1870s/1880s autograph album of Emma Georgia Gilmore of Boston, Massachusetts.
Emma wrote her name on several pages, including the first end paper on which she wrote her name and pasted part of her calling card and and the back end paper, in which she inserted another calling card and wrote her address, 109 Dartmouth Street, Boston.
From what I could gather online, that section of Dartmouth Street appears to have been razed of residential buildings at one time and is now the site of large commercial buildings.
Emma added notes to many pages to reflect marriages and deaths of the signers, including her own marriage. I found some of her notes in conflict with Massachusetts Records so she may have been trying to recall from some point in the future. There's one autograph in the album from 1910, that of her son, I believe. Perhaps it's then that she wrote her notes and was relying on memory.
The album contains the names of many, if not all, of the graduates of the "Centennial Class" of 1876 at the Franklin School in Boston. An additional group of signers in 1877 mentioned "Phoenix", which may have been the school at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Many of these signers contributed to group pages and then signed individual pages as well.
Two examples of a group Franklin School page and a group Phoenix page.
Many pages were signed at Ballard's Retreat, which I believe was the Ballard's Retreat located in East Wakefield, New Hampshire, and at Camden, Maine.
Emma also included a paper that lists the people who attended her party.
The album is approximately 7-3/4" x 5" and contains the names of over 160 people, some of whom are duplicates, including Emma's relatives, future relatives, schoolmates and friends. An alphabetical list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Emma Georgia Gilmore was born about March 1858 at Boston, Massachusetts, the daughter of Rufus Samuel Gilmore and Ellen Maria (Lord) Gilmore, who were born at Horton, Nova Scotia, and Boston, Massachusetts, respectively.
Although he didn't mention a relationship, I believe that the Arthur B. Gilmore who signed a page on October 27, 1878 at Boston, Massachusetts, was Emma's brother Arthur Burgess Gilmore.
On 29 November 1881 at Boston, Massachusetts, Emma Georgia Gilmore married Franklin Snow, Jr., son of Franklin and Anna Elizabeth (Armstrong) Snow. Franklin, Jr., was born 20 December 1858 at Boston. He signed a page in Emma's album, first on April 16, 1877 and then on October 31, 1878. Note Emma's note of their marriage date in the lower right corner.
I believe the page below was signed by the Franklin Snow, who was the son of Franklin, Jr. and Emma Georgia (Gilmore) Snow. He would have been Franklin III, I believe, but perhaps they settled on Jr. This is the only page in the album beyond the era of the 1870s and early 1880s.
Franklin Snow, Jr., was a fish merchant. Franklin, Emma and son Franklin were living at Andover, Massachusetts at the time of the enumeration of the 1910 Census. Franklin died at Boston, Massachusetts, of tuberculosis, on 30 April 1914. There's mention of an Emma G. Snow of Boston who received a brokerage appointment in 1914.
The 1920 Census of Washington, D.C. lists their son Franklin G. Snow, age 23, working in railway administration and living at a boarding house. Also listed is a widowed Emma Snow, about ten years off in age, but that could be a mistake. By then young Franklin was married to Ethel B. Bruner. The 1925 Census of New York City lists Franklin and Ethel, but no Emma.
Young Franklin Snow became the transportation editor for the Christian Science Monitor; many of his articles are available online.
Please refer to the list of signers below for pages signed by more relatives of Emma and Franklin.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
A few of the pages that stand out:
Callie Coburn of Boston, Massachusetts, signed a page on April 7, 1879 and included an illustration of a couple and Cupid. Emma added a note that Callie married in 1894.
George A Wellington signed a page on February 16, 1879, drew a sketch and inserted a tintype, presumably of himself, in slits in the page.
W. M. Oakman signed a page on February 19, 1879 and sketched a scene of sailing vessels and rockbound shore that may have been an imagined scene from the play "Down by the Sea" that was performed in the area about that time. Or perhaps he was sketching the home of a real John Gale.
Howard K. Burgess, who signed a page on April 8, 1875 and who may have been the H. K. Burgess who signed another page in an impossibly tiny hand, took great pains with his coiffure and fascinator on the page below. He must have been a great wit! Emma added a later note that he married.
Fred O. Conant of Cumberland, Maine, signed a page on July 30, 1876 and added his photograph. Emma wrote later notes that he graduated from Bowdoin College and that he married. Frederick Odell Conant became a noted merchant and businessman at Portland, Maine, and compiled a genealogy of the Conant Family.
In two cases Emma pasted a newspaper clipping instead of writing her note, one of which announced the March 28, 1876 death of signer Thomas Campbell of Chelsea, Massachusetts, who had signed page in Emma's album on August 12, 1875.
