Monday, October 17, 2022

1863 Legal Document, York County, Maine - Luther S. Moore of Limerick, Maine; Mr. Mason; the Alfred Bank

1863-1865 legal document from Alfred, Maine, shiretown of York County; pertaining to Luther S. Moore of Limerick, Maine, a Mr. Mason and their dealings at the Alfred Bank at Alfred, Maine.

Luther S. Moore - presumably Luther Sanborn Moore (1821-1892) of Limerick, Maine. He was educated at Limerick Academy and Harvard Law School, farmed in Limerick and served in the Maine State Legislature, where he was speaker of the Maine Senate in 1854.  See his photograph on the The Maine Memory Network.

Mr. Mason - perhaps Thomas Mason (1826-1878) of Limerick

The Alfred Bank - incorporated in 1855.  This interesting history of the Bank mentions that Luther Moore failed in 1863, to the tune of $10,000; there's no mention of a Mr. Mason.

If you have a theory as to the correct identities of Luther S. Moore and Mr. Mason, please leave a comment for the benefit of other family researchers.

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