- at the Winthrop School for Girls in Boston, Massachusetts
- at Framingham State Normal School in Framingham, Massachusetts
- in her home area of Osterville, a village in Barnstable, Massachusetts
Bertha was born in 1861, the daughter of Russell Lovell and second wife Eliza Robbins (Goodspeeed) Lovell and was married in 1898 at Osterville, Massachusetts, to Samuel Worthington Hallett (1858-1929). At the time of their marriage, Bertha was a teacher and Samuel, a superintendent of schools.
The album measures approximately 8" by 5-1/4" and contains the sentiments of over 100 of Bertha's relatives, friends, schoolmates and possibly teachers. An alphabetical list of the inscribers appears below.
Many of the sentiments were full of reminiscences of school and adventures, with some pages full to overflowing, such as the 2-1/2 page sentiment left by F. E. C., shown below. Could F. E. C. have been Florence E. Cummings of New Bedford, Massachusetts, presumably also a student at Framingham State Normal School, who left another sentiment?
Florence E. Cummings of New Bedford, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on January 1, 1879
If you have information on any of the people mentioned here, please leave a comment for the benefit of fellow family historians and researchers.
Alphabetical List of Inscribers
- F. E. C.; inscribed a 2-1/2 page sentiment on June 2, 1878. First name might be Fran, as noticed in the middle of the sentiment.
- Written program for an 1878 event, Concord Teachers Institute
- T. ?; possibly Almosnino; inscribed on April 16, 1875
- Edith; schoolmate; inscribed on April 20, 1875; presumably at the Winthrop School
- Emma H. Adler; inscribed at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 20, 1875
- Lizzie L. Ames of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on August 26, 1875.
- W. C. Ballard of Framingham, Massachusetts; inscribed on November 17, 1877
- Carrie A. Barber of Bernardston, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on June 9, 1878
- Jennie Barlow of Lawrence, Kansas; inscribed at State Normal School on June 5, 1879; many reminiscences
- Althea W. Barry of Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on January 20, 1878; sketch of a sprite with a pinwheel, flying hat and butterfly
- Bessie Beach of Rome, New York; inscribed on April 30, 1879; shared the page with Helen I. Merrill of Auburndale, Massachusetts, and Lissie A. Malloy of Salmon Falls, New Hampshire
- Annie E. Boleman of Boston, Massachusetts
- Frank M. Boult of Osterville, Massachusetts
- Sarah H. Boult of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 10, 1876
- Maggie G. Bow - not sure of surname; inscribed on May 3, no year written
- Delia F. Brigham of Northborough, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on March 29, 1879
- S. Lizzie Brown of Hyde Park, Massachusetts; inscribed at "Normal", on June 12, 1878
- Susan Putnam Burnham of Cambridge, Massachusetts; inscribed on June 5, 1879
- Minnie B. Carpenter of Milford, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School in March 1879
- Grace Cauldwell; inscribed on July 18, 1875
- Mary Cauldwell of Washington, D.C.; inscribed on July 18, 1875
- L. P. Chany; inscribed on April 11, 1875
- Gertrude A. Chase of the Winthrop School; inscribed at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 3, 1875
- Emily L. Clark; inscribed on April 29, 1875
- Kate F. Cleaves
- Belle C. Cook of Mendon, Massachusetts; inscribed at June 13, 1878
- M. Louise Crawford of Winthrop School; inscribed on March 30, 1875
- J. C. Crosby of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 10, 1876
- Willie W. Crosby of Osterville, Massachusetts
- Florence E. Cummings of New Bedford, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on January 1, 1879
- Marcia C. Darling of Franklin, Massachusetts; inscribed on October 20, 1878
- Jennie A. Davey of Southborough, Massachusetts; inscribed on May 6, 1879, presumably at Framingham State Normal School; shared the page with Mary F. Doyle of Southborough, Massachusetts
- Mary F. Doyle of Southborough, Massachusetts; inscribed on May 6, 1879, presumably at Framingham State Normal School; shared the page with Jennie A. Davey of Southborough, Massachusetts
- Emily Dyer of Newton, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on June 14, 1878. Middle initial J or G
- Bertha L. Eberman; inscribed on April 28, 1875
- Lillia M. Elliot of Brunswick, Maine; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, in June 1878
- Susie M. Emerson of Chelmsford, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on March 17, 1879
- Jessie F. Emery of Framingham, Massachusetts
- Alice G. Fenner of the Winthrop School; inscribed on April 28, 1875
- L. C. Girard; inscribed the 18th of April in 1875; inscription in French
- Sadie Girard; sentiment in French
- Lizzie A. Goodspeed of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on June 15, 1875
- Agnes V. Green; inscribed at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 25, 1875
- Alice M. Greenwood of Natick, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on March 5, 1879
- Ida M. Hall of Osterville, Massachusetts