The other instance was a happier one, the marriage announcement of signer Minnie A. Pearson of Boston, Massachusetts, who signed a page on January 24, 1877. Minnie married Edwin J. Morrison on December 28, 1880.
List of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- G. H. C., drew a sketch of a couple and two little dogs
- Carrie N. E?, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- J. A. B., signed on June 22, 1877. Emma's note: "Married 1885"
- E. J. Adams, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- A. L. Adams, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Florence Alexander, '76 C.C.; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Genieve Armand, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Genieve Armand of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 30, 1876. Continental Class of '76 [presumably Franklin School]. Emma's note: Drowned August 1882". According to her Massachusetts death record, she was born about 1859 at Osterville, Massachusetts, daughter of James and Isabella Armand. Cause of death: "Doubtful Drowning"; must be a story there...
- Willis Ballen [not sure of surname]; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Mary M. Barron, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Fannie Benan, signed at the Franklin School at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 16, 1875. Written in corners: A.H.R.; D.B.; Aug. 24; Sept. 13. Emma's note: "Married Nov. 1880"
- Jennie H. Blanchard of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on April 7, 1875. Emma's note: "Married 22 Oct. 1879"
- Velma Briggs, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Velma Briggs of Hanover, Massachusetts, signed on April 20, 1876
- Gertie Brown, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Jennie B. Brown, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Jennie B. Brown of Hyde Park, Massachusetts, On the Western Continent, on January 14, 1876
- Julia K. Burgess of West Weymouth, Massachusetts, signed on September 6, 1882. Julia shared the page with Mintie E. Lane.
- H. K. Burgess, written in an extremely tiny hand. Emma's note: "Married"
- Howard K. Burgess, signed on April 8, 1875. Perhaps the H. K. Burgess who signed another page in tiny handwriting. He attached a sketch, dated 1878, he drew of a lady with a fancy hairdo and hat and inserted a face shot of himself in her face. Emma's note "Married". He may have been Howard Kent Burgess, who married Mary Josephine Penders in California in 1890.
- Clinton B. Burgess, signed on April 7, 1875
- Katie F. Burke, Franklin, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- J. Albert Butler of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on July 6, 1875. Emma's note: "married"
- Charles H. Campbell of Chelsea, Massachusetts
- T. Campbell of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on August 12, 1875. There's a newspaper clipping pasted on the page indicating that Thomas died in 1876. "In Chelsea, March 28, Thomas Campbell, eldest son of Uriah B. and Evelyn M. Campbell, 17 yrs 5 mos. Funeral from 265 Chestnut street, Chelsea, on Thursday at 2 P.M. Relatives and friends invited without further invitation." [1876 written in pencil]
- Emma Channell, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Joseph H. Chase, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- E. E. Chase, May 17; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Edward A. Chase, Amherst College '80, signed in August 1877.
- Willie Chipman, signed in 1876; perhaps the W. R. Chipman who signed another page in 1877.
- W. R. Chipman. Emma's note: "Died 1877". I think he might have been the "Sweet William" referenced on the page of Ettie B. Mitchell. Presumably William Redfield Chipman. There was another W. R. Chipman in the Boston area, Dr. William Reginald Chipman, a Nova Scotia native, but he lived longer than 1877.
- Nettie S. Churchill; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Gertrude H. Churchill; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Gertrude H. Churchill of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on October 13, 1880. Emma's note: "Married 1888"
- Clara E. Clough, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Addie Cobleigh, Franklin, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Addie M. Cobleigh, signed at the Franklin School at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 28, 1876
- Callie Coburn of Boston, Massachustts. signed on April 7, 1879. Silhouette of a couple with cupid in their midst. Emma's note: "Married 1894.
- Anna Coleman, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 4 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Fred O. Conant of Cumberland, Maine, signed on July 30, 1876. He pasted his photograph on the page. Emma's note: "Married 1884. Bowdoin College 1875" Frederick Odell Conant was born 1 October 1857 at Portland, Maine; he married Eva Merrill. Became a merchant and businessman at Portland; compiled a genealogy of the Conant family.
- Lydia E. Connery of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 20, 1870 Emma's note: "married Nov. 28, 1880 (not sure of last digit)]
- Fannie Connery, signed in February 1878. Emma's note: "Married Aug 14, 1884". According to a Massachusetts Marriage Record, Frances C. Connery, daughter of David and Ellen Connery, married William C. Pope on 14 August 1884.
