Eighty-Second Annual Catalogue, Bangor Theological Seminary, Bangor, Maine, 1900-1901.
Any names on pages are transcribed beneath the image.
Professor C. A. Beckwith, 331 Hammond St., Bangor, Maine
Prof. Henry Leland Chapman, D.D., President, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
Galen Clapp Moses, Esq., Vice-President, Bath, Maine
Rev. Henry L. Griffin, Secretary, Bangor, Maine
Rev. Solomon Payson Fay, Dorchester, Massachusetts
John Leland Crosby, Esq., Bangor, Maine
Rev. Jonathan Edwards Adams, D.D., Bangor, Maine
Rev. Charles Gardiner McCully, Calais, Maine
Benjamin Bussey Thatcher, Esq., Bangor, Maine
Rev. George Angier Gordon, D.D., Boston, Massachusetts
Rev. William Henry Fenn, D.D., Portland, Maine
John Ebenezer Warren, Esq., Cumberland Mills, Maine
Rev. Edwin Parker Wilson, Deering, [Portland] Maine
Egerton Ryerson Burpee, Esq., Bangor, Maine
Joseph Gilman Blake, Esq., Bangor, Maine
George Howard Eaton, Esq., Calais, Maine
John L. Crosby, Esq., Treasurer and General Agent
Willis I. Bunker, Esq., Auditor, Brewer, Maine
Bangor Theological Seminary
Bangor Seminary was chartered by the Legislature of Massachusetts in 1814, and was opened for pupils in the autumn of 1816, at Hampden. Three years later it was removed to Bangor, and there its first class was graduated in 1820. In that year the province of Maine was separated from Massachusetts and became an independent State. It was larger than all the rest of New England, and contained a population of three hundred thousand souls. This population, scattered over so wide a territory, needed to be provided with pastors and teachers, and the Seminary was established to supply this need. Originally modeled upon the plan of the theological colleges established by the English Dissenters, its course of study was modified a few years later, to bring Bangor into line with our other Seminaries, and to meet the needs of our American ministry.
The relations between the Seminary and the Maine churches have
always been most intimate. To the great majority of them it has
furnished ministers, and to-day more than half of the pastors of the
Congregational churches in the state are graduates of the Seminary, while many from the other denominations also have studied here. In recognition of this interdependence of the Seminary and the churches, the Seminary Trustees in 1827 invited the General Conference of the Congregational churches of Maine to send a committee, year by year, to visit the institution, to look into its affairs, to attend its anniversary exercises, and to make report concerning its condition and work. The invitation was accepted, and ever since, a board of Visitors to the Seminary has been annually appointed by the State Conference, and has made its report at the next meeting.
During the eighty-three years of its existence this Seminary has
sent out seven hundred and ninety-seven graduates, and has educated for one or more years without graduation two hundred and forty-one more. These men have made a faithful and useful body
of workers. The majority of them are still living, and are at their
posts all over the land or on foreign shores, in pulpits of many
denominations and of every grade of eminence.
Bangor is the third city in size in the state. Its location is one of
great natural beauty, at the junction of the Penobscot with one of
its branches, and at the head of navigation on the river. It is on
the Maine Central R. R., and the through line from Boston to St.
John and Halifax; and by its railroad and steamboat lines communicates with all parts of New England and the Provinces.
Bangor Theological Seminary
...the Fall term the first course of instruction in the new series on the
subject of “Biology.”
The second course of instruction in this series is to be on “The Economic Organization of Society,” and in charge of Professor Guy S. Callender, Ph. D., Professor of Economics and Sociology in Bowdoin College. It will be given in the Spring term of the current academic year.
Previous lecturers and subjects have been as follows :
1894. Rev. W. E. Griffis, D.D., The Religions of the East.
1895. Rev. A. J. F. Behrends, D.D., The Intellectual Equipment
of the Minister.
1896. Rev. Newman Smyth, D.D., The Relations of the Minister
to Social and Municipal Work.
