Thursday, June 7, 2012

1899 High School Graduation Program, Uxbridge, Massachusetts

"Loyal Devoir."

Graduating Exercises 
of the 
Class of '99, Uxbridge High School, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
Town Hall

Thursday Evening, June 22,
7:45 O'Clock
Music - Day and Puffer's Orchestra.


March - "The Fortune Teller,"...Victor Herbert

Rev. James M. Cruse

Salutatory Oration        Scientific Institutions
Thomas Ross Hicks

Essay,                           Influence of Associates
Elizabeth Agnes Breslin

Essay,                           Success
Jennie Grace Fales

Music - Song for Cornet - "The Holy City"   Barnby

Oration                         Thomas A. Edison
Chester Bradstreet Story

Essay,                        Woman in the World's Progress
Minnie Morse Fales

Class Will and Statistics,
Jessie Merrill Parker

Music - The New Hail Columbia,   G. W. Chadwick

Essay,                          Imaginery Trip to London
Mary Elizabeth Lovett


Debate: - Should the President and the Senate of the United States be Elected by a Direct Vote of the People?

Aff. - Leo Ambrose Hartshorne
Neg. - Oliver Edward Sanderson

Music, - March - "Hands Across the Sea"     Sousa

Essay,                        Patriotic Music
Esther Rose McDonald

Essay,                         Athletics
Amy Gilbert Sumner

Music - Vocal March                                    Becker

Class Prophecy
Alice Thomas Lapham

Essay,                                      Punctuality
Emma Louise Whitaker

Music - "Campin' on de Ole Suwanee,"       Smith

Valedictory Essay,           After Clouds Come Sunshine
Mary Loretto Daley

Singing,                                 Class Ode

Presentation of Diplomas,
Francis P. Brady, Esq., Sec'y School Board

Class Reception

Class Ode.
Words and Music by Esther Rose McDonald

Class Roll.
College Preparatory Course

Jessie Merrill Parker
Chester Bradstreet Story

Classical Course

Elizabeth Agnes Breslin

English Course, Four Years

Mary Loretto Daley

English Course, Three Years

Jennie Grace Fales
Alice Thomas Lapham
Esther Rose McDonald
Emma Louise Whitaker
Thomas Ross Hicks
Minnie Morse Fales
Mary Elizabeth Lovett
Amy Gilbert Sumner
Leo Ambrose Hartshorne
Oliver Edward Sanderson

If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.


  1. Chester Bradstreet Story was my grandfather. An interesting graduation program.

  2. Glad you got a kick out of seeing your grandfather's name! Thanks for letting me know.

  3. Mary Elizabeth Lovett was my great grandmother. She married Robert Taft of North Uxbridge.

  4. Thanks for adding your great grandfather's name. I hope they got to see London for real!
