1886 catalog of the Mount Pleasant Academy, a military boarding school for boys, located at Sing Sing, a village in Ossining, New York. Mount Pleasant Academy was opened in 1814 and operated for over one hundred years.
The catalog measures approximately 7-3/4" by 5-1/2" and contains 47 numbered pages, including several engravings and many names of faculty, administration, students and people offering references.
Images of all of the pages appear at the end of this post.
Names in the Catalog, some of which may be repeated: Note: Given names within a specific surname might not be in alphabetical order.
Names in the Catalog, some of which may be repeated: Note: Given names within a specific surname might not be in alphabetical order.
- R. Acosta, Esq. of 48 West 47th Street, New York City - school reference
- T. Adams, Esq. of 77 Murray Street, New York City - school reference
- A. J. Adams, Esq. of 361 West 32nd Street, New York City - school reference
- Albert Jerome Adams, Jr. of New York City; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society
- Lawrence Page Adams of New York City; cadet
- J. Howe Allen, A.M., Principal of Mount Pleasant Academy
- Rev. E. B. Allen of Brewsters, New York - school reference
- Jole Nott Allen of Brewsters, New York; cadet
- L. Anderson, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio - school reference
- T. W. Andrews, Esq. of Bradford, Pennsylvania - school reference
- William Armour, Esq. of Chicago, Illinois - school reference
- Benjamin Atha, Esq. of Newark, New Jersey - school reference
- Abeleno Ayestas of New York City; cadet
- J. C. Barlow; member of Delta Nu Society
- Walter Barlow; read his essay "What the Tramp Said" at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885; received Testimonial of Merit in Latin, 1885
- William Oglesby Barnetz of Middletown, Ohio; cadet
- W. G. Barney, Esq. of Bates, Reed & Cooly, 453 Broadway, New York City - school reference
- F. S. Barrett, B.M., music instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- George C. Barritz, Esq. of Middletown, Ohio - school reference
- R. J. Beatty, Esq. of Steubenville, New York - school reference
- Robert H. Bell, Esq. of Toledo, New York - school reference
- Major T. D. Bertody of Savannah, Georgia - school reference
- Daniel P. Bible, Esq. of 756 Broadway, New York City - school reference
- Howard Wiswall Bible of New York City; cadet
- Rev. J. P. Black, D.D. of Williamsport, Pennsylvania - school reference
- George M. Block, Esq. of St. Louis, Missouri - school reference
- John Bloodgood, Esq. of 575 Fifth Avenue, New York City - school reference
- Dr. J. W. Bowron of 160 East 72nd Street, New York City - school reference
- Edwin George Bruns of New York City; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; received Honorable Mention, 1885; First Sergeant of Second Company
- Frederick Amos Brush of Sing Sing, New York; cadet; received Honorable Mention, 1885
- Clinton Burling, Elocution instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- Rev. C. H.Burr of New York City - school reference
- Osceola Butler, Esq. of Savannah, Georgia - school reference
- Adolph Fernandez Cabada of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; cadet
- Cadenas & Coe of 63 Pine Street, New York City - school reference
- T. H. Camp, Esq. of Watertown, New York - school reference
- George W. Carr, Esq. of 193 Front Street, New York City - school reference
- George Sherman Carr of New York City; cadet
- F. R. Chadeayne; read his essay "New Wine in Old Bottles" at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885; received Testimonial of Merit in German, 1885
- W. B. Chapman, Esq. of Bradford, Pennsylvania - school reference
- William Chapman, Esq. of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - school reference
- Will Chapman of Bradford, Pennsylvania; cadet; presumably the W. B. Chapman who was a member of Delta Nu Society and co-editor of the Reveille; and presumably the W. B. Chapman who was a member of the Thespian Society; Cadet Sergeant Major
- R. A. Chesebrough, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- H. C. Clark, M.D. of Woodbury, New Jersey - school reference
- Harry Herbert Clark of Woodbury, New Jersey; cadet; member and vice-president of Delta Nu Society; member and president of the Thespian Society; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic, 1885; Lieutenant of First Company
