, Massachusetts, signed at Monson, Maine, on August 20, 1887
- Louisa B. Hawes, signed at Monson, Maine, on March 11, 1881. Presumably the wife of Rev. J. B. Hawes, who signed the right facing page.
- J. B. Hawes, signed at Monson, Maine, on March 10, 1881; Wallace's pastor. The Louisa B. Hawes who signed the left facing page was perhaps his wife.
- Fred A. Heal of Monson, Maine, signed on February 18, 1881
- Emily Heintzelman, signed September 15, 1891, at 1912 H. St., Washington, D.C.
- W. Homer of Monson, Maine, December 25, 1880; album owner. Wallace Homer, who received the album at Christmas in 1880
- Lulie Homer, signed at Monson, Maine, on August 22, 1881. She was Lula Homer, daughter of Wallace's paternal uncle James Rudolph Homer, brother of Wallace's father, Henry E. Homer. James, his wife Jane E. (Neff) Homer, son Charles and daughter Lula lived in Galion, Ohio.
- Charles O. Homer of Galion, Ohio, signed on July 15, 1885. He was Charles Orlando Homer, Wallace's cousin, son of Wallace's paternal uncle James Rudolph Homer and his wife Jane E. (Neff) Homer.
- S. M. Homer of Monson, Maine, signed on December 27, 1885. S. M. Homer may have been Sarah Mussey (Mathews) Homer, Wallace's mother.
- Dorothy Homer, signed on November 15, 1914. She was Wallace's niece, daughter of Wallace's brother Edward Mathews Homer and Ann Eliza (Pennington) Homer. Dorothy was enumerated with her Uncle Wallace in the 1920 Census and all the way through to the at least the 1940 Census, after her 1925 marriage to Max C. Forbus
- Dearborn J. Jackson of Monson, Maine, signed on October 15, 1915. "Birthday Nov. 29, Born 1899"
- Lizzie E. Jenkins of Monson, Maine, signed on May 20, 1889
- Wayland H. Jones of Monson, Maine, signed on January 12, 1882. He was born 9 October 1866 at Parkman, Maine, son of Frank and Susan (True) Jones.
- Effie M. Jones, signed at Monson, Maine, on June 2, 1884; Wallace's schoolmate
- George F. Jones of Monson, Maine, signed on January 12, 1885; not positive of middle initial
- Annie B. Knight of Hudson, South Dakota, signed on September 24, 1897
- Arthur C. Knight of Monson, Maine, signed on February 18, 1881
- Dora K. Knight, signed at Monson, Maine. on February 20, 1881
- Hattie L. Mansell of Monson, Maine, signed on June 11, 1881. Middle initial looks like L. She might have been Harriet (Levenseller) Mansell, wife of Allen Mansell.
- G. A. Mathews. Likely George Allen Mathews, younger brother of Wallace's mother Sarah M. (Mathews) Homer. He was born at Monson, Maine, on 4 February 1845, son of Elijah and Anna (Bennett) Mathews. He married Ann Jane Morrill Nutting on 30 July 1866 at Monson. (Elijah and Ann had an earlier George Allen Mathews who died at about age 3.)
- Sara B. Mathews, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts; Wallace's cousin, Sarah B. Mathews, daughter of Wallace's maternal uncle George Allen Mathews and Ann Jane Morrill (Nutting) Mathews. Sarah signed again on the page, at an older age: Sarah B. Mathews, Auburndale, Massachusetts, June 12, 1896. Colby '96"
- Roy Mathews of Lowell, Massachusetts. Also signed the page at a later age as Roy Mathews, Monson, Maine, April 29, 1886. Wallace's cousin, son of his maternal uncle George Allen Mathews and Ann Jane Morrill (Nutting) Mathews.
- Howard Mathews of Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, 1901-1915, October 17. Howard Homer Mathews, born 17 October 1901 at Weston, Massachusetts, son of Wallace's maternal cousin Leroy Mathews and wife Hattie (Morse) Mathews. He apparently wrote this in 1915 (he lived far longer). Howard was the grandson of Wallace's maternal uncle George Allen Mathews and wife Ann Jane Morrill (Nutting) Mathews. Howard's brother George M. Mathews also signed a page in the album.
- J. B. Mathews, signed at Monson, Maine, on January 30, 1881. He was Wallace's maternal uncle, Jonathan Bennett Mathews, older brother of Sarah (Mathews) Homer. He had married Sophia Lucinda Shailer in 1860 and was living at Portland, Maine, with his wife and four children at the time of the 1880 Census. His oldest child, son Shailer Mathews, was out of the household by 1880.
