Tuesday, February 5, 2019

March Entries in the 1874 Diary of Ida Isadore Reynolds (1860-1946) of Acton, Maine; future Wife of John Jotham Shapleigh (1856-1923)

March entries in the 1874 diary of Ida Isadore Reynolds (1860-1946) of Acton, Maine.  Ida would marry John Jotham Shapleigh (1856-1923) in 1881. 

This post also includes the pages in the back of the diary, including memoranda, cash account and notes, which list what Ida considered the most important events of the year.

Links to the months of February 1874 and April 1874 appear here and at the end of this post.

This diary is one of three known: 1873, 1874 and 1876.  If a reader knows of the existence of any other diaries of Ida, please contact me.

See an overview post for a description of Ida's 1873, 1874 and 1876 diaries, which also contains combined alphabetical lists of surnames and people, with descriptive information where known.

Shown below are images and transcriptions of the entries and a description of the people mentioned, in order of appearance, first time only. Your comments noting errors and sharing information are requested.

Ida was the  daughter of Jonathan Prescott Reynolds (1820-1899) and Rachel E. (Tupper) Reynolds (1833-1923), who were natives of Maine and Nova Scotia, respectively.  

Other members of the Reynolds household, at times, were Ida's older brother Edward Everett Reynolds (1855-1945) and a Samuel/Sam/Sammy, presumably Ida's maternal cousin Samuel Muir Francis (1858-1928), son of Dr. Daniel Francis (1810-1867) and Christie Ann (Tupper) Francis (-1893).

In 1881 Ida married John Jotham Shapleigh (1856-1923), a native of Lebanon, Maine.  After the death of their son Ernest in 1882, they moved to Rochester, New Hampshire, where they had a daughter Doris, born in 1898.

Although Ida's home was in Acton, Maine, it was on the border of Lebanon, Maine.  As you can see from the image shown below, from Ida's 1873 diary, the Reynolds family got their mail through the North Lebanon, Maine, Post Office.

J. P. Reynolds farm along the southern border of Acton, Maine; with Lebanon, Maine, to the south; from an 1872 map of Acton, Maine, held by the Digital Maine Repository

Following the images and transcriptions below is a list of the people mentioned, in order of appearance, only once, as some are mentioned multiple times.

Ida is still on an extended visit with her maternal aunt Lucy Jane (Tupper) Sawyer (1837-1880) and husband Rev. Seth Sawyer (1808-1892) of Milton Mills, New Hampshire.  She won't return home until March 27, 1874.

Click on any image to enlarge it.

Sunday, March 1, 1874:  Fair. Read. Played. Uncle Sawyer and Aunt Lucy and I went down to Mr. Albert Mors [Moore ?] and spent the evening.
Monday, March 2, 1874:  Fair. Knit. Sewed on Aunt Lucy dress. Hemmed a pocket handkerchief for her and one She gave me.  Daniel Jones' child died and he came after Aunt Lucy. She fetched  home a dress to make for it and she and I made it. Mr. Whitehouse here to dinner.

Tuesday, March 3, 1874:  Fair. Knit. Do not feel very well. I have got such a cold.  I played some. Aunt Lucy were up to Daniel Jones'. He came down here after her. Aunt Lucy put in a comforter and quilted some on it. Uncle Sawyer went down to the Village after  his paper. Heard Freeman L was going to be a minister.
Wednesday, March 4, 1873:  Rain and Fog. I knit. Helped Aunt Lucy quilt and tack her comforter. Uncle Sawyer went to Mr. Jones to preach the funeral service of Daniel Jones' child. He went in a wagon. It is very bad traveling, muddy. I played quite a lot.

Thursday, March 5, 1874:  Fair but some cold. I knit, did not play any. I helped Aunt Lucy quilt and tack. We finished it. I helped her bind it to. I made me a piece and cut out twenty four squares for my quilt. Aunt Lucy sent some over by mother for me. Mary Moore came in to see me.
Friday, March 6, 1874:  Fair. I am not very well but my cold is a great deal better. Uncle Sawyer went down to Union V.  He got me a cake of Maple Sugar for my cold. I played some and fixed me a waist and am going to fix the skirt. Got a letter from Hannah.

