Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Nobleborough, Maine, in the 1820 Census - now Nobleboro

Nobleborough, Maine, in the 1820 Census - now Nobleboro.  The enumerator wrote both  Nobleborough and Noblesborough in the margins.  The town is now known as Nobleboro.

Boundary changes since 1820: land set off to form Damariscotta in 1847

Note: the 1820 Census lists heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of people within a household by age range and gender.

Enumerator: Jesse Page

Total enumerated population of Nobleborough - 1583 inhabitants

The enumeration of Nobleborough appears on Sheets 333-342; use the arrow at top left to page forward. Note: The tally aggregates for Nobleborough appear on the first Nobleborough sheet in the sequence.

The enumerator's occasional use of phonetic spellings may have affected alphabetization of the list below.  Please be sure to check the entire list for the person you're researching.  Among the surnames that come to mind:
  • Bestow - possibly Barstow
  • Nolton - presumably Knowlton
  • Woolts - presumably Woltz

If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Heads of Households, Sheet Numbers
John Austin336
Samuel Austin336
Moses Baker339
Samuel Ballard340
James Benner333
John Benner333
Joshua Benner333
Benjamin Bestow - presumably Benjamin Barstow338
Benjamin Bestow - presumably Benjamin Barstow341
Betsey Bestow - presumably Betsey Barstow341
George Bestow - presumably George Barstow341
John Blackstone337
Samuel Bowland or Samuel Rowland339
Mary Brenton340
James Brown335
Amasa Bryant335
Nathaniel Bryant339
Widow Burns333
George Collense or George Colleme or ?338
Anthony Chapman342
Benjamin Chapman - suffix is either Jr. or 2d342
Benjamin Chapman, 3d342
Jacob Chapman338
Jeremiah Chapman340
Jesse Chapman338
John Chapman340
John Chapman342
John Chapman, 3d342
Jonathan Chapman335
Joseph Chapman - has a name suffix, possibly Jr. or 3d342
Joseph Chapman, Jr.342
Michael Chapman342
Nathan Chapman335
Nathaniel Chapman342
Nathaniel Chapman, 2d341
Nathaniel Chapman, Jr.342
Robert Chapman341
Ruben Chapman341
Thomas Chapman342
Thomas Chapman, Jr.342
William Chapman335
William Chapman342
Nathaniel Clapp340
John Clark335
Stephen Coffin341
George Collense or George Colleme or ?338
Matthew Cotrill341
Timothy Curtis339
William Davis337
Widow Dawsey341
Benjamin Day342
Daniel Day340
David Dennis340
Asa Densmore336
Elijah Dunbar337
Jesse Dunbar335
John Dunbar337
Joseph Dunbar337
John Dunlap336
Robert Egarton340
Benjamin Eugley337
George Eugley333
Jacob Eugley337
Samuel A. Flagg336
Benjamin Flint341
Daniel Flint341
Ebenezer Flint341
Jesse Flint341
Jesse Flint, Jr.341
John Flint341
Joseph Flint341
Richard Gennings - variant of Jennings ?341
James Genthner333
John Genthner333
Philip Genthner334
Nathaniel Glidden336
Nathaniel Glidden, Jr.336
David Gorham339
Thomas Grant341
John Groton338
Daniel Hall335
Daniel Hall335
Elijah Hall338
Ephraim Hall335
Isaac Hall335
Isaac Hall338
James Hall333
James Hall335
James Hall, 3d335
John Hall - suffix might be 1st335
Mark Hall334
Stephen Hall333
Zenos Hall338
Daniel Hanes339
Sarah Haney337
Betsey Harding339
Jacob Harrington340
Briggs Hatch340
Crowel Hatch - not sure of given name340
David Hatch334
Elijah Hatch334
Frederick Hatch334
Jonathan Hatch334
Benjamin Hisscock341
Daniel Hisscock340
John Hisscock340
William Hisscock340
William Hisscock341
Benjamin Hodgdon334
Jacob Hodgdon340
Samuel Hodgdon334
Stephen Hodgdon341
David Hodgkins335
Francis Hodgkins334
Joseph Hodgkins335
Thomas Hodgkins335
Widow Hodgkins335
Widow Hoge - not sure of surname334
