1880-1906 Autograph Album of Emma Bartlett of Lee Hook in Lee, New Hampshire. Many autographs were from her time either teaching or studying at the New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, Massachusetts. Other pages were signed by her pupils in New Hampshire.
The album measures approximately 7-1/2" x 4-3/4" and contains the sentiments of over 100 of Emma's relatives, students, friends and, presumably, classmates. An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.
The album, published by J. F. Walters and entitled the Ornithantographic Album, contains ten bird designs interspersed throughout; a few of the signers incorporated their sentiment and name into a design.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Emma Bartlett was born about May 1858. the daughter, I think, of Edward St. John Bartlett and Almira F. (Sawyer) Bartlett.
My uncertainty stems from a page signed by Leander Newton Sawyer of Salisbury, New Hampshire, who inscribed a page on October 27, 1887 at Lee, New Hampshire, and called Emma his "cousin by adoption". Was it Leander who was adopted or Emma? Or perhaps "adopted" was an incorrect term? Leander was the son, or adopted son, of Isaac Newton Sawyer and Betsy Jane L. (Hoitt) Sawyer. Hopefully a reader can shed light on this mystery.
Emma had a older sister, Arianna Glidden Bartlett, who married Bradbury Bartlett Scales on May 29, 1877. She inscribed a page in Emma's album at Nottingham Square, New Hampshire, on January 3, 1880.
I don't believe Emma married or had children; she was with her widowed father and sister Arianna and Arianna's husband Bradbury Bartlett Scales at Exeter, New Hampshire, at the time of the 1910 Census, where she gave her occupation as private nurse. She may have given up teaching well before then.
Though it's not an uncommon name, she may have been the Emma Bartlett, age 95, of Exeter, New Hampshire, mentioned in a 1953 issue of the Portsmouth Herald. I found a reference online to her death in 1959 at Brentwood, but I don't have confirmation on that.
I'd love to think that she was the librarian at New London, New Hampshire, as this wonderful old photograph shows, but it's doubtful.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Surnames in the album
? [3] | D | J | S |
A | Daniels [2] | Jenkins | Sawyer [3] |
Allen | Davis [2] | Jenness | Scales [2] |
Angle | Day | K | Smith [2] |
B | Dow [2] | Kellogg | Spooner |
Baldwin | Doyle | L | Sterling |
Bartlett [2] | Dudley | Lees [2] | Sutton |
Brackett | Dunklee | M | T |
Bridges | Durgin | Mann [3] | Thompson [4] |
Brigham | E | Marsh | Tuttle [2] |
Burleigh [2] | Eastman [2] | Mason | W |
Burley [2] | Evans | McDonald | Ward |
Burr [2] | F | Mills | Waterhouse [2] |
Butler | Fifield | Moulton | Watson |
C | French | P | Weaver |
Campbell | G | Perry | Whidden |
Carter | Glidden [2] | Pike | Wood |
Carver [2] | Greene [2] | Pond | |
Castleberg | Prince | ||
Caverly | Hayes | Q | |
Chase [3] | Hebard [2] | Quimby | |
Choate [2] | Hersom | R | |
Clough | Hopkins | Randall | |
Comings | Houdlette | Rogers [3] | |
Crombie | Hull | Rollins |
Signers in the Album [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Jennie, signed at Dover, New Hampshire
- E. W. This might not have been a person's name. Signed at New England Conservatory of Music in Room 240: a group page with names of Alice M. Mann; Helen S. Brigham; Carrie C. Spooner; Ilola L. D. Allen; and E.W.
- Katie ? of Bloomington, Illinois, presumably a student at New England Conservatory of Music in 1885. Shared the page with Sybil L. Campbell of Houston, Texas
- Ilola L. D. Allen of Scituate, Massachusetts [not sure of given name]. Signed at New England Conservatory of Music in Room 240: a group page with names of Alice M. Mann; Helen S. Brigham; Carrie C. Spooner; Ilola L. D. Allen; and E.W.
- Cora B. Angle of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, signed at Boston, Massachusetts, on June 27, 1885; presumably a student at New England Conservatory of Music.
- Annie M. Baldwin of Housatonic, Massachusetts, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on March 23, 1885
- Emma Bartlett of Lee Hook, New Hampshire, signed on January 1, 1880. Album owner
- Grace Bartlett of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on July 4, 1881; Emma's cousin
- Emma F. Brackett, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on June 27, 1885
- Alice Bridges of Ogden, Utah, signed at New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Massachusetts, on March 4, 1885. She mentions the Inauguration of Cleveland.
- Helen S. Brigham of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, signed on January 11, 1885. Signed at New England Conservatory of Music in Room 240: a group page with names of Alice M. Mann; Helen S. Brigham; Carrie C. Spooner; Ilola L. D. Allen; and E.W.
