Circular of the Green Mount Boarding School for Girls and Boys, for the Fourth and Successive Sessions, printed at Richmond, Indiana by Holloway & Davis Printers in 1854.
In addition to the names of the proprietor, teachers and those giving references, there are three pages of students' names. Be advised, the names are not in perfect alphabetical order, but they seem to be in alphabetical order by their first letter.
John Haines, Proprietor
Dr. John T. Plummer, Richmond, Indiana
Dr. William R. Webster, Richmond, Indiana
Benjamin Strattan, Richmond, Indiana
Dr. David A. Burson, Richmond, Indiana
Dr. Abner Pope, Indianapolis, Indiana
Dr. C. Parry, Indianapolis, Indiana
Herman Link, Brookville, Indiana
J. H. Farquhar, Brookville, Indiana
Evans & Swift, Cincinnati, Ohio
Joshua Harvey, Cincinnati, Ohio
Reeves & Steeves, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jesse Butterworth, Waynesville, Ohio
David Evans, Waynesville, Ohio
Abel Walker, Clark County, Ohio
R. H. Townsend, Baltimore, Maryland
P. E. Thomas, Baltimore, Maryland
G. A. Farquhar, Baltimore, Maryland
Ellis P. Coale, Baltimore, Maryland
Benjamin Hallowell, Alexandria, Virginia
Robert Miller, Alexandria, Virginia
Lippincott & Parry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Reynolds, McFarland & Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
William Bancroft, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dr. Aron Wright, New York City, New York
Amos Willetts, New York City, New York
Names of Officers and Teachers:
John Haines, Proprietor
Elenora Haines, Matron
William D. Henkle
Moses C. Stevens
Hannah P. Hinkley
Hannah A. Ballard
"...Our building was constructed expressly for the purpose of a Boarding School for both sexes, and has been found conveniently arranged and well adapted to the object. It is situated a convenient distance from the thriving and prosperous City of Richmond, Wayne county, Indiana, to which place there is railroad communication, being about 1-1/2 miles therefrom, in a southeast direction, in as healthy a location as can be selected in the Western region of the country. The building is of brick, 103-1/2 feet long, and 54 feet wide, four stories high, and two additional wings of 40 feet by 18 each, and is placed upon a high and commanding eminence, surrounded by extensive and
"beautifully undulating grounds, in full view of the projected Four Mile Valley Railroad, connecting the country west with Hamilton and Cincinnati; also the turnpike road leading from Richmond to Cincinnati."
Students' Names
Henry Alvoid; Indianapolis, Indiana
Julia Ann Adsit; Delaware County, Indiana
Hiram Aldridge; Indianapolis, Indiana
Emmor Bradley; Indianapolis, Indiana
Howard J. Ball; near Richmond, Indiana
Alice Brandon; Hillsborough, Indiana
Susan W. Barnard; Connersville, Indiana
Nathan Branson; Cedarville, Indiana
Phinehas Branson; London County, Virginia
David Branson; London County, Virginia
Ruth Hannah Branson; London County, Virginia
Henry Brotherton; Cincinnati, Ohio
Richard Brotherton; Cincinnati, Ohio
Eli Brown; near Richmond, Indiana
G. Alvin Birchard; Knightstown, Indiana
Oliver K. Carr; New York City
Samuel Chadrick; Winchester, Ohio
Noah H. Chapman; Waynesville, Ohio
Joseph B. Chapman; Waynesville, Ohio
Charles F. Chapman; Waynesville, Ohio
Andrew Cook; Selma, Ohio
Joseph Cook; Selma, Ohio
John F. Conard; near Indianapolis, Indiana
William Cain; Richmond, Indiana
Martha Crocker; Newport, Indiana
Adelia Crocker; Newport, Indiana
Mary Crocker; Newport, Indiana
John Cartwright; Waynesville, Ohio
Isaac Conklin; Marion, Ohio
J. Edwin Craig; Camden, Ohio
J. Newton Clark; Laporte, Indiana
Isaac Commons; Middleborough, Indiana
Lewis Conner; Marion, Indiana
William Caffey; Middleborough, Indiana
Nicholas De Graff; Richmond, Indiana
William Henry Dallon; Knightstown, Indiana
Granville Doyle; Dayton, Ohio
Elis. S. Evans; Waynesville, Ohio [Could she be Elizabeth S. Evans?]
