1870s album of signers from St. George, Maine, including many from the village of Tenants Harbor, and Lowell, Massachusetts, with most of the signers there being students at Lowell High School.
The album is approximately 8" x 5" and contains nearly 120 pages signed by people from Maine, Massachusetts and Brooklyn, New York. An alphabetical list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
None of the signatures gives a relationship, other than schoolmate, to the owner of the album to give me a clue toward the owner's identity. If you have family members with a connection to both St. George, Maine, and Lowell, Massachusetts, and/or have a theory of the owner's identity, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
Some sample autographs:
Addie S. Giles of Tenants Harbor signed a page in 1881.
Lillie Eaglesham of Lowell, Massachusetts signed a page at Lowell High School on 11 March 1878.
Edith E. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor signed on a page on 28 February 1882 and pasted a tiny photograph of herself.
L. S. M. Glidden of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed a page on 5 September 1878. I'm assuming he was Lewis Spear McKenzie Glidden who became a successful businessman in Massachusetts.
Alphabetical list of the signers: [Note: Given names within a specific surname are not necessarily within alphabetical order.]
- Jennie H. Bailey, signed at Lowell High School on 6 February 1878, "Schoolmate of 1878"
- Carrie J. Bailey, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 15 February 1878
- Jennie Barbour of Yarmouthville, Maine, signed on 8 February 1886
- Florence E. Bates of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 21 January 1878
- Minnie L. Bean of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 11 February 1878 "Our Algebra class"
- Jennie M. Bennett of Lowell, Masschusetts, signed on 6 February 1878
- Hattie A. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 8 May 1878
- Mrs. T. B. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 18 March 1879
- Mrs. S. A. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine
- S. Amelia Bickmore, signed at Tenants Harbor on 28 February 1882
- C. E. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed 28 February 1882
- Abbie T. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 15 July 1881
- Edith E. Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed 28 February 1882. Edith pasted a tiny photo of herself on the page
- Belle Bickmore of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 28 February 1882
- Luna A. Bowman of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 5 January 1878
- Harry C. Brown of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 12 October 1894
- Tillie B. Burgess of Brooklyn, New York, signed 12 October 1882
- Nelia Chamberlin, signed at Lowell High School on 26 February 1878. Perhaps nickname for Cornelia
- Eda M. Chapman of Brooklyn, New York, signed on 12 October 1882
- Alice J. Chase of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 16 January 1878
- Lizzie A. Clark of Martinsville, Maine, signed 12 March 1886
- Edith Coburn of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 29 January 1878
- Agnes Coburn of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 4 January 1878
- Maud Conant of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 20 June 1886
- Clara E. Copeland of Thomaston, Maine, signed 16 April 1879
- Flora A. Crockett of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 25 January 1878
- Nelle Dodge of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed in January 1878 at Lowell High School
- Belle Dodge of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School in January 1878; Cora's classmate
- Justin N. Dows, signed at Lowell High School, at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 5 January 1878
- Libbie Eaglesham of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 11 March 1878
- Lizzie A. P. Emerson of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 8 January 1878
- Nellie A. Fales of Thomaston, Maine, signed on 12 April 1879
- L. B. Fergusson, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 4 March 1878
- Asa W. Flint of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 5 January 1878
- Annie L. Flood of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 7 March 1878 at Lowell High School; schoolmate
- E. B. Gibbs, U.S.A. [US Army ?], signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 21 February 1886
- Nannie C. Gilchrest of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed 24 November 1878
- Addie S. Giles of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed 4 April 1881
- Lila Gleason of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 15 January 1878
- L. S. M. Glidden of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed 5 September 1878. Lewis Spear McKenzie Glidden
- Mary E. Googins of Milbridge, Maine, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 12 March 1885
- A. D. Gordon of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 14 March 1878
- Blanche H. Graves of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 27 January 1878
- Lizzie F. Haley, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 5 May 1878
- Lizzie P. Haley of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 30 November 1880
- Maggie Haley, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 12 July 1878. Middle initial could be L or S
- Helen Louise Ham, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 5 January 1878
- Helen S. Harris of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 6 March 1878
- Minnie A. Hatch of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 19 January 1878
- Clara B. Hays, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 6 February 1883
- Eva S. Henderson, signed at St. George, Maine, on 9 April 1882
- A. A. Hilton, signed at Lowell High School, Lowell, Massachusetts, on 2 March 1878
