Thursday, October 26, 2017

1877-1880s Autograph Album of Annette Stevens, "Nettie", of Oakfield, New York; Student at Cary Collegiate Seminary

Autograph album presented as a gift at Christmas 1877 by Henry Ebenezer Stevens to his sister Annette, "Nettie", of Oakfield, New York.  Many of the inscriptions were made by Nettie's fellow students at the Cary Collegiate Seminary.

The album measures approximately 7" by 4-1/4" and contains the sentiments of over 100 of Nettie's relatives, friends and schoolmates.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the inscribers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.  Many of the inscriptions are faint.

From brief online research, hopefully correct - corrections and additions requested:

Annette Stevens, "Nettie", was born about September 1861, the daughter of Henry and Hannah Stevens.  Nettie's brothers, Henry Ebenezer Stevens, named on the presentation page shown farther above, inscribed individual pages in her album.

I don't believe Nettie ever married.  If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, please leave a comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.

Surnames in the Album

?GGalliford [2]RReed
AAlbroGarlinghouseReed [2]
Allen [2]GarterRoberts [2]
BBasomGraham [2]Smith [4]
BelsonHHall ?Stanley [2]
BennettHarloffStevens [3]
Bignall [2]Hayes [2]TThayer
BlackmonHerrick [4]Thomas [3]
Brown [2]IIsaac [3]Town
BruietteJJackson [2]Townsend
CCalkinsKnack [2]VVan Benschoten
Caple [3]LLawrenceWWebster
Carson [2]MMacomberWetherbee
ClarkMartin [2]White
Clarke [2]McIntyreWhitman
ConcklinNNash [2]Wilford [2]
Drake [2]Parr
FFarnsworthPlate [2]