- John V. Cockcroft, Esq. of Sing Sing, New York - school reference
- Edward Truesdell Cockcroft of Sing Sing, New York; cadet
- W. H. Corning, Esq. of Cleveland, Ohio - school reference
- Lieutenant W. C. Coulson of United States Revenue Service - school reference
- S. D. Coykendall, Esq. of Rondout, New York - school reference
- H. Coykendall; received Testimonial of Merit in French, 1885
- Capt. C. B. Dahlgren of Trenton, New Jersey - school reference
- John Adolph Dahlgren of Trenton, New Jersey; cadet
- H. F. Danforth, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- Thomas Snyder Danforth of New York City; cadet
- Noel Davis of New York City - school reference
- Frederic John Davis of New York City; cadet; member and president of Delta Nu Society; member of the Thespian Society; Captain of Third Company
- T. J. Davis, co-editor of the Delta Nu "Reveille"
- C. M. Davison, Esq. of Detroit, Michigan - school reference
- S. de Mendonca, Esq. of 23 State Street, New York City - school reference
- Jose C. de Rivas of New York City; cadet; member of the Thespian Society; received Testimonial of Merit in German, 1885; Captain of First Company
- D. DeCosta & Co. of New York City - school reference
- Major W. A. Downs, Commandant, Military Department at Mount Pleasant Academy
- Dr. J. P. Dunlap of Syracuse, New York - school reference
- Lanier Dunn, Esq. of Washington, D.C. - school reference
- Duyckcink & Company, No. 13 West 27th Street, New York; supplier of the school uniforms
- E. M. Earle, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- R. A. Edgerton, Esq. of Little Rock, Arkansas - school reference
- Rev. E. E. Edwards, D.D. of Olney, Illinois - school reference
- Albert Somers Edwards of Olney, Illinois; cadet
- Henry Elliot, Esq. of 132 Elliot Place, Brooklyn, New York - school reference
- T. C. Else, Esq. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - school reference
- Daniel P. Erhrman, Esq. of New Orleans, Louisiana - school reference [spelled Eherman in the catalog]
- Felix Erhman of Panama, U.S. of Columbia; cadet; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic and Algebra, 1885; Color Sergeant
- William Erhman of Panama, U.S. of Columbia; cadet; received Honorable Mention, 1885; Second Sergeant of First Company
- Henry Erhman of New Orleans, Louisiana; cadet
- Professor H. L. Fairchild, Lecturer in Geology and Physical Geography at Mount Pleasant Academy
- Mrs. E. F. Farmer of Newark, New Jersey - school reference
- M. Ferst, Esq. of Savannah, Georgia - school reference
- G. J. Fisher, M.D., Physician at Mount Pleasant Academy
- Joel A. Fithian, Esq. of Paris, France - school reference
- Joel Adams Fithian of New York City; cadet
- J. D. Fletcher, Esq. of 10 Warren Street, New York City - school reference
- William M. Fliess, Esq. of 47 Broadway, New York City - school reference
- J. F. R. Fonda, Esq. of Louisville, Kentucky - school reference
- Bishop R. S. Foster, D.D. of Boston, Massachusetts - school reference
- Mrs. A. M. Freeman of Kingsville, Maryland - school reference
- Frank Lovell Freeman of Kingsville, Maryland; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; received Testimonial of Merit in German, Algebra, Natural Philosophy, Physical Geography, History and Grammar, 1885; First Sergeant of First Company
- Hiram Lewis Friedlander of New York City; cadet
- A. S. Frissell, Esq. of Fifth Avenue Bank, New York City - school reference
- Louis Fox Frissell of New York City; cadet; Honorable Mention for Good Conduct
- Stephen Gardner, Esq. of Hastings, Minnesota - school reference
- John J. Garretson, Esq. of 421 West 71st Street, New York City - school reference
- Mitchel Packard Garretson of New York City; cadet
- J. H. Gautier, M.D. of 32 Fifth Avenue, New York City - school reference
- Wilard Gay, Esq. of Troy, New York - school reference
- William Geer Hitchcock of New York City; cadet
- F. C. Gibbs, Esq. of Chicago, Illinois - school reference
- William Gibson, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio- school reference
- E. Gilmore, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- William Lasher Gilmore of New York City; cadet; received Testimonial of Merit in Latin, French and Music, 1885; Lieutenant of Third Company
- Paul Godschaux, Esq. of New Orleans, Louisiana - school reference
- Hon. Parke Goodwin, L.L.D. of New York City - school reference
