1823-1923 Centennial of Anson Academy at North Anson, a village in the town of Anson, Maine. Booklet of 72 pages, approximately 10-1/2" by 7-3/4". In addition to a history of the academy, the booklet contains a program for the multi-day centennial celebration of August 1923.
An alphabetical list of people mentioned in the booklet appears farther below.
Note: Some names may have been inadvertently duplicated as I went through the 72 pages. Further, women's names might appear in either of these two formats: 1) given name, middle name, birth surname; 2) given name; birth surname; married surname.
Tucked inside the booklet is a ticket to the Class of 1893 Anson Academy Junior Exhibition, which was held on Wednesday, May 4, 1892 at the Universalist Church.

Names on the ticket:
- Lizzie Marshall [twice - middle initial possibly G.]
- Frank L. Dutton [twice]
- Herbert F. Walker [twice]
- Annie H. Moore
- Milton P. Dutton
- Esther H. Chaney
Images of all of the pages appear at the end of this post.
Surnames in the Booklet
A | Abbott | C | Cahill | G | Gahan | L | Lander | O | Oliver [3] | S | Safford | W | Walker [20] |
Ackley | Caswell | Getchell [9] | Lane [2] | P | Paine | Salley [2] | Walton | ||||||
Adams [2] | Caswell | Gifford | Lawrence | Paine [13] | Sampson | Ware | |||||||
Albee [3] | Chandler | Goff [2] | Leach | Palmer | Sanborn | Warren [2] | |||||||
Allen | Chapman | Goodrich [2] | Leighton [2] | Parlin [3] | Sanger | Watson | |||||||
Andrews [4] | Chapman | Gordon [2] | Leland | Parsons [7] | Savage [11] | Wayman | |||||||
Atkinson [5] | Chase | Graves | Libbey | Patten [3] | Sawyer [9] | Weld | |||||||
Atwood | Chase [3] | Gray [2] | Livingstone | Patterson [3] | Scott [2] | Welsh | |||||||
Ayer | Churchill [4] | Greenleaf | Locke | Paul | Seward | Wentworth [6] | |||||||
B | Bachelder | Clark [13] | Grover | Louisefell | Pease [2] | Shaw [2] | Werne | ||||||
Bailey [11] | Cleveland | Gulliver | Louisfell | Pelton | Sherman | Weston | |||||||
Baker [4] | Cobb [2] | H | Hackett | Lovejoy | Perkins | Sidney | Wheeler | ||||||
Barbeau [2] | Colby [2] | Haggan | Luce [2] | Perry [2] | Simmons [6] | Whitney [8] | |||||||
Barker | Collins [16] | Hall [3] | M | Mann [2] | Phillips [2] | Small | Whitten | ||||||
Barnaby [2] | Colman | Hapgood [2] | Manson [3] | Pierce [3] | Smiley | Whittier [2] | |||||||
Barron | Connor | Harding [3] | Manter [2] | Piper | Smith [15} | Wiggin | |||||||
Bartlett | Corson | Harvie | Mantor [3] | Poore | Snell [4] | Wilder [2] | |||||||
Barton | Crymble [3] | Haskell [5] | Marshall [6] | Porter [4] | Spaulding | Williams [11] | |||||||
Batcheldor | Curran | Heald [2] | Marston [4] | Powers | Spear [3] | Williamson [3] | |||||||
Beale [2] | Cutts [5] | Heffren | Mayo [2] | Pratt | Spencer [3] | Wilson [5] | |||||||
Beedle | D | Danforth [6] | Heminger | McAlpine | Pratt | Spinney [3] | Wing [4] | ||||||
Benson | Daniels | Henderson | McBirney | Prince | Spooner | Witham | |||||||
Berry [3] | Davis [2] | Herrick | McBurnie | Pullen [5] | St. Miner | Withington | |||||||
Bickford [2] | Dean | Hewitt [2] | McCabe | Q | Quint | Standish | Y | Young [2] | |||||
Bicknell | Dearborn | Higgins | McCarty | R | Rand [3] | Stark | |||||||
Blackwell | Dexter | Hill | McClean [2] | Ransford | Starks | ||||||||
Blake | Dickey | Hilton [3] | McFadden | Raymond | Sterling | ||||||||
Blanchard [5] | Dinsmore [13] | Hinkley | McKenney [5] | Razee | Stetson [2] | ||||||||
Bodfish [4] | Donley | Hoag | McLean | Record | Stevens [3] | ||||||||
Booker [2] | Dow | Holbrook | Merrill [3] | Richards | Steward [22] | ||||||||
Boothby | Drake | Holley [3] | Merry | Ridlon | Stewart | ||||||||
Boston | Drake | Holman [2] | Millay | Roberts [4] | Stickney [5] | ||||||||
Bothwick | Dudley | Holway [3] | Miner | Robinson [7] | Stirling | ||||||||
Boyington | Dunbar | Hopkins | Mitchell [3] | Rogers | Strickland | ||||||||
Brackett [2] | Dunphy | Houghton [3] | Mongeon | Rolfe | Stuart [3] | ||||||||
Bradbury [4] | Durgin [2] | Howe [2] | Moor [6] | Rollins | Sweet | ||||||||
Brainard | Dutton [4] | Howland [2] | Moore [18] | Rowell | T | Tapley [2] | |||||||
