Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1880s Autograph Album of Grace L. Bartlett of Bethel, Maine

Autograph album of Grace Lizzie Bartlett of Bethel, Maine.  It's a very small album, approximately 4" x 3", filled with pages signed by relatives and friends.

If you have information on any of the people mentioned here or if you have a different take on some of the names, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Grace Lizzie Bartlett, or Lizzie Grace Bartlett, as her name appears in some records, was born 17 June 1876 at Bethel, Maine, the daughter of Levi Needham Bartlett and Rowena May (Whitman) Bartlett, who were born in Greenwood, Maine, and Bethel, Maine, respectively.

Levi Needham Bartlett:

Perhaps Grace's mother went by her middle name?

Grace had three siblings: Maude A.; Earl Alton; and Erva Mae.  Maude signed a page in her sister's album.  The other two were quite a bit younger than Grace and Maude and were probably too young to sign pages in Grace's album.

Maude A. Bartlett:

Angeline Whitman signed a page.  Angeline was likely Grace's maternal grandmother Angeline (Stiles) Whitman.  Angeline had a daughter also named Angeline but she would have been married to George Allen by the time this page was signed, so I believe this page was signed by Grace's grandmother.

Brothers of Grace's mother Rowena (Whitman) Bartlett signed pages: Oscar Whitman; Albert L. Whitman;  Eldon Russell Whitman; Herbert M. Whitman; and Mellen M. Whitman.

Oscar Whitman:

Albert L. Whitman:

Eldon Russell Whitman:

Herbert M. Whitten:

Mellen M. Whitten:

Mellen M. Whitman's first wife, "Lottie", Charlotte Eudora (Scribner) Whitman, signed the page adjacent to his.  She didn't date her page, but she and Mellen were married on 27 July 1884, so the page was signed after that date.  Sadly, Lottie died in 1893 after the couple moved to Massachusetts.

Grace's paternal aunt Julia Ann (Bartlett) Bennett and husband Ezekiel Prescott Bennett and their children also signed pages.  

Her aunt, Julia Ann (Bartlett) Prescott:

Her uncle, Ezekiel Prescott Bennett:

Sadie J. Bennett:

Viola L. Bennett:

George H. Bennett:

Four offspring of Freeland and Sophronia (Holt) Bennett of Bethel, Maine, signed.  Freeland was a younger half brother to Ezekiel Prescott Bennett.

Gretrude A. Bennett:

Laura A. Bennett:

Linda M. Bennett:

Marion E. Bennett:

Grace's future husband, Fritz Jarrold Tyler, also signed a page in the album.  He was born 23 December, 1873, the son of William and Dolly Ann (Paine) Tyler. 

I found an interesting article about Fritz, his life, work and family, at the Bethel Journals website.  Included are illustrations of two beautiful labels for cans of corn canned at his plant, and a photograph of Fritz.

Grace's Sabbath School teacher, Hattie E. Farwell, signed a page:

Teacher Maggie Leonice Libby [I'm not sure about her middle name and invite comments from readers.]:

Mrs. N. A. Stearns of Bethel, Maine: [adjacent to a page signed by her husband, presumably, Nathan A. Stearns]

Complete list of signers, in alphabetical order:

Emmie L. Allen of Manchester, New Hampshire
Grace L.Bartlett of Bethel, Maine
Levi N. Bartlett of Bethel, Maine
Maude A. Bartlett of Bethel, Maine
May Bartlett of Bethel, Maine
E. P. Bennett of Bethel, Maine [Ezekiel Prescott Bartlett]
George H. Bennett of Bethel, Maine
Gertie A. Bennett of Bethel, Maine [Gertrude A. Bennett]
Julia A. Bennett [Julia Ann (Bartlett) Bennett]
Laura A. Bennett of Bethel, Maine
Linda M. Bennett of Bethel, Maine
Marion E. Bennett of Bethel, Maine
Sadie J. Bennett of Bethel, Maine
Viola L. Bennett of Bethel, Maine
Ella A. Briggs of West Bethel
Eva L. Dow of Woodstock, Maine
Hattie E. Farwell
L. Irene Grover of Bethel, Maine
Maggie L. Libby [middle name looks like Leonice]
Annie L. Merrill of West Bethel, Maine
Grace E. Merrill of West Bethel, Maine
L. M. Robbins of North Paris, Maine
Mrs. N. A. Stearns of Bethel, Maine
Nathan Stearns [Nathan A. Stearns of Bethel, Maine, husband of the preceding]
Fritz Tyler of Bethel, Maine [Fritz Jarrold Tyler, future husband of Grace L. Bartlett]
Amy Wheeler
Chester Wheeler of Bethel, Maine
Edith Wheeler of Bethel, Maine
Albert L. Whitman of Bethel, Maine
Angeline Whitman of Bethel, Maine
Eldon R. Whitman of South Boston, Massachusetts [and Bethel, Maine]
Herbert M. Whitman
Lottie E. Whitman of West Bethel, Maine
Mellen M. Whitman of West Bethel, Maine
Oscar Whitman

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