Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Thomaston, Maine, in the 1820 Census - then in Lincoln County; as of 1860 in Knox County

Thomaston, Maine, in the 1820 Census - then in Lincoln County; as of 1860 in Knox County.

Some of the heads of households in Thomaston had notations indicating they were living on islands, but those islands were not named specifically.  See the list farther below.

Boundary changes since 1820:
  • part of Warren annexed in 1864
  • land set off in 1848 to form East Thomaston (name changed to Rockland in 1850) and South Thomaston
  • additional land set off to East Thomaston (Rockland, as of 1850) in 1849, and some of Rockland annexed in 1852
  • parts of Cushing annexed in 1891 and 1909

See an alphabetical list of the heads of households farther below.   Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.

Enumerated population of Thomaston in the 1820 Census: 2651 inhabitants.

Enumerator: Thurston Whiting

The enumeration of Thomaston appears on Sheets 257-265; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.

This particular enumerator's handwriting, his use of abbreviations and the smears on his sheets have made indexing his enumerations particularly difficult.  Please look over the total list to be sure you haven't missed the person you're seeking.

If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Heads of Households; Sheet Number; living on Islands, if appropriate
Jacob Acorn260
Joseph Adams260
Joshua Adams261
John Allen - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Joshua Allen260
Nathan Allen261
Samuel Allen - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Jonathan Ames259
John Anderson - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Amos Andrews - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
John Andrews - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Aaron Austin261
Samuel Baker265
John Barnard257
Otis Barrows260
Eleanor Bartlett265
Joshua Bartlett262
Knott Bartlett261
Asa Bennett258
Eliza Bentley260
Isaac Bernard260
? Berry - possibly Jeremiah Berry260
Joseph Berry258
William Biskoy265
Benjamin Blackington261
James Blackington258
James Blackington261
John Blackington258
Nathan Blackington261
Simon Blood258
Simon Blood259
George Bowers264
Wyman Bradbury264
Edward Breck - faint; not sure of either name258
William Brenton263
Darius Brewster260
Benjamin Brown260
Edward Brown257
Isaac Brown260
Isaac Brown263
John Brown260
William Brown260
John Bryant264
Isaac Bunker263
John Burling259
James Burnham257
Brackett Buttler263
Briggs Buttler263
James Buttler264
John Buttler263
Phineas Buttler263
William Buttler258
William Buttler263
Thomas Calley or Thomas Callsy263
James Carney - not sure of surname263
Mary Eaton or Mary Caton260
John Champney259
Ralph Chapman265
Sarah Chapman258
Nathan Silley - perhaps Nathan Cilley259
Ichabod Colson264
Marlborough Conant265
Eliphalet Conner257
Abijah Coombs258
Asa Coombs - not sure of given name - faint264
George Coombs264
George W. Coombs265
Joseph Coombs262
Benjamin Cooper261
George B. Cooper261
Nathaniel Copeland260
Rufus Counce258
David Creighton261
David Crockett262
David Crockett, Jr.260
Enos Crockett262
Jonathan Crockett265
Jonathan Crockett, Jr.264
Rebecca Crockett264
Robert Crockett261
George Crompton259
Frederick Croner264
David Crouch262
Henry Day261
Benjamin S. Dean262
Jonas Dean264
Samuel Dean262
Susan Dodge258
Betsey Dow258
Charles Dyer265
Isaac Dyer262
James Eaton258
Mary Eaton or Mary Caton260
Amos Edy262
