1859-1862 autograph album of Lucius Judson of Guilderland, New York, with autographs collected while he was a student at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute at Fort Edward, New York. As you can see on the ownership page below, the name J. H. Lansley appears in the lower right corner; perhaps it was he who gave the album to Lucius. J. H. Lansley inscribed a page later on in the album as well.
The album, printed by Hayes and Zell of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, measures approximately 7-1/2" x 5-1/4" x 1" and contains the sentiments of over 100 of Lucius' friends, instructors and schoolmates at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, nine of whom affixed photographs to the pages they inscribed.
An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.
The Old Fort House Museum, operated by the Fort Edward Historical Society, has Fort Edward Collegiate Institute catalogs for the years during Lucius' attendance, in case you recognize a name from the list below and would like to have a copy of that page. My thanks to them for identifying two of the signers as the Principal and a teacher at the Institute.
Joseph E. King, Principal of the Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, inscribed a page at the Institute on February 19, 1859.
From brief online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Lucius Judson was born at Albany, New York, on July 4, 1843, the son of Albert C. Judson and Mary C. (Hotchkiss) Judson. After leaving Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, Lucius studied law, as indicated in an 1864 Albany, New York, city directory, which lists Lucius as a law student there.
Lucius apparently found his way to Missouri, by 1873, where he married Mary Adalaide (Love) on June 24, 1873. Mary was born February 2, 1854 at Goodwater, Missouri, the daughter of William Robert Love and Sarah Priscilla (Laramore) Love. They had four children:
- Jessie Louise Judson (1874-1954); married Lewis N. Coffman
- William Robert Judson (1877-1941);
- Maude Lorraine Judson (1880-1923)
- Margaret Katherine Judson (1885-1966); married Herbert Arthur Young
As an example of one of the students who affixed a photograph:
Irving W. Tourtellett of Milford, Massachusetts, inscribed a page at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute on June 26, 1862. I found records of him online that had his surname variously as Tourtellott and Tourtellotte.
? [3] | D | H | M | R | V |
A | D ? | Hamlyn | M ? | Roban | Van Arnam |
Adams | Derrickson | Haxston | Malloch | Rockwell | W |
Arnold | Dominguez | Hart | Martin | Rodrige | Wager |
B | DuBois | Hasbrouck | McChesney [2] | S | Washburn |
B ? | E | Hodge | McDonald | Schoonmaker | Whitaker |
Barber | Earl | Holbrook | McMill | Sherman | Wingate |
Barker | Everts | Huntington | McNaughton | Simmons | Works |
Barnes | F | I | Metcalf | Smith [2] | Wright |
Baumes | Fethers | Ingram | Moffett | Stevens | |
Beatty [2] | Fimple | J | Morrell | Stoddard [2] | |
Benton | Fisher | Johnson | Morris | Stout | |
Berry | Foote | Jones | N | Stoutenburgh | |
Bill | French | Judson | Newman | Sutphen | |
Bixby | G | K | Newton | Swift | |
Bristol | Garhart | Ketchum | Niver | T | |
Brown | Gates | Keyes | O | Taylor | |
Burr | Grey | King | Oliver | Ten Eyck | |
Butterworth | Knapp | P | Tourtellett | ||
C | Kshinka | Palmer [2] | Tracy | ||
C ? | L | Parks | Turner | ||
Candles/Candler | Lansley | Pierson | |||
Chandler | Lewis | Poole | |||
Couse | Locke | ||||
Lockwood |
Signers in the Album [Note: Given names within a specific surname might not be in alphabetical order.]
- Solomon ?, signed at Fort Edward Institute on February 25, 1859
- Theodore ?, possibly Theodore Farlin, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 2, 1862
- John J. ? of New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 6, 1859. Shared the page with Robert W. Jones
- Abel Adams of Bedford, Canada East, presumably in the Province of Quebec, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 18 [no year written]. Not sure of surname.
- M. A. Arnold, signed at Fort Edward Institute, on June 23, 1859; not sure of first initial.
