Sunday, May 26, 2013

1853 Spring Term Catalogue of Bowdoin College & Medical School of Maine; many names

Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine: Spring Term - 1853.  
From J. Griffin's Press,. Brunswick, Maine

Names are transcribed below the relevant pages.  What's especially  neat about this catalogue is that middle names of students are spelled out.  The students are listed alphabetically within sections.

I found a relative in here, Henry Kennedy Turner of Whitefield, Maine, and lost no time informing cousins.


Rev. Leonard Woods, Jr., D.D., President

Rev. Ichabod Nichols, D.D., Vice President
Hon. Nathan Weston, LL.D.
Hon. Reuel Williams
Ebenezer Everett, Esq.
Hon. Ether Shepley, LL.D.
Hon. Charles Stewart Daveis, LL.D.
Hon. Daniel Goodenow
Hon. Robert H. Gardiner, Esq.
Hon. George Evans, LL.D.
Rev. Asa Cummings, D.D.
Hon. John S. Tenney, LL.D.
William G. Barrows, Esq., Secretary


Hon. Robert Pinckney Dunlap, President

Levi Cutter, Esq., Vice President
John McKeen, Esq., Secretary
Isaac Lincoln, M.D.
Rev. Benjamin Tappan, D.D.
Simon Greenleaf, LL.D.
Rev. John Wallace Ellingwood, D.D.
Rev. Enos Merrill
Hon. Benjamin Randall
Frederic Allen, LL.D.
Hon. Williams Emmons
John Hannibal Sheppard, Esq.
Rev. George Eliashib Adams, D.D.
Wilmot Wood, Esq.
Hon. Josiah Pierce
Hon. Philip Eastman
Rev. David Thurston
William Swan, Esq.
Rev. David Shepley
Hon. Samuel P. Benson
Rev. William T. Dwight, D.D.
Rev. Eli Thurston
James McKeen, M.D.
Hon. Rufus McIntire
Hon. Richard H. Vose
Allen H. Weld, M.A.
George F. Patten, Esq.
Hon. William Pitt Fessenden
Joseph Libbey, M.A.
Seth Storer, Esq.
Rev. John W. Chickering
Hon. Josiah Little
John McDonald, Esq.
Rev. Richard Woodhull
Hon. William P. Haines
Phinehas Barnes, Esq.
Hon. Joseph Howard
Rev. Jonathan Clement, D.D.
Hon. James W. Bradbury
Rev. John Wilde
Rev. John S. C. Abbott
Rev. John O. Fiske
Rev. Edward F. Cutter
Joseph McKeen, M.A., Treasurer of the College


Leonard Woods, Jr., D.D., President
Parker Cleaveland, LL.D., Professor Chemistry, Mineralogy, and National Philosophy
Amos Nourse, M.D., Lecturer on Obstetrics, and Diseases of Women and Children
William Sweetser, M.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine
Hen. John Searle Tenney, LL.D., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence
Alpheus S. Packard, M.A., Professor of Ancient Languages, and Classical Literature
Thomas C. Upham, D.D., Professor of Mental Philosophy and Ethics, and Instructor in the Hebrew Language
William Smyth, M.A., Professor of Mathematics, and Associate Professor of Natural Philosophy
Charles A. Lee, M.D., Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics
Daniel R. Goodwin, M.A., Professor of the Modern Languages
Edmund R. Peaslee, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Surgery
Roswell D. Hitchcock, M.A., Collins Professor of Natural and Revealed Religion
Henry H. Boody, M.A., Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory
Samuel J. Pike, M.A., Tutor in Latin and Mathematics
Daniel R. Goodwin, M.A., Librarian

Medical School


Leonard Woods, Jr., D.D., President
Ebenezer Everett, M.A., President of the Trustees
Isaac Lincoln, M.D., Of the Overseers
James McKeen, M.D., Of the Overseers
John Hubbard, M.D., Of the State
John T. Gilman, M.D., Of the State
Parker Cleaveland, M.D., Professor
William Sweetser, M.D., Professor
Edmund R. Peaslee, M.D., Professor
Amos Nourse, M.D., Lecturer
Hon. John S. Tenney, LL.D., Lecturer
Charles A. Lee, M.D., Lecturer

