Boothbay, Maine, in Lincoln County, in the 1820 Census - then included Boothbay Harbor and Southport.
Boundary changes since 1820:
- Townsend (now Southport) set off in 1842
- Boothbay Harbor set off in 1889
Note: the 1820 Census lists heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of people within a household by age range and gender.
Enumerator: Jesse Page
Note: Some of the pages appear mixed up, with aggregates missing where you would expect them and appearing somewhere in the middle of another town's enumeration.
For best results, check all of the towns that Jesse Page enumerated:
Enumerated total population of Boothbay - 1950 inhabitants
The enumeration of Boothbay appears on Sheets 312-325 [the Boothbay aggregate is at the top of Sheet 312, with Monhegan Island following; then followed by several sheets with Boothbay written in the margin; Sheet 325 is Newcastle with a few names at the bottom with Boothbay in the margin.]
The enumerator's occasional use of phonetic spellings may have affected alphabetization of the list below. Please be sure to check the entire list for the person you're researching.
In addition, this enumerator's
name suffixes - "Jr.", "2d", 3d", etc., are hard to tease out; I may have confused a name suffix with a middle initial, since Jesse Page listed heads of households by last name, given name, suffix or middle initial. [In some online indexing of the towns Jesse Page enumerated, people's names are indexed backwards.]
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households, all on Sheet 312
Ephraim ? | 312 |
John ?, Jr. - surname obscured | 318 |
Stephen ? - surname obscured | 318 |
Henry Abbot | 315 |
John Abbot | 320 |
David Adams | 323 |
David R. Adams or David Adams, Jr. | 317 |
James Adams | 321 |
Richard Adams | 323 |
Samuel Adams | 321 |
Sarah Adams | 317 |
Danuel Alley or Panuel Alley - not sure of given name | 322 |
John Alley | 313 |
John Alley | 322 |
Jacob Alls | 314 |
James Alls | 323 |
William Alls | 323 |
John Andrews | 322 |
Winthrop Andrews | 322 |
Daniel Averill, Jr. | 314 |
Asa Baker | 313 |
Lewis Ball | 320 |
Benjamin Barten | 315 |
John Barter | 316 |
John Barter, 2d | 315 |
Joseph Barter | 315 |
Joseph Barter, Jr. | 315 |
Josiah Barter | 315 |
Judy Barter | 315 |
Samuel Barter | 315 |
Widow Barter | 315 |
Joseph Beath | 314 |
Jeremiah Beeth | 323 |
John Bennet | 322 |
James Benning | 315 |
Joseph Booker | 323 |
Alexander Boyed | 324 |
Ebenezer Boyed | 323 |
George W. Boyed | 323 |
Samuel Boyed | 324 |
William Bragg | 313 |
William Bragg | 321 |
James Brewer | 314 |
Samuel Brewer | 314 |
David Brown | 323 |
John Brown | 323 |
Elkana Bryer | 324 |
Elkana Bryer, Jr. | 324 |
John Bryer | 323 |
Joseph Bryer | 324 |
Robert Bryer | 323 |
Samuel Bryer | 324 |
Samuel Bryer, Jr. | 324 |
Samuel Bryer, Jr. or 2d | 324 |
William Bryer | 323 |
William Bryer, 2d | 316 |
William Bryer, Jr. | 318 |
Susannah Burks | 313 |
John Burnham | 325 |
John Cameron | 319 |
Daniel Cammeron | 319 |
William Cammon | 320 |