1897. Prof. C. A. Young, Ph.D., LL. D., The Cosmos, Astronomically considered.
1898. Prof. Edward H. Griffin, D.D., LL. D., Modern Philosophy as related to Theological Thought.
1899. Rev. James L. Barton, D.D., The Theory and Practice of
Fortnightly Pastoral Lectures. In addition to this increased provision for instruction, during the year 1900-1901 eight addresses are being given by Congregational clergymen of the State. The purpose of these addresses is to present those principles which underlie the Christian ministry and give to it in different conditions its enduring success. The lecturers and dates are as follows:
Rev. J. L. Jenkins, D.D., of Portland . . . . . November 19, 1900.
Rev. O. W. Folsom, D.D., of Bath . . . . . . . December 3, 1900.
Rev. C. S. Patton, of Auburn . . . . . . . . . December 17, 1900.
Rev. E. L. Marsh, of Waterville . . . . . . . . .January 24, 1901.
Rev. R. T. Hack, of Portland . . . . . . . . . . February 7, 1901.
Rev. A. H. Wright, of Portland . . . . . . . . February 21, 1901.
Rev. Norman McKinnon, of Augusta . . . . . . . . March 7, 1901.
Rev. L. D. Evans, of Camden. . . . . . . . . . . March 21, 1901.
The late Reverend George W. Field, D.D., an alumnus of the Seminary, established a scholarship of one thousand dollars, the income of which shall to aid any student nominated by the Faculty, who after graduating shall continue his studies for another year at the Seminary. This scholarship amounts to fifty dollars per year.
Dr. Field also established at Bowdoin College, of which he was an alumnus, two Scholarships of two thousand dollars each, the income of which is appropriated to the aid of students nominated by the Faculty of the Seminary, who after graduating here take a course of study at the College.
The following people donated books to the Seminary library. I wonder if any of the following books were sold at the auction I attended at the Seminary grounds in 2007, when it was planning to vacate the premises and move to space at Husson University at Bangor.
From the Library of the late President Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D., L.L.D., New York City, 355 volumes
From the Library of the late Rev. George W. Field, D.D., Bangor, 380 volumes
From the Library of late Rev. J. G. Davis, D.D., Amherst, New Hampshire, 153 volumes
From the Library of the late Professor D. S. Talcott, D.D., Bangor, 85 volumes
From Rev. C. L. Nichols, Phippsburg, 6 volumes
From the late Rev. H. A. Hazen, Auburndale, Massachusetts; Rev. C. E. Hayward, Jericho Centre, Vermont; Rev. M. Hull, Buffalo, New York; Rev. J. L. Evans, Marseilles, Illinois; Messrs. R. Sadler, England; and W. C. Conant, New York City, each, one volume.
List of Students
Resident Licentiate
Thomas Park Gales, Bangor Theological Seminary, 1896; Bangor, Maine; Maine Hall 13
Senior Class
Ina Partington; Manville, Rhode Island; 40 Highland Ave.
Middle Class
Noble Oscar Bowlby; Malden, Massachusetts; Maine Hall 9
John Haroldd Gould; Yarmouth, Maine; Maine Hall 29
William Lewis Jennings; Brockton, Massachusetts; Maine Hall 12
Oscar William Peterson; Kewanee, Illinois; Maine Hall 30
Josiah Poeton; Bangor, Maine; 5 Bowdoin St.
Charles Abbot Riley; Bay Fortune; Prince Edward Island; Maine Hall 26
Frederick John Schneider; Port Richmond, New York; Maine Hall 7
Walter Thorpe; Holyoke, Massachusetts; Maine Hall 9
Junior Class
Gould Roydon Anthony; Scotland, Connecticut; Maine Hall 3
William James Campbell; Ohio Normal University; Summerside, Prince Edward Island; Maine Hall 5
Raymond Arthur Fowles; Colorado College; Wiscasset, Maine; Maine Hall 14
George Eugene Mann; Mannville, Rhode Island; 40 Highland Ave.
