Saturday, October 13, 2012

July 1901 Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society

July 1901 issue of the Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, a quarterly journal published at Fairfield, Maine.  Approximately 9" x 6", with pages running from 29 to 42.

See the April 1901 issue here.

The journal contains interesting articles about Maine  and Nova Scotia bird watching and a few advertisements from Maine and beyond.  

Officers of the Maine Ornithological Society
William L. Powers, Gardiner, President
Capt. H. L. Spinney, Seguin, Vice President
A. H. Norton, Westbrook, Secretary-Treasurer
J. Merton Swain, Waterville, Editor
Prof. A. L. Lane, Waterville, Councillor
Ora W. Knight, Bangor, Councillor

Names, place names and species mentioned on the page above:
Athens, Maine
Hartland, Maine
Mourning Warbler
Winslow, Maine
John Lord, the Portland taxidermist, has an adult female Yellow Crowned Night Heron, taken April 14 at Bay Bay, Portland, Maine; adult Caspian Tern, taken at Clapboard Island, Casco Bay; Prof. Lee is to have this bird for the Bowdoin College collection
Capt. Spinney; commented on the small flight of small birds the past spring; he took a blue heron at Popham Beach

Capt. Spinney, continued: received a female Parasitic Jaeger and a Sooty Shearwater
Mr. James H. Hill of New London, Connecticut
Chester Barlow, editor of "The Condor"
Pishon's Ferry; Prairie Horned Lark
Mr. White, owner of the field at Pishon's Ferry

Hartland, Maine
Pittsfield, Maine
Bros. Knight, Morrill and Briggs
Bangor, Maine
Orono bog: Yellow Pine Warbler, Short-billed Marsh Wren
Mr. Morrill at Pittsfield, Maine; Grasshopper Sparrow
Livermore, Maine: Goloden Crowned Kinglet; Tennessee Warbler, Pine Warbler
Mr. Briggs' home: Kingbird, White-Bellied Swallow, Bluebird
Mr. Dutcher of New York

Black duck
Pileated Woodpecker; read before Maine Ornithological Society at Waterville by C. H. Morrell, several page article

Birds of the Bowdoin College Expedition to Labrador in 1891, paper by Arthur H. Norton

Pittsfield Bird Notes by C. H. Morrell: Red-Tailed Hawk; Grasshopper Sparrow; Yellow Palm Warbler; Robin; Bluebird
Meadow Lark in Maine

Athens, Maine: Meadow Lark
Sebasticook River
Pittsfield, Maine
Burnham, Maine
Winslow, Maine
Waterville, Maine
Benton Falls
Fairfield Centre, Maine
Farmington, Maine
Ernest L. Haley, took a Meadow Lark near Rangeley, Maine
President Powers
"Some Prehistoric Cave and Cliff Dwellers and Their Descendants", paper read by Ora W. Knight at Maine Ornithological Society at Lewiston, Maine; the dwellers listed are Barn Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Bank Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow, Tree Swallow, Violet-green Swallow, Purple Martin, Barn Swallow

Ora W. Knight
"Some Winter Birds of the Cumberland Shore", paper read by C. H. Morrell before the Maine Ornithological Society at Lewiston, Maine":  Cumberland Shore, Nova Scotia; River Hebert; Shulee; Parrsboro

Ora W. Knight, Bangor, Maine
Walter F. Webb of Albion, New York

Advertisements on the back cover, above:
F. M. Richards Taxidermy of Farmington, Maine
Guy H. Briggs of Livermore, Maine
James P. Babbitt, Taunton, Massachusetts
J. Merton Swain, for back issues of the Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society
American Ornithology magazine
Homer R. Dill, State Taxidermist, Gardiner, Maine

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