Braithwaite | E | Eames [3] | Hoyt [2] | Morin | Tarbell [2] | ||||||||
Bridges | Ellingson | Huggins | Morison | Tarr [3] | |||||||||
Bronson | Ellis [3] | Hunnewell | Morrill | Thompson [2] | |||||||||
Brookins | Emery [5] | Hutchins [6] | Moulton [2] | Thorne [4] | |||||||||
Brown [5] | Emory | I | Irving | Mullin | Thurston [2] | ||||||||
Bryant [7] | F | Fairbrother [3] | Isabelle | Murphy [3] | Tibbetts [2] | ||||||||
Buck | Farr | J | Jackson [3] | N | Neal | Tingley | |||||||
Bulger | Felker | Jacobs | Newell [2] | Tinkham | |||||||||
Bunker [14] | Fenlason [2] | Jones | Newey | Titcomb | |||||||||
Burgess | Fernald | Joyce | Newman | Todd | |||||||||
Burke | Fletcher [7] | K | Kelley | Nichols | Tozier | ||||||||
Burrill | Flint [6] | Knapp | Noddin [2] | Tripp [2] | |||||||||
Buxton | Foss | Knowlton [3] | Norcross | V | Varney | ||||||||
Buzzell | Foster [5] | Knox | Norris | ||||||||||
Buzzell | French [8] | Norton [8] | |||||||||||
Friend | Nutting | ||||||||||||
Fuller [2] |
- George Abbott, Class of 1881
- Celia M. Ackley, principal of the junior high, about 1921
- Chauncey C. Adams, M.D., graduate of 1880; brief bio
- Olive Q. Albee or Allbee of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Geneva E. Albee, graduate of 1880. As Geneva Albee Hilton, she wrote the history of Anson Academy included in the booklet. Mentioned several times
- Ned Albee, deceased, Class of 1891
- Myra Allen, beloved teacher; photograph
- Dr. E. C. Andrews, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Christabel Ellis Andrews, Class of 1916
- Arthur Andrews, Class of 1919
- Mrs. Christabel Andrews
- Clarissa J. Atkinson of New Sharon, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Tim Atkinson; academy graduate who became the state engineer of North Dakota
- T. R. Atkinson; photograph and brief bio; Class of 1888
- Nellie B. Atkinson, deceased, Class of 1881
- J. B. Atwood, teacher in 1871
- Charles Ayer of Brunswick, Maine; teacher in 1861
- James R.Bachelder of Readfield, Maine
- Lowell E. Bailey, chairman of the committee which published the centennial booklet
- Sarah A. Bailey of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- D. P. Bailey, Jr., a teacher in 1866 and 1867
- Ralph E. G. Bailey, son of Mrs. Augusta Bunker Bailey, teacher in 1912
- Augusta Bunker Bailey, deceased, Class of 1880
- M. L. "Queenie" Ware Bailey, Class of 1888
- Bertha Bailey, deceased, Class of 1890
- Earland Bailey, deceased, Class of 1896
- Lowell E. Bailey, Class of 1899
- Alden Bailey, Class of 1917
- Lowell E. Bailey
- Amos F. Baker, an early teacher at Anson Academy
- James H. Baker, teacher in 1870. Nephew of Amos F. Baker, Preceptor of the Academy in 1844. He became president of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
- Rev. F. H. Baker, Class of 1889
- Oliver P. Baker, Class of 1920
- Velma Barbeau, Class of 1910
- Wilfred Barbeau, Class of 1915
- Elizabeth Gifford Barker, Class of 1910
- Marion Hovey Barnaby, Class of 1900
- Mrs. Marion Barnaby
- Fred Barron, Class of 1906
- William Pitt Bartlett of New Portland, Maine; teacher in 1853; by 1880 he was a lawyer in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Percival Barton of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Eva Dudley Batcheldor, Class of 1908
- Harry Beale, Class of 1898
- Lawrence Beale, Class of 1910
- Ann E. Beedle of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Minnie Benson, deceased, Class of 1896
- Daisy Barron Berry, deceased, Class of 1900
- Erva Berry, Class of 1922
- Donald Berry, Class of 1922
- Edith Paine Bickford, Class of 1900
- Edna Nicholson Bickford, Class of 1911
- William M. Bicknell of Boston, teacher from 1847-1849
- Sarah Blackwell, Class of 1907
- Ellen M. Poore Blake; wife of Walter Poore and then Edgar Blake; photograph and brief bio
- Albert E. Blanchard, teacher from 1886-1888. Married one of his pupils, Miss May Harding; they moved to South America. Mentioned several times, including photograph and brief bio
- Luetta Blanchard, sister of teacher Albert E. Blanchard. She taught just after her brother; married Mr. Pease of Nashua, New Hampshire. Photograph and brief bio.