George Lincoln Mason; Bates College; Bangor, Maine; Maine Hall 25
David Lester Pettengill; Bangor, Maine; Maine Hall 10
Irving Wesley Stuart; Lunenburg, Vermont; 28 Sixth St.
Seminary Organizations
Young Men's Christian Association of Bangor Theological Seminary, and Society of Inquiry
President, Frederick J. Schneider
Secretary and Treasurer, Gould R. Anthony
Book Agent, Charles A. Riley
Missionary Committee
Charles A. Riley, Chairman
Prof. C. A. Beckwith
Frederick J. Schneider
George L. Mason
Committee on Prayer-Meetings
Walter Thorpe, Chairman
Irving W. Stuart
Raymond A. Fowles
Literary Committee
Oscar W. Peterson, Chairman
William J. Campbell
Josiah Poeton
Finance Committee
Gould R. Anthony, Chairman
William L. Jennings
Ina Partington
Prof. Henry Leland Chapman, D.D., President, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine
Galen Clapp Moses, Esq., Vice-President, Bath, Maine
Rev. Henry L. Griffin, Secretary, Bangor, Maine
Rev. Solomon Payson Fay, Dorchester, Massachusetts
John Leland Crosby, Esq., Bangor, Maine
Rev. Jonathan Edwards Adams, D.D., Bangor, Maine
Rev. Charles Gardiner McCully, Calais, Maine
Benjamin Bussey Thatcher, Esq., Bangor, Maine
Rev. George Angier Gordon, D.D., Boston, Massachusetts
Rev. William Henry Fenn, D.D., Portland, Maine
John Ebenezer Warren, Esq., Cumberland Mills, Maine
Rev. Edwin Parker Wilson, Deering, [Portland] Maine
Egerton Ryerson Burpee, Esq., Bangor, Maine
Joseph Gilman Blake, Esq., Bangor, Maine
George Howard Eaton, Esq., Calais, Maine
John L. Crosby, Esq., Treasurer and General Agent
Willis I. Bunker, Esq., Auditor, Brewer, Maine
Bangor Theological Seminary
Bangor Seminary was chartered by the Legislature of Massachusetts in 1814, and was opened for pupils in the autumn of 1816, at Hampden. Three years later it was removed to Bangor, and there its first class was graduated in 1820. In that year the province of Maine was separated from Massachusetts and became an independent State. It was larger than all the rest of New England, and contained a population of three hundred thousand souls. This population, scattered over so wide a territory, needed to be provided with pastors and teachers, and the Seminary was established to supply this need. Originally modeled upon the plan of the theological colleges established by the English Dissenters, its course of study was modified a few years later, to bring Bangor into line with our other Seminaries, and to meet the needs of our American ministry.
The relations between the Seminary and the Maine churches have
always been most intimate. To the great majority of them it has
furnished ministers, and to-day more than half of the pastors of the
Congregational churches in the state are graduates of the Seminary, while many from the other denominations also have studied here. In recognition of this interdependence of the Seminary and the churches, the Seminary Trustees in 1827 invited the General Conference of the Congregational churches of Maine to send a committee, year by year, to visit the institution, to look into its affairs, to attend its anniversary exercises, and to make report concerning its condition and work. The invitation was accepted, and ever since, a board of Visitors to the Seminary has been annually appointed by the State Conference, and has made its report at the next meeting.
During the eighty-three years of its existence this Seminary has
sent out seven hundred and ninety-seven graduates, and has educated for one or more years without graduation two hundred and forty-one more. These men have made a faithful and useful body
of workers. The majority of them are still living, and are at their
posts all over the land or on foreign shores, in pulpits of many
denominations and of every grade of eminence.
Bangor is the third city in size in the state. Its location is one of
great natural beauty, at the junction of the Penobscot with one of
its branches, and at the head of navigation on the river. It is on
the Maine Central R. R., and the through line from Boston to St.
John and Halifax; and by its railroad and steamboat lines communicates with all parts of New England and the Provinces.
