Thursday, June 7, 2012

1863 Catalog of Gould's Academy at Bethel, Maine; many names

16 page 1863 catalog of Gould's Classical & English Academy at Bethel, Maine.  Gould Academy is still in operation.

Catalogue of the Officers and Students of 
Gould's Classical & English Academy, 
Bethel, Maine. 
for the Spring, Summer and Fall Terms, 1863.
Printed by David Tucker


Hon. Moses Mason, President
Gilman Chapman, Esq., Vice President
Richard A. Frye, Esq., Secretary
John Grover, M.D., Treasurer
O'Neil W. Robinson, Jr., Esq.
Eber Clough, Esq.
James Walker, Esq.
Gideon A. Hastings, Esq.
Rev. Absalom G. Gaines
Rev. John B. Wheelwright
Albert L. Burbank, Esq.

Executive Committee

O'Neil W. Robinson, Jr., Esq.
Gilman Chapman, Esq.
Eber Clough, Esq.
Rev. John B. Wheelwright
Gideon A. Hastings, Esq.

Examining Committee

Rev. Absalom G. Gaines
John Grover, M.D.
Rev. John B. Wheelwright

Board of Instruction

Merritt C. Fernald, A.B., Principal
Miss Marietta Ruggles, Preceptress
Miss Mary L. Heywood, Assistant Teacher in Mathematics
Mrs. Cyrene S. Twitchell, Teacher of Music


Classicial Department


Names, Residences

Solon Bartlett, Hanover
Joseph S. Burns, Hamlin's Grant
John W. Chadbourne, Paris
Perry Chandler, Bethel
Charles J. Chapman, Bethel
Michael Delaney, Hanover
B. Franklin Fernald, Exeter
Frederic O. Gerrish, Bethel
Howard Gerrish, Bethel
Everett Hammons, Bethel
Moses A. Hastings, Bethel
Camillus K. Johnson, Carmel
Everett Johnson, Carmel
Aaron Mason, Bethel
Elias S. Mason, Bethel
Henry Reynolds, East Wilton
John I. Sturgis, Gorham
Albert H. Waugh, Levant
Goodwin R. Wiley, Bethel


Names, Residences

Ella A. Barker, Bethel
Mary G. Chapman, Bethel
Sarah A. Chapman, Bethel
Sarah W.Chapman, Bethel
Ella Clough, Bethel
Isabella Clough, Bethel
Carrie L. Cross, Bethel
Emily Farrington, Fryeburg
Sarah W. Farrington, Fryeburg
Shuah W. Farrington, Fryeburg
Susie G. Farrington, Fryeburg
Roxanna B. Goddard, Bethel
Flora C. Hayden, Bethel
Martha T. Holden, Bethel
Evelyn H. Johnson, Carmel
Anna F. Kimball, Bethel
Caroline W. Kimball, Rumford
Viola L. Nutting, Bethel
Olive A. Peabody, Bethel
Isabel A. Shehan, Bethel
Mary C. Shehan, Bethel
Persis Shehan, Bethel
Lizzie E. Stearns, Bethel
Chris Stevens, Norway
Jennie C. Stevens, Norway
Tilly O. Swift, Bethel
Sarah A. Tubbs, Bethel
Alma I. Walker, Bethel

Cynthia Walker, Rumford
Mary E. Wheelwright, Bethel
Nellie C. Wormell, Bethel
Ellen O. Young, Bethel

English Department


Names, Residences

Eli W. Barker, Bethel
Nathaniel F. Brown, Bethel
Timothy C. Carter, Bethel
Augustus T. Chapman, Bethel
Banister N. Chapman, Bethel
Harry Clough, Bethel
Charles F. Edwards, Bethel
Edwin U. Gibson, Bethel
George W. Goddard, Bethel
Albert W. Grover, Bethel
Eli C. Grover, Bethel
William W. Hastings, Bethel
Addison E. Herrick, Bethel
Calvin I. Kimball, Bethel
Daniel M. Kimball, Bethel
Talleyrand G. Lary, Gilead
Edwin C. Rowe, Bethel
Benjamin Russell, Jr., Greenwood
Ezra T. Russell, Bethel
Henry B. Stearns, Bethel
John Stearns, Bethel
Eugene A. Twitchell, Bethel
Nathan R. Twitchell, Bethel
Josiah P. Wescott, Albany
Mark Wight, Gilead
S. Jarvis Wight, Bethel


Names, Residences

Maggie W. Bakeman, Brewer
Emma L. Bean, Bethel
Frankie K. Bean, Bethel
Hannah E. Bean, Bethel
Mary P. Burns, Hamlin's Grant
Mary E. Chandler, Bethel
Fannie E. Chapman, Bethel
Addie E. Connor, Bethel
Lucy A. E. Cross, Bethel
Mary O. Ellingwood, Bethel
Eva E. Foster, Bethel
Marietta F. Frye, Bethel
Melissa T. Giles, Bethel
Mary E. Goddard, Bethel
Abbie C. Grover, Bethel
Almira K. Hasty, Cape Elizabeth
Ella F. Hasty, Cape Elizabeth
Permelia A. Hayden, Bethel
Mary L. Heywood, Bethel
Marietta Jordan, Cape Elizabeth
Emily F. Kendall, Newry
Helen M. Le Baron, Greenwood
Lucinda A. Mason, Gilead
Adelia T. Merrill, Bethel
Lizzie M. Parsons, Norway
Fannie I. Philbrook, Shelburne, New Hampshire
Martha A. Phillips, Bethel
Ella M. Robertson, Bethel
Emma V. Robertson, Bethel

Abbie R. Rowe, West Bethel
Nellie R. Russell, Bethel
Emily L. Skillings, Bethel
Araminta B. Small, Mason
Helen M. Staples, Hanover
Frankie B. Stearns, Bethel
Lizzie T. Stearns, Bethel
Carrie L. Twitchell, West Bethel
Ella M. Twitchell, Bethel
Emma S. Twitchell, Bethel


Classicial Department------------- 51
English Department--------------- 65
Gentlemen------------------------- 45
Number during Spring Term------ 62
Number during Summer Term---- 18
Number during Fall Term---------- 85

                   Aggregate                 165

Anniversary Exercises

Thursday, Nov. 12.  Public Examination of Classes

Thursday, Nov. 12   Evening, - Address by Hon. E. P. Weston and
Poem, by O. D. Grover, Esq., before the Literary Society
Friday, Nov. 13.  Forenoon, - Public Examination of Classes, concluded,
Friday, Nov. 13.  Afternoon,Public Rhetorical Exercises of the School

If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.

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