- J. A. Gwynne, Esq. of 16 Wall Street, New York City - school reference
- Colonel H. S. Haines of Savannah, Georgia - school reference
- G. H. Haldeman, Esq. of Columbia, Pennsylvania - school reference
- A. J. Hardenburgh, Esq. of Middletown, New York - school reference
- Abram Jansen Hardenburgh of Brooklyn, New York; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society
- R. A. Harman, Esq. of Cleveland, Ohio - school reference
- J. L. Harris, Esq. of New Orleans, Lousiana - school reference
- William L. Hastie & Son of Charleston, South Carolina - school reference
- J. C. Haydon, Esq. of Janesville, Pennsylvania - school reference
- U. T. Hayes, Esq. of Middletown, New York - school reference
- Thomas Edmund Hayes of Middletown, New York; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; member of the Thespian Society
- Mrs. A. A. Hillyer of 4 66th Street, New York City - school reference
- Clarence Winants Hillyer of New York City; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; member of the Thespian Society; received Honorable Mention, 1885; Captain of Fourth Company
- Lewis Herman Hirsh of New York City; cadet; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic, Algebra and Grammar, 1885; Second Sergeant of Fourth Company
- E. Hirsh; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic and Algebra, 1885
- William Hitchcock, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- G. Hoag; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic, Algebra and English Composition, 1885
- J. Hoag; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic and Algebra, 1885
- Rev. J. S. B. Hodges, D.D. of Baltimore, Maryland - school reference
- N. A. Hooker, Esq. of New Haven, Connecticut - school reference
- Willard Hopkins, Esq. of Naugatuck, Connecticut - school reference
- Mrs. Josephine Horton of East 167th Street, New York City - school reference
- Harry Lafayette Horton of New York City; cadet
- H. E. Howe of New York City - school reference
- S. B. Hubbard, Esq. of Jacksonville, Florida - school reference
- Archie Stanford Hubbard of Jacksonville, Florida; cadet
- Hon. J. S. Hubbell of Houghton, Michigan - school reference
- E. H. Huntingdon, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio - school reference
- N. Hyatt; member of Delta Nu Society
- Frank Lawrence Ireland of Sing Sing, New York; cadet
- J. E. Iseman, Esq. of Middletown, New York - school reference
- George Henry Iseman of Middletown, New York; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; member of the Thespian Society
- T. D. Jones, Esq. of Ebervale, Pennsylvania - school reference
- John Elmer Jones of Ebervale, Pennsylvania; cadet
- L. C. Keever, Esq. of New Orleans, Louisiana - school reference
- H. L. King, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- J. McM. King, Esq. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - school reference
- Henry Eugene Klunder of Sing Sing, New York; cadet; received Honorable Mention, 1885
- Milton Knapp, Esq. of 108 Madison Avenue, New York City - school reference [not sure of middle digit of street address]
- G. C. Knowlton, Esq. of St. Louis, Missouri - school reference
- G. Knowlton; received Testimonial of Merit in Book-keeping, 1885
- Schuyler Brush Knox of Carthage Landing, New York; cadet; received Testimonial of Merit in Arithmetic and History, 1885; and tied for Honor Medal for Conduct, 1886
- C. H. L'Hommerdeau, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio - school reference
- B. Lande, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- Frederick Martin Lande of New York City; cadet; received Honorable Mention, 1885
- Andrew Langdon, Esq. of Buffalo, New York - school reference
- Carlos Alberto Lares of Merida, Venezuela; cadet; Honorable Mention for Good Conduct
- Prisco Paredes Lares of Merida, Venezuela; cadet; tied for Honor Medal for Conduct, 1886
- John Le Droit Langdon of Buffalo, New York; cadet
- Alexander L. Levett, Esq. of 417 West 61st Street, New York City - school reference
- Frederick Jerome Levett of New York City; cadet
- Walter George Levett of New York City; cadet
- William Little, Esq. of 2 Wall Street, New York City - school reference
- W. J. Lloyd, Esq. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - school reference
- H. Lloyd; received Testimonial of Merit in Drawing, 1885
- L. O. Maddux, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio - school reference