Saturday, March 7, 1874:  Snowed some. I played. I am not very well. Uncle Sawyer was down to the Village. I went down to Mary Penney's and Mary Cook's. Got 33 squares of Calico. Aunt Lucy cut me out a waist while I was gone. She played some and baked, washed up the floors.
Sunday, March 8, 1874:  Snow in the forenoon. Fair in the afternoon. I Read. Uncle Sawyer went to preach a funeral sermon of a infant over on Silver Street. I played. Popped corn. Aunt Lucy went to sleep in the afternoon. Aunt Lucy played some.

Monday, March 9, 1874:  Snowed all day ___. I knit. Played and shelled Corn and Sewed some. Uncle Sawyer went to the Village. Aunt Lucy Washed in the forenoon and went to the Village. I went to Mary Moor's and stayed while they went. I had a good time down there.
Tuesday, March 10, 1874:  Snowed some all day. I knit. Uncle Sawyer went to town meeting. Mary Penney and Matilda Cook came up in a sleigh for me to go down to Mr. Henry Cook's and spend the day. I went and there was three girls there, Misses Sanborn, Brown and Edgerly.  Smith Cook and Mary fetched me home.

Wednesday, March 11, 1874:  Fair in the forenoon, but snow in the afternoon. I finished my Stocking. I played some. Uncle Sawyer ___ went down to the Village. I finished my waist. Aunt Lucy ___ she went down to the Village the other day, bought me a dress, cut it out. Wrote to Mother.
Thursday, March 12, 1874:  Fair and Very Cold. I began my other Stocking and knit down to the narrowing. Played quite a lot; have most got a piece entitled "America, Sweet Country, Dear". I think it is a beautiful piece. Uncle Sawyer picked out me a piece to learn, give me an apron when down.

Friday, March 13, 1874:  Fair and very cold. I knit on my stocking. Almost Learned a piece of Music. Worked on my dress. Uncle Sawyer went down to Union V. He got me a new Apron. It is a very pretty one, Light. He got it because I learned that piece. Aunt Lucy churned.
Saturday, March 14, 1874:  Fair but Cold. I knit, played some, made my apron. It is very pretty. 
Uncle Sawyer went up to Mr. Cook's. Aunt Lucy baked. She trimmed my apron and made most of it. I am getting a little home sick but guess I shall get over it.

Sunday, March 15, 1874:  Fair. I played some. Aunt Lucy played some. I read some Households and cut out a lot of pieces that I thought would be useful.
Monday, March 16, 1874:  Fair. I knit the foot of my stocking; finished them. I played some. Aunt Lucy washed, played some, too.  Uncle Sawyer cut wood and went up to Mr. Cook's. Aunt Lucy wiped up the floors made a pudding.  Started a pin cushion.

Tuesday, March 17, 1874: Fair in forenoon. Rain and Fog. I played. I went down to the Village in the forenoon. Walked, carried down two dozen eggs and carried down two letters for Aunt Lucy. Got a pair of shoe strings and Six yds of calico, part of it to make a shirt waist. Everett wrote. Aunt Eliza died. 
Wednesday, March 18, 1874: Rain and Fog. Cut out the waist of my dress. I began a pair of stockings for Aunt Lucy.  Two boys came after Uncle Sawyer to attend the funeral services of a Perkins child, three years old. Very bad traveling indeed, very muddy. Snow is most gone.

Thursday, March 19, 1874:  Fair, very bad traveling. It is very muddy.  Uncle Sawyer went down to the Village, got a paper. I knit and played.  Mrs. Mary Cook came down in the afternoon for Aunt Lucy to go up tomorrow to mark out her a rug. She stayed most all afternoon.  Uncle Sawyer got a very bad cough.
Friday, March 20, 1874:  Fair. Very bad traveling now. Aunt Lucy went up to Mrs. Mary Cook's in the forenoon and marked out her rug.  Aunt Lucy churned in the afternoon. I played all the forenoon and knit. Made some mince meat out of Salt Pork soaked out and apples, very nice, I think.  Uncle Sawyer shot a crow.

