New Gloucester, Maine, in Cumberland County, in the 1820 Federal Census.
Enumerated population of New Gloucester in the 1820 Census: 1628
Enumerator: Josiah Dunn, Jr., of Poland, Maine
Enumeration of New Gloucester consists of all or parts of Sheets 280-293; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.
Note: the 1820 Federal Census lists the names of heads of households only; people in a household are tracked by age range and gender to determine the total population.
See the list of heads of households at the end of this post.
Boundary changes to New Gloucester since 1820: part of the "Eighty-Rod Strip" annexed in 1838
Note: Spelling of the names of heads of households has been left as it appears in the enumerator’s hand; in some cases, for clarity, an optional spelling has been added. Your corrections and additional information are requested; please comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.
For the following reasons, be prepared to search the entire list for the object of your search:
Many people were not sure of the spelling of their names
Name spelling may have evolved throughout the person’s life
The enumerator may not have heard the person correctly
The enumerator may have interviewed someone not certain of the name of the head of household or how it was spelled
The enumerator may have used phonetic spellings.
Some enumerators grouped heads of households together by the first letter of their surname, giving an additional clue on a surname difficult to read. Note: lists by first letter of surname are not alphabetical within that letter.
Some enumerators apparently grouped the names by walking through neighborhoods; in these cases, the first letter of the surname may sometimes be in error, but the information on neighboring households is valuable.
Name of Head of Household | Sheet # |
Peleg Chandler | 280 |
Joshua and William Morill or Merill | 280 |
William Ricker - not sure of surname | 280 |
Edmund Merill | 280 |
William Proctor | 280 |
Goin Willson | 280 |
Jacob Macdonald - not sure of surname | 280 |
Nathan Handscome | 281 |
William Merrill | 281 |
John Lunt | 281 |
Amos Merrill | 281 |
James Merrill | 281 |
Jonathan Symonton or Simonton (strike-over) | 281 |
Jabez Haskell | 281 |
Peter Bracket | 281 |
Nathaniel Bracket | 281 |
David Lovering | 281 |
Peter Bracket, Jr. | 281 |
Chitman Hodgskins | 281 |
Joseph Foss | 281 |
Joshua Snow | 281 |
Frost Staple | 281 |
Joshua Gore | 281 |
Solomon McIntire | 281 |
Jacob Atkins | 282 |
Moses Bennet | 282 |
Moses Stenchfield | 282 |
William Witham | 282 |
Thomas Witham | 282 |
Polly Haskell | 282 |
Joseph Peirce | 282 |
John Harris | 282 |
James Yetten | 282 |
John Tufts | 282 |
Jacob Bayley | 282 |
Robert Bayley | 282 |
Samuel Peirce | 282 |
John Downer | 282 |
Ebenezer Stevens | 282 |
Jeremiah Witham | 282 |
Majer Berry | 282 |
William Megguire | 282 |
John Megguire | 283 |
Joseph Allen | 283 |
Benjamin Allen | 283 |
Enoch Moss | 283 |
Joshua Merril | 283 |
Reuben Sawyer | 283 |
Samuel Witham | 283 |
Ebenezer Snow | 283 |
Asa Gore | 283 |
Ephraim Stenchfield | 283 |
Deering Johnson | 283 |
Ebenezer Bennet | 283 |
Aaron Penny | 283 |
Caleb Haskell | 283 |
Isaac Haskell | 283 |
Amos E. Bailey or Amos C. Bailey | 283 |
Jonathan Bennet, Jr. | 283 |
Jonathan Bennet | 283 |
Isaac Blake | 283 |
Levi Low | 283 |
Nathaniel Haskell | 284 |
Joseph Woodman | 284 |
John Tufts | 284 |
Job White | 284 |
William White | 284 |
Richard Blake | 284 |
Ebenezer White | 284 |
Tabithy Ranso - possiblyTabitha; possibly Ransom | 284 |
Joseph Peirce | 284 |
David Peirce | 284 |
Simeon Harris | 284 |
Robert Low | 284 |
Johnson Hammond | 284 |
William Hatch | 284 |
Eliphalet Washburn | 284 |
John Waterman | 284 |
Sarah Washburn | 284 |
Isaac Gross | 284 |
Joseph Collins | 285 |
Sylvanus Cobb | 285 |
Chandler Cobb | 285 |
Chandler W. Bradford | 285 |
Zebulon Row, Jr. | 285 |
Zebulon Row | 285 |
Jonathan Row | 285 |