- Alice M. Cross, signed at Boston, Massachusetts, on May 1, 1878. Emma's note: "Married 1880"
- Clara L. Drisko, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "dead". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Clara L. Drisko, signed on March 16, 1875, at Boston, Massachusetts. In the corners: A.S.H. or A.L.H.; P.S.; D.B., S.C.. At top: B.D.W. of J. Emma's note: "Died Nov. 1882"
- Alice I. Eastman, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's penciled note: "married 1879". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Alice I. Eastman of Boston, Massachusetts, Centennial Class '76 [presumably at the Franklin School]. Emma's note: Married, Nov. 10 1879"
- Mabel I. Emerson, Franklin, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Mabel I. Emerson of Boston, Massachusetts; she indicated she was a member of the Centennial Class of '76 [presumably of the Franklin School]
- Matt F. Foley of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Ballard's Retreat on August 15, 1875. Emma's note: "Married"
- Oliver Twist [middle initial might be Z or J or G or ?] of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on March 31, 1877. Also has the name Oscar F. Frost in one corner and the initials O.F.F. in another, so the signer might have been Oscar F. Frost, using the name Oliver Twist as a joke. Emma's note: "Married May 1883"
- Edward A. Gilman, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Emma Georgia Gilmore, album owner of 109 Dartmouth Street, Boston, Massachusetts. She was the daughter of Rufus Samuel Gilmore and Ellen Maria (Lord) Gilmore
- Emma G. Gilmore, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 4 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Arthur B. Gilmore, signed on October 27, 1878 at Boston, Massachusetts. Emma's brother Arthur Burgess Gilmore
- Emma G. Gilmore, Phoenix, 1877; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Bessie Gookin, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "dead". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Harry M. Gookin, signed on May 5, 1875. Emma's note: "Dead at City Hospital Feb. 1885 - Delirium Tremens". According to his Massachusetts Death Record, Harry died on 10 January 1885 of "Insanity"
- Bessie Gookin of 366 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 29, 1876; she was a member of the Centennial Class of 1876 [presumably at the Franklin School]. Emma's note: "Died, Mar. 1883"
- Laura Gould, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Ashley M. Gould of Northampton, Massachusetts, signed on July 13, 1877. Amherst '82 [not sure of last digit] Emma's note: "Married 1888 Nov. 20". Presumably Ashley Mulgrave Goold Gould, born 1859 at Horton, Nova Scotia, who became a US Federal Judge at Washington, D.C., having been nominated to that position by President Theodore Roosevelt. http://books.google.com/books?id=pSoEAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA396-IA3&lpg=PA396-IA3&dq=%22Ashley+Mulgrave+Gould%22&source=bl&ots=nQS3SSilnh&sig=ufNbXyrrGFJzcxCFeueHDzlGw5w&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jNTeUs3BKPKwsQT-kYCoDA&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Ashley%20Mulgrave%20Gould%22&f=false
- Charles H. Guild of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 4, 1879. "D.D.C." Emma's note: "married 1889"
- John R. Haliburton, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Minnie B. Hardy of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Ballard's Retreat on August 10, 1875. Mentions N.B.C.C., L.G.S.W., P.S. & P.K., E.A.Y.H. Emma's note: "Married Nov. 1879"
- Hortense A. Hart of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 24, 1875. Emma's note: "married 1886"
- J. I. Hatch of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on December 10, 1877
- Will Hawks of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on July 17, 1881. Middle initial might be I or S or ?. Emma's note: "Married June 1883"
- Frank S. Hersom of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on August 30, 1877, presumably Frank Selden Hersom. Emma's note: "married". The page was also signed by Edgar B. Smith, "your neighbor", who also signed his own page.
- Alfred S. Higgins, Phoenix, '79; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Alfred S. Higgins of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 21, 1875. M.I.T. Emma's note: "Married October 1896" A Massachusetts Marriage Record shows that Alfred S. Higgins, born at Chicago, Illinois, son of John and Lucetta Higgins, married Almira I. Wilson at Quincy, Massachusetts, on 20 October 1896.
- Jennie M. Hinds of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on November 4, 1880. Emma's note: "married January 1, 1881"
- Carrie E. Horton, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Lizzie F. Howard, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Lizzie F. Howard, signed on April 27, 1876; she incorporated her name into a bird and scroll sketch pasted on the page.
- ? [Jenniabel, Jessiabel, ?] Hubbard, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Gussie Johnson, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Mabel Johnson, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Maude A. Johnson of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on May 9, 1873. Emma's note: "died Nov. 1881"
- Brent E. Johnston of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on May 9, 1875. Emma's note: "Married 1885"
- E. R. Kimball of Camden, Maine, signed on July 29, 1880.