- Aunt Annie, signed at Monson, Maine, on October 11, 1881. Perhaps Ann Jane Morrill (Nutting) Mathews, wife of Wallace's maternal uncle George Allen Mathews.
- Tavie W. Mathews of Monson, Maine, signed on April 29, 1886. She was Octavia W. Mathews, daughter of Wallace's maternal uncle George Allen Mathews and Ann Jane Morrill (Nutting) Mathews
- Margaret Mathews, signed on August 4, 1915, Baltimore, Maryland
- Shailer Mathews of Portland, Maine, signed on January 29, 1881; Wallace's cousin, who was the son of Wallace's maternal uncle, Jonathan Bennett Mathews and Sophia Lucinda (Shailer) Mathews.
- Harry H. Mathews of Portland, Maine; Wallace's cousin Henry Homer Mathews, son of Wallace's maternal uncle Jonathan Bennett Mathews and Sophia Lucinda (Shailer) Mathews
- Eddie B. Mathews of Portland, Maine, signed on August 24, 1881; Wallace's cousin Edward B. Mathews, son of Wallace's maternal uncle Jonathan Bennett Mathews and Sophia Lucinda (Shailer) Mathews
- George M. Mathews of Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, signed on August 3, 1912. He was the son of Wallace's maternal cousin Leroy Mathews and wife Hattie (Morse) Mathews, and grandson of Wallace's maternal uncle George Allen Mathews and wife Ann Jane Morrill (Nutting) Mathews. George's brother Howard Homer Mathews also signed a page.
- Edgar J. Matthews of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, signed on January 9, 1892
- Julia F. McDaniel, signed September 1, 1881 [or September 7, 1887 - her "1"s and "7"s are very alike. "Web-foot cousin"
- W. J. McDaniel of Portland, Oregon, signed on September 1, 1881; Wallace's cousin
- Jennie S. Merrill of Parkman, Maine, signed on November 30, 1884
- Maggie Monroe [not sure of surname], possibly of Canada, signed at Monson, Maine, on January 4, 1881
- Bell Monroe, signed at Monson, Maine, on February 14, 1881
- Lucy E. Morrill of Monson, Maine, signed at Monson Academy on January 12, 1882
- Benjamin M. Philbrick, signed August 4, 1915, Evanston, Illinois, birthday Aug 24.
- Shailer Shaw Philbrick, Grace Mathews Philbrick and Herbert Shaw Philbrick. Herbert Shaw Philbrick and Grace Elizabeth (Mathews) were married in 1904. Shailer Shaw Philbrick was their son. Grace was the daughter of Wallace's maternal uncle Jonathan Bennett Mathews and his wife Sophia Lucinda (Shailer) Mathews.
- May A. Pollard, signed at Monson, Maine, in July 1881
- Clinton K. Sampson, signed on March 3, 1897
- Louisa Sampson, signed on March 2, 1897; she sketched a sailing ship
- George M. Sanborn of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Monson, Maine, on May 15, 1882
- Barnas S. Shailer of New Gloucester, Maine, West Pownal Post Office. He was Barnas Sears Shailer, brother of Sophia Lucinda Shailer, wife of Wallace's maternal uncle, Jonathan Bennett Mathews.
- Hattie H. Shailer of New Gloucester, Maine. She was Hattie Hale (Sawyer), daughter of Jefferson and Lydia (Crosby) Sawyer and wife of Barnas Sears Shailer, brother of Sophia Lucinda (Shailer) Mathews, wife of Jonathan Bennett Matthews, who was a brother to Wallace's mother Sarah M. (Mathews) Homer.
- H. C. Smith, signed on February 3, 1881
- S. W. Smith, signed at Monson, Maine, on February 1881
- Sarah Cecilia Sower of Philadelphia; shared a page with other people; "In memory of Pleasant house, August 25, 1899"
- Henry A. Warriner of Monson, Maine, signed on April 5, 1881
- Carrie E. Warriner, signed on April 5, 1881
- Nellie M. Wing, signed on January 12, 1882
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There is a possibility that Hattie Mansell is my great grandmother. My grandfather was born in Monson in 1884. However, her middle name was Myra. In the 1880 census it says she was 13 years old. She married Alphonso E. Bartlett. Seems like the L.F. Bartlett must be a relative also, but couldn't see anyone in my records that has the exact initials.