Visitors For 1901
Appointed by the General Conference of the Congregational Churches of Maine
Rev. W. G. Mann, Cumberland Mills, Maine
Rev. G. A. Merrill, New Sharon, Maine
Rev. J. M. Adams, Ellsworth, Maine
Rev. R. R. Morson, Winthrop, Maine
Rev. C. A. Moore, Rockland, Maine
Rev. J. B. Carruthers, Berlin Mills [New Hampshire?]
Rev. J. S. Penman, Bangor, Maine
Rev. W. F. Slade, Jackman, Maine
Rev. W. G. Wade, Solon, Maine
Rev. W. B. Hague, South Bridgton, Maine
Rev. R. G. Harbutt, Searsport, Maine
Rev. T. D. McLean, Milltown [Calais], Maine
Rev. G. A. Mills, Limerick, Maine
Rev. Levi L. Paine, D.D., Waldo Professor of Ecclesiastical
History. Seminary Grounds, Union Street.
Rev. John S. Sewall, D. D., Fogg Professor of Sacred Rhetoric
and Oratory, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. 319 Union
Rev. Charles J. H. Ropes, D. D., Hayes Professor of New Testament Language and Literature. 333 Hammond Street.
Rev. Francis B. Denio, D. D., Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature. 347 Hammond Street.
Rev. Clarence A. Beckwith, D. D., Buck Professor of Christian Theology, and Lecturer on Church Polity. 331 Hammond
Bond Foundation
Prof. Leslie A. Lee, PH. D., of Bowdoin College, Instructor in
Prof. Guy S. Callender, PH. D., of Bowdoin College. Instructor
in The Economic Organization of Society.
Prof. C. J. H. Ropes, Librarian.
Mr. Charles A. Riley, Assistant Librarian.
Mr. Martin J. Foss, Physical Director.
Mr. Edward E. Snow, Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings.
Bangor Theological Seminary
...the Fall term the first course of instruction in the new series on the
subject of “Biology.”
The second course of instruction in this series is to be on “The Economic Organization of Society,” and in charge of Professor Guy S. Callender, Ph. D., Professor of Economics and Sociology in Bowdoin College. It will be given in the Spring term of the current academic year.
Previous lecturers and subjects have been as follows :
1894. Rev. W. E. Griffis, D.D., The Religions of the East.
1895. Rev. A. J. F. Behrends, D.D., The Intellectual Equipment
of the Minister.
1896. Rev. Newman Smyth, D.D., The Relations of the Minister
to Social and Municipal Work.
1897. Prof. C. A. Young, Ph.D., LL. D., The Cosmos, Astronomically considered.
1898. Prof. Edward H. Griffin, D.D., LL. D., Modern Philosophy as related to Theological Thought.
1899. Rev. James L. Barton, D.D., The Theory and Practice of
Fortnightly Pastoral Lectures. In addition to this increased provision for instruction, during the year 1900-1901 eight addresses are being given by Congregational clergymen of the State. The purpose of these addresses is to present those principles which underlie the Christian ministry and give to it in different conditions its enduring success. The lecturers and dates are as follows:
Rev. J. L. Jenkins, D.D., of Portland . . . . . November 19, 1900.
Rev. O. W. Folsom, D.D., of Bath . . . . . . . December 3, 1900.
Rev. C. S. Patton, of Auburn . . . . . . . . . December 17, 1900.
Rev. E. L. Marsh, of Waterville . . . . . . . . .January 24, 1901.
Rev. R. T. Hack, of Portland . . . . . . . . . . February 7, 1901.
Rev. A. H. Wright, of Portland . . . . . . . . February 21, 1901.
Rev. Norman McKinnon, of Augusta . . . . . . . . March 7, 1901.
Rev. L. D. Evans, of Camden. . . . . . . . . . . March 21, 1901.
The late Reverend George W. Field, D.D., an alumnus of the Seminary, established a scholarship of one thousand dollars, the income of which shall to aid any student nominated by the Faculty, who after graduating shall continue his studies for another year at the Seminary. This scholarship amounts to fifty dollars per year.