- Mintie E. Lane of North Weymouth, Massachusetts, signed on September 6, 1882; Emma's note: "married 1886". Mintie shared the page with Julia K. Burgess
- Emma Lawrence, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 4 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- C. H. Lord of Worcester, Massachusetts. Initials in one corner that might be M.R.Y.C. Emma's note: "Married 1883"
- F. L. Mansfield of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 10, 1879; "Don't forget the Capt." sketch
- Mary D. Maxwell, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Fannie McCance, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Nellie M. McGowan, signed at Ballard's Retreat on August 17, 1875
- Sadie Metcalf, Franklin School; Emma's note: "married" One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Sadie E. Metcalf of Boston, Massachusetts, signed in 1875 Emma's note: "Married 1879"
- Ettie B. Mitchell of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 18, 1875. In one corner, she wrote "Sweet William", and someone, presumably Emma, later wrote Chipman, perhaps referring to signer W. R. Chipman, who was presumably William Redfield Chipman.
- Gertie E. Moore, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Mattie Moore, Franklin School, '76. One of 4 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Ella F. Moore, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Gertrude E. Moore of South End, Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 19, 1876. Emma's note: "Married 1881"
- Mary E. Morris of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 31, 1877
- Jennie A. Morse, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Maud M. Morse of Franklin School, Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 28, 1875
- C. B. M., standing for Clarence B. Mudge, of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Camden [presumably Maine], on August 8, 1880. Mentions Lincolnville Center, drew a sketch of blackberries. Emma's note: "Married"
- Emma Mullen, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- W. A. Nutter, signed on April 8, 1875. Emma's note: "Married 1885"
- W. A. Nutter, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- W. M. Oakman signed a page on February 19, 1879 and drew a sketch of sailboats, including the "Jenny", the "Captain's Yacht", "John Gale's Yacht" and "John Gale's House 'Down by the Sea". Perhaps John Gale was a real person or perhaps this is a scene from the play "Down by the Sea", which featured fisherman John Gale and was put on at Cambridge, Massachusetts, by the C.P.G. of Webster Grammar School at Cambridgeport, Massachusetts in the Spring of 1879 http://cambridge.dlconsulting.com/cgi-bin/cambridge?a=d&d=Chronicle18790607-01.2.2#
- Jennie E. Page wrote her name backwards as Einnej E. Egap on November 17, 1877. Emma's note: "married Dec. 28, 1881.
- Jennie E. Page, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Alice A. Page, at G. S. & S.
- Jennie E. Page, signed on April 23, 1875 at the Franklin School at Boston, Massachusetts. Emma's note: "Married Dec., 28, 1881"
- Minnie A. Pearson of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 24, 1877. A newspaper clipping pasted to the page: Morrison - Pearson - In this city, Dec. 28, by Rev. C. B. Crane, Edwin J. Morrison to Minnie A. Pearson, both of Boston. [penciled date of 1880]
- Jennie Plummer, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Jennie M. Plummer, Franklin School, Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 13, 1876
- Barbara Porter of Cambridge, Massachusetts, signed at Camden [presumably Maine] on August 16, 1879. Emma's note: "Married". Barbara's sisters Frances R. Porter and Lillie D. Porter [Elizabeth Deering Porter} also signed pages.
- Frances R. Porter of Cambridge, Massachusetts, signed on August 12, 1879. Her sisters Barbara Porter and Lillie D. Porter [Elizabeth Deering Porter] also signed pages.
- Lillie D. Porter of Cambridge, Massachusetts, signed at Camden, Maine, on August 9, 1879. She was Elizabeth Deering Porter, nicknamed Lillie. Her sisters Frances R. Porter and Barbara Porter also signed pages.
- S. B. Pratt of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 9, 1875. H.C.C. Emma's note: "Married"
- Lucy Prendergast, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- E. Alice Putnam, signed on January 21, 1877 [or 1879]. Emma's note: "Married"
- Granville B. Putnam, signed on January 12, 1876. Emma's note: "Married 1895"
- Annie M. Randall of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 9, 1877. Emma's note: "Married May 1883"
- Edward T. Reeves of Boston, Massachusetts
- May F. D. Richards of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 1, 1877. Emma's note: "Married 1882. Died 1885". There's a Massachusetts Death Record for Mary F. D. (Richards) St. Clair on 20 April 1885. Her husband was Archibald St. Clair.