- Cyrus N. Blanchard; photograph and brief bio
- May Parlin Blanchard, Class of 1887
- Hon. C. N. Blanchard, Class of 1888
- Winifred Ware Bodfish, Class of 1880; wrote a history of the class, included in the booklet
- Will Bodfish
- W. H. Bodfish, Class of 1887
- Walter T. Booker, Class of 1920
- Eva Booker, Class of 1921
- Thaddeus Boothby of Embden, Maine; a student in 1844
- Royal Boston, Class of 1889
- Carl Bothwick, Class of 1915
- Edna Kelly Boyington, Class of 1915
- Nathan C. Brackett of Waterville College; a teacher in 1863
- Nellie Putnam Brackett, Class of 1905
- Lettice Allbee Bradbury, graduate of the Class of 1888; author of a poem in the booklet; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Lettice Albee Bradbury, Class of 1888
- Alvin E. Bradbury, Class of 1923
- Mrs. L. A. Bradbury
- A. B. Brainard, teacher in 1850
- Nellie Miller Braithwaite, Class of 1896
- Evelyn Bridges, teacher of home arts, about 1921
- David Bronson, Esq., Treasurer
- W. W. Brookins of Woolwich, Maine; a teacher in 1855 and 1856
- Cony T. Brown; photograph and brief bio
- Carrie Atkinson Brown, Class of 1884
- Wilbert Brown, Class of 1903
- Beatrice Gipson Brown, Class of 1908
- Edith M. Brown, Class of 1922
- Hon. Bezer Bryant, Trustee
- Jonas Bryant of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Adeline Bryant of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Adelia Bryant of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Zenas Bryant, trustee
- Mildred Perry Bryant, Class of 1910
- Mrs. Mildred Bryant
- Thomas B. Buck of Orono, Maine; a teacher in the fall of 1851
- Ruby Bulger, Class of 1920
- Daniel Bunker, Jr., of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Bainbridge Bunker of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Mary Bunker of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Naomi Bunker of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Caroline Bunker of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Augusta Bunker, graduate of 1880
- Samuel Bunker, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Fred W. Bunker, trustee; photograph and brief bio
- Martha French Bunker of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844. Brief bio
- Miss Minnie Bunker; brief bio
- Minnie Bunker, Class of 1884
- Hon. F. W. Bunker, Class of 1885
- Fred W. Bunker
- Annie Longley Burgess, Class of 1902
- George E. Burke of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Jerome Burrill of Fairfield, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Nathanial Buxton, deceased, Class of 1885
- Laura Clark Buzzell, Class of 1902
- Mrs. Laura Buzzell
- Alice Cahill, Class of 1912
- Bertha Caswell, Class of 1897
- Leo Caswell, deceased, Class of 1912
- Marion Pullen Chandler, Class of 1918
- Laura Chapman, Class of 1921
- Miss Laura Chapman
- Edwin Chase of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Henry L. Chase of Bennington, Vermont; teacher in 1857 and later; an extremely tall man, he was called "the culmination of a point"
- Hortense Chase, Class of 1892
- Fannie Crymble Chase, Class of 1908
- Byron Churchill of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Rorea Churchill of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Irena Churchill of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Tobias Churchill, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- I. R. Clark
- George H. Clark, trustee
- Warren Clark
- Charles H. C. Clark; photograph and brief bio
- Warren B. Clark; photograph and brief bio
- W. B. Clark, Class of 1887
- Alice Parlin Clark, Class of 1890
- Wilkie Clark, Class of 1896
- Arthur Clark, Class of 1900
- Luella Richards Clark, Class of 1908
- Doris Clark, Class of 1921
- Daniel Clark, Class of 1923
- Abigail Cleveland of Embden, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Elias Cobb, Esq., Secretary
- Harriet Spinney Cobb, Class of 1899
- Isabelle Colby of Embden, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- John Colby of Madison, Maine; a student in 1844
- James Collins, Esq., Trustee
- Jane N. C. Collins of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Frances C. Collins of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Nancy A. Collins of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Mary A. Collins of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Rodney Collins, trustee
- Nancy Collins; solicited funds for a replacement bell
- Eugene F. Collins, trustee; brief bio
- Edwin Collins, trustee
- Ben S. Collins, trustee
- William Collins, Class of 1896
- Edwin Collins, deceased, Class of 1898
- Arthur Collins, deceased, Class of 1898
- Harold Collins, Class of 1900
- Ben Collins, Class of 1910
- Harold Collins
- Abijah Colman of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Governor Selden Connor
- Clara Huggins Corson, Class of 1912
- Frank Crymble
- Merton Crymble, Class of 1907
- Hazel Crymble, Class of 1921
- Frances Gilbert Curran, Class of 1909
- Ellie Cutts, graduate of 1880
- Oliver Cutts; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- William Bryant Cutts, M.D.; photograph and bio
- W. B. Cutts, M.D., Class of 1887
- Oliver Cutts, Class of 1892; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Milo Danforth of Madison, Maine; a student in 1844
- Eugene Danforth, Class of 1884
- Roy Danforth, Class of 1898
- Archie Danforth, deceased, Class of 1909
- Edmund Danforth, Class of 1909
- Eugene Danforth
- John William Daniels, principal in 1874 and 1875; he married Alice P. Steward. He later taught at the Military Academy of Portland, Oregon. Photograph and brief bio.