- Dr. W. R. Mandeville of New Orleans, Louisiana - school reference
- D. S. Manners, Esq. of Jersey City, New Jersey - school reference
- Mrs. C. D. Mathews of Murray Hill Hotel, New York City - school reference
- Henry Chauncey Matthews of New York City; cadet
- C. F. Maurice, Esq. of Sing Sing, New York - school reference
- Henry D. McCord, Esq. of 94 Broad Street, New York City - school reference
- William McKnight, Esq. of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - school reference
- L. Mendell; received Honorable Mention, 1885
- H. C. Miner, Esq. of 210 East 12th Street, New York City - school reference
- Edwin Miner of New York City; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society
- George Harrison Miner of New York City; cadet
- Thomas William Miner of New York City; cadet
- W. H. Mooney, Esq. of Steubenville, New York - school reference
- J. M. Mora, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- Mrs. E. B. Morehouse of Quincy, Illinois - school reference
- Howard Morehouse of Quincy, Illinois; cadet
- Hon. J. J. Morris of New York City - school reference
- Wilhelmus Mynderse, Esq. of 111 Broadway, New York City - school reference
- Professor F. Nagle, drawing instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- Hon. William W. Niles of 37 Wall Street, New York City - school reference
- E. H. Norton, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- Charles E. Odell, Accountant and Penmanship instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- Herman Oelrichs, Esq. of 2 Bowling Green, New York City - school reference
- John B. Oltman, Esq. of 16 Broad Street, New York City - school reference
- Henry Herbert Oltman of New York City; cadet
- C. D. Owens, Esq. of Savannah, Georgia - school reference
- Harry Ferris Owens of Savannah, Georgia; cadet
- James McIvor Owens of Savannah, Georgia; cadet; received Honorable Mention, 1885; First Sergeant of Fourth Company
- Mitchell W. Packard, Esq. of Brooklyn, New York - school reference
- Daniel Packer, Esq. of Brooklyn, New York - school reference
- W. P. Paine, Esq. of Eastport, Maine - school reference
- Dr. W. B. Pardee, Esq. of South Norwalk, Connecticut - school reference
- Moses Clifford Pardee of South Norwalk, Connecticut; cadet; tied for Honor Medal for Conduct, 1886
- John M. Parker, Esq. of New Orleans, Louisiana - school reference
- Hon. R. C. Parsons of Cleveland, Ohio - school reference
- Thomas Patten, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- W. H. Patton, Esq. of Virginia City, Nevada - school reference
- A.M. Peabody, Esq. of 59 Wall Street, New York City - school reference
- Randolpho Augusto Penna, Jr., of Brazil, South America; cadet; Honorable Mention for Good Conduct
- F. L. Perrin, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio - school reference
- Hon. William Walter Phelps of New York City - school reference
- G. B. Phelps, Esq. of Watertown, New York - school reference
- Rev. Wilson Phraner, D.D. of Sing Sing, New York - school reference. He gave the benediction at the Literary Exercises of June 1885
- C. H. Plugge, B.P., Modern Languages instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- A. J. Pouch, Esq. of Brooklyn, New York - school reference; misprinted as Ponch
- Alonzo Bostwick Pouch of Brooklyn, New York; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; Honorable Mention, 1885; Second Sergeant of Second Company
- Abner Price, Esq. of Chicago, Illinois - school reference
- D.G. Purse, Esq. of Savannah, Georgia - school reference
- W. C. Rogers, Esq. of 246 West 11th Street, New York City - school reference
- Morrison Rogers of New York City; cadet
- Edward Rothschild, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- W. B. Royce, Esq. of Middletown, New York - school reference
- William Fowler Royce of Middletown, New York; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society; member of the Thespian Society
- Charles Sanger Rupp of West Point, New York; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society
- W. S. M. Ryder, A.M., Mathematics instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- C. H. Sayre, Esq. of Utica, New York - school reference
- William Schwarzwaelder, Esq. of Brooklyn, New York
- Charles Lewis Schwarzwaelder of Brooklyn, New York; cadet; member and secretary of the Thespian Society; received Testimonial of Merit in Greek, 1885. He was also Cadet Adjutant.
