Note of December 18, 2018: Be sure to check the comments section for information on some of the people mentioned in this post.
1877-1879 autograph album of Fred H. Means Witham of Surry, Maine, while he was attending Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine.
The album measures approximately 7-1/4" by 4-1/4" and contains the sentiments of 113 of Fred's relatives, friends, fellow schoolmates at Eastern State Normal School and possibly some of the administrative staff. An alphabetical surname list of the inscribers, together with any personal information they offered, appears at the end of this post.
Some of the students mentioned are named in an 1880 Eastern State Normal School catalog, which is the subject of another post. The campus of Eastern State Normal School, which operated from 1867 to 1942, is now the campus of Maine Maritime Academy.
Fred H. Means Witham was born January 27, 1859 at Surry, Maine, son of Frederick W. Witham and Cathalena (Means) Witham, "Kate". At some point after his time at Eastern State Normal School, Fred moved to Portland, Maine, to teach. On July 3, 1915 at Portland, Maine, he married Charlsie T. Sartor of Texas, also a teacher.
Fred died shortly after, on January 20, 1917 at Portland, Maine, and is buried at Surry, Maine. His death record indicates that he had suffered from cancer for 18 months; perhaps he knew about his diagnosis at the time of his marriage or perhaps it came as a shock not long into the marriage - tragic either way.
One page in the autograph album contains the autographs of eight members of the Wescott Club, presumably at Eastern State Normal School, inscribed on April 30, 1878. The inscribers were Elvie G. French; Ida M. Wyman; Lizzie G. Rice; Sadie L. Staples; Carrie Gray; Lettie T. Phipps of East Orrington, Maine (who also inscribed an individual page); Ella M. Smith and Kate A. Clark of Tremont, Maine (who also inscribed an individual page).
Sadly, the page inscribed so hopefully on September 7, 1878 at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, by Charles E. Allen of Garland, Maine, has a newspaper death notice tucked in. Charles died November 9, 1880 and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery at Garland, Maine.
Inscribers in the Album - if you have information to share on any of the people mentioned below, please leave a comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.
- G. G. Abbott of Northport, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 4, 1877; perhaps Giles G. Abbott
- Charles E. Allen of Garland, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on September 7th, 1878. Sadly, there's a newspaper death notice indicated that Charles died on November 9th, no year listed, at the age of 22. His Find a Grave memorial shows a death date of November 9, 1880.
- Lilla E. Allen of Tenants Harbor, Maine; inscribed at St. George, Maine, on February 5, 1878
- Willie Allen of Tenants Harbor, Maine; inscribed on January 30, 1878
- Cora F. Ames of North Haven, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 26, 1877
- Judith L. Babson of Mount Desert, Maine
- Martin E. Bailey of Belfast, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 11, 1877
- Jennette S. Barton of Dexter, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 3, 1878
- Fremont Beverage of North Haven, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 18, 1877
- Rodney Beverage of North Haven, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 18, 1877
- Addie C. Blackwood of Surry, Maine; inscribed on March 6, 1879
- Benjamin C. Blackwood; inscribed at Surry, Maine, on March 8, 1879
- I. L. Blackwood, or J. L. Blackwood; possibly I. Lorenzo Blackwood of Pembroke, Maine, who would die in 1883
- Violet E. Blackwood, inscribed at Surry, Maine, on March 7, 1879
- J. M. Byrne of Bucksport, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 29, 1877
- Albina S. Calderwood of Owls Head, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 26, 1877
- Joseph E. Carr of Searsport, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 12, 1877
- Angie N. Carver of Searsport, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 8, 1877
- Kate A. Clark of Tremont, Maine; inscribed two pages at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on April 30, 1878: an individual page and a group page, shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
- Alma Eloise Clarke of South China, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 8, 1877
- Cora K. Copeland of Holden, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 25, 1877
- Lizzie Crosby of Detroit, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 3, 1878
- L. R. Damon of North Monroe, Maine; Lyman R. Damon
- Clara L. Davis of Veazie, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 3, 1878
- C. P. DeLailtre of Ellsworth, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, in October 1877. Charles P. DeLailtre
- Thomas W. Dodge of Newcastle, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 25, 1877
- Alice M. Dorman of Addison, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School on September 5, 1878
- Lillian C. Eaton, inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine
- Delia F. Eldridge of Surry, Maine; inscribed on August 16, 1878 with May A. Eldridge
- May A. Eldridge of Surry, Maine; inscribed on August 16, 1878 with Delia F. Eldridge
- S. S. Estey of Calais, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 28, 1877. Presumably Stephen S. Estey, son of Richard Plummer Estey and Jane (Young) Estey
- Annie E. Fernald of Cranberry Isles, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 2, 1878
- G. T. Fletcher
- Caddie M. Flood, inscribed at Surry, Maine, on November 12, 1878
- Nellie F. Ford of Belfast, Maine
- Fred W. Foster. "There's always room in the upper story."