- Lena Savage Davis, Class of 1889
- Edith Davis, deceased, Class of 1897
- Ethel Bailey Dean, Class of 1890
- Alvah B. Dearborn, born at Topsham, Maine August 3, 1842; graduated Bowdoin College and Medical School; teacher in 1869; he later practiced medicine in Massachusetts. At the time of his death on August 19, 1906, he was city physician at Somerville, Massachusetts
- Rex E. Dexter, Class of 1920
- Fostena Pierce Dickey, Class of 1902
- James Dinsmore, Trustee and President
- Eli Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Bradbury T. Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Henry Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Benjamin E. Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Benjamin Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Daniel Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Augusta A. Dinsmore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Robert Dinsmore
- Fred A. Dinsmore, Class of 1882
- Dan Dinsmore, deceased, Class of 1897
- Helen Palmer Dinsmore, Class of 1911
- Lena Donley, Class of 1892
- Getchell Dow of Waterville, Maine; a student in 1844
- Mae McKusic Drake, Class of 1892
- Esther Cheney Drake, Class of 1893
- Mildred Paine Dudley, Class of 1909
- Frank Dunbar, M.D., Class of 1888
- Wilbur Dunphy [printed as Dumphy], Class of 1922
- Flora Berry Durgin, Class of 1908
- Mrs. Flora Durgin
- Lula Smith Dutton, Class of 1895
- Milton Dutton, Class of 1895
- Frank L. Dutton, deceased, Class of 1895
- Mertie Dutton, deceased, Class of 1896
- George Eames, Class of 1892
- C. E. Eames, Class of 1908
- Doris Paine Eames, Class of 1920
- Gladys Beale Ellingson, Class of 1902
- Lee Ellis, Class of 1908
- Alta Ellis, Class of 1922
- Miss Alta Ellis
- Mark Emery, Jr., trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Wallace Emery, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Elizabeth Fletcher Emery, Class of 1880
- Harry Emery, Class of 1898
- Mrs. Elizabeth Emery
- Erma Gordon Emory, Class of 1907
- Mr. Fairbrother; several of the students, about 1880, "borrowed" six of his hens to disrupt the debating society
- Charles F. Fairbrother, deceased, Class of 1889
- Annie Fairbrother Smith, Class Of 1890
- Regis Farr, Class of 1922
- Mark Felker of Starks, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Audrey Fenlason, Class of 1921
- Doris M. Fenlason, Class of 1923
- Joseph C. Fernald of Lewiston, Maine and a tutor at Bates College; teacher in 1864 and 1865; he died November 12, 1867
- Joel Fletcher, Esq., Trustee
- Joel Fletcher of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Calvin Fletcher of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Lizzie Fletcher, graduate of 1880
- George A. Fletcher, trustee
- John A. Fletcher, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Ellery Fletcher, Class of 1922
- Benjamin Flint of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Thomas Flint of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Ann Flint of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Ruphel Flint of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Sarah Flint of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- William R. Flint, trustee
- Maurice Foss, Class of 1905
- P. M. Foster of North Anson, Maine
- Paulinus M. Foster
- P. M. Foster of North Anson, Maine; trustee
- Katherine Spaulding Foster, Class of 1887
- George Foster, Class of 1893
- Millard L. French, trustee; brief bio
- Ina Donley French, Class of 1893
- Grace Scott French, deceased, Class of 1896
- Dwight M. French, Class of 1916
- Marjorie French, Class of 1919
- Goff M. French, Class of 1922
- Thomas S. French, Class of 1923
- Mrs. Ina French
- Omar W. Friend, Class of 1920
- William W. Fuller, Esq., Trustee
- Mary Fuller of New Portland, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- James S. Gahan of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Sarah Getchell of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Charles Getchell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Frank Getchell of Waterville, Maine; a student in 1844
- Amanda F. Getchell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Dalinda N. Getchell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- George C. Getchell, trustee
- C. C. Getchell, trustee
- Elsie Getchell, Class of 1922
- Ernest Getchell, Class of 1923
- Roy Gifford, Class of 1915
- J. W. Goff, teacher in 1888 and 1889; then studied law and moved out West. Photograph
- William T. Goff, Class of 1902
- Alice Taylor Goodrich, Class of 1881
- Mrs. Alice Goodrich
- Annie Gordon, deceased, Class of 1885
- Ercell Gordon, Class of 1922
- May Belle Parlin Graves, deceased, Class of 1887
- Eleanor Gray of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Allen Gray, deceased, Class of 1898
- Edna Tilley Greenleaf, Class of 1920
- Currier Grover, second teacher of the Academy
- Fannie Maud Pullen Gulliver, Class of 1895
- Esma Hackett, Class of 1921
- Florence Noddin Haggan, Class of 1908
- Rev. James Hall, A.M., Preceptor; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Angerona Hall of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Maud Hall, Class of 1908
- Sherman Hapgood, trustee
- Sherman Hapgood, Class of 1904
- Susie Jones Harding, Class of 1892
- Maud Perry Harding, Class of 1905
- Mrs. Maude Harding
- Florence Cushing Harvie, Class of 1918
- William Haskell, Esq., Trustee
- William Haskell of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Livonia Haskell of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Edna Robinson Haskell, Class of 1904 [surname spelled Haskiel]
- Mrs. Edna R. Haskell
- James Heald of Anson, Maine; instructor in Greek and Latin; resident of Anson
- Emma P. Heald, Class of 1881
- Mildred Hodgdon Heffren, Class of 1916
