Hebron Academy Commencement Exercises on the Campus, Wednesday, June 29, 1887, at 2 P.M. Music by Grimmer's Orchestra. Hebron, Maine.
Labore et Honore
Salutatory, The Future of Canada, Ellery C. Park, Mexico
Try Again, Fannie E. Denning, Mechanic Falls
The American Navy, Fred F. Foster, Buckfield
Darkness Brings Out the Stars, May I. Stearns, Paris
Footprints, Wallace E. Day, Turner
A Purpose: The Eternal Condition of Success, Laura B. Beals, Turner
The Fishery Question, Fred H. Marshall, Hebron
Foundation Stones, Alice J. Bradbury, Greene
Chinese Immigration, Percival E. Lowell, Buckfield
A Good Cause Makes a Stout Heart, Nellie A. Day, Turner
Success, Hattie A. Currier, Mechanic Falls
Influence of the Press, Fred S. Irish, Buckfield
Little Lord Fauntleroy, Irene King, South Paris
A Complete Life, Minnie B. Caldwell, Oxford
The Power of Thought, J. Alton Hibbs, Hebron
Sailing or Drifting, Abbie S. Jordan, Upper Gloucester
Ireland and Home Rule, Willard H. Cummings, Hebron
Time Makes Changes, Alice G. Merrill, Freeport
Arctic Explorations, Artel J. Russell, Sumner
Music, Mary A. Denning, Mechanic Falls
The Growth of Mormonism, Austin F. Merrill, Brunswick
Class History, Charles W. Skillings, North Auburn
Class Prophecy, Mabel F. Whitman, Buckfield
Valedictory - Progress, Georgie E. Lawrence, Bryant's Pond
Conferring of Diplomas
Singing Class Ode
If you have information on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
Hebron Academy, still going strong, celebrated its 200th birthday in 2004. I found an interesting history of the school on Wikipedia, which states that the Academy was founded in 1804 by Revolutionary War veterans from Massachusetts who had received land in the District of Maine as compensation for their military service.
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