- E. R. Barinte [?] of Felton, Delaware, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 9, 1859
- Francis E. Barber of Litchfield, Connecticut, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 9, 1859
- John J. Barker of New York City, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 30, 1862
- Stephen Barnes of Sloansville, New York, in Schoharie County
- W. H. Baumes of Sloansville, New York; not sure of surname
- C. E. Beatty of North East, Maryland, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 30, 1862
- A. J. Beatty of Long Marsh, Maryland, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 30, 1862
- William G. Benton of Bennington Vermont, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 8, 1859
- Frank Berry of Borodino, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 11, 1859; can't decipher middle initial
- Gilbert L. Bill, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 26, 1862
- Alphonso Bixby, signed at Fort Edward, New York, on June 24, 1862; student at Fort Edward Institute; he affixed a photograph.
- S. A. Bristol of Scranton, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 5, 1859
- John Brown of Middletown, New Jersey [or ?], signed on June 20, 1859. Middle initial might be G or L or ?
- C. A. Burr, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862; he affixed his photograph.
- H. L. Butterworth of Brookfield, Massachusetts, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862
- S. C. C ? of West Troy, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute, on March 7, 1859; "your friend and brother Senator"
- William M. Candles or William M. Candler of Darnestown, Maryland, signed on March 7, 1859
- James E. Chandler of Mexico, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 8, 1859
- Orville E. Couse of Glen Aubrey, New York in Broome County
- ? W. DeL? of Ticonderoga, New York
- ? B. Derrickson of New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 2, 1862, Spring Term. He affixed his photograph. Possibly Vincent B. Derrickson.
- Pedro Dominguez of Matansas, Cuba, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 9, 1859
- Harvey DuBois of Rock City Mills, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 18, 1859
- Mortimer C. Earl of Sing Sing, New York
- S. W. Everts of Granville, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 30, 1862
- O. Howard Fethers of Sharon Springs, New York, signed on June 30, 1862; classmate
- J. P. Fimple of Oakdale, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 6, 1859
- A. ? Fisher of Potsdam, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 8, 1859. Possibly A. G. Fisher
- Mary E. Foote, signed at Fort Edward Institute on February 28, 1859
- M. I. French, or M. J. French, of New York City, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 30, 1862; photograph affixed.
- John Garhart
- D. W. Gates of Pleasant Mount, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 9, 1859. Shared the page with George Wingate
- John Grey of Londonderry, Vermont, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 11, 1859
- F. M. Hamlyn of Auburn, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 29, 1862. He affixed his photograph.
- A. K. Haxston, signed at Fort Edward Institute on February 28, 1859; not sure of surname.
- Charles Hart of Modena, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 10, 1859
- Jared Hasbrouck of Kyswicke or ?, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute in June 1859
- James M. Hodge, signed in June 1862
- J. Holbrook of Potsdam, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 8, 1859
- William B. Huntington of Westmeath, County of Renfrew, Canada West, presumably in the province of Ontario, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 16, 1859
- Robert Ingram of Zanesfield, Ohio, signed at Fort Edward Institute on April 25, 1859
- Lyman Johnson of English Neighborhood in Bergen County, New Jersey, signed during Spring Term in 1862
- Robert W. Jones of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 6, 1859. Shared the page with John J. ?
- Lucius Judson of Guilderland, New York; album owner; started his album at the Institute on February 26, 1859. The page has the name J. H. Lansley in the lower right corner. Perhaps this person gave the album to Lucius.
- ? ? Ketchum of Clinton County, New York, signed on July 13, 1864
- James H. Keyes of Mount Vision, New York, in Otsego County, signed on April 23, 1859
- Joseph E. King, signed at Fort Edward Institute, on February 19, 1859. Principal of the Institute.
- ? Knapp of New Milford, Connecticut, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 16, 1859
- Leopold C. G. Kshinka, signed in June 1862
- J. H. Lansley of Albany, New York, signed at the Institute, presumably Fort Edward Institute, on March 1, 1859. Name also appears in the lower right corner of the ownership page; might have given the album to owner Lucius Judson.