Dr. Field also established at Bowdoin College, of which he was an alumnus, two Scholarships of two thousand dollars each, the income of which is appropriated to the aid of students nominated by the Faculty of the Seminary, who after graduating here take a course of study at the College.
The following people donated books to the Seminary library. I wonder if any of the following books were sold at the auction I attended at the Seminary grounds in 2007, when it was planning to vacate the premises and move to space at Husson University at Bangor.
From the Library of the late President Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D., L.L.D., New York City, 355 volumes
From the Library of the late Rev. George W. Field, D.D., Bangor, 380 volumes
From the Library of late Rev. J. G. Davis, D.D., Amherst, New Hampshire, 153 volumes
From the Library of the late Professor D. S. Talcott, D.D., Bangor, 85 volumes
From Rev. C. L. Nichols, Phippsburg, 6 volumes
From the late Rev. H. A. Hazen, Auburndale, Massachusetts; Rev. C. E. Hayward, Jericho Centre, Vermont; Rev. M. Hull, Buffalo, New York; Rev. J. L. Evans, Marseilles, Illinois; Messrs. R. Sadler, England; and W. C. Conant, New York City, each, one volume.
List of Students
Resident Licentiate
Thomas Park Gales, Bangor Theological Seminary, 1896; Bangor, Maine; Maine Hall 13
Senior Class
Ina Partington; Manville, Rhode Island; 40 Highland Ave.
Middle Class
Noble Oscar Bowlby; Malden, Massachusetts; Maine Hall 9
John Haroldd Gould; Yarmouth, Maine; Maine Hall 29
William Lewis Jennings; Brockton, Massachusetts; Maine Hall 12
Oscar William Peterson; Kewanee, Illinois; Maine Hall 30
Josiah Poeton; Bangor, Maine; 5 Bowdoin St.
Charles Abbot Riley; Bay Fortune; Prince Edward Island; Maine Hall 26
Frederick John Schneider; Port Richmond, New York; Maine Hall 7
Walter Thorpe; Holyoke, Massachusetts; Maine Hall 9
Gould Roydon Anthony; Scotland, Connecticut; Maine Hall 3
William James Campbell; Ohio Normal University; Summerside, Prince Edward Island; Maine Hall 5
Raymond Arthur Fowles; Colorado College; Wiscasset, Maine; Maine Hall 14
George Eugene Mann; Mannville, Rhode Island; 40 Highland Ave.
George Lincoln Mason; Bates College; Bangor, Maine; Maine Hall 25
David Lester Pettengill; Bangor, Maine; Maine Hall 10
Irving Wesley Stuart; Lunenburg, Vermont; 28 Sixth St.
Seminary Organizations
Young Men's Christian Association of Bangor Theological Seminary, and Society of Inquiry
President, Frederick J. Schneider
Secretary and Treasurer, Gould R. Anthony
Book Agent, Charles A. Riley
Missionary Committee
Charles A. Riley, Chairman
Prof. C. A. Beckwith
Frederick J. Schneider
George L. Mason
Committee on Prayer-Meetings
Walter Thorpe, Chairman
Irving W. Stuart
Raymond A. Fowles
Literary Committee
Oscar W. Peterson, Chairman
William J. Campbell
Josiah Poeton
Finance Committee
Gould R. Anthony, Chairman
William L. Jennings
Ina Partington
President, Rev. Charles Harbutt, Portland, Maine
Vice-President, Rev. George Lewis, D.D., South Berwick
Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. Irving A. Flint, Falmouth
Necrologist, Prof. John S. Sewall, D.D., Bangor, Maine
Treasurer, Endowment Fund, Prof. John S. Sewall, D.D., Bangor
Executive Committee
Rev. Charles Harbutt, Portland, Maine
Prof. C. A. Beckwith, D.D., Bangor, Maine
Rev. E. M. Cousins, Biddeford, Maine
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