Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1888 Annual Report of Unity, Maine

"1888 Annual Report of the Selectmen of the Town of Unity for the Year Ending March 10, A.D. 1888"
Printed at Belfast, Maine by George W. Burgess, Printer, 1888.

See other posts that feature Unity annual reports from 1890, 1892, 18951897, 1898 and 1900.

Unity is a town in Waldo County in Central Maine.  It's the home of Unity College and the Common Ground Fair, put on by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association.

There's doodling on the covers and several of the pages inside.   The name Rosland, Charles W. Crosby, Frank Crosby, Fred S. Knowles, Joseph Farwell, Amander Rackliff, Cornforth, G. B. Blanchard, Clara Ward, Clara Webb and Selden and the names of the towns of Unity, Thorndike and Belfast are scribbled or written here and there.

Printed names mentioned on the page above:
Joseph Farwell [received $100 as a preset to to town, to aid in building the Farwell bridge]
D. P. Clark [school money]
J. Thompson [for use of Bull]

Printed names mentioned on the page above:
D. Flye [for breaking road in 1886]
J. Small [labor on Town Farm 1886-1887]
Pilley Post G.A.R.
J. Craig [for medical attendance on R. Penney; . McColloff; Ezra Roberts]
Lydia Davis [burial expenses]
J. Hall [support]
J. Libby [for professional services]
Benny Childs [expense for taking him to Baldwin Home, Massachusetts]
Baldwin Place Home
G. Varney [attendance with hearse]
E. A. Hussey [part payment for collection of taxes for 1887]
Mrs. J. Mitchell [cleaning house at Town Farm]
G. Penney [support of Robert Penney and Mrs. Luther Davis]
O. J. Farwell [for plow point for town in 1886]
W. H. Fogler
Thompson and Dunton in suit Hollis vs. Unity
Benton [town of] [for support of Flora Childs and child in 1886]
Montville [town of] [support of J. Eells

Printed names mentioned on the page above:
Sonedburg [for labor on road]
A. J. Clifford [for labor on road]

Printed names on the page above:
Taylor & Mitchell [family supplies furnished at Farm}
J. R. Taber [family supplies furnished at Farm]
A. R. Myrick [family supplies furnished at Farm]

Printed names on the page above:
L. H. Mosher [family supplies furnished at Farm]
L. B. Harding [family supplies furnished at Farm]
E. M. Jones [family supplies furnished at Farm]
E. M. Moody [family supplies furnished at Farm]
R. M. Berry [stock feed]
H. B. Rice [repairs on harness]
W. M. Gerrish [smith work]
N. C. Knight [hardware]
A. W. Fletcher [repairs for mowing machine]
A. H. Clark [fertilizer]

Printed names on the page above:
Flora Childs
Bennie Childs
J. Collier, M.D. [for J. Hamlin]
J. Craig, M.D. [for Mrs. T. Reynolds]
J. Eels and family
W. H. Fogler
J. Hamlin [burial expenses]

Printed names on the page above:
J. J. Varney [care of Town House]
E. A. Hussey
Jefferson Hall [bill from Montville for his support]
Ezra Roberts [bill from Brooks for medical attendance]
Johnny McColliff [bill from Winterport for medical attendance]
Mrs. Luther Davis [bill from Freedom for her support]

Amander Rackliff
Edwin Rand
Otis Cornforth

Printed names on the page above:
George Jones, Agent
Mrs. Jones, Teacher
George Varney, Teacher
W. G. Fuller, Agent
Miss Dina Merrill of Newport, Teacher
Miss Maria Mitchell of Freedom, Teacher
Miss Nellie Moulton of Unity, Teacher

Printed names on the page above:
Mr. Otis Conforth [Cornforth?]
R. R. Spinny, Agent
Miss May Jones, Teacher
George Worth, Teacher
Rufus Danforth, Agent
Miss Linnie Thompson of Albion, Teacher
B. J. Woods, Agent
Miss Mattie Webb of Unity, Teacher
Clara E. Webb, Teacher

Printed names on the page above:
A. Harding, Agent
Mrs. Harding, Teacher
Miss Bell C. Gordon, Teacher
George Flye, Agent
Miss Lettie Poland of Montville, Teacher
Miss McLaughlin, Teacher
G. B. Blanchard, Agent
Miss Clara Ward of Thorndike, Teacher
Mr. C. B. Keen of Freedom, Teacher
W. C. Crosby, Agent
Miss Minnie Conforth, Teacher

Printed names on the page above:
S. W. Bither, Agent
Miss Holmes, Teacher
Mr. Everett Myrick, Teacher
M. L. Pendleton, Agent
Mrs. M. L. Pendleton, Teacher
George Pillsbury, Agent
Miss Nellie Libby

Printed names on the page above:
S.S. Committee, Unity, Maine
W. G. Fuller
James Libby, Jr.
Clara E. Webb

Thanks for stopping by!

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