Monday, August 31, 2015

1907 Commencement Issue of the "Megunticook" of Camden High School, Camden, Maine

1907 commencement issue of the "Megunticook" of Camden High School at Camden, Maine.

Volume VI, Number 3.  Approximately 9-1/4" by 7", with 31 numbered pages, plus several pages of advertising at the front and back.  Printed by the Camden Publishing Company.

A surname list and an alphabetical list of the names in the issue appear below. Please leave a comment if you have information to share for the benefit of other researchers.

Images of all of the pages appear at the end of this post.

Surnames in the Issue


Names in the Issue - given names within a specific surname might not be in alphabetical order
  •  Miss Abbott, instructor
  • Lucy May Allen, '07; graduation part Class Will; photograph.  In another place her name was spelled as Lucie.
  • Hervey Clifford Allen, '07; graduation part: violin solo of "Mazurka"
  • Allen, first base on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Fred Andrews, '08, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook"
  • Julia M. Annis, instructor in the commercial branches
  • Leslie Arey, '08, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of the "Megunticook"; represented the school in a debate: "Resolved, That Woman Suffrage Should be adopted in Maine"
  • Arey; catcher on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Blood; center fielder on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Maude Brown, '07, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook"; class president
  • Miss Brown
  • Maud Lillian Brown, '07; graduation part Presentation to School; photograph
  • Lena Cleveland, instructor in drawing
  • Coombs; left fielder on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Margaret Cripps, '10, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook"
  • John Libby Curtis, '07; represented the school in a debate: "Resolved, That Woman Suffrage Should be adopted in Maine"; graduation part essay "essay "To Be Rather Than To Seem"; photograph
  • Vivian Dodge, '09, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook"
  • Shirley Jane Dow, '07; graduation part; essay "Our Influence"; photograph
  • Madelaine Adella Dow, '07; graduation part, Class Prophecy; photograph
  • Maud Eklof, instructor in music
  • Fish; pitcher on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Frohock; second baseman on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Roy Gilley, member of the class who left in Junior year due to ill health
  • Gould; shortstop on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Clyde Groves, '09, 1st Assistant Business Manager of the "Megunticook"
  • W. Hanley, '09, 2nd Assistant Business Manager of the "Megunticook"
  • Hanley; scorer on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Fred Hart, Subscription Manager of the "Megunticook"; represented the school in a debate: "Resolved, That Woman Suffrage Should be adopted in Maine"
  • Hart; captain on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Annie Johnson, member of the class who left in Senior year
  • Florence Marion Kirk, '07; graduation part essay "The Power of Music"; photograph
  • Ethel Louise Knight, transfer to the class from Rockland High School; wrote the Class Poem and Class Ode; photograph
  • Nellie B. Michels, A.B., instructor of Latin, Greek and Rhetoric; spelled Michaels in another place.
  • Vincent Millay, '09, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook"
  • F. C. Mitchell, M.S., Principal and instructor of Mathematics and Sciences; Fred C. Mitchell, to whom the issue was dedicated - head shot photograph on the dedication page; he appears in a group photo of the baseball team
  • Helen Maude Nash, transfer to the class from Rockland High School; photograph
  • Winnifred Louise Nash, transfer to the class from Rockland High School; graduation part essay "The Value of Self-Reliance to the Scholars"
  • J. H. Ogier, Superintendent
  • Bertha Annie Payson, '07, Editor-in-Chief of the "Megunticook"; graduation part "Address to Undergraduates"; photograph
  • Edna Payson, class member who left during Sophomore year; later attended Normal School
  • Bertha Payson, '07, Editor-in-Chief of the "Megunticook"
  • Payson; right fielder on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • Pease; center fielder on Camden High School baseball team; in group photo
  • George W. Perry, '10, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook"
  • James Perry, '08, Business Manager of the "Megunticook"
  • D. W. Pierson, School Board member
  • Eva C. Plummer, A.B., instructor History, French and Latin
  • Cora Elizabeth Pullen, '07, Exchange Editor of the "Megunticook"; graduation part, Class History; photograph
  • Cora Pullen, '07, Exchange Editor of the "Megunticook"; wrote the Class History; photograph
  • Miss Rice, instructor
  • Miss Roes of the Emerson School of Oratory
  • Maud Ingraham Rokes, '07; graduation part essay "The Meaning of Friendship"; photograph
  • Dr. George Shorkley, School Board member
  • Miss Silsby, instructor
  • Elizabeth Bernese Wadsworth,  "Lizzie", '07, one of the Local Editors of the "Megunticook";  graduation part Presentation of Gifts; photograph
  • Charles I. Wiley, School Board member

If you click on the first image, it will appear enlarged in a new window, with thumbnails of the following pages at the bottom edge, so that you can click through easily.

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