Inscribers in the Album
  • Hattie Albro of North Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1885".  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Carrie Allen of North Oakfield, New York.  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Ida Allen of Oakfield, New York; shared the page with Fred W. Isaac 
  • Charles Anthony of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 1, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Mch 1884".  Perhaps the Charles B. Anthony who married Victoria Duers in 1884.
  • Kate Armstrong of Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1882
  • Genevieve Basom; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on February 4, 1879
  • Nora Belson of North Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1884".  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Very faint but appears to be Celia E. Bennett; inscribed at Cary, New York in May 1878
  • Fannie E. Bignall of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary
  • Frank Bignall of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on October 17, 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Dec 10, 1884"
  • F. H. Blackmon of Franklinville, New York; inscribed on January 30, 1878.  Nettie's added note: "Married 1881".  Presumably Frank Henry Blakemon (1854-1904) who married Ella Blakeslee
  • Myrtie V. Brininstool of South Alabama, New York; inscribed on January 31, 1879
  • F. A. Britton of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on December 12, 1879
  • Kate S. Broun; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 7, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married in June 1878... 1886"
  • Henry M. Brown of Oakfield, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 25, 1879
  • Walter D. Brown of Cary, New York
  • Mellie E. Bruiette; inscribed on October 6, 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Oct. 7, 1879", so Mellie married the day after her inscription.  Presumably the Mellie E. Bruiette who married Herbert Howe Buck
  • Jennie Busmire of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 11, 1884
  • Laura M. Calkins of Indian Falls, New York, in Genesee County; inscribed on March 30, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1881"  According to a Find A Grave listing, a Laura Calkins married Edwin James Newton on October 5, 1881
  • Emma Caple of Cary, New York; middle initial S or L.  Nettie's later note:   "Married Dec. 10. 1884"
  • Emma L. Caple of Elba, New York; inscribed at Oakfield, New York, on March 26, 1879
  • Nettie Caple of Cary, New York; inscribed on April 12, 1878.  Album owner Nettie's later note: "Married Sept. 1886"
  • Albert L. Carson of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 1, 1878
  • Very faint.  ? Carson of Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note: "Married Jan 1886"
  • Grace E. Clark; inscribed on December 13, 1878 at the Cary Collegiate Seminary.  Nettie's later note: "Married in 1879"
  • Libbie E. Clarke of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on October 2, 1879
  • Myrta L. Clarke of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on November 6, 1878
  • Minnie A. Cobb of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on April 9, 1878
  • J. Elbert Concklin; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on February 1, 1878.  Presumably James Elbert Concklin
  • G. G. Dexter of East Shelby, New York, in Orleans County; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on January 23, 1879.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1887
  • Lillie E. Drake of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 11, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1882"
  • Louis C. Drake of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 11, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1882".  Louis married Mary Josephine Peet on August 17, 1882 at Caledonia, Michigan
  • Victoria E. Duers of Alabama, New York; inscribed on October 24, 1878 at Cary Collegiate Institute.  Future wife of inscriber Charles B. Anthony.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Mch 1884".
  • Ida J. Dunlap of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on January 11, 1878
  • Anson O. Farnsworth of Wheatville, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 15, 1879.  Not positive of middle initial.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1883 [or 1885]"
  • Albert Foster of Oakfield, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on October 8, 1879
  • Minnie Fuller of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on December 11, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married Nov. 1. 1882"
  • Ella  A. Galliford of Oakfield, New York; inscribed in 1879 [not sure of year].  Nettie's later note: "Married 1883"
  • Myrtie Galliford of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on March 10, 1878, or March 16, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Feb. 1886"  She is presumably the Myrtie Galliford who married Peter Duryea Hulst.
  • Mollie C. Garlinghouse of Allen's Hill, New York, in Ontario County; inscribed on March 12, 1879
  • Dora B. Garter of Shelby, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on January 8, 1882.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1883"
  • Gertrude Gonder of Niagara River, Ontario; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary in January 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1881".  Married George Durham on October 12, 1881 at Willoughby Township, Ontario, per Ontario, Canada, Marriages 1801-1935
  • Jennie C. Gorton; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on June 1, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1884".
  • Lizzie M. Graham of Elba, New York; inscribed on February 7, 1884.  Shared the page with Rilla S. Graham
  • Rilla S. Graham of Elba, New York; inscribed on February 7, 1884.  Nettie's later note:  "Married in 1886".  shared the page with Lizzie M. Graham
  • Florence A. ?; surname possibly Hael or Hall; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on July 6, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Dec 1886"
  • Anna Harloff of Oakfield, New York, in Genesee County; inscribed on February 11, 1884; shared the page with Julia M. Knack
  • A. W. Hayes; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary in 1879.  Rev. Addison Wilbur Hayes, whose wife, Julia Elizabeth (Brooker) Hayes, inscribed the left facing page.  
  • Julia B. Hayes; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary in January 1879.  She was Julia Elizabeth (Brooker) Hayes, whose husband, Rev. Addison Wilbur Hayes, inscribed the right facing page.
  • Carrie I. Herrick; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on January 9, 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1881".  Carrie Ionia Herrick married George Phillips at Orleans, New York, on September 21, 1881
  • Jennie M. Herrick of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on March 20, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1883"
  • Minnie Herrick of North Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1883".  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Satie Herrick of North Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1888" [or 1886 or 1885].  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Adeline Reed Hill of Cleaveland, Ohio, presumably Cleveland, Ohio