- Arthur E. Harding of East Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on September 2, 1878
- Hattie J. Harlow of Southborough, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 11, 1879
- Edith L. Herrick of Winthrop School in Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on April 29, 1875
- Jennie F. Hildreth of Northborough, Massachusetts; inscribed on June 18, 1878
- Jennie L. Hinckley of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on August 30, 1878. Many memories mentioned: Yarmouth Camp Ground, August 9 to 19, 1878. "Our ride to Yarmouth with the white horse. M. C. B. Walks from Hyannis
- Jessie F. Hinckley of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 10, 1876
- Carrie L. Hodgdon of South Berwick, Maine; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School in 1878
- Florence L. Jewett
- Emma F. Kelley of Winthrop School; inscribed at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 3, 1875
- Lizzie B. Kendall of Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on June 22, 1878
- Minnie C. Laird of Worcester, Massachusetts
- Jennie E. Lametre of Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on April 18, 1875
- Susie O. Lane; inscribed at Braintree, Massachusetts, on March 30, 1875
- Nettie W. Linnell of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on August 27, 1875
- William H. Linnell of East Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on September 2, 1878
- Alice B. Lovell of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on August 26, 1875
- Bertha Lovell, Miss, of Osterville, Massachusetts; album owner; student at the Winthrop School in Boston and later at Framingham State Normal School; inscribed her name on March 1, 1876
- Fannie A. Lovell of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on August 27, 1875
- Rosa P. Lovell of Osterville, Massachusetts; Bertha's cousin. Rosa Parker Lovell (1861-1884), whose father, Horace Sexton Lovell, was a brother to Bertha's father, Russell Lovell. Rosa would marry Joseph Coffin Crosby but die within half a year.
- Nellie W. Lucas of Newton, Massachusetts
- Fannie K. Lyman of the Winthrop School; inscribed at Boston, Massachusetts, on April 2, 1875
- Lissie A. Malloy of Salmon Falls, New Hampshire; inscribed on May 2, 1879; shared the page with Helen I. Merrill of Auburndale, Massachusetts; and Bessie Beach of Rome, New York
- C. P. McDonald; inscribed at Winthrop School
- Katie McNamara of Milford, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on March 16, 1879
- Mary E. Merrihew of New Bedford, Massachusetts; inscribed on 15 November 1877
- Helen I. Merrill of Auburndale, Massachusetts; inscribed at Normal School on March 25, 1879; shared the page with Bessie Beach of Rome, New York, and Lissie A. Malloy of Salmon Falls, New Hampshire
- Annie Merry; inscribed on April 1, 1875 at Boston, Massachusetts
- Anna Waldron Morton of Salmon Falls, New Hampshire; inscribed on January 14, 1879
- Walter H. Mowry of Providence, Rhode Island; inscribed on July 21, 1877
- Annie M. Olsson of Winthrop School; inscribed on April 26, 1875
- Lottie E. Paine; inscribed on March 24, 1879
- Cora A. Parker of Osterville, Massachusetts
- Harry L. Phinney of Taunton, Massachusetts; inscribed on August 4, 1877
- Agnes Plimpton of Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on April 21, 1875
- Belle F. Runyon of East Orange, New Jersey; inscribed on July 27, 1877
- Florence Runyon of East Orange, no state written, but another inscriber, Belle F. Runyon, mentioned East Orange, New Jersey
- Gertrude Samson of West Medford,Massachusetts; inscribed on June 15, 1879
- Minnie Sears; inscribed on April 16, 1875
- Corie B. Sherman of Douglas, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on May 28, 1878
- Lizzie S. Small of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed in 1878
- Alice M. Stockwell of Gardner, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on January 13, 1878
- Nellie I. Stockwell of South Gardner, Massachusetts
- Katherine H. Stone; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on April 29, 1879
- May C. Swift of Vershire, Vermont; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School on May 27, 1878
- Edith E. Taggart of Ashland, Massachusetts; inscribed on June 20, 1878
- Ida M. Taylor of Natick, Massachusetts
- Anna W. Ticknor of Fitchburg, Massachusetts; Class of 1878 at Framington State Normal School
- Helen S. Tolman of West Newton, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 22, 1879
- Nellie Townsend of Burlington, Vermont
- Hattie H. True of Natick, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham, Massachusetts, on January 14, 1879
- Emma K. Valentine; inscribed on April 16, 1875
- Frank E. West of Osterville, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 4, 1877
- Lottie H. West of Osterville, Massachusetts
- Olive J. West of Osterville, Massachusetts
- E. P. Whelden; inscribed at W. Barnstable in 1875
- Nellie T. Winslow of East Pepperell, Massachusetts; inscribed at Framingham State Normal School in April 1878; full page of reminiscences
- Philippina Zeuner of Boston, Massachusetts; inscribed on April 26, 1875
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