Saturday, March 21, 1874:  Calm. Fair in forenoon. Cloudy in afternoon. I knit and made the collar and cuffs and sleeves of my dress. Uncle Sawyer went down to the Village and up to Mr. Lewis Cook's. Aunt Lucy baked, washed the floors and picked a hen for a pie. I practiced some. Got 5 eggs today.
Sunday, March 22, 1874:  Fair and some windy. I played. Uncle Sawyer not very well. Got a very bad cold.  In the afternoon Sybrina Moore and Mary and Annie and Miss Jennie Moore and stayed most all the afternoon.

Monday, March 23, 1874:  Fair and very cold. I knit. Uncle Sawyer not so well, very feverish, most fainted when he went to bed. Vomited. Aunt Lucy had all the work to do.  Charlie Cook was in here in the afternoon. I played some. I guess those stockings will be for me after all.
Tuesday, March 24, 1874:  Fair and cold. I finished my stocking and began the mate to it.
Uncle Sawyer not so well. Sent by Mr. Place for Dr. Scruton. He is afraid of Typhoid Fever but hopes to throw it off.  I went up to Mrs. Mary Cook's to get some mustard seed. Found a horse Shoe on my way, which is a sign of good Luck.

Wednesday, March 25, 1874:  Fair and Windy. I went down to the Village in the morning. Walked, got back at 30 minutes past 8'oclock.  Dr. Scruton came up. Mrs. Hilton and Charles Davis here. Mrs. ? Moore and Jennie Moore.  I knit a very little. Wrote for Everett to come over.  Owe Mr. Varney .19 for kerosene and for the raisins.

Thursday, March 26, 1874:  Cloudy and some Windy. Aunt Lucy washed. Uncle Sawyer no better. He gave me a small testament.  Dr. Scruton came up.  Mother and Everett and Luther Hilton came over in the evening, and to stay all night. I went down to Mrs. Moor's. Mary Cook came down. Mrs. S. Moore came in here.

On March 27, 1874, Ida returned to her home at Acton, Maine, from a month long visit with her maternal aunt Lucy Jane (Tupper) Sawyer (1837-1880) and husband Rev. Seth Sawyer (1808-1892) at Milton Mills, New Hampshire.

Friday, March 27, 1874:  Fair. I came home with L? [Lute, Luther ?]. Everett came across the track with us. Dr. Scruton came up to Uncle Sawyer's. He don't think he is any better. When I came I done quite a lot of  __ [work ?]. I went down to Hattie's and stayed all night. She came up here.

Saturday, March 28, 1874:  Fair. The Sap run Forth Seven (47) Pails full of sap. I went up to See Sadie and Clara and went down to Hattie's after the Mail.  Sugared off, got thirty three (33) cakes in the forenoon, (32) in afternoon.  Went up to see Sadie and Clara in the afternoon.

Sunday, March 29, 1874: Fair. Sapped out some. I read. Sung a little.
Monday, March 30, 1874: Fair and some windy. I baked some flour bread and sugar bread. Mother and Everett came over. Mother Washed and Churned and Cleaned up. They went back about 3 o'clock. Uncle Sawyer not quite so well. Fever turned Friday night, some worried about him. Sadie and Clara came in; talked on the Bible.

Tuesday, March 31, 1874:  Fair though some Cloudy. Father went over to Aunt Lucy's along of Andrew F. Uncle Sawyer very Sick. Fear he won't live. I had the earache very bad last night. Got a letter for Everett from Mr. Rollins [?]. Wants him to come this week. Clara came __. Ezekiel Prescott came in.
Wednesday, April 1, 1874:  Cloudy. I ironed, darned the stockings, went to Abbie's. Started a ketchall. Sammy and I went up with some others to Jonathan P.

At the beginning of March, Ida was still visiting her maternal aunt Lucy Jane (Tupper) Sawyer (1837-1880) and husband Rev. Seth Sawyer (1808-1892) of Milton Mills, New Hampshire.  Ida would return home on March 27.

