If you have information on any of the women listed, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
- L. Ellen Abbott of Thomaston, Maine; 1858
- Sarah J. Adams of Camden, Maine; 1863-1864
- Frances E. Adams of Camden, Maine; 1866-1867
- Ella A. Adams of Camden, Maine; 1869-1870
- Sarah B. Alden of Camden, Maine; 1861-1862
- Sarah C. Allen of Waldoboro, Maine; 1863-1864; 1864-1865; 1865-1866
- Isabel Barnard of Bucksport, Maine; 1862-1863; 1863-1864; 1864-1865; 1865-1866
- Sarah A. Barrill of York, Maine; 1862-1863
- Ellen Motley Bartlett of Buxton, Maine; 1866-1867
- Cornelia K. Bass of Camden, Maine; 1861-1862; 1862-1863; 1863-1864
- Elizabeth M. Batchelder of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867
- Harriet A. Benner of Waldoboro, Maine; 1864-1865
- Lucy A. Bronson of Bath, Maine; 1863-1864
- Maria W. Chase of Calais, Maine; 1859-1860; 1860-1861; 1861-1862; 1862-1863
- Margaret T. Chase of Orono, Maine; 1862-1863
- Anne Y. Clapp of Calais, Maine; 1859-1860; 1860-1861
- M. Louise Codman of Camden, Maine; 1869-1870
- Harriet A. Coffin of Waterville, Maine; 1856
- Sarah T. Corey of Lewiston, Falls, Maine; 1855
- Sarah Cummings of Albany, Maine; 1859; 1859-1860
- S. Farida Drummond of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867; 1867-1868; 1868-1869; 1869-1870
- Camilla B. Dunbar of Waterville, Maine; 1856
- Louisa Maria Eastman of York, Maine; 1859
- Ella D. Fisher of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867; 1867-1868
- Mary Fisher of Bath, Maine; 1867-1868; 1868-1869
- Catharine T. Fiske of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867; 1867-1868; 1868-1869
- Fanny Fletcher of Hallowell, Maine; 1869-1870
- Flora H. Foster of East Machias, Maine; 1864-1865
- M. Kate Goodall of Thomaston, Maine; 1858
- Amelia D. Gould of Wilton, Maine; 1856
- Maria E. Gove of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867
- Isanna C. Grant of Gardiner, Maine; 1861-1862
- Susan H. Green of Winslow, Maine; 1863-1864; 1865-1865
- Lucy Hagar of Richmond, Maine; 1868-1869
- Ellen Haines of Biddeford, Maine; 1867-1868
- Emma G. Hathaway of Hallowell, Maine; 1868-1869; 1869-1870
- Adaline Hazen of North Bridgton, Maine; 1860-1861; 1861-1862
- Ellen Caroline Healy of China, Maine; 1857; 1858; 1859
- Josephine F. Hill of Bucksport, Maine; 1863-1864
- Maria M. Holt of North Yarmouth, Maine; 1869-1870
- Virginia S. Houghton of Bath, Maine; 1864-1865; 1865-1866; 1866-1867
- Clara Elizabeth Houghton of Bath, Maine; 1867-1868; 1868-1869
- Lusanna T. Jacobs of Cherryfield, Maine; 1854; 1856
- Annie D. Jones of Ellsworth, Maine; 1864-1865
- Emma F. Jones of Bangor, Maine; 1865-1865
- Amelia S. Junkins of York, Maine; 1855; 1856; 1857
- Minerva H. King of Calais, Maine; 1859-1860; 1861-1862
- Roselna E. King of Calais, Maine; 1860-1861; 1861-1862
- Evelina Knight of Camden, Maine; 1861-1862
- Louise R. Knight of Camden, Maine; 1863-1865
- Lizzie M. Knight of Camden, Maine; 1865-1866; 1866-1867; 1867-1868; 1868-1869
- Josephine C. Knowlton of Belfast, Maine; 1867-1868
- Rosa C. Lane of New Gloucester, Maine; 1856
- Abby F. Larrabee of Bangor, Maine; 1857; 1858
- Harriet C. Lawrence of Portland, Maine; 1867-1868; 1868-1869
- Mary E. Lee of Calais, Maine; 1859-1860
- Clara Greenleaf Lee of Calais, Maine; 1864-1865; 1865-1866; 1866-1867; 1867-1868
- Ella H. Marble of Waldoboro, Maine; 1865-1866; 1866-1867
- Mary A. Margesson of Bangor, Maine; 1864-1865; 1865-1866
- M. Anna Mayo of Orono, Maine; 1868-1869; 1869-1870
- Elizabeth L. McIntire of York, Maine; 1855
- F. Ophelia Nason of Kennebunk, Maine; 1856
- Emma E. Newman of Machias, Maine [address is Stratham, New Hampshire in the July 1856 catalog]; 1854; 1856
- Rebecca P. Page of Brewer, Maine; 1858
- Annea F. Page of Brewer, Maine; 1858
- Adaline G. Pike, "Addie", of Calais, Maine; 1861-1862; 1862-1863; 1863-1864
- Edna Pope of East Machias, Maine; 1864-1865
- Octavia McK. Putnam of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867; 1867-1868
- Lucretia Quimby of Biddeford, Maine; 1858
- Caroline D. Sawyer of Calais, Maine; 1857
- Fanny T. Scott of Wiscasset, Maine; 1866-1867
- Elizabeth Crosby Sewall of Bath, Maine; 1866-1867; 1867-1868
- Josephine A. Seward of Camden, Maine; 1863-1864
- Sarah F. Smith of Ellsworth, Maine; 1860-1861
- Susan A. Storer of Waldoboro, Maine; 1863-1864; 1864-1865; 1865-1866; 1866-1867
- Martha Kimball Straw of Guilford, Maine; 1858; 1859
- Emily M. Swan of Calais, Maine; 1861-1862; 1862-1863; 1863-1864; 1864-1865
- Elmira S. Talbot of East Machias, Maine; 1868-1869
- Phebe C. Townsend of Alexandria, Maine [might not be Maine]; 1863-1864
- Sarah H. Warren of Gorham, Maine; 1868-1868
- Mary E. Weston of Farmington, Maine; 1866-1867; 1867-1868
- Alice E. White of Bangor, Maine; 1864-1865; 1865-1866
- Sarah G. Whitman of Gardiner, Maine; 1859-1860
- Elizabeth E. Wiggin of Saco, Maine; 1867-1868
- Luella M. Winslow of Waldoboro, Maine; 1864-1865
- Lida Wood of Wiscasset, Maine; 1864-1865; 1865-1866
- Charlotte C. Woodman of Bucksport, Maine; 1861-1862; 1862-1863; 1863-1864; 1864-1865
- Florence Woodman of Bucksport, Maine; 1867-1868; 1869-1870
- H. Melissa Woodward of Brunswick, Maine; 1868-1869
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