James Campbell | 314 |
Joseph Campbell | 314 |
Michael Campbell | 324 |
William Campbell | 315 |
Joseph Carlile | 324 |
William Carlile | 323 |
William Clark | 317 |
Ebenezer Clefford | 321 |
Francis Crooker | 313 |
Patience Currier | 320 |
Joshua Cushing - suffix is possibly "Jr." | 321 |
David Day | 315 |
Abraham Decker | 320 |
Abraham Decker, Jr. | 320 |
Ebenezer Decker | 320 |
John Decker | 319 |
John Decker, 2d | 318 |
Thomas Decker | 320 |
Thomas Decker, 3d | 319 |
Thomas Decker, Jr. | 320 |
William Decker | 320 |
Nathan Dole | 313 |
Samuel Donnell | 321 |
Timothy Dunbar | 316 |
William Dunbar | 316 |
William Durant | 318 |
Edward Emmerson | 325 |
John Emmerson | 313 |
William Emmerson | 313 |
David Emmery | 318 |
William Farnum | 321 |
Janet Fisher | 314 |
Isaac Foss | 321 |
John Fuller - not sure of surname | 317 |
John Fullerton | 314 |
Samuel Gibbs | 323 |
John Giles | 312 |
John Giles | 317 |
Thomas Grant | 325 |
Amos Gray | 321 |
Francis Gray | 319 |
Henry Gray | 321 |
John Grimes | 322 |
Joseph Grimes | 322 |
John Growver | 322 |
Joseph Hoop or Joseph Hoofs or Joseph Hooss | 323 |
Benjamin Harris | 314 |
Samuel Harris | 318 |
Samuel Harris, Jr. | 319 |
William Harris | 319 |
Benjamin Hodgdon | 318 |
John Hodgdon | 318 |
John Hodgdon | 320 |
Tylor Hodgdon | 316 |
Ezekiel Holbrook | 322 |
Jeremiah Holton | 323 |
John Holton | 323 |
Joseph Hoop or Joseph Hoofs or Joseph Hooss | 323 |
Cornelius Horn | 319 |
Joseph Horn | 319 |
Stephen Horn | 319 |
William Horn | 319 |
Andrew Hutchings | 317 |
Benjamin Hutchings - not sure of given name | 317 |
Frederick Hutchings | 317 |
John Hutchings | 317 |
Jonathan Hutchings | 324 |
John Ingraham | 320 |
Isaac Kelley | 324 |
John Kelley | 324 |
Anny Kennedy | 313 |
Henry Kennedy | 317 |
William Kennedy | 324 |
David Kenneston | 323 |
Abijah Kenney | 321 |
Samuel Kenney | 316 |
Jonathan Kent | 316 |
Henry Kimball | 316 |
John Knights | 314 |
Nathaniel Knights | 322 |
Nichols Knights | 323 |
Samuel Knights | 325 |
Daniel Landerkin | 313 |
John Landerken | 312 |
Richard Landerkin | 313 |
Andrew Langdon | 317 |
Samuel Laswell | 315 |
John Leachman | 314 |
Edward Sergent or Lergent | 314 |
Walter Lennekin | 322 |
Giles Lewis | 315 |
Isaac Lewis | 316 |
John Lewis | 316 |
John Lewis, 2d | 324 |
John Lewis, 2d - not sure of 2d | 315 |
Lemuel Lewis | 316 |
Samuel Lewis | 313 |
Stephen Lewis | 316 |
Stephen Lewis, Jr. | 316 |
William A. Lewis | 321 |
William Lewis | 316 |
Ephraim Linnerkin | 322 |
George Love | 318 |
John Love | 314 |
John Love | 320 |
Samuel Lumas | 317 |
Ebenezer Lundy - not sure of surname | 321 |
Daniel Matthews | 317 |
John Matthews | 316 |
Joseph Matthews | 316 |
William Matthews | 314 |
John McClentick | 317 |
Ephraim McCobb | 324 |
John McCobb, 2d | 318 |
Joseph McCobb | 314 |
Paul McCobb | 321 |
Samuel McCobb | 324 |
William McCobb | 315 |
John McCown | 320 |
William McCown | 318 |
Andrew McFarland | 314 |
John M. McFarland | 314 |
Benjamin McFarling - not sure of surname | 315 |