- Gertrude Millay Heminger, Class of 1887
- Helen Fentiman Henderson, Class of 1918
- Mary Herrick Caldwell of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Chester Hewitt, Class of 1913
- Adeline Hewitt, Class of 1922
- John Higgins, Class of 1898
- Reuben J. Hill of New Portland, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Miranda P. Hilton of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Laurette Hilton, graduate of 1880
- Geneva Albee Hilton, deceased, Class of 1880
- Irving A. Hinkley, teacher in 1912
- A. B. Hoag, principal in 1898
- Alfred Holbrook, Class of 1921
- Hon. Frank H. Holley; photograph and brief bio
- Elizabeth Dinsmore Holley, Class of 1898
- Mrs. Elizabeth Holley
- Wallace F. Holman, teacher in 1909-1910
- Helen Holman, Class of 1911
- Emily Sawyer Holway, Class of 1904
- Lester Holway, deceased, Class of 1909
- Mrs. Emily Holway
- Eliphalet Hopkins of New Portland, Maine; a teacher starting about 1841
- Luke Houghton, Class of 1896
- Nell Hapgood Houghton, Class of 1896
- Helen Simmons Houghton, Class of 1897
- Millard Howe, deceased, Class of 1899
- Walter Howe, deceased, Class of 1899
- Sionellie Irving Howland, Class of 1887
- Mrs. Sionilli Howland
- Bertha Oliver Hoyt, Class of 1909
- Lois Emery Hoyt, Class of 1918
- Hazel Huggins, Class of 1921
- Guy Hunnewell, Class of 1917
- Amos Hutchins of Embden, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Arthur Hutchins, graduate of 1880; mentioned in a history in the booklet, of the Class of 1880 written by Winifred Ware Bodfish
- Amos Hutchins, trustee
- Arthur Hutchins, deceased, Class of 1880
- R. Baxter Hutchins, Class of 1883
- Mrs. Carrie Hutchins
- Arthur P. Irving, teacher in 1893
- Helen Paine Isabelle, Class of 1918
- A. H. Jackson, teacher in 1860
- Florence Danforth Jackson, Class of 1912
- Mrs. Florence Jackson
- Belle Clark Jacobs, Class of 1887
- Wallace Jones, Class of 1884
- Blanche H. Bosworth Joyce, deceased, Class of 1902
- Lizzie Cleveland Kelley, Class of 1885
- Charles Knapp, Class of 1893
- Ellen Cutts Knowlton, Class of 1880
- Ansel Knowlton, Class of 1894
- Mrs. Ellie Knowlton
- Thelma Knox, Class of 1921
- C. W. Lander; teacher starting in 1853
- A. L. Lane; a teacher in 1861 and later; by 1880, he was on the faculty of Colby College
- Walter Lane, Class of 1903
- H. Mae Hilton Lawrence, Class of 1881
- Annie Moore Leach, Class of 1893
- Ivory Leighton of Harmony, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Joseph Leighton of Harmony, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Berdea Hoyt Leland, Class of 1904
- Nathaniel Libbey of Embden, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Emily Savage Livingstone, Class of 1915
- Ralph Locke, Class of 1893
- Marion Payne Louisefell, Class of 1903
- Mrs. Marion Louisfell
- Lottie Sampson Lovejoy, Class of 1882
- Delorme G. Luce, deceased, Class of 1881
- Charles Luce, deceased, Class of 1897
- Charles G. Mann, graduate of 1880
- Charles Mann, Class of 1880
- Mildred Patterson Manson, teacher at Anson Academy - photo and brief biography
- Frank G. Manson of Limington, Maine; teacher in 1889 and principal until 1893. He married one of his pupils, Miss Mildred Patterson, taught medicine in Massachusetts, lived at Billerica, where he died in 1898. Had children Ruth, Esther and Horace.
- Mildred Patterson Manson, Class of 1891
- Ben Manter, deceased, Class of 1881
- Clarence Manter, deceased, Class of 1883
- James Mantor of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Columbus S. Mantor, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Clarence Mantor; brief bio
- Columbus Marshall, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Benjamin A. Marshall, Class of 1892
- Daniel Marshall, Class of 1896
- Lena Smith Marshall, Class of 1897
- Edna L. Marshall, Class of 1920
- Mrs. Lena Marshall
- Dr. Edward H. Marston; photograph and brief bio
- H. Edward Marston, M.D., Class of 1895
- H. Edward Marston
- Dr. H. E. Marston
- Francis Mayo of Kenduskeag, Maine; teacher in 1858
- Raymond Mayo, Class of 1897
- Alice Moore McAlpine, Class of 1884
- Mrs. Bernice McBirney
- Bernice Bailey McBurnie, Class of 1919
- Stella Brown McCabe, Class of 1896
- Elvie Spencer McCarty, Class of 1919
- Mary A. McClean, Class of 1918
- Alice McClean, Class of 1921
- Andrew McFadden, Esq., Trustee
- Jesse McKenney, teacher in 1915
- Walter McKenney, Class of 1892
- Rolland McKenney, Class of 1917
- Fern C. McKenney, Class of 1918
- Walter McKenney
- Carrie Cutts McLean, deceased, Class of 1890
- J. Clifford Merrill, Class of 1902
- Lee Merrill, Class of 1903
- George Merrill, Class of 1904
- Henry B. Merry; photograph and brief bio
- Albert Millay, Class of 1896
- Mrs. Fannie Miner
- Susan Mitchell of New Portland, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Eleanor Mitchell, Class of 1921
- Miss Eleanor Mitchell
- Jerry Mongeon, Class of 1902
- Hon. John Moor, Trustee
- Joseph Moor, Trustee
- Asa W. Moor of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Albert Moor of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- James M. Moor of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Hiram Moor of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Angus Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- John Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Maria E. Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Nancy B. Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Ellen D. Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Keturah Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Hannah Moore of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Goff Moore, trustee
- Dennis Moore, trustee
- Asa W. Moore, trustee; brief bio
- Albert Moore, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Benjamin Moore, trustee