Parker Cleaveland, M.D., Librarian

John V. V. Lansing, A.B., Demonstrator in Anatomy
William H. Burleigh, A.B., Assistant Director
Samuel H. Hurd, A.B., Assistant Director
Milton S. Briry, Assistant Librarian
Selden W. Jones, Assistant Librarian
Albion P. Snow, Assistant Librarian

Medical Class
February - May, 1853

† - Second Course
‡ - Third Course
〃 - Fourth or Higher Course

Name; Residence; Instructors
  • †Francis Warren Blanchard; Richmond, Maine; Geo. W. Colby, M.D. and DeW. C. Chamberlin, M.D.
  • ‡Milton Story Briry; Bowdoin, Maine; T. G. Stockbridge, M.D.
  • †David Richard Brown; Boston, Massachusetts; Jotham Goodenow, M.D.
  • †Samuel Preble Buck, A.B.; Woolwich, Maine; Cleaveland Buck, M.D.
  • ‡William Henry Burleigh, A.B.; Franklin, New Hampshire; L. M.Knight, M.D.
  • †Nathan Call; Boscawen, New Hampshire; E. K. Webster, M.D., E. H. Parker, M.D., and E. R. Peaslee, M.D.
  • †Moses Williams Caverley; Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Nahum Wight, M.D.
  • John White Chickering, Jr., A.B.; Portland, Maine; Israel T. Dana, M.D.
  • Rev. Jesse Milton Coburn; Brunswick, Maine
  • Lorenze Starrett Cole; Waldoboro, Maine; John G. Brown, M.D.
  • †Willard Clark Collins; Castine, Maine; William F. Collins, M.D.
  • Charles Archelaus Coolidge; Canton, Maine; Daniel S. Tracy, M.D.
  • †Martin Dale; Windham, Maine; A. W. Anderson, M.D., and J. M. Buzzell, M.D.
  • William Shaw Daly; Monmouth, Maine;  E. K. Prescott, M.D.
  • ‡Joshua Lord Deane; Gardiner, Maine; C. W. Whitmore, M.D.
  • ‡John Marshall Eveleth, A.M.; Windham, Maine; Lewis W. Houghton, M.D.
  • †Charles Carroll Everett, A.B.; Brunswick, Maine; James McKeen, M.D.
  • George Howard Freeman; Minot, Maine; Nathan C. Harris, M.D.
  • †Smith Freeman; Bucksport, Maine; A. F. Page, M.D., and N. Emerson, M.D.
  • Isaac Roscoe Goodspeed; Pittston, Maine; C. W. Whitmore, M.D.
  • Freeman Hall; Gorham, Maine; Lewis W. Houghton, M.D.
  • †William Chase Hall; Monmouth, Maine; G. S. Palmer, M.D.
  • †Artemas Lendall Hersey; Oxford, Maine; Edwin Mayberry, M.D.
  • ‡Charles Edwin Hill; Limerick, Maine; W. Swasey, M.D., and J. Fogg, M.D.
  • Horatio Nelson Howard; Abbot, Maine; A. P. Chase, M.D.
  • Samuel Belcher Hunter; Strong, Maine; William R. Hunter, M.D.
  • Samuel Hutchins Hurd, A.B.; Charlestown, Massachusetts; E. R. Peaslee, M.D.
  • ‡Elijah Utley Jones; Augusta, Maine; William F. Jackson, M.D.
  • ‡Selden Wiley Jones; Mercer, Maine; P. Dyer, M.D., H. H. Hill, M.D.
  • Benjamin Webber Kimball; Bethel, Maine; Almon Twitchell, M.D.
  • †Howard Williams King; Smithfield, Rhode Island; Dan King, M.D., and T. Nutting, M.D.
  • George William Kittredge; Paris, Maine; Asaph Kittredge, M.D.
  • Stephen Kittredge; Milo, Maine; Josiah Jordan, M.D.
  • ‡John VanVechten Lansing, A.B.; Lansingburg, New York; E. R. Peaslee, M.D.
  • ‡James Rounds Lunt; Portland, Maine; W. C. Robinson, M.D.
  • Leonard Howard Maxim; Wayne, Maine; Charles H. Barker, M.D.
  • †John Cummings Merrill, A.B.; Portland, Maine; W. C. Robinson, M.D. and E. R. Peaslee, M.D.
  • †Augusta Davis Merrow; Newfield, Maine; Calvin Topliff, M.D.
  • ‡Richard Hunniwell Meserve; Limington, Maine; M. E. Sweat, M.D. and E. R. Peaslee, M.D.
  • ‡Joseph Decker Miles; Limerick, Maine; W. Swasey, M.D. and J. Fogg, M.D.
  • †Albion Ricker Millett; Minot, Maine; H. L. K. Wiggin, M.D.
  • George Montgomery; Strafford, New Hampshire; Charles Palmer, M.D.
  • ‡James Williamson Mulvey; Saco, Maine; B. C. Mulvey, M.D. and W. Williamson, M.D.
  • Silas Wright Nutting; Otisfield, Maine; T. Stilwell, M.D., J. B. Tubbs, M.D. and S. C. Hunkins, M.D.
  • †Charles Appleton Packard, A.M.; Brunswick, Maine; John D. Lincoln, M.D.
  • Charles William Packard; Lancaster, Massachusetts; J. L. S. Thompson, M.D.
  • ‡James Record; Auburn, Maine; W. Kilbourne, M.D. and S. Oakes, M.D.
  • †John Almond Richards; Strong, Maine; Edmund Russell, M.D.
  • Edwin Lewis Rowe; Meredith Bridge, New Hampshire; G. W. Garland, M.D. and F. B. Ayer, M.D.
  • Calvin Seavey, M.D.; Bangor, Maine
  • ‡Albion Parris Snow; Brunswick, Maine; N. T. Palmer, M.D.
  • ‡Oscar Fitzallan Swasey; Cabot, Vermont; Benjamin K. Swasey, M.D.
  • George Washington Tebbetts; Scarborough, Maine; A. D. Edgecomb, M.D.
  • George Harward Theobald, A.B.; Richmond, Maine; James C. Boynton, M.D.
  • 〃Horatio Dudley Torrey; Windham, Maine; Lewis W. Houghton, M.D.
  • Albion K. P. Townsend; Sidney, Maine; Charles H. Barker, M.D.
  • Clark Cornish Trafton; Kennebunkport, Maine; Nicholas E. Smart, M.D.
  • ‡Cyrus Deane Tuck; Hallowell, Maine; E. Ellis, M.D. and E. R. Peaslee, M.D.
  • ‡Henry Froste Wardwell; Windham, Maine; Lewis W. Houghton, M.D.
  • †Joseph Huckins Warren; Great Falls, New Hampshire; John M. Berry, M.D.
  • †Samuel Loton Weston; Harrison, Maine; Lewis W. Houghton, M.D.
  • William Thomas White; Richmond, Maine; Abial Libby, M.D.
  • George Hamlin Wilson; Litchfield, Maine; G. S. Palmer, M.D.