Thomas McGlothrin - not sure of surname | 315 |
George Merrell | 321 |
David Merry | 313 |
James Montgomery | 323 |
Nathaniel Montgomery | 322 |
Widow Montgomery | 314 |
William Montgomery | 314 |
James Murrey | 322 |
Jonathan Morrison | 318 |
Samuel Murry | 322 |
John Neal | 318 |
John Norwood | 314 |
George Page | 322 |
Maddocks Pellsgrove | 319 |
David Pierce | 319 |
Elisabeth Pierce | 319 |
George W. Pierce | 319 |
Jonathan Pierce | 319 |
Joseph Pierce | 319 |
Joseph Pierce, Jr. | 319 |
Silvester Pierce | 319 |
Andrew Pinkham | 320 |
Benjamin Pinkham | 315 |
Benjamin Pinkham | 324 |
Calvin Pinkham | 315 |
Calvin Pinkham, Jr. | 315 |
David Pinkham | 317 |
Ichabod Pinkham | 318 |
Isaac Pinkham | 317 |
John Pinkham | 324 |
John Pinkham, 2d | 324 |
Mary Pinkham | 313 |
Nathaniel Pinkham | 313 |
Nathaniel Pinkham | 315 |
Nathaniel Pinkham | 324 |
Samuel Pinkham | 315 |
John Poor | 319 |
Ebenezer Prebble | 320 |
John Rackley | 314 |
Benjamin Rackliff | 322 |
Betsey Rackliff | 323 |
John Rann | 319 |
Alexander Reed | 321 |
Andrew Reed, 2d | 316 |
Andrew Reed, 3d | 320 |
Andrew Reed, 4th | 316 |
David Reed | 318 |
David Reed - suffix possibly "Jr." | 318 |
David Reed, 2nd | 318 |
David Reed, 3d | 313 |
Henry Reed | 324 |
John M. Reed | 318 |
John Reed, 2d | 320 |
Matthew Reed | 313 |
Paul Reed | 320 |
Paul Reed, 2d | 321 |
Robert Reed | 320 |
Robert Reed, 2d | 318 |
Robert Reed, 3d | 318 |
Sarah Reed | 313 |
William M. Reed | 314 |
William Reed | 318 |
William Reed | 321 |
Michael Robbinson | 322 |
Daniel Rose | 321 |
Thomas Rowel | 319 |
George Rowe | 322 |
Jacob Sawyer | 316 |
Thomas Seargent | 322 |
Edward Sergent or Lergent | 314 |
Abial Sherman | 313 |
Ebenezer Sherman | 313 |
Eleazer Sherman | 312 |
Elisha Sherman | 313 |
Rogger Sherman | 313 |
John Slowman | 319 |
Samuel G. Smith - possibly James G. Smith | 316 |
John Southward | 316 |
Amasa Spafford or Stafford | 320 |
Abraham Springer | 314 |
Dependance Stover | 315 |
John Stover | 317 |
Joseph Stover | 317 |
Samuel Stover | 316 |
Susannah Stover | 317 |
William Stover | 315 |
John Swett | 318 |
Joseph Tallman | 321 |
Samuel Thompson | 318 |
Samuel Thompson, Jr. | 320 |
William Thompson | 318 |
Lewis Thropp | 316 |
Giles Tibbets | 317 |
Giles Tibbets, Jr. | 317 |
James Tibbets | 316 |
John Tibbets | 317 |
Joseph Tibbets | 313 |
Mark Tibbets | 317 |
Nathaniel Tibbets | 320 |
Samuel Tibbets | 316 |
Obediah Trask | 324 |
William Trask | 324 |
Ebenezer Varnum | 322 |
John Varnum | 322 |
Jonathan Varnum | 322 |
Francis Wadsworth | 325 |
Israel Walton | 318 |
John Walton | 319 |
Samuel Walton | 319 |
Ezekiel Webber | 323 |
John Webber | 317 |
Stephen Webber | 319 |
Isaac Weston | 323 |
Benjamin Wheeler | 324 |
Edmund Wilson | 321 |
Samuel Wilson | 319 |
Alen Wyllie or Alexander Wyllie or ? | 317 |
John Wyllie | 313 |
Robert Wyllie | 313 |
Robert Wyllie | 321 |
Robert Wyllie, 3d | 317 |
Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor and Southport in 2020
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