- Eda Moore, Class of 1895
- Albert Moore, Class of 1896
- Mahlon Moore, Class of 1897
- Marion Sprague Moore, Class of 1898
- Susan Walker Moore, deceased, Class of 1913
- Harry Morin, M.D., Class of 1898
- Professor Morison, in a group photo of teachers and students
- Anson P. Morrill, Agent to Superintend and manage the sale and settlement of Public Lands of the State of Maine
- L. E. Moulton, Class of 1888
- Addie Josephene Moulton, Class of 1892
- Pearl Mullin, Class of 1922
- Clara Robinson Murphy, Class of 1900
- Thomas Murphy, Class of 1903
- Verna Bothwick Murphy, Class of 1918
- Selden F. Neal of Madison, Maine; teacher in 1853
- Lauretta Hilton Newell, Class of 1880
- Bessie Rogers Newell, Class of 1916
- Minnie Greenleaf Newey, Class of 1908
- Stephen M. Newman, a teacher in 1866
- Erwin Nichols, Class of 1923
- Frank Noddin, Class of 1899
- Ernest Noddin, deceased, Class of 1900
- Submarinus Vespasian Norcross, named for a diving apparatus invented by his father; teacher in 1854
- Elizabeth Norris of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Samuel Norton of New Portland, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- William G. Norton of New Portland, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Henry Norton, Class of 1896
- Joseph Norton, Class of 1900
- Gertrude Caswell Norton, Class of 1903
- Ethel Young Norton, Class of 1907
- Henry Norton
- Joseph Norton
- Clara Parker Nutting, Class of 1910
- Mr. Oliver, a teacher in the Spring of 1839
- Addie Fletcher Oliver, Class of 1910
- Sherman Oliver, Class of 1912
- Parker Paine of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Samuel Paine of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Sally C. Paine of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- T. F. Paine, trustee
- George E. Paine, trustee; photograph and brief bio
- Rev. George E. Paine, Class of 1882
- Susie Paine, deceased, Class of 1889
- Eugene Paine, Class of 1891
- Olin Paine, Class of 1896
- Jennie Paine, Class of 1897
- Bertha Paine, Class of 1902
- Bertha Getchell Paine, deceased, Class of 1902
- Iva Jackson Paine, deceased, Class of 1907
- Isaac Palmer, A.M., M.D.; photograph and brief bio
- J. J. Parlin, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- J. Leon Parlin, Class of 1891
- Nellie Collins Parlin, Class of 1900
- Fred S. Parsons, trustee; photograph and brief bio
- Wallace Parsons; photograph and brief bio
- Mae Fletcher Parsons, Class of 1883
- Wallace Parsons, Class of 1905
- Dorothy M. Parsons, Class of 1923
- Mrs. Mae Parsons
- Wallace Parsons
- John Patten of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Malvina Patten of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- George W. Patten, Class of 1886
- Olive Patterson of Madison, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Thomas Leon Patterson, M.A., B.A., M.R.S.A.; photograph and brief bio
- T. Leon Patterson, Class of 1904
- Alma Andrews Paul, Class of 1882
- Mary A. Pease of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Merita Bennis Pease, Class of 1907
- Sarah Pelton of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Levi H. Perkins, Esq., Trustee
- Bessie Ellis Perry, Class of 1904
- Roxie Merrill Perry, deceased, Class of 1905
- Andrew C. Phillips of Farmington, Maine; teacher in 1850
- A. C. Phillips of Farmington, Maine; teacher in 1853
- John Pierce of Embden, Maine; a student in 1844
- Simeon C. Pierce of Embden, Maine; a student in 1844
- Eleanor Pierce of Embden, Maine; a student in 1844
- A. M. Piper, a teacher starting about 1841
- Walter W. Poore, teacher from 1894 until 1898, when he enlisted in the Spanish American War and died at Chickamauga, Georgia, from typhoid, on August 6, 1898. His wife also taught at Anson Academy. Mentioned several times, including photograph and a brief bio.
- Gould A. Porter, trustee; photograph and brief bio
- Mabel Marston Porter, wife of Gould A. Porter; photograph and brief bio
- Mabel Marston Porter, Class of 1891, wife of Gould A. Porter; photograph and brief bio
- Mrs. Mabel Porter
- Sampson Powers of Norridgewock, Maine; a teacher in 1843 and 1844; he later became a Baptist minister; settled at Litchfield, Maine, 1880
- Harry E. Pratt, principal in 1902
- John Pratt, Class of 1921
- Helen A. Prince - author of the poem "Centennial Poem - Anson Academy One Hundred Years Young"
- Miss Hester Pullen, member of the committee which published the centennial booklet
- Mark Pullen of the Class of 1888; wrote about the hens borrowed from Mr. Fairbrother with the intention of disrupting a debating society meeting. Photograph and brief bio
- M. L. Pullen, Class of 1888
- Hester M. Pullen, Class of 1915
- Miss Hester Pullen
- Lena M. Quint, Class of 1923
- Luke P. Rand of Canaan, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Bessie Spaulding Rand, Class of 1898
- Mrs. Bessie Rand
- Mr. Rainsford, a teacher in 1840
- Dr. David H. Raymond, Trustee
- Ina Hodgdon Razee, Class of 1904 [misspelled Hogdon]
- Lester Record, deceased, Class of 1900
- Mabel Brackett Richards, Class of 1907
- Lula Gordon Ridlon, Class of 1917
- Annie Roberts, Class of 1894
- Alfred Roberts, Class of 1900
- Bertha Bailey Roberts, Class of 1900
- Miss Annie Roberts
- Miss Kate G. Robinson, member of the committee which published the centennial booklet
- Moses M. Robinson of Waterford, Maine; a teacher in 1856
- Ruel Robinson of Camden, Maine; teacher in 1886
- Kate Robinson, Class of 1911
- Ella Robinson, Class of 1912
- Miss Kate Robinson
- Mrs. Evie Robinson
- Joseph Rogers, Class of 1912
- Norma Berry Rolfe, Class of 1919
- Harry E. Rollins, principal in 1916
- Ethel Hilton Rowell, Class of 1895
- A. L. Safford, Class of 1885
- Dr. I. L. Salley, Class of 1882
- Lilla Smith Salley, deceased, Class of 1882