Sally Evans; Cincinnati, Ohio
Charles Erwin; Hamilton, Ohio
P. Henry Elliott; Ogden, Indiana
J. Newton Estabrook; Dayton, Ohio
Mary E. Farquhar; Baltimore, Maryland
Mary J. Foulke; Indianapolis, Indiana
Cornelia A. Hagaman; Middletown, Ohio
George B. N. Hantsch; Indianapolis, Indiana
Kate Harnley; New Castle, Indiana
S. Lavina Higgins; New Westville, Ohio
M. C. Higgins; New Westville, Ohio
Allen Hill; Carthage, Indiana
Mariana Hubbard; Anapolis, Indiana
Thomas E. Hill; Carthage, Indiana
Mary E. Haines; Green Mount, Indiana
John F. Haines; Green Mount, Indiana
Charles Haines; Green Mount, Indiana
Ann Eliza Iredell; Chester, Indiana
Susan Y. Jarrett; Marion, Indiana
Lydia W. Jarrett; Marion, Indiana
Henrietta Jones; Milton, Indiana
James Johnson; Indianapolis, Indiana
Mary Johnson; Indianapolis, Indiana
Mary James; near Richmond, Indiana
Sally Jamison; near Richmond, Indiana
Ella Janney; Springborough, Ohio
Andrew Jones; near Hamilton, Ohio
Henry Jones; Marion, Indiana
Zada A. King; Dublin, Indiana
Esther King; Richmond, Indiana
Martha A. Kirby; Muncie, Indiana
Charles Kinsey; Cincinnati, Ohio
Sarah A. Lewis; near Harveysburgh, Ohio
William Lupton; London County, Virginia
Alfred Lewis; near Richmond, Indiana
William Luster; Indianapolis, Indiana
Lewis Leroux; near Santa Fe, New Mexico
John Leroux; near Santa Fe, New Mexico
Robert Morrisson, Jr., Richmond, Indiana
Samuel Meredith; Cambridge City, Indiana
Hannah E. Moon; near Richmond, Indiana
Julietta Meek; near Richmond, Indiana
C. James Morrisson; Indianapolis, Indiana
J. Edward Oldham; Greenplain, Ohio
Jane Oldham; Greenplain, Ohio
Isabella Parker; Raysville, Indiana
David Pritchard; Raysville, Indiana
J. Jeroam Page; Cincinnati, Ohio
Augusta Reddington; Keokuck, Iowa
Mariana Reddington; Keokuk, Iowa
C. William Rindge; Richmond, Indiana
Emeline Reynolds; Newport, Indiana
Anna E. Ryarson; near Middleton, Ohio
Arbelia Ribble; near Muncie, Indiana
Mary E. Ribble; near Muncie, Indiana
Henry Ribble; near Muncie, Indiana
Jonah Rees; Berkley County, Virginia
Lucy A. Sebring; Waynesville, Ohio
George W. Shute; near Richmond, Indiana
Joseph H. Strattan; near Richmond, Indiana
Sarah A. Schooley; New Jasper, Ohio
Martha Sinks; Milton, Indiana
Joseph W. Starr; Richmond, Indiana
Josephine Shipman; Greenplain, Ohio
David Seegar; near Marion, Indiana
Jasper Seegar; near Marion, Indiana
Theresa A. Shirley; Brownsburgh, Indiana
John Smith; near Knightstown, Indiana
James Thompson; Indianapolis, Indiana
Eli Thomas; Newport, Indiana
Nancy Varner; near Indianapolis, Indiana
Jonathan Wright; Milton, Indiana
Eliza J. Wright; Waynesville, Ohio
Mansur Wright; Indianapolis, Indiana
William H. Woods; near Richmond, Indiana
Francis A. Wasson; near Richmond, Indiana
Mary J. Winder; Dublin, Indiana
Caroline Winder; Dublin, Indiana
Sarah E. Winder; Dublin, Indiana
Anna M. Winder; Dublin, Indiana
Joseph H. Winder; Dublin, Indiana
Mary Wilson; Whiteside County, Illinois
Nathan Winslow; Whiteside County, Illinois
John M. Winslow; Richmond, Indiana
Micajah C. Wright; Elk, Ohio
Susan G. Warner; Greenplain, Ohio
Lydia Warner; Greenplain, Ohio
Margaret White; near Raysville, Indiana
Charles Whittridge; near New Paris, Ohio
Oliver Wilson; Raysville, Indiana
James L. Whiteside; Knightstown, Indiana
William Whitacre; Morrow, Ohio
Joseph Wiggins; Richmond, Indiana
Virginia Wiggins; Richmond, Indiana
Edward Young; Richmond, Indiana
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