- Elvie G. French [of Sandy Point, Maine]; inscribed on April 30, 1878 on a page shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
- Manoel A. Gaspar of Surry, Maine, inscribed on November 23, 1878. Manoel Almond Gaspar, born 1861, son of Josiah Allen Gaspar and Philena Murch (Milliken) Gaspar
- Webster Gilchrest of St. George, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on August 6, 1878; member of Class F
- G. H. Gilmore of Hope, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on April 30, 1878; perhaps George H. Gilmore
- Sadie E. Gilmore of Holden, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 26, 1877
- L. W. Ginn of Orland, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 9, 1877. Presumably Lewis W. Ginn
- Hugh Gordon of Tenants Harbor, Maine; inscribed at December 16, 1877
- Carrie Gray [of Stockton, Maine]; inscribed on April 30, 1878 on a page shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
- G. W. Green of Vinalhaven, Maine; inscribed on November 9, 1877. Presumably the George W. Green of Hurricane Island mentioned in an 1880 Eastern State Normal School publication
- Lizzie H.
- R. E. Hagerthy of Surry, Maine. Presumably Rufus E. Hagerthy, later Dr. Rufus E. Hagerthy
- Carrie A. Harnden of Woolwich, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 18, 1877
- Leonora G. Higgins of Ellsworth, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 3, 1878
- L. Howard of Belfast, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 15, 1877
- Mary E. Hughes; inscribed on November 14, 1877
- Addie E. Ireland of Dexter, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 3, 1878
- Annie Maria Lee Jarvis of Surry, Maine; inscribed on June 10, 1878
- Irving A. Jarvis of Surry, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 14, 1877; Irving Austin Jarvis
- M. Helen Jennys of Monroe, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School on November 9, 1877
- W. Johnson Jr. of Somerville, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 1, 1878. Presumably William Gardner Johnson, Jr., "Willie", son of William Gardner and Lucinda (Tibbetts) Gardner
- George Jacob Joy of Mount Desert, Maine; in Class F at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 29, 1877
- E. Joyce; not sure of middle initial; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on May 3 [no year written]
- James E. Kelley of Unity, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 10, 1877
- Ferdinand H. Kent of North Haven, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 26, 1877
- E. J. Lambe of Calais, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 29, 1877; Edward J. Lambe
- Rose Leland of Deering, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on September 12, 1878
- Charles E. Littlefield of Castine, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School on September 28, 1877
- Ella F. Lovejoy of Holden, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 25, 1877; at Eastern State Normal School
- Eliza Carleton Lufkin of Castine, Maine
- Charles J. Mathews of Lincolnville, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 30, 1877. He was album owner Fred Witham's roommate at Eastern State Normal School at Castine.
- W. Y. McGown of North Ellsworth, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 12, 1879. Presumably Wilson Y. McGown
- Elmer E. Milliken, inscribed at Surry, Maine, on December 11, 1878 [not sure of last digit]
- Lizzie E. Milliken of Surry, Maine; inscribed on April 30, 1878
- Emma F. Mortland of Searsport, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on September 15, 1878
- Ella Mower of Dexter, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on May 4, 1878
- F. S. Murch of East Hampden, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 9, 1877
- Lillian G. Osgood of Surry, Maine; inscribed on February 12, 1878. Presumably Lillian G. Osgood.