People mentioned in order, first time only.  Readers are requested to provide more information.
  • Uncle Sawyer and Aunt LucyRev. Seth Sawyer (1808-1892) and Ida's maternal aunt Lucy Jane (Tupper) Sawyer (1837-1880) of Milton Mills, New Hampshire
  • Albert Moore ? -  if Moore, possibly Albert C. Moore (1829-1910) of Middleton, New Hampshire, husband of Sabrina D. (Seward) Moore and father of Mary E. Moore
  • Daniel Jones' child died - possibly child of Daniel B. Jones (1849-1891) of Middleton, New Hampshire, or another Daniel Jones.
  • Mr. Whitehouse
  • Freeman L. - presumably Freeman H. Lowd (1853-1933), teacher, musician, future minister
  • F. L. - presumably Freeman H. Lowd (1853-1933), teacher, musician, future minister
  • Mr. Jones - where the funeral of Daniel Jones' child was held - Milton, New Hampshire area
  • Mary Moore - presumably Mary E. Moore (1862-1885), daughter of Albert C. Moore (1829-1910) and Sabrina D. (Seward) Moore
  • Hannah - Ida's maternal cousin Hannah Francis (1854-1923), daughter of  Dr. Daniel Francis (1810-1867) and wife Christie Ann (Tupper) Francis (-1893), who was a sister to Ida's mother Rachel E. (Tupper) Reynolds (1833-1923); also known as Annie; she would marry James Alexander Buchanan (abt 1850-1906)
  • Mary Penney - presumably Mary Elizabeth Penney (1859-1894), daughter of Joseph J. Penney and Mary A. (Pinder) Penney and future wife of William F. Hanson
  • Mary Cook - perhaps Mary Belle Cook (1857-1909), daughter of Elias T. Cook and Hannah B. (Howe) Cook
  • Matilda Cook - possibly Matilda Lilla Cook (1859-1905) of Middleton, New Hampshire
  • Mr. Henry Cook - can't be Henry Moses Cook (1858-1932), as Ida wouldn't have called him Mr. Possibly Jacob H. Cook, father of Matilda Lilla Cook (1859-1905), if middle name was Henry
  • Miss Sanborn, Miss Brown and Miss Edgerly - at a gathering at home of Mr. Henry Cook, in the Milton, New Hampshire area.
  • Smith Cook & Mary - perhaps Dudley Smith Cook (1855-1898) and his stepmother Mary E. (Horne) Cook (-1913)
  • Mr. Cook
  • Everett - Ida's brother Edward Everett Reynolds (1855-1945)
  • Aunt Eliza died - Ida learned of the death in a letter from her brother Everett on March 17, 1874. Aunt Eliza was presumably Eliza (Hilton) Drew, wife of Benjamin Drew, who would die himself in June 1874
  • Perkins child - Ida's entry of March 18, 1874 noted that two boys came for Rev. Seth Sawyer (1808-1892) to officiate at the Perkins child's funeral
  • Mr. Lewis Cook - possibly Lewis Cook (1803-1875), husband of Nancy (Jones) Cook; presumably of Milton, New Hampshire, area.
  • Sybrina Moore, Mary, Annie and Miss Jennie Moorepresumably Sabrina D. (Seward) Moore, wife of Albert C. Moore, and their daughters Mary E. Moore and Lydia Annie Moore; and possibly Sabrina's sister-in-law Betsey Jane Moore ( 1837-1918)
  • Charlie Cook - perhaps Charles H. Cook (1867-1909) of Milton, New Hampshire
  • Mr. Place
  • Dr. Scruton - Dr. John E. Scruton (abt 1847-1894) of Farmington, New Hampshire
  • Mrs. Hilton - perhaps Eliza Ann (Paul) Hilton (1816-1891), widow of Andrew Hilton (1810-1873)
  • Charlie Davis
  • Mr. Varney - presumably a merchant in the Milton Mills, New Hampshire, area
  • Luther HiltonLuther Drew Hilton (1858-1894), son of Andrew Hilton (1810-1873) and Eliza Ann (Paul) Hilton (1816-1891) and future husband of Clara Georgietta Prescott (1860-1921)
    • Mrs. Moore - possibly Sabrina D. (Seward) Moore, wife of Albert C. Moore (1829-1910)
    • Mrs. S. Moore - presumably Sabrina D. (Seward) Moore, wife of Albert C. Moore (1829-1910)hanah
    On Friday, March 27, 1874, Ida returned to her home in Acton with her brother Everett and their friend Luther Drew Hilton (1858-1894)

    If you have corrections to anything above or information to share on any of the people mentioned, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

    Advance to April 1874 or return to February 1874.

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