- Annie H. Howe of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 5 January 1878
- Carrie A. Jackson of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 15 January 1878
- William H. Jacobs of Lowell, Massachusetts, "Algebra class of 78, History class of 78"
- Katie E. Kelley, signed at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 28 January 1878; schoolmate
- Lizzie C. Kennedy, signed at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts on 28 January 1878
- Alice M. Kidder, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 15 January, no year written
- Etta Kileski, signed at Lowell High School, Lowell, Massachusetts, on 24 January 1878
- Annie Kimball of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 9 January 1878
- Mamie F. Kimball of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 21 February 1878
- Arthur P. Knapp of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 12 March 1878
- M. Maude Lancaster of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed in February 1878
- Mr. and Mrs. S. Lane of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed 3 March 1878. Middle initial is possibly N or H
- Maude B. Lane of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 18 August 1891
- Jennie G. Libbee of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 15 January 1878
- Susie E. Litchfield, signed at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts, Spindle City, on 2 March 1878
- Lillie Long of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed 17 July 1878
- Lizzie R. Long, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 4 April 1881
- Andrew J. Lynch of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School
- Bridget Y. Maguire of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 3 January 1878; schoolmate
- Hattie Marshall, signed on 5 March 1878 at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts; shared a page with Jennie Webster
- Walter H. Mathews of Thomaston, Maine, signed on 26 Jan 1879
- Marietta Melvin, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 22 January 1878
- Nellie C. Mitchell, signed at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 21 February 1878; "Algebra Class of 1878"
- Mary J. Murphy of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 28 January 1878
- Frank C. Nichols of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 23 January 1878
- Alice Parker of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 26 January 1878
- W. S. Pierson of St. George, Maine, signed on 27 February 1882
- Rosina Pierson, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, 8 March 1882
- Jessie F. Pigott of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 25 January 1878
- Nellie O. Plaisted of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 5 February 1878
- W. A. Preston, signed at Lowell High School on 27 January 1878
- Arvilla H. Ramsdell of Lowell, Massachusetts, sgiend 5 January 1878
- Jennie E. Reynolds of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 3 January 1878
- Inie Rice, signed atLowell High School, at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 4 January 1878; shared page with Emma Stratton
- Lizzie A. Robertson of Lowell High School, signed 15 January 1878; shared page with Hattie M. Hubbard of Lowell High School, signed 1878. Lowell, Massachusetts
- Fannie M. Robinson of Thomaston, Maine, signed on Easter Sunday in 1879
- Charles W. Rolfe of Portland, Maine, signed on 22 March 1879
- Kate Rose of Thomaston, Maine, signed on 5 February 1880
- Annie Sanders of Lowell, Massachusetts, sgiend on 20 January 1878
- Arthur W. Saunders of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 23 January 1878
- Lizzie K. Seavey, signed at Tenants Harbor on 2 September 1878. Perhaps Lizzie Knight Seavey
- Etta W. Sherman of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 18 January 1878
- John A. Simpson
- Nellie L. Sladen of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed at Lowell High School on 3 January 1878
- Sophia E. Smalley of Thomaston, Maine
- James M. Smith of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 2 September 1878
- Blanche H. Spurr of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 10 January 1878
- Emma Stratton, signed at Lowell High School, at Lowell, Massachusetts on 4 January 1878; shared page with Inie Rice
- Cora L. Strong of Thomaston, Maine, signed 15 April 1879
- George S. Swasey, signed at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 11 February 1878
- Clare B. Thomas of Industry, Maine, signed at Tenants Harbor, Maine, on 27 February 1879
- Clara J. Thomas of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 3 January 1878
- Abbie C. Thompson of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 14 February 1878 at Lowell High School
- Hattie E. Tillson of Thomaston, Maine, signed on 17 April 1879
- Franklin Trussell of South St. George, Maine, signed 1878
- Allie T. Trussell, signed 19 September 1878
- Walter Tuttle, signed at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts, on 5 January 1878
- Charles Vesper of Thomaston, Maine, signed 17 April 1879. Can't deciipher middle initial.
- Emma C. Webster, signed at Lowell High School, Lowell, Massachusetts on 4 January 1878
- Jennie Webster, signed on 5 March 1878 at Lowell High School at Lowell, Massachusetts; shared a page with Hattie Marshall
- Redman Welch of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 5 January 1878
- S. A. Wheeler of Tenants Harbor, Maine, signed on 8 October 1882
- George Whiting of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 20 January 1878
- Etta S. Willey of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 23 January 1878
- H. R. Williams of Thomaston, Maine, signed on "Fast Day", 17 April 1879
- Helen M. York of Lowell, Massachusetts, signed on 6 March 1878. "Philosophy, L.H.S." [Lowell High School]
St. George, Maine [Zoom in one click to see Tenants Harbor identified.]
Thanks for stopping by!
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