Senior Sophisters

Name; Residence
Jonathan Edwards Adams; Boothbay, Maine
Oliver Patten Barton; Waterville, Maine
William Carruthers; Portland, Maine
Ephraim C. Cummings; Albany, Maine
Henry Richards Downes; Calais, Maine
William Paley Drew; Augusta, Maine; residing at Mr. Thompson's
Charles Drummond; Bangor, Maine
James Wallace Emery; Lovell, Maine
Marcellus Emery; Frankfort, Maine
Stephen Foss; Little Rock, Arkansas; residing at Tontine
Melville Weston Fuller; Augusta, Maine
Henry Clay Goodenow; Alfred, Maine
George Stone Kimball; Farmingdale, Maine
Woodbury Fogg Langdon; Concord, New Hampshire
William Miltimore McArthur; Limington, Maine; residing at Mr. Tappan's
Joseph McKeen, Jr.; Brunswick, Maine; residing at Joseph McKeen's
George Washington McLellan; Monmouth, Maine
Kingman Fogg Page; Rochester, New Hampshire
David Marks Place; Strafford Centre, New Hampshire
Jeremiah Evarts Pond; Bangor, Maine
Luther Puffer; Sudbury, Massachusetts
Thaddeus Roberts Simonton; Camden, Maine
John Barrett Southgate; Portland, Maine
John Franklin Spaulding; Camden, Maine
William Henry Todd; St. Stephen, New Brunswick
Francis Everett Webb; Winthrop, Maine
William Adolphus Wheeler; Topsham, Maine; residing at Rev. Mr. Wheeler's