- W. C. Seipp, Esq. of Chicago, Illinois - school reference
- Frederic Wildman Settle of New York City; cadet
- Mark Shaw, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- F. R. Smart, Esq. of Flushing, New York - school reference
- Frederic Robert Smart, Jr. of Flushing, New York; cadet; received Honor Medal for Conduct, 1886
- A. W. Smith, Esq. of 203 Fifth Avenue, New York City - school reference
- George Putnam Smith, Esq. of 54 William Street, New York City- school reference
- George Totten Smith of New York City; cadet; Honorable Mention for Good Conduct
- Mrs. J. E. Somers, Esq. of Washington, D.C. - school reference
- M. A. Soto, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- Charles Hawley Sprong of Pamrapo, New Jersey; cadet; First Sergeant of Third Company
- N. Hall Stanton, Esq. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - school reference
- W. R. Stebbins, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- General D. S. Steel of New Jersey; he reviewed the cadets at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885
- William Steinway, Esq. of Steinway Hall, New York City - school reference
- A. D. Sterling, Esq. of New York Produce Exchange, New York City - school reference
- Harry Goddin Sterling of Brooklyn, New York; cadet; member and treasurer of Delta Nu Society
- Ex-Gov. J. W. Stevenson of Covington, Kentucky - school reference
- Mrs. S. C. Stewart of Middlebury, Vermont - school reference
- Mrs. George H. Stiles of 18 Bedford Avenue - school reference
- George Lawrence Stiles of Brooklyn, New York; cadet; Honorable Mention for Good Conduct
- William H. Stodart, Esq. of Tiffany & Co., New York City - school reference
- William Richard Stodart of New York City; cadet
- Daniel Stull, Esq. of Bear Creek, Pennsylvania - school reference [misprinted as Stule]
- Oscar Worthington Stull of Bear Creek, Pennsylvania; cadet; member of Delta Nu Society
- Rev. T. DeWitt Talmadge, D.D. of Brooklyn, New York - school reference; gave an address at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885
- Frank Talmadge; read his essay "Before and Behind" at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885
- F. Talmadge; received Honorable Mention, 1885
- Col. W. W. Teal of Syracuse, New York - school reference
- Charles Warren Tenbroeck of Tarrytown, New York; cadet
- Col. John J. Toffey of Jersey City Heights, New Jersey - school reference
- George Alexander Toffey of Jersey City, New Jersey; cadet
- Stevenson Towle, Esq. of City Hall - school reference
- R. H. L. Townsend, Esq. of 171 Madison Street, New York City - school reference
- T. H. Tremper, Esq. of Kingston, New York - school reference
- C. C. Trowbridge, Esq. of Detroit, Michigan - school reference
- Levi Tyler, Esq. of Louisville, Kentucky - school reference
- J. M. Valentine, Esq. of 76 Leonard Street, New York City - school reference
- C. A. Valentine; gave the Valedictory at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885; received a Testimonial of Merit in Greek, Latin, Algebra and Geometry, 1885
- John Van Vorst, Esq. of Jersey City, New Jersey - school reference
- Atwood Violett, Esq. of New Orleans, Louisiana - school reference
- J. H. Wade, Jr., Esq. of Cleveland, Ohio - school reference
- Charles Clyde Wall of New York City; cadet
- William L. Wallace, Esq. of Tarrytown, New York - school reference
- Charles Wallace of Tarrytown, New York; cadet
- Robert Waller, Esq. of New York City - school reference
- Percy Waller of New York City; cadet; Testimonial of Merit in Greek, Latin, Arithmetic and Algebra, 1885; Second Sergeant of Third Company
- C. L.Walsworth; gave the Latin Salutatory at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885; received Testimonial of Merit in Natural Philosophy, 1885
- James F. Wenman, Esq. of 146 Pearl Street, New York City - school reference
- W. B. Wesson, Esq. of Detroit, Michigan - school reference
- F. L. Westbrook, Esq. of Kingston, New York - school reference
- J. R. Wheat, Esq. of Portland, Oregon - school reference
- E. A. White, A.B., Elementary Studies and Natural Science instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- E. P. Wilbur, Esq. of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania - school reference
- Elisha Packer Wilbur, Jr., of South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; cadet; received Testimonial of Merit in English Composition and Honorable Mention, 1885; Lieutenant of Fourth Company
- Cadet Officer J. Wiser, Captain of Second Company
- Hon. J. P. Wiser, M.P. of Prescott, Ontario - school reference
- Isaac Philip Wiser of Prescott, Ontario; cadet; member and secretary of Delta Nu Society; member and treasurer of the Thespian Society; received Testimonial of Merit in Algebra and an Honorable Mention, 1885
- J. V. Witherbee, A.M., Greek and Latin instructor at Mount Pleasant Academy
- A. S. Witherspoon; read his essay "Furnace and Loom" at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885; received Testimonial of Merit in Geometry, 1885
- Fernando Wood, Esq. of Croton Dam, New York - school reference
- G. E. Wood, Esq. of Chicago, Illinois - school reference
- F. Wood, Jr.; read his essay "Lessons from History" at the Literary Exercises on June 18, 1885
- F. Wood; received Honorable Mention, 1885
- J. S. Words, Esq. of Cincinnati, Ohio - school reference
- A. S. Yates, Esq. of Rochester, New York - school reference
- Frederic William Yates of Rochester, New York; cadet; received Testimonial of Merit in Grammar, Book-keeping, and an Honorable Mention, 1885; Lieutenant of Second Company
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