Wednesday, May 4, 2011

1894 Graduation Program for Freeport High School, Freeport, Maine

1894 Graduation Program for Freeport High School, Freeport, Maine.

Freeport High School Class of 1894
Graduating Exercises
Baptist Church
Friday Evening, June 22, 1894 at 8 o'clock
Music by Lovell's Orchestra

Perseverando Vinces
Order of Exercises
Salutatory and Essay....The Value of an Ideal....Helen Cummings Soule
Essay....Discipline of True Education............*Abbie Ella Soule
Class Essay.........Influence of Music......§Bessie May Jordan
Class Essay.....Words................†Grace Marion Mitchell

Oration..............A Plea for Increased Naval Strength ........ .............................§Edward Oakes Cushing
Class Essay......Progress of Woman..........†Lucy Burnham Burr
Class History.......................§Charles Arthur Warren
Class Prophecy...................*Fred Cobb Greene
Essay and Valedictory........Books..............§Theresa Helen Soule
Presentation of Diplomas
Class Ode

*English Course
†Classical Course
§College Course

The fact that three of these people shared the same surname, Soule, led me to look to see if they were related, possibly sisters or cousins.  From what I've found, they were not sisters, nor were they cousins.  Soule was, and is, a very common surname in Maine.  

Valedictorian Theresa Helen Soule was born in July 1876 or 1877, the daughter of Sidney and Helen (Thorne) Soule; she married Jesse Loring Rhymes.

Salutatorian Helen Cummings Soule was born in 1876, the daughter of Charles William Soule and Margaret A. (Chase) Soule.    

Abbie Ella Soule was born 19 August 1876, the daughter of Lewis P. and Adelia A. (Soule) Soule.

If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.


  1. My grandmother, Bertha Maria Small nee Davis, graduated from Freeport High School in 1899. I was always told that was the 1st graduating class. Obviously not. Can you enlighten me?

  2. I found an 1886 reference to a high school in Freeport at the Corner. However, could it be that your grandmother graduated from a fancy new replacement building, finished in time for the Class of 1899? Here's the link to the Freeport Library, which has a history room, The Bartol Room, where the reference librarian could help you:
    Thanks for taking the time to comment - and thanks for the nudge that helped me discover the Bartol Room!