- Addie Parsons of East Eddington, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 25, 1877
- Frank N. Patterson of Belfast, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 10, 1877
- Fred L. Payson of Hope, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 19, 1877
- Frank L. Philbrick of Knox Station, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School on October 8, 1877
- Lewis E. Philbrick of East Newport, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 10, 1877
- Edward E. Philbrook of Castine, Maine; inscribed on October 17, 1877
- Lettie T. Phipps of East Orrington, Maine; inscribed two pages: an individual page and a page inscribed on April 30, 1878 with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
- Charles Pineo of Cherryfield, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School
- Zilpha S. Prince of South Turner, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 4, 1878
- Fred Rackliffe of Lincolnville, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on May 3, 1878
- C. A. Reynolds of Lamoine, Maine
- Lizzie Rice; middle initial is G or Y or ?; inscribed on April 30, 1878 on a page shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Main
- James T. Robinson of St. George, Maine; inscribed on September 8, 1878
- Jennie D. S ? Possibly Shory or Shay or ?, of Waldo, Maine; inscribed on May 2, 1878
- George A. Sampson of Caribou, Maine.
- W. F. Sayward of Thorndike, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 9, 1877. Presumably Walter F. Sayward
- Anna S. Seavey of Tenants Harbor, Maine; inscribed on December 16, 1877
- L. W. Seavey, or S. W. Seavey; inscribed at St. George, Maine, on January 17, 1878. Possibly Leonard W. Seavey
- Lizzie K. Seavey of Tenants Harbor, Maine inscribed on December 16, 1877
- Sara E. Shepard of Holden, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on October 24 [no year written]
- S. A. Sherman; inscribed on October 9, 1877
- Warren Skillin of Garland, Maine; inscribed at Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, on September 10, 1878
- Ella M. Smith; inscribed on April 30, 1878 on a page shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
- Sadie L. Staples; inscribed on April 30, 1878 on a page shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
- Horace B. Stevens of Cutler, Maine; inscribed on May 1, 1878
- Mason P. Stevens of Northport, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, in 1877
- Annie L. Stinson of Swans Island, Maine
- D. A. Stone of North Haven, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 26, 1877
- F. A. Torrey; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 4, 1877; presumably Florence A. Torrey of Surry, Maine
- Emma Treworgy of East Surry, Maine; inscribed at Surry on August 15, 1878
- C. M. Walker of Union, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 14, 1877; Chester M. Walker
- F. D. Walker of Brooksville, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 7, 1877
- Cecil E. Wasgatt of Mount Desert, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on November 15, 1877
- Kate Wilson of Tremont, Maine; inscribed at Castine, Maine, on October 30, 1877
- Mary A. Wilson
- Annie M. Witham of Surry, Maine; inscribed at Surry, Maine, on November 29, 1877
- Fred Witham, album owner and presumably a student at East State Normal School at Castine, Maine. He was presumably Frederick H. Means Witham, born January 27, 1859 at Surry, Maine, son of Frederick W. Witham and Cathalena (Means) Witham, "Kate", of Surry, Maine
- Emma Wood of Surry, Maine; inscribed on June 4, 1878
- Lillie H. Wood of Surry, Maine; inscribed on May 28, 1878
- Vesta E. Wood of Sargentville, Maine
- Ida M. Wyman; inscribed on April 30, 1878 on a page shared with other members of the Wescott Club at Castine, Maine
Anna Marie Lee Jarvis, born 1856, and Irving Austin Jarvis, 1859, were 2 of 11 children of Henry Augustus Jarvis, 1822-1897, and Nancy A Joy, 1820, of Surry, Maine. Irving died in 1932 in LA, was married to Frances Harron and had 5 children.
ReplyDeleteElmer E Milliken, 1860-1921, son of Horatio Milliken and Julia Blaisdell.
Lizzie E Milliken, 1857, daughter of Henry Milliken and Estelle Holt.
All 4 were my 2nd cousins 3 times removed.
John Reidy Treworgy,
Florence, Mass.
Thank you for this information! I've amended the post to include a note directing readers to your comments.
DeleteManoel Almond Gaspar, 1861-1924, my 3rd cousin 2x removed.
ReplyDeleteLillian G. Osgood, 1861, daugher of Newell Osgood and Adaline Grinell. My 2nd cousin 3x removed.
John Reidy Treworgy
Again, thanks for the information!