April 1901 issue of The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, a quarterly journal published at Fairfield, Maine. Approximately 9" x ", with pages running from 17 to 28.
See the July 1901 issue here.
The journal contains interesting articles about Maine bird watching and a few advertisements from Maine and beyond.
Officers of the Maine Ornithological Society
William L. Powers, Gardiner, President
Capt. H. L. Spinney, Seguin, Vice President
A. H. Norton, Westbrook, Secretary-Treasurer
J. Merton Swain, Waterville, Editor
Prof. A. L. Lane, Waterville, Councillor
Ora W. Knight, Bangor, Councillor
Other names mentioned on the page above:
Mr. Dutcher
Dr. Palmer
Mr. Carleton
Mr. Mead
Prof. Lee
Prof. Powers
A. H. Norton
Place names mentioned on the page above:
Liberty, Maine
Alna, Maine
Names, places and species mentioned on the page above:
- Capt. Spinney of Seguin Island, "The most lonesome, dreary winter he has ever spent on the island"; Snowflakes, Horned Grebes, Pintails, Baldpates at Popham Beach, Song Sparrow
- Mr. Ruthven Deane of Chicago, president of the Illinois Audobon Society
- Bar Harbor, Maine (where a brown pelican was discovered) and Castine, Maine (where the pelican had escaped from a ship from South America)
- [Mrs. W. H.] Augusta Gardiner of Bucksport, Maine; Philadelphia Vireo, Crested Flycatcher, Mourning Dove, Cape May Warbler, Solitary Vireo; Bobolink
- North Bridgton, Maine
Names, places and species mentioned on the page above:
- Mrs. Mead of North Bridgton, Maine: Bob White
- N. C. Brown
- Bro. Spinney
- James Carroll Mead of North Bridgton, Maine
- Androscoggin County: multi-page article about various Warbler species; Black and White Warbler
- Black and White Warbler
- F. A. Garcelon of Lewiston, Maine: Nashville Warbler
- Buckfield, Maine: Nashville Warbler
- Lisbon, Maine: Nashville Warbler
- C. D. Farrar; found Tennessee Warbler at South Lewiston, Maine
- C. D. Farrar; found Northern Parula Warbler at Wales bog at head
- of Sabattus Pond
- Green Bog at head of Sabattus Pond: Northern Parula Warbler
- W. F. Burbank; found a Cape May Warbler at Lewiston, Maine
- Lisbon Centre; Yellow Warbler nest
- C. D. Farrar; found a Black-Throated Blue Warbler nest near Lewiston, Maine
- Lewiston, Maine; Myrtle Warbler
- Lewiston, Maine; Magnolia Warbler
- Lisbon Centre; Chestnut-Sided Warbler
- W. F. Burbank at Lewiston, Maine; Bay-breasted Warbler
- C. D. Farrar at Lewiston, Maine; Bay-breasted Warbler
- Lewiston, Maine; Blackburnian Warbler
- Lewiston, Maine; Black-throated Green Warbler
- Lewiston, Maine; Pine Warbler
- Sabattus Pond, Sabattus, Maine; Ovenbird
- Lewiston, Maine, Ovenbird
- Sabattus, Maine; Maryland Yellowthroat
- Greene, Maine; Canadian Warbler
- Lisbon Centre, Maine; American Redstart
- F. A. Garcelon, near Lewiston, Maine; American Pipit
- W. F. Burbank, at Sabattus Pond: American pipit
- Everett E. Johnson of Lewiston, Maine
- Chimney Swift
- Eave Swallow
- Barn Swallow
- Bobolink
- Grackles
- Swallows
- Scarlet Tanager
- Red-shouldered Hawks
- Hermit Thrush
- Wilson's Thrush
- White-crowned Sparrows
- Mr. Briggs
- C. H. Morrill of Pittsfield, Maine
- J. M. Swain; text of a talk on the American Bittern [fascinating!]
- H. P. White; his book "Our Birds, Their Nests and Eggs"
- Crested Flycatcher
- Least Flycatcher
- Wood Pewee
- American Bittern
- American Bittern
- Westbrook, Maine; American Woodcock
- Woodfords [Portland], Maine; American Woodcock; Loggerhead Shrike; Duck Hawk at Presumpscot River
- J. Merton Swain; text of a talk on Woodpeckers read before the Summer meeting at East Parsonsfield, Maine
- Farmington, Maine
- Wilson Stream
- Cape May Warblers; Bay-breasted Warblers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Winter Wren, Solitary Vireo, Pine Siskins; Yellow-bellied Woodpeckers; Hairy Woodpecker; Downy Woodpeckers
- J. Merton Swain of Woodfords, Maine, on his outing near Farmington, Maine; Flickers, White Breasted Nuthatch; Red Breasted Nuthatch, Blue Jays, Red Shouldered Hawks
- Farmington, Maine; Loggerhead Shrike
- Manly Hardy; Black Gyrfalcon
Advertisement: Plant World periodical
- Benjamin Hoag, books
- James P. Babbitt of Taunton, Massachusetts: supplies for the Naturalist and Taxidermist;
- J. Merton Swain at Waterville, Maine: back issues of The Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society
- American Ornithology
- Homer R. Dill, State Taxidermist, Gardiner, Maine
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