Wednesday, November 15, 2017

1874 Autograph Album of Mary Carmichael, Student at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio

1874 autograph album with inscriptions acquired by owner Mary Carmichael while she was a student at the National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio.   Inscribers hailed mostly from Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

Reader "Griff" has given permission for the use of a photograph of Alfred Holbrook, center, first principal of National Normal School, and several others from the school, a few of whom, including Alfred Holbrook, inscribed pages in the album.  Refer to the list of inscribers at the end of this post.

Sadly, there are no ownership, presentation and/or title pages present in the album, nor have any of the inscribers expressed a kinship to her.  The only clues I have to Mary's identity are the pages inscribed "to Mary" and to "Miss Carmichael" and to the page inscribed by Mary's roommate "Lib".  If only Lib had been more forthcoming with her personal information.

The page below was inscribed by M. M. Highley at National Normal School in 1874.

The page below was inscribed by Alfred Holbook, a Connecticut native who was the first principal of the National Normal School.   The Anna Holbrook who inscribed a page was presumably his daughter, perhaps a classmate to Mary Carmichael.

Harp Van Riper inscribed facing pages on January 24, 1874.

Several sets of roommates inscribed facing pages, including Lizzie Reed of Carrolton Station, Ohio, and Mary Shriver of New Philadelphia, Ohio.

Below, roommates A. L. Ellis of Chillicothe, Ohio, and Mrs. Hattie Ellis of Chillicothe, Ohio.

If you have a theory as to the identity of album owner Mary Carmichael or if you have information on any of the inscribers, please leave a comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.

Surnames in the Album

? [2]DDaughertyNNaylor
Ashton [2]DevinOOutcalt
BartlettEllis [2]Row [2]
BowellHHainesShinn ? [multiple]
ButtsHighleySmalley [2]
CaldwellHolbrook [2]Smith [2]
Compton [2]KKellyTrembly
CooperKidney [2]UUhl
CreagerLLieuellenVan Riper