- Eugene Sampson, Class of 1884
- Freeman H. Sanborn, principal from 1899 until 1902
- George Henry Sanger, a teacher in 1851; died soon thereafter on April 10, 1851
- Orlin N. Savage of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Gershom Savage of Madison, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Catherine Savage of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Nancy Savage of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Mark Savage of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Amos Savage of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Marita Houghton Savage, Class of 1888
- Harry Savage, Class of 1907
- Verna Hatt Savage, Class of 1908
- Mrs. Marita Savage
- Mrs. Verna Savage
- Luke Sawyer of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Elmer W. Sawyer; photograph and brief bio
- Josephine Gibson Sawyer, Class of 1907
- Josephine Dunton Sawyer, Class of 1909
- Elmer W. Sawyer, Class of 1909
- Everett Sawyer, Class of 1909
- Mrs. Frank Sawyer
- Mrs. Josie Sawyer
- Mrs. Jennie Sawyer
- Harriet Jones Scott, Class of 1900
- Mrs. Ada Scott
- Mabel Seward, Class of 1902
- William Shaw Greene of North Kingston, Rhode Island; teacher in 1849
- Judson W. Shaw of South Paris, Maine; teacher in 1858 and 1859
- Caddie Foss Sherman, Class of 1886
- Mildred Morris Sidney, Class of 1920
- Judge Augustine Simmons, principal at Anson Academy - photo and brief biography
- Augustine Simmons, a student at Bowdoin College; teacher in 1870. He was principal at the Academy in 1871 and 1872. He married Alice P. Gahan of Anson, Maine. He died October 24, 1917 and left $1000 to the Academy
- Paulenah M. Simmons, preceptress for twelve years.
- Wilbur C. Simmons, trustee; photograph and brief bio
- Paulenah M. Simmons, Class of 1900; preceptress for twelve years; brief bio.
- Alice Dinsmore Small, Class of 1895
- Hiram Smiley of Milburn, Maine [Skowhegan]; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Helen A. Smith of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Franklin Smith of North Anson, Maine; sold land to the Academy in 1847
- Emily O. Smith, wife of Franklin Smith
- Franklin Smith, trustee; General Franklin Smith
- H. S. B. Smith, a teacher in 1861 and later
- Addie R. Smith, deceased, Class of 1881
- Gertrude Smith, Class of 1887
- Grace Smith, Class of 1887
- Grace Murphy Smith, Class of 1902
- Joseph Smith, Class of 1915
- Charles Smith, Class of 1916
- Mariam J. Smith, Class of 1918
- Ethel Smith, Class of 1921
- Mrs. Annie Smith
- Miss Miriam Smith
- Edwin Snell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Climena W. Snell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Augusta E. Snell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Emily F. Snell of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Francis Spaulding of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Justice Albert M. Spear, principal at Anson Academy - photo and brief biography
- Albert M. Spear, teacher from 1875-1877; later became a lawyer and judge and was on the Bench of the Supreme Court of Maine for over 20 years.
- Mahlon Spear; Algebra teacher; photograph
- Eugene Spencer, Class of 1903
- Charlie Spencer, Class of 1913
- Merton Spencer, Class of 1923
- Albion Spinney of Portsmouth, New Hampshire; an early teacher at Anson Academy
- Elizabeth Marshall Spinney, Class of 1893
- Fred Spinney, M.D., Class of 1898
- Dr. Ward Spooner, Trustee
- Fannie Hume St. Miner, Class of 1913
- Cora Donley Standish, deceased, Class of 1895
- Sam Stark, graduate of 1880
- Sam Starks, deceased, Class of 1880
- Rachel Marshall Sterling, Class of 1904
- Ethel I. Stetson, Class of 1920
- Miss Ethel Stetson
- Rev. E. V. Stevens, Class of 1884
- Helen Fletcher Stevens, Class of 1889
- Mrs. Helen Stevens
- Daniel Steward, Jr., Esq., Trustee
- Columbus Steward of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Climene Steward of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Theodore Steward of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Amelia C. Steward of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Columbus Steward of North Anson, Maine; sold land to the Academy in 1847
- Daniel Steward
- Betsey Steward, wife of Columbus Steward
- Marcellus Steward, trustee; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Benjamin Steward, trustee
- Columbus Steward of North Anson, Maine; sold land to the Academy in 1847; also a trustee of the Academy
- G. A. Steward, trustee; photograph
- G. A. Steward, trustee
- Mabel A. Steward; photograph and brief bio
- Mabel Steward, Class of 1891
- Daniel Steward, Class of 1897
- J. Lawrence Steward, Class of 1902
- Abbie Berry Steward, Class of 1917
- Mrs. Abbie B. Steward
- Mrs. Abbie Steward
- Miss Mabel Steward
- Lawrence Steward
- A. W. Stewart, a teacher in 1864
- Ellen C. Stickney of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Lucy F. Stickney of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Sarah E. Stickney of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Emma Stickney; solicited funds for a replacement bell
- Dr. George W. Stickney of North Anson, Maine; a teacher in 1856. Mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Leona Redmond Stirling, Class of 1902
- Etta Strickland, deceased, Class of 1884
- Giles A. Stuart, a teacher in 1877 and then principal until 1886; mentioned several times; photograph and brief bio
- Theresa Crystal Stuart, a graduate who became Director, Bureau of Library Extension at Maine State Library
- Fred Stuart, graduate who died in the Spanish American War
- George T. Sweet, teacher in 1903
- John S. Tapley, principal from 1904 until 1908. Married Miss Louise Twaddle of Anson; she died at Oakland, Maine, where her husband was Superintendent of Schools. Photograph and brief bio of him.
