1880s autograph album of Henry P. Bahnks of Carbon Cliff, Illinois.
The album is approximately 4" x 3" and contains over over 40 pages signed by Henry, his relatives and friends, some multiple times.
Some of the pages were written in what appears to be German, and I wasn't able to decipher the names in order to add them to the alphabetical list below, but I'll include the images in case a reader can decipher for me.
Henry's sister Annie Bahnks signed two pages, one of them in 1882.
Henry's brother John Bahnks signed a page.
Several people identified themselves as Henry's cousin. Cousin Minnie Brandt of Joslin, Illinois, signed two pages in 1882.
Cousin Ricka Brandt of Joslin, Illinois, signed a page in 1884.
Cousin Thomas Brandt of Joslin, Illinois, signed a page in 1884.
Cousin Mary signed a page in 1886.
The pages in German that readers might be able to help me with.
The inside back cover has a small photograph of a young woman identified as Julia.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections welcome]
Henry P. Bahnks was born about 1867 in Illinois, son of Heinrich and Anna (Beht) Behnke. He married Jane "Jennie" R. Wenberg, daughter of Lars Anderson Wenberg and Sarah Beatta (Petersdotter) Wenberg. Jennie was born about 1873 in Illinois.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above on the family of Henry P. Bahnks or any of the signers above or listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Complete list of signers, in alphabetical order by surname [not necessarily by given name within a particular surname]. Many of the autographs are hard to read, and I may have misinterpreted some of the names.
German writing; several pages
possibly Clem
Mary, 1886; Henry's cousin
Julia; little photograph pasted onto inside back cover
Henry P. Bahnks, 1882, album owner, Carbon Cliff, Illinois; signed two pages
Annie Bahnks of Hampton, 1882; signed two pages
John Bahnks, Henry's brother
Mrs. Minerva Barton, signed two pages
Minnie Brandt of Joslin, Illinois, 1882; Henry's cousin
Ricka Brandt of Joslin, Illinois, 1884; Henry's cousin
Thomas Brandt of Joslin, Illinois, 1884; Henry's cousin
Sadie L. Brant of Moline, Illinois, 1883
Mrs. A. Church of Carbon Cliff, Illinois
Arthur Cushman of Carbon Cliff, Illinois, 1884
Joe B. Cushman, 1884
Agnes M. Cushman of Carbon Cliff, Illinois, 1884
Minnie Cushman of Carbon Cliff, Illinois, 1885
Flora Cushman of Carbon Cliff, Illinois, 1884
E. L. DeVere, 1882
Lillie A. Donaldson of Valley City, Iowa, 1883
Henry Hass, 1885
German writing
Permelia E. Jameson
Alma Johnson of Moline, Illinois, 1889
Minnie Johnson of Moline, Illinois, 1889
Hulda Johnson, 1889
A. L. Johnson of Moline, Illinois, 1889
Annie Kil* of Moline, Illinois; possibly Kiloch
Mrs. Lizzie Ross of Carbon Cliff, Illinois
Miss Julia Stone of Carbon Cliff, Illinois, 1886
Kathleen Wyld of Moline, Illinois
Carbon Cliff, Illinois
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi! This is AWESOME! Jennie and Henry were my great grandparents! They had a son named Vernon Edward Bahnks, my grandfather.