Ambrose Eliot262
George Emery262
John Emery262
Jonas Emery262
David Everett265
Zephaniah Everton257
David Fales259
David Fales, Jr.258
David S. Fales258
Elisha Fales259
George Fales259
James Fales, 3d264
James Fales, 4th263
James Fales, Jr.258
Leonard Fales258
Nathaniel Fales259
Noyes Fales259
Oliver Fales263
Samuel Fales259
Willard Fales258
William Fales259
William Flint257
Daniel Foster261
Joseph Fowler258
Jacob K. French259
Samuel Fuller259
Benjamin A. Gallop260
George T. Garland258
David Gay263
James Getchell262
Joseph Gilchriest258
John Gleason259
David Gloyd258
Serviah Gordon265
George Grafton264
William Graves262
Leverett Gray261
Ballard Green258
David Green264
Israel Gregory261
Benjamin Hall263
Elijah Hall263
Lewis Hall265
Samuel Hammond260
Sewall Hancock259
Freeman Harding265
Otis Harding261
George Harrington or Hanington263
Steward Harrington - has "Isl." written to the left - perhaps connoting an island household262
Francis Haskell262
Francis Haskell, Jr.262
Isaiah Haskell264
John Haskell259
John Haskell262
Jerusha Hastings258
John Hawk259
Luther Hayden264
Eliphaz Healey259
Halsey Healey258
Harvey Healey260
Welcome Healey260
Abigail Heard262
Moses Heard - not sure of given name262
Robert Heard262
Luther Hearsay - presumably Hearsey or Hersey261
James Hebner263
William Henderson258
Samuel Hicks265
Thomas Hicks265
Abel Hildreth258
Bernard Holmes265
Charles Holmes263
Elijah Holmes265
John H. Ingraham259
Bernard Ingraham265
Coit Ingraham263
Isaac Ingraham265
Job Ingraham265
Joseph Ingraham260
Joseph Ingraham265
Josiah Ingraham265
Martha Isley260
Roland Jacobs257
Charles Jameson261
John Jameson - has "Isl." written to the left - perhaps connoting an island household262
Robert Jameson261
Robert Jameson, Jr.262
David Jenks259
David Jenks, Jr.257
Ebenezer Jordan262
Oliver Jordan258
Joseph Jumper264
Richard Keating262
William Keef - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Jacob Keen260
John Keen260
Experience Keith258
Findly Kelloch263
Findly Kelloch, Jr.262
John Kelloch265
John Kelloch, Jr.263
Matthew Kelloch263
Moses Kelloch262
Lois Kelsea - not sure of either name262
Lydia Kelsea261
William Kelsea258
Henry Kenniston259
Moses Kenniston257
Samuel Kenny259
Iddo Kimball264
William Kimball257
Ephraim Knowlton264
Lucy Knox - presumably Lucy (Flucker) Knox (1756-1824), widow of Henry Knox259
Jonathan Lambson260
Adam Levenseller257
Isaac Lincoln258
Luther Lincoln259
George Lindsey264
Nathaniel Lindsey265
Abraham Lish or Abraham Lisk259
Dennis Long261
Enoch Lovejoy260
John Lovejoy264
Rosamus Lowell261
Abijah Luce262
Betsey Lyman259
Jonathan Maker264
Sylvester Manning261
Martin Marsh260
Jonas Mason258
Anthony Mathews264
John McAllister264
Eliza McIntash - presumably McIntosh258
Henry McIntash - presumably McIntosh259
Thomas McIntyre259
Ephraim McLellam - perhaps meant McLellan263
George McLellan258
Thomas McLellan259
William Melune264
Eli Merrill258
Mary Merryman261
James Miller263
Stewett Mitchel or Hewett Mitchel258
Hugh Monroe261
John Monroe260
Martin Monroe259
William Montgomery262
Jabez Morse261
James Morse261
John Morse261
Aaron Mousman260
Reuben Mousman - presumably Reuben Mosman258
William Newcomb263
William Nickerson258
James O'Neal261
Benjamin Packard262
David Packard262
Isaac Packard262
James Packard260
Nathaniel Packard260
Samuel Packard260
John Paine257
Snow Paine257
Daniel Palmer261
Josiah Parker261
James Partridge263
Sarah Parsons258
Ebenezer Patten - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
John Paul261
Mary Paul262