Joseph Melcher Alexander; Richmond, Maine
George Washington Bartlett; Litchfield, Maine
William Morrison Bartley; Hampstead, New Hampshire
David Thaxter Bradford; Cumberland, Maine
Henry Purchis Brown; Bridgton, Maine
Charles Peleg Chandler; Foxcroft, Maine
John Frederick Deane; Bangor, Maine
John Abbott Douglass; Waterford, Maine
Henry Dunlap; Brunswick, Maine; residing    at Hon. R. P. Dunlap's
Ambrose Eastman; Saco, Maine
James Bonaparte Farrington; Rochester, New Hampshire
Samuel Freeman; Limerick, Maine
Harrison Gray; Danversport, Massachusetts
Council Greeley; Dover, Maine
James Lewis Hatch; New Gloucester, Maine
Charles Melvin Herrin; Bangor, Maine
Warren Johnson; Farmington, Maine
Edwin Sewall Lennox; NewCastle, Maine
Daniel Clark Linscott; Jefferson, Maine
Henry Nettleton Merrill; Limerick, Maine
Benjamin Franklin Morrison; Farmington, Maine
James Ripley Osgood; Fryeburg, Maine; residing at Mr. Tappan's
William Wirt Pendergast; Durham, New Hampshire
Josiah Locke Phillips; Farmington, Maine
Andrew Ring, Jr.; Lubec, Maine
John Owen Robinson; Thomaston, Maine
John Wesley Simonds; Franklin, New Hampshire
Henry Hyde Smith; Cornish, Maine
Joseph Emerson Smith; Wiscasset, Maine
Charles Winslow Smyth; Holderness, New Hampshire
Daniel Carleton Stanwood; Alna, Maine
John Glidden Stetson; NewCastle, Maine
William Law Symonds; Portland, Maine
Charles Frederick Todd; St. Stephen, New Brunswick
William Packard Tucker; Salem, Massachusetts
Henry Kennedy Turner; Whitefield, Maine
William Drew Washburn; Livermore, Maine
Nathaniel McLellan Whitmore; Richmond, Maine
Franklin Augustus Wilson; Bangor, Maine
Henry Clay Wood; Winthrop, Maine


Samuel Sewall Adams; Boothbay, Maine
Wilmot Wood Brookings; Woolwich, Maine
Seth Cornelius Burnham; Farmington, Maine; residing at Mrs. Elliot's
Thomas Henry Clark; Bristol, Maine
Samuel Roland Crocker; Boston, Massachusetts
Daniel Crosby; Hampden, Maine; residing at Mrs. Pierce's
John Samuel Cushing; Skowhegan, Maine
Henry Boody Durgin; Portland, Maine
Stephen Melville Eaton; Portland, Maine
William Howard Fessenden; Portland, Maine
Charles Henry Foster; Orono, Maine
Benjamin Browne Foster; Orono, Maine
Samuel Spring Gardner; Brewer, Maine
Joseph Kingsbury Greene; Athens, Ohio
Edwin Jarvis Hart; Holden,Maine  [Scroll down to the comments section for a reader's info.]
Edward Hawes; Bridgton, Maine
Benjamin Francis Hayes; Lewiston Falls, Maine
Thomas Albert Henderson; Dover, New Hampshire
Obadiah Brown Hewitt; Hope, Maine
Thomas Barclay Hood; Haliax, Nova Scotia; residing at Col. Estabrook's
John Lathrop Hunter; Farmingdale, Maine
Dudley Sargent Jones; Ellsworth, Maine
Sumner Increase Kimball; Sanford, Maine
Thomas Henry Little; Augusta, Maine
John Alexander McIntosh; Farmington, Maine
Flavius Vespasian Norcross; Dixfield, Maine
Jonathan Piper; Stratham, New Hampshire
Sutton Kerr Prescott; Farmington, Maine
William LeBaron Putnam; Bath, Maine
Ezekiel Ross; Jefferson, Maine
John Farnham Shaw; Greenville, Maine
Charles Edwin Shaw; Portland, Maine
George Henry Shepard; Bangor, Maine; residing at Prof. Smyth's
Thomas Bowman Sherman; Dorchester, Massachusetts
Benjamin Poor Snow; Westbrook, Maine
Levi Wentworth Stanton; West Lebanon, Maine
Peleg Tallman; Bath, Maine
James Henry Taylor; Homer, Ohio
Emery Purington Thompson; Topsham, Maine; residing at C. Thompson's
John Frothingham Tinkham; Portland, Maine
Charles Titcomb; Farmington, Maine
Gardiner Chandler Vose; Augusta, Maine
Albra Waldron; Dover, New Hampshire; residing at Mr. Thompson's
Joseph Walker; South Paris, Maine
John Wingate; Ossipee, New Hampshire

