1864-1875 autograph album that belonged to Leonard H. Richardson of Hartland, Vermont; most of the sentiments were collected from students at Newbury Seminary, then located at Newbury, Vermont, and Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, New Hampshire.
Newbury Seminary, founded in 1834, moved from Newbury, Vermont, to Montpelier, Vermont, not long after Leonard's attendance. It's still in existence today as Vermont College of Fine Arts. Kimball Union Academy, which dates to 1815, is also still in existence and still at Meriden, New Hampshire.
The album was purchased with the 1880s era album of one of Leonard's younger brothers, who I believe was, by process of elimination, Edward C. Richardson. Leonard inscribed a page in Edward's album at Boston, Massachusetts on March 21, 1880; other family members also inscribed pages.
Leonard's album measures nearly 8" x 5-1/4" and contains the sentiments of 45 of his relatives, friends and classmates. An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.
From brief online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Leonard H. Richardson was born March 11, 1847 at Hartland, Vermont, the son of Paul Demedes Richardson and Nancy Taylor (Hamilton) Richardson. I found Paul's middle name was on his granddaughter's application to the California State Society of the Colonial Dukes of the 17th Century.
I found Leonard's date and place of birth on a Massachusetts Mason Card, which showed that he had been initiated and passed in November and December of 1879 and raised on January 27, 1880. His occupation was shown as hotel keeper in Boston, which the 1880 Census of Boston confirms.
Sadly, Leonard died at Hartland, Vermont, on March 26, 1882.
At least two of Leonard's siblings penned sentiments for him, and there may have been other relatives who dis so as well; refer to the list of signers below.
Leonard's "loving sister Nell" inscribed a page in February 1864. She was Martha Ella Richardson, who married George Woodward in that same year. They moved to Portland, Oregon.
Leonard's sister Marion inscribed a page on Tuesday evening, May 3, 1864. Marion H. Richardson would marry Emanuel Metz in 1871; Emanuel died in 1877. Marion married Reuben W. Headle in 1887.
Owen L. Seaver inscribed a page at Kimball Union Academy on January 22, 1864, with the message: "The day on which we received our verdict". Another entry on that date, by C. H. Tinkham, also at Kimball Union Academy, hinted as to what that verdict might have entailed. "Draft enforced this day - How I pity the poor conscripts."
Surnames in the Album
A | E | N | S |
Allen | Elliot | Nelson | Seaver |
Andrews | G | O | Sinclair |
B | Grant | Osborne | Smith |
Bailey | H | Osgood | Spalding |
Bell | Harrison | P | Steele |
Billings | K | Palmer | T |
Boyden | Kennedy | Peck [2] | Thurston |
C | L | Pillsbury | Tinkham |
Camp | Livingston | Putnam | Tufts |
Carr | M | R | W |
Cary | Marsh | Reith | Wallace |
Chamberlin [2] | Miller | Richardson [3] | Webster |
Converse | Morse | Ripley | Whiton |
Rowe | Witey |
Signers in the Album [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Lewis E. Allen of South Danvers, Massachusetts, signed on January 25, 1864
- William Andrews of Lakeland, [possibly Minnesota]; signed at Meriden, New Hampshire, presumably at Kimball Union Academy, on February 3, 1864. Middle initial either B or R.
- Hannah M. Bailey of Hartford, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Summer Term, 1864. Shared the page with Ellen O. Peck
- T. Bell
- Josh Billings; shared the page with L. C. Wallace
- O. J. Boyden, signed at Meriden, New Hampshire, on January 11, 1864
- Laura A. Camp of Hanover Centre, New Hampshire, signed at Newbury Seminary, Spring term, 1864
- J. K. Carr of Orford, New Hampshire, signed at Newbury Seminary on March 11, 1864; presumably Jesse K. Carr
- William H. Cary of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 11, 1875
- Amanda Chamberlin of Newbury, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Summer Term, 1864
- Clara R. Chamberlin of Newbury, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Summer Term, 1864
- George Converse of Lyme, New Hampshire, signed at Newbury Seminary on March 15, 1864.
- Lewis Elliot of South Danvers, Massachusetts, signed at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, New Hampshire, on January 25, 1864
- Sybil M. Grant of Marshfield, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary on "J. 11th/64" Probably July 11, 1864, as that was the date used by the signer on the facing page.
- Weld. H. Harrison of West Thornton, New Hampshire, signed at Newbury Seminary on April 11, 1864. Not sure of name.
- Billy Kennedy of Westchester County, New York, signed on February 1, 1874. Not sure of name.
- Willie Livingston of Nashville, Tennessee, signed at Newbury Seminary on February 28, 1864
- Fred Marsh of South Danvers, Massachusetts, signed at Kimball Union Academy on January 25, 1864
- Charles W. Miller of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on May 26, 1864
- Henry C. Morse, P.O. Clerk, signed Newbury, Vermont, on April 25, 1864
- Emma G. Nelson of Plymouth, New Hampshire, signed at Newbury Seminary, Spring Term, 1864
- J. Osborne of South Danvers, Massachusetts, signed at K.U.A., at Meriden, on January 25, 1864. Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, New Hampshire.
- Emma Osgood of Cabot, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary on May 15, 1864
- L. H. Palmer, or S. H. Palmer, of Meriden, New Hampshire, signed on January 2, 1864
- Ellen O. Peck of Montpelier, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Summer Term, 1864. Shared the page with Hannah M. Bailey
- J. Howard Peck of Montpelier, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary on April 17, 1864
- Alphonzo C. Pillsbury, signed on February 27, 1864, Spring Term at Newbury Seminary
- Laura M. Putnam of Danvers, Massachusetts, signed at Newbury Seminary on July 11, 1864
- W. C. Reith of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, signed in May 1863
- Leonard H. Richardson, album owner. Most sentiments from students at Newbury Seminary in Vermont and Kimball Union Academy in New Hampshire.
- "Your loving sister Nell", signed in February 1864; presumably his sister Martha Ellen Richardson, who married George Woodward that year and later moved to Portland, Oregon.
- Marion, signed on Tuesday evening, May 3, 1864; Leonard's sister Marion H. Richardson who would marry 1) Emanual Metz in 1871; 2) Reuben W. Headle in 1887
- Lizzie B. Ripley of West Enosburgh, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Spring Term, 1864
- G. L. Rowe of West Campton, New Hampshire
- Owen L. Seaver, signed at Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, New Hampshire, on January 22, 1864. "The day on which we received our verdict."
- Charlie A. Sinclair of Bethlehem, New Hampshire
- A. G. Smith, Jr., of Strafford, Vermont, signed at K.U.A., Winter term, 1864. Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, New Hampshire
- M. E. Spalding of Quechee, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Spring Term 1864.
- S. Henry Steele of Derby Line, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Summer Term, 1864
- Friend Thurston of Lyme, New Hampshire, signed at Newbury Seminary on February 27, 1864
- C. H. Tinkham, signed at Kimball Union Academy on January 22, 1864. "Draft enforced this day - How I pity the poor Conscripts". Presumably Charles Henry Tinkham, who graduated in 1867; born at Quechee, Vermont.
- Edward G. Tufts of New York City
- L. C. Wallace of Suspension Bridge, New York; E.N.B.C. Shared the page with Josh Billings
- Dan P. Webster of Windsor, Vermont, signed at Newbury Seminary, Spring Term, 1864
- J. M. Whiton, Jr., signed at Kimball Union Academy on January 23, 1864
- Edwin H. Witey of Charleston, Illinois, signed at Kimball Union Academy, Winter Term, January 31, 1864
Hartland, Vermont
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