Solomon Peabody - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Barzillai Pearce263
William Perkins - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Job Perry - not sure of surname265
Joseph Perry265
William Perry261
Jeremiah Philbrook265
William Phillips260
John Pilsbury262
Joseph Pilsbury262
Joseph Pilsbury, 2d262
Nathan Pilsbury265
Nathaniel Pilsbury263
Enoch Post262
Stephen Post262
Stephen Post, Jr.262
Zechariah Post261
Hazekiah Prince259
William Rackleff262
Michael Raleigh - household on one of Muscle Ridge Islands264
Job Randall257
Andrew Renkin264
Samuel Renkin264
Abner Rice259
Jesse Rice259
Jesse Rice265
Thomas Richardson258
John B. Rider257
Arunah Robbins261
Oliver Robbins261
Otis Robbins263
Otis Robbins, Jr.265
Shepard Robbins263
George Robinson264
James Robinson263
Samuel Robinson262
William Robinson258
Rice Rowell264
Margaret Ruscoe257
Eliza Sayward258
George Sayward263
Joseph Sayward263
Lydia Sayward264
Richard Sayward258
Gideon Sevey258
Reuben Sharer - presumably Reuben Sherer (1783-1863)260
Charles Sherman262
Nathan Sherman261
Nathan Sherman, Jr.261
Robert Shibles257
Nathan Silley - perhaps Nathan Cilley259
Abraham Simonton263
Henry Simonton263
John Simonton263
John Simonton, Jr.265
William Singer263
Benjamin Sleeper262
Jeremiah Sleeper262
Jesse Sleeper264
Nathaniel Sleeper261
William Sleeper261
Jonathan Small265
Benjamin Smalley263
Leonard Smith260
Rhoda Smith259
Richard Smith260
Benjamin Snow264
Elisha Snow264
Elisha Snow, Jr.264
John Snow262
Mary Snow263
Robert Snow262
Ruth Snow264
John Snowdeal262
William Southworth259
John Spafford264
Lucy Spafford263
James Spaulding264
Jedediah Spaulding261
Josiah Spaulding264
Robert Spaulding264
Stephen Spaulding264
Elkanah Spear260
Henry Spear261
Isaac Spear263
James Spear261
John Spear263
John Spear, Jr.263
Jonathan Spear263
Mary Spear263
William Spear263
Joseph Sprague259
James Stackpole259
John Stackpole258
Joseph Stackpole263
Judith Stackpole258
William Stackpole263
Charles Starrett258
Franklin Stearns259
William Stevens259
George Stevens260
Nancy Stevens261
Nathaniel Stevens259
Thomas Stevens260
Brown Stimpson259
Elias Story257
Henry S. Swasey259
David Sweetland262
James Sweetland262
Ebenezer Thatcher258
Samuel Thayer263
Eben Thompson263
John Thompson263
Stephen Thompson258
Joseph Thorndike - has "Isl." written to the left - perhaps connoting an island household262
Robert Thorndike262
Gilbert Tilson258
Perez Tilson259
William Tilson260
Calvin Tolman261
Curtis Tolman260
Eliot Tolman260
Isaiah Tolman260
Jeremiah Tolman260
Josiah Tolman260
Thomas Tolman260
Jacob Trafton261
Joshua Trussell264
Benjamin Tucker257
Andrew Ulmer264
George Ulmer261
Jacob Ulmer260
Jacob Ulmer, Jr.260
Martin Ulmer264
Matthias Ulmer260
Philip Ulmer260
James Vanson - put perhaps James Hanson or James Manson257
Sarah Vose258
Roland Wade262
Job Washburn259
David Watson260
David Watson, Jr.260
James Watson257
Mary Watson257
Nathaniel Watson263
Barnabas Webb258
Lydia Webb259
William Welch259
William Welch, Jr. - partly obliterated but follows William Welch and looks similar259
James D. Wheaton258
Joseph Wheeden
George White258
Haynes Whitney259
John Whittier265
Benjamin Williams263
Benjamin Williams, Jr.263
Daniel Williams263
Peter Williams263
Preserved Willis261
Benjamin Witham265
Jeremiah Witham - not sure of given name265
Nathaniel Woodcock257
Patrick Woodcock257
George Wooster260
Ebenezer S. Young257
Gideon Young257

Thomaston, Maine, in 2020 (without Rockland, Maine)

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