- Louisa Twaddle Tapley, deceased, Class of 1899
- Florence Hapgood Tarbell, deceased, Class of 1891
- Annie Fairbrother Smith, Class of 1890
- Arthur Tarr, Class of 1899
- John Tarr, Class of 1903
- Clarence Tarr, Class of 1907
- Perley B. Thompson, Class of 1888; wrote a history for the booklet
- Perlie Thompson; photograph and brief bio
- Mrs. Edna Hovey Thorne, Class of 1907; member of the committee which published the centennial booklet
- James H. Thorne, 1909; photograph and brief bio
- James H. Thorne, Class of 1909
- Mrs. Edna Thorne
- Caroline Thurston of Madison, Maine; a student in 1844
- Cleveland Thurston, student at Colby College, taught in 1908
- Martelle A. Tibbetts, Class of 1920
- Louise Tibbetts, Class of 1922
- J. F. Tingley, instructor in agriculture about 1921
- Samuel E. Tinkham, Class of 1889
- Paulina Titcomb of Kingsbury, Maine; a student in 1844
- Joseph P. Todd of Ripley, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Delmont Tozier, Class of 1899
- G. Alston Tripp, M.D.; Class of 1891; photograph and brief bio
- Dr. G. A. Tripp
- Emogene Frederick Varney, Class of 1886
- Paulina Walker of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Ernest George Walker, distinguished graduate. Photograph and bio
- Ernest G. Walker, distinguished graduate
- Ernest C. Walker
- Perley F. Walker; photograph and brief bio
- W. L. Walker; photograph and brief bio
- Hon. W. L. Walker, Class of 1882
- Emma Walker, Class of 1885
- Ernest G. Walker, Class of 1886
- John Leslie Walker, deceased, Class of 1887
- Perley Walker, Class of 1892
- Herbert Walker, deceased, Class of 1895
- Charles Walker, Class of 1896
- R. Morrill Walker, Class of 1897
- Edith Walker, Class of 1899
- George B. Walker, Class of 1901
- W. L. Walker
- Ernest G. Walker
- George B. Walker
- Miss Edith Walker
- Hon S. J.Walton of Skowhegan, graduate of Anson Academy, spoke at the first alumni reunion on April 30, 1909
- Winifred Ware, graduate of 1880
- Parke S. Warren, a teacher in 1867
- Thelma Warren, Class of 1919
- Isaac L. Watson of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- George H. Wayman, a teacher in 1877
- Esther Weld of Anson, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Rodney Welsh of Monmouth, Maine; teacher in 1852; by 1880 he was on the editorial staff of the Chicago Times
- Clarence Wentworth, Class of 1907
- Mahlon Wentworth, Class of 1916
- Ella Wentworth, deceased, Class of 1916
- Carleton Wentworth, Class of 1921
- Emily Wentworth, Class of 1921
- Miss Emily Wentworth
- Elizabeth Pease Werne, Class of 1888
- Daniel F. Weston of Milburn, Maine [Skowhegan]; instructor in Greek and Latin
- Minnie Russell Wheeler, Class of 1891
- Mellen A. Whitney, Class of 1882
- J. Frank Whitney, Class of 1883
- G. A. Whitney, Class of 1888
- Raymond Whitney, Class of 1911
- Carrie Simmons Whitney, Class of 1914
- Lina Mitchell Whitney, Class of 1915
- Mrs. Carrie Whitney
- Mrs. Lina Whitney
- Hattie Walker Whitten, Class of 1896
- Sylvinia M. Whittier of Pleasant Ridge, Maine; a student in 1844
- Winnie Hall Whittier, Class of 1897
- Mr. Wiggin of Waterville, Maine; a teacher in 1841
- Francis L. Wilder of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- James M. Wilder, trustee
- Lemuel Williams, Esq., Trustee
- William Williams of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Climena Williams of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Susan Williams of Anson, Maine; a student in 1844
- Guy Floyd Williams, Class of 1903; Bates College graduate, taught in 1909; became principal about 1917; photo and brief bio
- Charles L. Williams, Class of 1886
- Lenora Thompson Williams, Class of 1886
- Eda Baker Williams, Class of 1897
- Vesta Moulton Williams, Class of 1897
- Arthur Williams, Class of 1907
- W. Kingman Williams, Class of 1922
- Harry Williamson, deceased, Class of 1896
- Fred Williamson, Class of 1899
- Myrtle M. Williamson, Class of 1923
- Rev. Obed Wilson, Trustee
- Jessie L. Wilson of Embden, Maine; instructor in Mathematics, Rhetoric, English Grammar, etc.
- Alice C. Wilson, graduate of 1880
- Cora Wilson, Class of 1880
- Elma Wilson, deceased, Class of 1882
- Wing
- William E. Wing; photograph and brief bio
- William Wing, Class of 1898
- Gwendolin Wing, Class of 1921
- Lester Witham, Class of 1896
- James H. Withington of Massachusetts; a teacher in 1843
- Susan Clark Young, Class of 1904
- Mrs. Lottie Young
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