Christopher Hopkins334
Joel How339
Joel How, Jr.341
Stephen Hunt339
Benjamin Hussey337
John Hussey337
Joseph Hussey337
Mary Hussey337
Nathaniel Hussey337
Samuel Hussey336
Samuel Hussey337
Mary Jamerson334
Richard Gennings - variant of Jennings ?341
Samuel Johnston338
Daniel Jones336
Eliphalet Jones336
John Jones336
Abel Keen336
Philip Keen336
William Keen337
Friend Keith340
Andrew Notton or Nolton - presumably Andrew Knowlton335
Jacob Nolton - presumably Jacob Knowlton342
Jeremiah Nolton - presumably Jeremiah Knowlton340
Joseph Nollon - presumably meant Nolton, and thus, presumably Joseph Knowlton342
Joseph Notton or Nolton - presumably Joseph Knowlton335
Nathaniel Nolton - presumably Nathaniel Knowlton342
Washington Nolton - presumably Washington Knowlton342
John M. Lane338
John Lenscott334
Joshua Lenscott334
Thomas Lenscott334
John Light337
Caleb Maddocks334
Zacheus Mahue339
Zacheus Mahue, Jr.338
John P. Martin334
William Matthews337
Benjamin Merrill336
Enoch Merrill338
John Merrill338
Joseph Merrill341
Samuel Merrill339
Thomas Merrill336
Thomas Merrill, Jr.336
Widow Mills334
Lot Mirick339
Amos Moody336
Daniel Moody337
David Moody336
Ezekiel Moody337
Isaac Moody336
John Moody336
John Moody, 3d337
John Moody, Jr.337
Joshua Moody336
Richard Moody336
Richard Moody, Jr.336
Charles Nash337
Samuel Nash337
Horatio Nichols339
Andrew Notton or Nolton - presumably Andrew Knowlton335
Jacob Nolton - presumably Jacob Knowlton342
Jeremiah Nolton - presumably Jeremiah Knowlton340
Joseph Nollon - presumably meant Nolton - and thus, presumably Joseph Knowlon342
Joseph Notton or Nolton - presumably Joseph Knowlton335
Nathaniel Nolton - presumably Nathaniel Knowlton342
Washington Nolton - presumably Washington Knowlton342
Daniel Oliver338
Jacob Oliver335
Jacob Oliver337
Jonathan Oliver335
Jonathan Oliver, Jr.335
Samuel Oliver338
Alnathan Palmer338
Alnathan Palmer, Jr.335
Elisha Palmer - not sure of surname; obscured336
John Palmer339
Pierce Palmer338
Percis Peckham334
Paul Perkins334
? Pillsberry - possibly Rev. Phineas Pillsbury (abt 1767-abt 1824)338
William Pitts339
Benjamin Plummer340
James Plummer340
John Plummer340
Joshua Prise341
James Purkins342
Joseph Purkins342
James Reed342
Samuel Reed342
Widow Rice335
John Ridley340
George Ried - presumably Reid340
Anthony Rollins336
Ephraim Rollins338
George Rollins339
John Rollins339
Mary Rollins339
Robert Rollins338
William Rollins339
Daniel Ross334
William Ross334
Samuel Rowland or Samuel Bowland339
Jeremiah Russel339
Daniel Sally338
Charles Sidelinker338
Peter Sidelinker338
Zadock Sidelinker338
Jacob Sidlenker338
James Simmons336
Alvin Smith339
Nathaniel Snow339
Abner Stetson341
Gushham Stetson - presumably Gersham Stetson340
Anny Tague or Anny Togue340
Benjamin Thompson342
Nathaniel Thompson342
James Thurston340
Francis Tuffs341
Charles Umberhind 337
Charles Vanner333
George Vanner333
George Vanner, Jr.333
Henry Vanner334
George Webb339
Jeremiah Webber339
John Webber339
William Williams340
John Winslow333
John Winslow338
Joseph Winslow333
Josiah Winslow333
Nathaniel Winslow333
Snow Winslow333
Benjamin Woolts - presumably Benjamin Woltz334
Jacob Woolts - presumably Jacob Woltz334
John Woolts - presumably John Woltz342
Samuel Woolts - presumably Samuel Woltz334
William York339

Nobleboro, Maine, in 2020


  1. RE: Crowel Hatch - not sure of given name
    There was a Crowell Hatch in Nobleboro in 1820. Christine Huston Dodge's OLD BRISTOL AND NOBLEBORO, MAINE VITAL RECORDS lists him as a ship's carpenter, husband of Priscilla. He is buried in the Old Hodgdon Yard section of Hillside Cemetery, Damariscotta.