Ebenezer Row | 285 |
Zed. Nevens - presumably Zedekiah Nevens | 285 |
Solomon Atwood | 285 |
James Haskell | 285 |
Abraham Pierce | 285 |
Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. | 285 |
Moses True | 285 |
Asa Ayer | 285 |
Thomas Ayer | 285 |
John Staples | 285 |
Gilbert Ayer | 285 |
Samuel Nevens | 285 |
Levi Hersey | 286 |
Jonas Eveleth | 286 |
James Stinchfield | 286 |
James Winslow | 286 |
Shubal Marsh | 286 |
Joseph E. Foxcroft | 286 |
Jeremiah Allen | 286 |
Dexter Bearce | 286 |
Israel Smith | 286 |
James Merrow | 286 |
Rebecca Megguire | 286 |
Elisha Moseley | 286 |
Joseph Raynes | 286 |
David Nelson | 286 |
John Harris | 286 |
Timothy Little | 286 |
Peleg Chandler | 286 |
Sarah Chandler | 286 |
Obediah Littlefield | 286 |
Isaac F. Hatch | 286 |
Benjamin Witham | 287 |
Gideon Davis | 287 |
William Grover | 287 |
Josiah Grover | 287 |
John Soms | 287 |
Salome Parsons | 287 |
Isaac Pearsons, Jr. | 287 |
Joshua Deering | 287 |
John Megguier | 287 |
Isaac Parsons | 287 |
Daniel Garcelon | 287 |
Seth Peirce | 287 |
Asahel Dearbourn | 287 |
Obediah Whitman | 287 |
Richard Varrel | 287 |
Eliphalet Haskell | 287 |
Amos Haskell | 287 |
Hannah Roach | 287 |
James Roach | 287 |
Philip Chandler | 287 |
Polly Lanksford | 288 |
Benjamin Haskell | 288 |
Ebenezer Collins | 288 |
Aaron Eveleth | 288 |
Perkins Eveleth | 288 |
Isaac Prince | 288 |
William Row | 288 |
Amaziah Nevens | 288 |
Samuel Fesenden | 288 |
William Densmore | 288 |
Joseph Thrasher | 288 |
Hanson Hays | 288 |
John Hays | 288 |
Samuel Staples | 288 |
Joshua Abbe | 288 |
Samuel Tyler | 288 |
Daniel Collins | 288 |
Isaac Tyler | 288 |
Ebenezer Lane | 288 |
Betsey Sawyer | 289 |
Jarusha Sawyer | 289 |
William Haskell | 289 |
John M. Morgan | 289 |
John Morgan | 289 |
Nabby Stenchfield | 289 |
William Bradbury | 289 |
Nathan Haskell | 289 |
George Wait | 289 |
William Tarbox | 289 |
Margaret Lane | 289 |
Jabez Bradbury | 289 |
John Witham | 289 |
Simeon Pearsons | 289 |
Isaac Johnson | 289 |
Jacob Tucker | 289 |
Richard Tobie | 289 |
Michael Webber | 289 |
John Webber | 290 |
Moses Sawyer | 290 |
Jabez Cushman | 290 |
Jabez Marchent | 290 |
Moses Bennet | 290 |
Sally Johnson | 290 |
Simeon Wells | 290 |
John Wells | 290 |
Simeon Wells, Jr. | 290 |
Nathaniel Wells | 290 |
Charles Bennet | 290 |
Moses Bennet 3d | 290 |
Samuel Cushman | 290 |
Nathaniel Allen | 290 |
Joseph Johnson | 290 |
Daniel Fogg, Jr. | 290 |
E. Warren or C. Warren | 290 |
Daniel Fogg | 290 |
Enoch Fogg | 290 |
Hannah Fogg | 290 |
Jacob Merrill | 291 |
Solomon Atwood | 291 |
Isaac Atwood | 291 |
Nathaniel Wats | 291 |
Simond Baker | 291 |
Peter Haskell | 291 |
Abigail Fogg | 291 |
Peletiah Lion | 291 |
William H. Pierce | 291 |
Jacob Hammond | 291 |
Moses Woodman | 291 |
Josiah Churchill | 291 |
Thomas Warf - presumably Thomas Wharff | 291 |
William Bridgham | 291 |
Benjamin Woodbury | 291 |
Jabez Woodman | 291 |
John Haskell | 291 |
Fredom Keith - presumably Freedom Keith | 291 |
Ruth Winslow | 291 |
John Page | 292 |
William Stockman | 292 |
James Eveleth | 292 |
Nathaniel Eveleth | 292 |
Robert Nevens | 292 |
Nathaniel Ingersol | 292 |
Sarah Haskell | 292 |
Jemima Pearsons | 292 |
John White | 292 |
John Preble | 292 |
William Bradbury | 292 |
Joseph Manning | 292 |
Ezra Chapman | 292 |
Moses Merrill | 292 |
Moses Merrill, Jr. | 292 |
Samuel Merrill | 292 |
Lydia Campbell | 292 |
Ephraim Johnson | 292 |
Jacob Haskell | 292 |
Simond Crocket - presumably Simon Crockett | 293 |
Joseph Tyler | 293 |
William Stenchfield | 293 |
? Johnson, possibly Walter Johnson | 293 |
Richard Tobie | 293 |
James Allen | 293 |
Philip Winslow | 293 |
Jabez True | 293 |
Jonathan True | 293 |
Isaac S. Davis | 293 |
Josiah Lane | 293 |
William Burns | 293 |
Samuel True | 293 |
Mary Martin | 293 |
William Martin | 293 |
Samuel Hilton | 293 |
Jacob Rollins | 293 |
Moses Rollins | 293 |
New Gloucester, Maine, Today
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