- Ella F. Burleigh of Lee Hook, New Hampshire, signed on April 17, 1880; "Your ever true friend and neighbor"
- Sadie A. Burleigh, signed at Lee, New Hampshire, on January 3, 1880
- Harry B. Burley, signed at North Epping, New Hampshire, in December 1883
- Alice Burley of North Epping, New Hampshire, signed on December 7, 1883; Emma's pupil.
- R. M. Burr of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on March 13, 1886; Richard M. Burr
- Emma M. Burr. Emma M. (Leland) Burr, wife of Richard M. Burr. Emma wrote the names of her three children: Edith, Roland and Ruth
- Eva F. Butler of Somerville, Massachusetts, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on June 23, 1885
- Sybil L. Campbell of Houston, Texas, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on February 1, 1885; shared the page with Katie ? of Bloomington, Illinois
- Clara G. Carter of Westminster, Massachusetts, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on June 27, 1885
- Lotta Estelle Carver, signed at New England Conservatory of Music in 1885
- Desire McG. Carver of Searsport, Maine, signed at New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Massachusetts, on March 22, 1885. She was Desire McGilvery Carver. Her father, Isaac Carver, was a ship captain who had died at sea in 1866.
- Mollie M. Castleberg of Little Rock, Arkansas, signed on New England Conservatory of Music on January 9, 1885
- Elsie E. Caverly of Barrington, New Hampshire, signed on October 18, 1880
- Charles Chase of North Epping, New Hampshire, signed in October 1883
- Dow Chase of North Epping, New Hampshire, signed on November 1, 1883
- Charles S. Chase of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Salisbury, New Hampshire, on January 9, 1890; middle initial could be L rather than S.
- Mary H. Choate of Boscawen, New Hampshire, signed on December 31, 1890
- Lizzie M. Choate of Boscawen, New Hampshire, signed on December 31, 1890. She wrote her name, only, with a mirror. When I held the page up to a mirror, her name jumped out clearly.
- Alta L. Clough of Arcade, New York, signed at New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Massachusetts, on April 21, 1885
- Fred P. Comings of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on March 14, 1886
- Hattie H. Crombie of Manchester, Massachusetts, signed at Lee, New Hampshire, on March 20, 1880
- Harry P. Daniels of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on June 23, 1883
- Emma F. Daniels of West Nottingham, New Hampshire; Emma's pupil
- Rhoda J. Davis of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on February 7, 1880
- Mrs. Anson B. Davis of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on February 15, 1887
- Allie M. Day of Bangor, Maine, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on June 27, 1885; not sure of given name or middle initial, which could be a W.
- Mattie E. S. Dow of North Epping, New Hampshire, signed on November 9, 1883. She was Martha E. (Sanborn) Dow, "Mattie", whose husband Frank Dow signed the right facing page.
- Frank Dow of North Epping, New Hampshire, signed on November 9, 1883. His wife, Martha E. (Sanborn) Dow, "Mattie", signed the left facing page.
- Molly A. Doyle of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on November 18, 1884
- George A. Dudley of Rochester, New Hampshire, signed on November 1, 1882
- Irah M. Dunklee, signed at N. E. School of Oratory, Boston, Massachusetts, on February 13, 1885
- Ella G. Durgin of Dover, New Hampshire, signed on February 4, 1880
- Christine Eastman. Shared the page with Arthur H. Greene; George A. Quimby; Lue Smith and Belle Eastman
- Belle Eastman. Shared the page with Arthur H. Greene; Christine Eastman; George A. Quimby; and Lue Smith
- L. D. Evans, signed at Lee, New Hampshire, on April 16, 1884
- Bertha M. Fifield of Charlestown, Massachusetts, signed on November 17, 1885
- Susie H. French of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on June 27, 1885
- Grace Glidden of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on March 14, 1881
- Anna M. Glidden, signed at Lee, New Hampshire, on March 18, 1881
- Jennie B. Greene of Lansing, Michigan, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on November 17, 1885
- Arthur H. Greene; shared the page with Christine Eastman; George A. Quimby; Lue Smith and Belle Eastman
- Nellie A. Hayes of Dover, New Hampshire, signed on February 3, 1880
- Emily Hebard of New London, Connecticut
- Annie M. Hebard of New London, Connecticut
- Mary Hersom of Lee Hill, New Hampshire, signed on March 10, 1880
- Phebe E. Hopkins of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed on September 30, 1906. "Think of Polly"
- Lulu Houdlette of Bath, Maine, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on November 18, 1885. Lucinda Houdlette.
- Julia F. Hull of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on November 2, 1885
- Miss Mira L. Jenkins of Kenduskeag, Maine, signed at New England Conservatory of Music in 1885. She was Almira Louise Jenkins, born 1862 at Pittsfield, Maine.
- G. Irving Jenness of Dover, New Hampshire, signed on February 25, 1882 at Lee Hook, New Hampshire
- Carrie J. Kellogg of Kalamazoo, Michigan, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on June 27, 1885
- J. W. Lees, signed on March 20, 1880. Presumably John Walter Lees, whose wife Hannah (Crombie) Lees) signed the following page.