Inscribers in the Album
  • Lib; Mary's roommate
  • L. J. C.
  • Miss Flora Ashton of Cedar Grove, Indiana, in Franklin County
  • Mollie Ashton of Mount Carmel, Indiana
  • Ella L. Aylsworth of Big Prairie, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 17, 1874
  • H. Lavinia Baily of Flushing, Ohio; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, On June 18, 1874
  • C. G. Bartlett of Lewisville, Indiana, in Henry County; inscribed on June 29, 1874
  • Callie Beck of Franklin, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School on June 14, 1874
  • Minnie Bieghle
  • Lottie Bowell of Niles, Ohio
  • R. N. Bulla of Lebanon, Ohio; possibly Robert N. Bulla
  • C. H. Bundey of Lebanon, Ohio - stamped
  • Hattie Butts of Gettysburg, Ohio, inscribed on April 1, 1874.  Her page has the word "Room" at the top, which corresponds to the word "Mates" at the top of the right facing page, which indicates that Hattie and Lulu Naylor were roommates.  Hattie also stamped her name on a page.
  • J. S. Caldwell of Strode's Mills, Pennsylvania, in Mifflin County; "Your Normal Friend", so presumably at student at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • Mary Carmichael, album owner; student at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • Alice Clawson of Mooresville, Indiana, in Morgan County; shared the page with Bell Toombs
  • Elias Compton of Monroe, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on April 3, 1874
  • George Compton of Morrow, Ohio
  • J. M. Cooper of Germantown, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School on April 25, 1874.  Roommate of D. P. Heffner, who inscribed the right facing page.
  • Emma Crawford of Oakland, Illinois; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on May 22, 1874
  • A. O. Creager of Dayton, Ohio; Mary's classmate, perhaps at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio.  "Ever remember the club at 105 Mechanic St."
  • Mattie H. Curl of Wilmington, Ohio
  • Sallie Currens of Mattoon, Illinois; inscribed on June 17, 1874
  • Bertie Curtis of Bethany, Ohio in Butler County
  • Vera Daugherty of Lebanon, Ohio; inscribed on June 21, 1874
  • Ida Devin of North Bend, Ohio; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, in June 1874, perhaps at National Normal School
  • Sade Dowell of Newark, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School on April 1, 1874
  • Emma Elliott, middle initial possibly G., of Dublin, Indiana; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on August 12, 1874.  Mary Carmichael's roommate.
  • A. L. Ellis of Chillicothe, Ohio.  The word "Room" at the top of the page, which goes along with the word "Mates at the top of the right facing page indicates that A. L. Ellis and Mrs. Hattie Ellis were roommates.
  • Mrs. Hattie Ellis of Chillicothe, Ohio.  The word "Mates" at the top of the page, which goes along with the word "Room at the top of the left facing page indicates that A. L. Ellis and Mrs. Hattie Ellis and were roommates.
  • Eva Ferson of Cable, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • Carrie E. Gring of Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, on July 30, 1874.  "I shall ever remember your bright eyes and hearty, merry laughter.  Give me a thought occasionally."
  • E. D. Haines of Allentown, Ohio in Allen County; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 17, 1874
  • Lizzie Harkrader of Middletown, Ohio; inscribed at S. S. D. at Lebanon, Ohio
  • D. P. Heffner of Germantown, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on April 23, 1874.  He indicated that he was roommate of the inscriber of the left facing page: J. M. Cooper
  • M. M. Highley of Richmond, Indiana; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, in 1874
  • Alfred Holbrook  at N N School, August 8, 1874.  He was Alfred Holbrook, first president of the National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • Anne L. Holbrook; inscribed at National Normal School
  • Ella Hutchison of or inscribed at Harrolton, Ohio, in Butler, County, on May 15, 1874
  • Allie Johnson; inscribed at Normal School, Ohio; presumably National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • S. D. Kelly of Fagundus, Pennsylvania; Mary's classmate, presumably at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • James Kidney of Mount Carmel, Indiana; inscribed on June 15, 1874 during the 1875 session of National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • Mary Kidney of Mount Carmel, Indiana; inscribed at National Normal School on June 15, 1874
  • O. P. Kinsey.  Oliver Perry Kinsey
  • Cedora J. Lieuellen of Wilmington, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School on June 25, 1874
  • J. W. Means of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 17, 1874.  He was presumably the "Means" mentioned in the inscription of J. R. Smith of Lewisville, Indiana
  • J. H. Mills of Sabina, Ohio; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 1, 1874
  • J. C. Murray; inscribed on June 5, 1874
  • Lulu Naylor of Gettysburg, Ohio.  Her page has the word "Mates" at the top, which corresponds to the word "Room" at the top of the left facing page, which indicates that Lulu and Hattie Butts were roommates.
  • Alice Outcalt of Cincinnati, Ohio; presumably Mary's schoolmate at National Normal School
  • Lizzie Reed of Carrolton Station, Ohio; inscribed at National  Normal School on August 8, 1874.  The word "Room" at the top of her page goes along with the word "Mates" on the right facing page, to indicate that Lizzie and Mary S were roommates.
  • W. F. Roudebush of Newtonville, Ohio, in Clermont County; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on July 20, 1874
  • Lida Row of Circleville, Ohio
  • W. C. Row of Circleville, Ohio; Mary's schoolmate in Rhetoric
  • G. W. Ryan of Fairview, Pennsylvania, in Erie County
  • C. O. Shields of Pennsville, Ohio, in Morgan County; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on March 21, 1874
  • Charles A. Shinn - not sure of surname - of Selma, Ohio; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 10, 1874.  He inscribed at least one other page and shared a page with W. R. Smith.
  • Mary Shriver of New Philadelphia, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School on August 8, 1874.  The word "Mates" at the top of her page goes along with the word "Room" on the left facing page, to indicate that Mary and Lizzie Reed were roommates.
  • Joe W. Sloneker of Somerville, Ohio in Butler County; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on May 8, 1874.  Joseph W. Sloneker
  • J. C. Smalley of Hillsboro, Indiana; inscribed at National Normal School on June 22, 1874.  Presumably Josiah C. Smalley, who may have been the brother of Thomas J. Smalley, who inscribed the right facing page.
  • T. J. Smalley of Hillsboro, Indiana; inscribed on June 22, 1874; presumably a student at National Normal School.  Presumably Thomas J. Smalley, brother of Josiah C. Smalley, who may have been the J. C. Smalley who inscribed the left facing page.
  • J. R. Smith of Lewisville, Indiana, in  Henry County; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 29, 1874.  "Ever remember Means and the cracker, also a class mate".  Means may have been inscriber J. W. Means of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
  • W. R. Smith; shared the page with C. A. Shinn [not sure of surname]
  • J. A. Steele; inscribed at Lebanon, Ohio, on May 21, 1874
  • Bell Toombs of New Albany, Indiana; shared the page with Alice Clawson
  • Carrie Trembly; inscribed on June 6, 1874 at National  Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio
  • Annie Uhl of Millersburg, Ohio; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon,Ohio, on April 3, 1874; Mary's classmate
  • Agnes Valodin of Oakland, Illinois, in Coles County; inscribed on May 23, 1874
  • Harp Van Riper; inscribed on June 24, 1874 [or 1877].  He also inscribed the right facing page with a beautiful bird and insect design.
  • Ella A. Webb of Adrian, Ohio; inscribed on May 23, 1874
  • Sue Wilson of Mooresville, Indiana, in Morgan County
  • H. G. Woody of Russiaville, Indiana, in Howard County; inscribed at National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, on June 30, 1874


  1. I have a photograph of the faculty at the National Normal School that includes many of these names. It is a composite image of the faculty members and I think it dates to about 1874. You are welcome to use the picture on this site is you like. I posted the image on the Oliver Perry Kinsey Find-A-Grave page. You can lift it from there. -- Griff

    1. Wonderful! I've incorporated the photograph into this post - many thanks.

    2. And thanks for clearing up the identity of Oliver Perry Kinsey!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. See:

    1. Thanks! Love the photograph of Mr. Holbrook and his home.
