Wednesday, November 24, 2010

1930s/1940s era catalog of the King School, Stamford, Connecticut; includes list of faculty and students

Catalog for the King School from the 1930s/1940s era.   As I was transcribing the names of the students, I came across Grant Tinker's name.

Below is a photograph of the King School Review Staff:

Below is a page listing the Faculty:

Vernon A. Dwelle, Headmaster, Mathematics and Physics; Princeton, Litt.B.
Kenneth J. Cooper, Ass't Headmaster, French; Harvard, A.B., Columbia, A.M.
H. Monroe Whitney, Latin and Ancient History; Amherst, A.B., Columbia, A.M.
Joseph R. Kidd, English and History; Lafayette, A.B., Yale, B.D.
Merritt K. Sawyer, Lower School; Princeton, A.B., Columbia, A.M.
Edith Derby, Lower School; Vermont, A.B.
Doris Baxter, Lower School; Vermont, A.B.
Harriette Cooper, Drawing; New Hampshire; Columbia
Lony Lyman, Music; Brussels Conservatory
Everett Bradley, Carpentry

Football team below:

Baseball Team:

King School Pupils, page 1 of 2 below:

King School Pupils
Richard Aycrigg, Darien
Roger Alling, Stamford
Richard Aranow, Springdale
James Baker, Darien
Donald Blodgett, Darien
Henry Blodgett, Darien
Alfred Bohn, Stamford
Alexander Carver, New Canaan
Christopher Carver, New Canaan
Valentine Cesare, Stamford
Hugo Cotter, Stamford
Minot Crofoot, Stamford
Edward Cross, Stamford
Richard Cunningham, Stamford
Gerald Daly, Stamford
Radley Daly, Stamford
Robert Downes, Stamford
Ransom Dunnell, Stamford
John Durey, Stamford
Gerry Durland, Stamford
Charles Duvivier, Darien
Ned Dwelle, Glenbrook
Carl Eyman, Stamford
Richard Eyman, Stamford
William Falk, Darien
John Fitzsimmons, Tokeneke
William Fricker, Stamford
James Gifford, New Canaan
Francis Haines, Stamford
Frederick Haines, Stamford
William Haines, Stamford
Paton Hammers, Stamford
Frank Harrison, Stamford
Raymond Hood, Southfield Pt.
Richard Hood, Southfield Pt.
Sidney Hughes, Darien
Richard Kahle, Old Greenwich
Charles Keeler, Glenbrook
Weller Keever, Stamford
Carl Knobloch, Stamford
William Knobloch, Stamford
Samuel Lloyd, Stamford
Richard Lockwood, Wilton
William Lofft, Stamford
John Madigan, Stamford
Bache McMaster, Stamford
Hugh McMillan, Darien

Page 2 of students:

Samuel Merritt, Old Greenwich
Thomas Milligan, Glenbrook
Edson Minnerly, Stamford
Sheldon Morrill, Stamford
Whitney Morrill, Stamford
Donald Morrow, Stamford
Frederick Munds, Tokeneke
Wallace Neilson, Darien
Joseph O'Neill, Stamford
Jerry Palmieri, Darien
Balfour Phelan, Stamford
Ned Pierson, Darien
John Pitt, Stamford
Malcolm Pitt, Stamford
Scott Pitt, Stamford
William Pitt, Stamford
Abbett Post, Stamford
Richard Regnemer, Stamford
Peter Ridabock, Stamford
Mefford Runyon, Stamford
David Sanford, Springdale
Carleton Schaller, Stamford
Neill Schaller, Stamford
Frank Schenck, Stamford
George Schenck, Stamford
Thomas Schneider, Stamford
Norman Selditz Stamford
Hugh Sheldon, Stamford
Douglas Smith, Stamford
Hollis Smith, Stamford
Richard Smith, Stamford
Charles Spicer, Glenbrook
William Spicer, Glenbrook
Donald Stevens, Darien
Alexander Stewart, Stamford
Joseph St. Georges, Stamford
Laurent St. Georges, Stamford
Murray Stow, Stamford
Franklyn Swathel, Stamford
John Taylor, Noroton
William Thurston, Darien
Grant Tinker, Stamford
Richard Tjader, So. Norwalk
Robert Ungvary, Stamford
William Wakeman, Stamford
Melville Wallace, Darien
Dale Wheat, Darien
Walter Wheeler, Stamford
Thomas Wheeler, Stamford
William Wieber, Stamford
James Wilkinson, Minneapolis
Gilbert Wilson, Stamford
George Wrightson, Stamford
John Wrightson, Stamford

The last printed page:

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