- Hannah Lees of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on March 20, 1990. She was Hannah (Crombie) Lees, whose husband John Walter Lees, signed the preceding page.
- Mrs. Sarah G. Mann of South Weymouth, Massachusetts, signed in 1906
- Albert W. Mann of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on September 30, 1906
- Alice M. Mann of Skowhegan, Maine, signed on January 11, 1885. Signed at New England Conservatory of Music in Room 240: a group page with names of Alice M. Mann; Helen S. Brigham; Carrie C. Spooner; Ilola L. D. Allen; and E.W.
- Harrison Marsh of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on January 29, 1883
- Thomas Mason, signed at New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, Massachusetts on June 27 [no year written]
- Mamie McDonald of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on June 29, 1883
- Carrie M. Mills of Thompson, Connecticut, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on March 26, 1885
- Mary A. Moulton of Salisbury, New Hampshire, signed on December 12, 1890
- Anna M. Perry, signed at New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, Massachusetts, on June 27 [no year written]
- Sarah A. Pike of Dover, New Hampshire, signed on January 31, 1880
- Adelaide C. Pond of Boston, Massachusetts, signed in November of 1883
- Anna L. Prince of Salisbury, New Hampshire
- George A. Quimby of Salisbury, New Hampshire, signed on January 30, 1891. Shared the page with Arthur H. Greene; Christine Eastman; Lue Smith and Belle Eastman
- Ellen T. Randall of Lee Hook, New Hamphire, signed at New Market, New Hampshire, on October 9, 1886
- Martha J. Rogers, signed at Salisbury [presumably New Hampshire or Massachusetts] on June 20, 1880
- C. C. Rogers, signed at Salisbury [presumably New Hampshire or Massachusetts], on June 20, 1890
- Lizzie B. Rogers of Salisbury, New Hampshire, signed on June 21, 1890
- W. ? Rollins of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on November 6, 1887. Middle initial might be F; if so, presumably music teacher Wilber F. Rollins.
- Edward N. Sawyer of Salisbury, New Hampshire, signed on January 12, 1891
- Leander N. Sawyer of Salisbury Center, New Hampshire, signed at Lee, New Hampshire, on October 22, 1887; "Your cousin by adoption". He was Leander Newton Sawyer, son of Isaac Newton Sawyer and Betsey Jane L. (Hoitt) Sawyer - unless they were his adoptive parents. Emma's mother was a Sawyer; perhaps she was the adopted one.
- Carrie W. Sawyer of Salisbury, New Hampshire, signed on January 12, 1891
- John Scales of Dover, New Hampshire, signed at Franklin Academy on February 1, 1880
- Arianna G. B. Scales, signed at Nottingham Square, New Hampshire, on January 3, 1880. She was Emma's sister, Arianna Glidden (Bartlett) Scales, who had married Bradbury Bartlett Scales on May 29, 1877 at Lee, New Hampshire.
- Minnie Smith of Pawlet, Vermont, signed at New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, Massachusetts, on June 27, 1885
- Lue Smith. Shared the page with Arthur H. Greene; Christine Eastman; George A. Quimby; and Belle Eastman
- Carrie C. Spooner of Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Signed at New England Conservatory of Music in Room 240: a group page with names of Alice M. Mann; Helen S. Brigham; Carrie C. Spooner; Ilola L. D. Allen; and E.W.
- Agnes C. Sterling, signed on November 18, 1885
- Edith I. Sutton of Odebolt, Iowa, signed at Boston, Massachusetts, on June 7, 1885, presumably a student at New England Conservatory of Music.
- Mary V. Thompson of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on October 9, 1881
- Lizzie L. Thompson of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on April 30, 1887 [or 1881]
- Burt Thompson of Lee Hook, New Hampshire, signed on October 11, 1881; middle initial might be P. or F.
- Edwin C. Thompson of Lee, New Hampshire, signed on September 4, 1881
- Helen F. Tuttle of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on June 2, 1883
- Blanche E. Tuttle of Nottingham, New Hampshire, signed on June 2, 1883
- Clara H. Ward of St. Helena Island, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on November 19, 1885
- Isabel Waterhouse of Barrington, New Hampshire, signed on October 19, 1882. She was Emma's pupil.
- Daniel C. Waterhouse of Barrington, New Hampshire, signed on October 20, 1882
- Emma F. Watson of Rochester Neck, New Hampshire, signed on February 25, 1882
- Callie R. Weaver of Rusk, Texas, signed on February 23, 1885 at New England Conservatory of Music
- Isabella Whidden of Peabody, Massachusetts, signed at the New England Conservatory of Music and Art
- Minne L. Wood of Haverhill, Massachusetts, signed at New England Conservatory of Music on November 17, 1885
- Frances Ibbotson Wright of Westerly, Rhode Island, signed at New England Conservatory of Music at Boston, Massachusetts, on March 26, 1885. Room 424
Lee, New Hampshire, and Exeter, New Hampshire
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