Lincoln County Educational Association
Annual Session
at Methodist Church, Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Monday and Tuesday, October 9 and 10, 1899
President, G. H. Larrabee, Newcastle
Vice-Presidents - H. H. Chamberlain, Round Pond; George E. Linscott, Jefferson; W. B. Creamer, Waldoboro; W. F. Merrill, Wiscasset
Secretary, A. W. Glidden, Newcastle
Executive Committee - President and Secretary, ex-officio: Mrs. J. E. Nichols, Round Pond; Miss Louise Bliss, Waldoboro; Miss Addie Ames, Jefferson; Miss Gertrude Seavey, Boothbay; Miss Jessie Jackson, Wiscasset; Mr. G. W. Singer, Damariscotta; Miss Elmira Mulligan, Nobleboro
Monday Forenoon - 11 o'clock
Devotional Exercises, Rev. Mr. Wood
Words of Welcome, Rev. Daniel McCormick, Boothbay Harbor
Response, By the President
Patriotism and Citizenship, C. E. Kendrick, Boothbay Harbor
Afternoon - 1:30 o'clock
Questions for the Query Box deposited
Reading for Teachers, A. J. Tuttle, Boothbay Harbor
Discussion, Opened by Principal W. J. Corthell, Gorham
Local History, Charles S. Sewell, Wiscasset
Discussion, Opened by State Supt. W. W. Stetson
General Exercises - a) In the Grammar School, Julia E. Barker, Damariscotta b) In the High School, G. W. Singer, Damariscotta
Discussion, Opened by Mrs. J. E. Nichols, Round Pond
Opening of Query Box
Evening - 7:30 o'clock
Address, Hon. W. J. Corthell, Gorham
Reading, Miss Margaret White, Boothbay Harbor
Address, Hon. W. W. Stetson, State Superintendent
Tuesday Forenoon - 9 o'clock
Botany, George E. Linscott, Jefferson
Discussion, Opened by Miss Abbie Storer, Waldoboro
Outside Work, Miss Myra Dodge, Newcastle
Discussion, Opened by Royal Giles, Boothbay
How Shall the Efficiency of the Schools be Increased?
Discussion, Opened by Col. Oren B. McFadden, Dresden
Followed by all Superintendents of the County
Teachers and school officers desiring free entertainment will send their names to Mr. A. J. Tuttle, Boothbay Harbor, as soon as possible. Those who desire can obtain board at the Boothbay House for $1.50, and at the Weymouth House for $1.25 per day.
Teachers are requested to bring school work.
If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.
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