- Egbert Lewis of Woodstock, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 2, 1862
- Lorenzo R. Locke of Crown Point, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 5, 1859
- Frank W. Lockwood of Ridgefield, Connecticut, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862
- C. M. ? of Fort Ann, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 11, 1859. Possibly C. M. Smith
- D. M. Malloch of Lanark C. W., signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 6, 1859
- ? B. Martin of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862. Given name initial might be Q or I or J or L or ?
- S. McChesney of Eagle Mills, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 3, 1859
- M. McChesney of Eagle Mills, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 9, 1859
- A. A. McDonald of Chenango Forks, New York, in Broome County
- D. McMill [?], of Galt, Canada West, presumably Galt, Ontario; signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 8, 1859; your classmate
- William McNaughton of Wheatland, New York, in Monroe County, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 18, 1859
- John E. Metcalf of West Troy, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 8, 1859
- William W. Moffett of Westfield, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 10, 1859
- O. G. Morrell of Borodino, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 17 [no year written]
- B. Frank Morris of Rockville, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 4, 1859. Shared the page with St. John Van Arnam
- Henry R. Newman of 303 Hudson Street, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 10, 1859
- J. P. Newton of Pendleton Hill, Connecticut
- Albert C. Niver of Ancram, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 16, 1862. He affixed his photograph.
- Thomas Oliver of Mechanicsville, New York, or Mechanicville, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 9, 1859
- C. Blackledg Palmer of Sing Sing, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 10, 1859. Perhaps Cornelius Blackledge Palmer
- W. C. Palmer, Jr., signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862
- L. Parks of Battenville, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute in June 1859
- I. C. Pierson of Westfield, New Jersey, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 9, 1859
- Joseph Y. Poole of Brooklyn, New York, signed during Spring Term 1862
- Pedro Roban of Sagua la Grande, Cuba, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 9, 1859
- William F. Rockwell of Ridgefield, Connecticut, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862; his photograph affixed.
- Claudio Rodrige of Havana, Cuba, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 9, 1859
- James H. Schoonmaker of Cedar Hill, New York, in Albany County.
- Wesley Sherman of Canaan 4 Corners, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 6, 1859
- Daniel Simmons of Cohoes, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 5, 1859
- D. Leon Smith of Mechanicville, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 27, 1862
- Harvey A. Smith of Enfield, New Hampshire
- George Stevens, signed at Fort Edward Institute on February 22, 1859
- G. W. Stoddard, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 30, 1862
- S. M. Stoddard of Deckertown, New Jersey, in Sussex County, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 1, 1862; he affixed his photograph.
- John Stout of Rocky Hill, New Jersey, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 16, 1859
- W. H. H. Stoutenburgh; student at Fort Edward Institute
- Peter Sutphen of Owasco, New York
- Willis Swift, Jr. of Fort Ann, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 4, 1862
- A. E. Taylor of Battle Creek, Michigan, signed on June 30, 1862 at Fort Edward Institute
- A. P. Ten Eyck of Cedar Hill, Albany, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 2, 1862
- Irving W. Tourtellett, or Irving W. Tourtellott, or Irving W. Tourtellotte, of Milford, Massachusetts, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 26, 1862
- Charles L. Tracy of Milan, Pennsylvania, signed at Fort Edward Institute on June 25, 1862
- Joshua Turner of Kerhonkson, New York, in Ulster County, signed at Fort Edward Institute on July 7, 1863
- St. John Van Arnam of St. Louis, Missouri, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 4, 1859. Shared the page with B. Frank Morris
- Barnet Wager of Rhinebeck, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute, Spring Term, 1862
- J. H. Washburn of West Troy, New York, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 7, 1859
- John Whitaker of Kerhonkson, New York, in Ulster County, signed on July 1, 1862 at Fort Edward Institute
- George Wingate of Great Falls, New Hampshire, signed at Fort Edward Institute on March 4, 1859. Shared the page with D. W. Gates
- A. C. Works, signed at Fort Edward Institute on February 19, 1859. Adam Clark Works, a teacher at the Institute.
- H. W. Wright of Clinton, Connecticut, signed at Fort Edward Institute in March 1859
Guilderland, New York, to Fort Edward, New York
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