Thomas Lyford Ambrose; Ossipee, New Hampshire; residing at Mrs. Elliot's
John Anderson; Gray, Maine
Isaac Denny Balch; Newburyport, Massachusetts
*Joseph Greenleaf Barrows; Augusta, Maine
James Olcutt Brown; Portland, Maine
Cyrus Henry Carlton; Monmouth, Maine; residing at Mrs. Grows'
Virgil Lafayette Craig; Farmington, Maine
Franklin Carsley Davis; Farmington, Maine
Henry Farrar; Brunswick, Maine; residing at Miss Hinckley's
Samuel Edward Floyd; Rollinsford, New Hampshire
William Gaslin, Jr., Augusta, Maine
Simon William Hathaway; Saint John, New Brunswick
Rowland Bailey Howard; South Leeds, Maine
William Matheson Johnson; Brunswick, Maine; residing at Mrs. Johnson's
William Trott King; Calais, Maine
Thomas Leavitt; Hampton, New Hampshire
Thomas Blanchard Lenoir; Columbia, Mississippi; residing at Mr. Dunning's
Jeremiah Hobson Lord; Standish, Maine
Prentiss Loring; Yarmouth, Maine
Enos Thompson Luce; Wilton, Maine
Woodbury Lunt Melcher; Meredith Bridge, New Hampshire
James Francis Miller; Hollis, Maine
Galen Clapp Moses; Bath, Maine
Edwin Beaman Palmer; Belfast, Maine
Edwin Pond Parker; Dover, Maine
Albert Smith Rice; Augusta, Maine
Thomas Sargent Robie; Gorham, Maine
George Robinson; Augusta, Maine
Moses Mason Robinson; Waterford, Maine
Edwin Bradbury Smith; Syracuse, New York
William Henry Smyth; Brunswick, Maine; residing at Prof. Smyth's
Jonathan Young Stanton; Lebanon, Maine
James Charles Strout; Thomaston, Maine
Samuel William Tenney; Norridgewock, Maine
Edward Williams Thompson; Brunswick, Maine; residing at Gen. Thompson's
Charles Henry True; Litchfield, Maine
Augustus Hall Walker; Fryeburg, Maine
John Pillsbury Watson; Gilford, New Hampshire
George Augustus Wheeler; Topsham, Maine; residing at Rev. Mr. Wheeler's
George Sidney Whitmore; Richmond, Maine
George Ralph Williamson; Belfast, Maine
Isaac Henry Wing; Winthrop, Maine
George Campbell Yeaton; South Berwick, Maine

* Deceased

If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.


  1. Edwin Jarvis Hart (Sophomore) Born 16 Sep 1825 in Penobscot County, Maine to Russell Hart and Wealthy Brettun. Same family as the cabinet photo you have of Julia Jeanette Hart. He died 16 Apr 1893 in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. He is buried in Minnesota, but also has a memorial in the family cemetery in Maine. No biological children. One adopted daughter, Mary, born 1869, Minnesota, married John Zelch and died in 1953 in Hennepin, Minnesota. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for adding this information and especially for pointing out another case of the Maine-Minnesota link! I'd love to read a book about Mainers who went to Minnesota, along the lines of the book about Mainers who participated in the Gold Rush: miners, Sea Captains and the like. And, yes, I keep running into family connections in the items I research, even though they were not purchased together - so rewarding.
