Booklet entitled "Testimonial to James P. Sanders, Past Grand Sire, Presented by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows".
James P. Sanders overcame the early death of his parents to become an attorney at Yonkers, New York, and important member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Read a brief biography of him on pages 773-776 in The Official History and Literature of Odd Fellowship: The Three-Link Fraternity, by Henry Leonard Stillson, published in 1897.
James P. Sanders lived at Danbury, Connecticut for a time and was perhaps born there; I don't have the names of his parents. He lived at various times at Danbury, Connecticut; Peekskill, New York; Cortlandt, New York; and Yonkers, New York. He married Elvina L. Ferguson at Danbury, Connecticut, on November 19, 1840, according to a record in Connecticut Marriages, 1630-1997.
If you have more information on James P. Sanders, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
The booklet measures a bit over 8-1/2" by 6-1/2" and consists of 9 interior sheets, with text on both sides of most of them, and with a engraving of James P. Sanders. Printed by John Medole & Son of New York.
The Officers of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, as of August, 1896:
Alfred A. Guthrie, Grand Master
Samuel J. Pesoa, Deputy Grand Master
Hiram M. Olmsted, Grand Warden
John G. Deubert, Grand Secretary
Charles A. Wehr, Grand Treasurer
George W. Dilks, Grand Representative
Jacob Stern, Grand Representative
Resolved, That this Grand Lodge, with great pleasure, in recognition and great appreciation of the valuable services rendered by Brother Sanders to this Grand Lodge and to Odd Fellowship, hereby records its high esteem and deep veneration for him as a man and as an Odd Fellow; and that, as a further mark of esteem, a page of the Journal of this year be given for the portrait of Brother Sanders.
Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed to frame a suitable testimonial, in recognition of the long service of Past Grand Sire James P. Sanders, to the attainment of the golden anniversary of his Grand Lodge membership in 1897; and that such testimonial be engrossed in such manner as the Standing Committee shall consider most appropriate, and be by the Grand Master presented to the Past Grand Sire.
Sir and Brother:
In formulating this Testimonial for presentation to you, as authorized and contemplated by the Grand Lodge of New York, at its annual session in August, 1896, and hereinbefore set forth, we congratulate you upon your memorable record of having attained fifty consecutive Grand Lodge sessions in this State. This is an honor that falls to the lot of comparatively few in our Order. While others have held Grand Lodge membership fully as many years, you have not missed an annual session in that period of time.
That you have filled the principal chairs of the Subordinate Lodge and Encampment, Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment, and of the Grand Lodge of the United States (now the Sovereign Grand Lodge), and served many years as Grand Representative to that Body from New York, fully testify to your long and faithful service, in and ardent attachment to and love for, American Odd Fellowship. Were further evidence needed, your annual attendance at the sessions of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, and service upon its most important committees, might well be cited. In that Body you have long ranked high in the estimation and good-will of its officers and Representatives. While they are displaced by others at longer or shorter intervals, you are always there. At home you are held in great respect and affection, in the Grand and Subordinate Bodies of this Jurisdiction, for your knowledge and counsel in matters pertaining to the Order.
It is our earnest hope that you may long be spared to maintain the exalted position to which you have attained by long and valued service to the Order.
In behalf of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, by the Special Committee on Testimonial:
George W. Dilks, P.G.M., Grand Rep.
John Medole, P.G.M., P.G. Rep.
George J. Gardner, P.G.M., P.G. Rep.
Edgar Whitlock, P.G.M., Grand Rep
Jacob Stern, P.G.M., Grand Rep
Standing Committee of Grand Lodge, 1897
Samuel J. Pesoa, Grand Master
Hiram M. Olmsted, Deputy Grand Master
Franklin P. Trautmann, Grand Warden
John G. Deubert, Grand Secretary
John F. Bullenkamp, Grand Treasurer
Membership Record, I.O.O.F., of Brother James P. Sanders
In Subordinate Lodge
- Initiated in Samaritan Lodge, No. 7, at Danbury, Connecticut, September 17, 1843
- Admitted by Card in Cortland Lodge, No. 55, at Peekskill, New York, February, 1847
- Admitted by Card in Yonkers Lodge, No. 232 at Yonkers, New York, October 3, 1872
In Subordinate Encampment
- Initiated in Sassacus Encampment, No. 1 at New Haven, Connecticut, August 16, 1844
- Charter Member of Devotion Encampment, No. 5, at Danbury, Connecticut, Organized September 1844
- Admitted by Card in Mt. Ararat Encampment, No. 16 (now No. 9) at Peekskill, New York, February 1847
- Admitted by Card in New York Encampment, No. 1 at Albany, New York, July 7, 1855
In Grand Encampment
- Admitted as a Past Chief Patriarch in the Grand Encampment of Connecticut at its Session Held in January 1846
- Admitted in the Grand Encampment of New York at its Session Held August 2, 1847
- Was elected Grand High Priest thereof in 1849.
- Grand Patriarch in 1850.
- Grand Representative, 1874, 1882
In Grand Lodge
- Admitted as a Past Grand in the Grand Lodge of Connecticut at its Session Held January 13, 1847
- Admitted in the Grand Lodge of New York at its Session Held September 20, 1847
- Was elected Grand Warden thereof in 1856.
- Deputy Grand Master in 1857.
- Grand Master in 1858.
In the Grand Lodge of the United States (Now called "The Sovereign Grand Lodge")
- Grand Representative Therein from the State of New York at the Sessions In the years 1852, 1853, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1874, and 1882
- All other years after 1868, present as Past Grand Sire
- Was elected Deputy Grand Sire thereof in 1864 and
- Grand Sire in 1866
In Veteran Odd Fellows' Association of the State of New York, Organized November 9, 1888
- Was the first Venerable President thereof, and has been continuously re-elected up to the present time.
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