  • Hattie Houseknecht; inscribed on January 15, 1880 at Cary Collegiate Seminary.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1884"
  • Ella E. Huton of Shelby Center, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on February 3, 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1883 [or 1885]".  She may have been the Adella Huton who married George Fisk, but that marriage occurred at Shelby, New York, on November 19, 1884.  Nettie may have been in error.
  • Cora B. Isaac of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on August 11, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married Nov. 84"
  • Fred W. Isaac; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 17, 1879; shared the page with Ida Allen
  • Minnie Isaac of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on March 20, 1879
  • Emma F. Jackson of North Oakfield, New York.  Nettie's later note: "Married Oct. 1881"
  • Fred M. Jackson; inscribed at North Oakfield, New York, on July 24, 1880.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1886"
  • Charles H. Kellogg; inscribed on January 22, 1878
  • Annie Knack of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 13, 1884; shared the page with Jennie Thorp
  • Julia M. Knack of Oakfield, New York, in Genesee County; inscribed on February 11, 1884; shared the page with Anna Harloff
  • J. B. Leavett or J. B. Sweatt or ?
  • Ellen M. Lawrence of Bethany Centre, presumably New York; inscribed on April 2, 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Jan; 26. 1881".  "Remember the Institute"
  • Allie Macomber; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on February 11. 1878.
  • Grace Martin of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on September 27, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married July 1887"
  • W. H. Martin of Cary, New York; inscribed on October 20, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married Dec. 1884"
  • Mettie F. McIntyre, or Mattie F. McIntyre, of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 11, 1878.  Presumably Martha Florence McIntyre
  • S. Adele Moulton of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on June 7, 1878
  • Frankie Nash of North Oakfield, New York.  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Myrtie Nash.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1885".  On page inscribed by Nora Belson; Frankie Nash; Minnie Herrick; Myrtie Nash; Satie Herrick; Hattie Albro; Carrie Allen
  • Franc E. Parker of Pine Hill, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on January 27, 1879.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1884"
  • H. M. Parr of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on January 16, 1883
  • Nettie M. Pearce of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on August 22, 1878
  • Flora H. Phillips of North Oakfield, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on December 18, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1883"
  • James L. Plate of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on January 18, 1878
  • Lizzie E. Plate of Cary, New York; inscribed on March 14, 1880.  Nettie's later note: "Married Mch 23. 1881"
  • George W. Reed; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on October 11, 1878
  • Myrta Reed of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on January 27, 1879
  • Sylvia Reed.  Nettie's later notes: "Sylvia died Friday November 15, 1878".  "Hellen died Dec. 11. 1878".  There's the death date for another person whose name is too faint to read - July 18, 1880
  • Jennie C. Roberts of Wheatville, New York; inscribed on January 29, 1880 at Cary Collegiate Seminary
  • Lizzie S. Roberts of Cary, New York; inscribed on February 5, 1880 or 1888.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1881"
  • Clara B. Showers of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary
  • Mary Sleeper of Oakfield, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 13, 1879
  • Emma E. Smith; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on February 4, 1879.  Nettie's later note: "Married in 1882"
  • F. D. Smith of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on September 23, 1878
  • Mrs. Frank D. Smith of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on September 22, 1878
  • Stanley P. Smith of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on January 28, 1879
  • Belle B. Stanley of South Alabama, New York, in Genesee County; inscribed on January 31, 1879
  • George N. Stanley; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary
  • Annette Stevens, "Nettie", album owner; presented the album by brother Henry Ebenezer Stevens at Christmas in 1877.  Nettie attended Cary Collegiate Seminary and acquired inscriptions from many of her schoolmates.
  • Henry E. Stevens of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 17, 1878; Nettie's brother Henry Ebenezer Stevens.  Nettie's later note: "Married Mch. 23, 1881".  Henry married Emily Elizabeth Plate in 1881.
  • Levant J. Stevens of Oakfield, New York; Nettie's brother
  • Henry Thayer; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on November 7, 1878.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1887"
  • Clinton Thomas of Dansville, presumably New York; inscribed on March 27, 1880
  • Emma Thomas of Dansville, presumably, New York; inscribed on March 27, 1880.  Nettie's later note: "Died Apr. 1887".
  • Myrta A. Thomas of Elba, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1887"
  • Jennie Thorp of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 13, 1884; shared the page with Annie Knack
  • Mr. George Tibbetts of Rochester, New York; inscribed at Genesee, New York in 1880.  Not sure about "Mr.", could be a first name, first initial or honorific
  • Ora A. Tinkham of East Shelby, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 20, 1881.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1884".  Presumably the Ora A. Tinkham who married Rolla W. Roberts in 1884
  • Mollie P. Town of Elba, New York.  Nettie's later note:  Married Mch. 1884"
  • Mary Townsend; inscribed at Oakfield, New York.  Middle initial possibly L or D
  • Sarah Underhill of Alabama, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on December 18, 1878.  Nettie's later note: "Married in Dec 1880"
  • Kittie Van Benschoten of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on January 31, 1878
  • W. Everard Webster of East Bloomfield, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on January 23, 1879.  William Everard Webster who would become an attorney at Batavia, New York
  • Hattie A. Wetherbee of Clarendon, New York; inscribed while visiting Cary Collegiate Seminary on August 7, 1880.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1885".  Presumably the Harriet A. Wetherbee who married Albert Turner.
  • Calista White of Alabama, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary
  • Anna E. Whitman of Oakfield, New York; inscribed on February 11, 1878
  • Gracie Wight of Alabama, New York; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on April 23, 1879.  Nettie's later note: "Married 1884"
  • A. Maud Wilford; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on January 9, 1879.  Presumably Alice Maud Wilford, who would marry E. Wells Gross.
  • M. Louise Wilford; inscribed at Cary Collegiate Seminary on March 14, 1879.  Nettie's later note:  "Married 1883".  Possibly the Mary Louise Wilford who married Judson Perkins Wilson at Chicago, Illinois, on March 21, 1883

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