- Belle H. Ricker of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 7, 1877. G.H.? Emma's note: "Married 1878"
- Harry P. Robinson of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 24, 1878
- N. E. Roscoe, Phoenix; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- N. E. Roscoe, signed May 17, 1877. Emma's note: "Married 1889, Died 1899"
- Florence O. Ross, signed at the Franklin School at Boston, Massachusetts, on November 2 [no year written]. Middle initial might be E, rather than O, but there was a Florence O. Ross at Boston. Emma's note: "married"
- Alice C. Roundy, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Hattie M. Roundy, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Alice C. Roundy, signed at Agawam House at Ipswich, Massachusetts, on January 14, 1876.
- Nellie E. Rowe, Franklin, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Nellie F. Rowe of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on November 2, 1875 Emma's note: "Married Mar. 1885"
- Edward R. Sanders, signed at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 29, 1875. He drew a very intricate sketch.
- Edward R. Sanders, signed on April 29, 1875
- Albert A. Sargent of Somerville, Massachusetts. Mentions Ballard's Retreat
- H. W. Savage, Cambridge; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- H. W. Savage of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 27, 1877. "You're a Boney" Emma's note: "married 1887"
- Nettie Schlegel, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Walter H. Sears, May 17, 1877; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Clarissa Seaverns, Franklin School, C.C. '76; Emma's note: "married". One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- C. M. Shackford of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on December 13, 1877. Emma's note: "married"
- H. L. Slade of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed on December 1, 1879. Emma's note: "Married 1885"
- Alice L. Smith of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed at Cumberland [no state written] on August 21, 1877 Emma's note: "married 1883"
- The signer didn't write a name, signed a Boston, Massachusetts on April 22, 1878. Emma's note: "Ned Smith, died"
- Charles E. Smith of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed at Boston, Massachusetts, on September 22, 1877. Emma's note: "Married 1885"
- Edgar B. Smith of Chelsea, Massachusetts, signed at C.H.S. on September 12, 1877. Emma's note: "Died Aug. 1888, consumption" He also added his name to the page signed by Frank S. Hersom
- Carrie M. Snow of Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- F. Snow, Jr., Phoenix [presumably Franklin Snow, Jr., who would become Emma's husband in 1881]; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Anna M. Snow, Phoenix [presumably the sister of Franklin Snow, Jr., who became Emma's husband]; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Franklin Snow, Junior, signed on April 16, 1877 and again on October 31, 1878. This was Emma's future husband, whom she married on November 29, 1881
- Carrie M. Snow of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 27, 1879. Emma's note: "Married May 24, 1892. Caroline Matilda Snow, who signed another page in the album as well, was the younger sister of Emma's future husband Franklin Snow, Jr. According to the Massachusetts Marriage Record, Carrie married Clarence B. Knott at Boston, Massachusetts on May 24, 1893, not 1892.
- Charles A. Snow of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 24, 1879. Emma's note: "Married, Feby. 1899" Charles A. Snow was the younger brother of Emma's future husband Franklin Snow, Jr.
- Franklin Snow, Jr., U.S.N., signed on January 22, 1910. I'm not sure who signed this page, Emma's husband Franklin Snow, who was about 50 [he was a junior], or their son Franklin Snow, about 13, or another family member.
- Herbert St. Clair of Down East, signed on August 3, 1876.
- Lizzie E. Stowell of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 18, 1878 Emma's note: "married Feb 1882 [and it looks like another marriage for 1887]. Elizabeth E. Stowell married James Henry Farless in 1882. He died in 1886. Elizabeth E. (Stowell) Farless married Walter L. Sawyer in 1887.
- William S. Stubbs of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on May 21, 1875
- Susie E. Stubbs of Boston, Massachusetts, signed May 21 [no year written]. Emma's note: "Married 1888"
- Belle M. Thompson, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- Belle M. Thompson of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 15, 1876
- Annie M. Toohey, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
- George F. Trowbridge of Dorchester, Massachusetts, signed on September 30, 1877. Emma's note: "Married 1884"
- Albert Van Raalte, signed at Ballard's Retreat on August 17, 1875. He drew a few musical notes.
- Nellie R. Waters of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on August 16, 1875. Mentions Lover's Retreat and Ballard's
- George A. Wellington, signed on February 16, 1879. He drew a cute sketch of a boy and girl fishing and inserted a tintype, presumably of himself, in a slit in the page.
- Charles L. Wells of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on May 13, 1875. Emma's note: "Married Jan. 1886"
- Frank O. Whitney, May 24, 1877; one of 11 who signed a page entitled Phoenix
- Clarence H. Willey of Somerville, Massachusetts, signed on August 7, 1875. Page mentions, North Wakefield; Oak Hill Farm
- M. E. Wyman, Franklin School, C.C. '76. One of 12 students who signed this page, all members of the Centennial Class of 1876 at the Franklin School
109 Dartmouth St., Boston, Massachusetts
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