Saturday, November 13, 2021

Gorham, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Gorham, Maine, in Cumberland County, in the 1820 Federal Census

Enumerated population of Gorham in the 1820 Census: 2800 on the recap; at the end of the enumeration of Gorham, the Enumerator wrote "2800, should be 2795

Enumerator: Daniel Irish

Enumeration of Gorham consists of all or parts of Sheets 122-147; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.

Note: the 1820 Federal Census lists the names of heads of households only; people in a household are tracked by age range and gender to determine the total population.

See the
list of heads of households at the end of this post.

Boundary changes to Gorham since 1820:

  • parts of Standish annexed: 1831, 1839
  • part of Scarborough annexed in 1864

Note: Spelling of the names of heads of households has been left as it appears in the enumerator’s hand; in some cases, for clarity, an optional spelling has been added. Your corrections and additional information are requested; please comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.

For the following reasons, be prepared to search the entire list for the object of your search:

  • Many people were not sure of the spelling of their names

  • Name spelling may have evolved throughout the person’s life

  • The enumerator may not have heard the person correctly

  • The enumerator may have interviewed someone not certain of the name of the head of household or how it was spelled

  • The enumerator may have used phonetic spellings.

  • Some enumerators grouped heads of households together by the first letter of their surname, giving an additional clue on a surname difficult to read.  Note: lists by first letter of surname are not alphabetical within that letter.

  • Some enumerators apparently grouped the names by walking through neighborhoods; in these cases, the first letter of the surname may sometimes be in error, but the information on neighboring households is valuable.

Name of Head of HouseholdSheet #
Joseph Adams, Jr.122
Joseph Adams122
Josiah Alden122
William Ashley122
Daniel Baker122
Daniel Brackett122
Ezekiel Bishop122
William Boulten122
Jacob P. Bettis122
Samuel Brackett122
Alfred Brackett122
James Bangs122
William Burton or William Buxton122
Joshue Berry122
Josian Bacon122
Nathaniel Bacon, Jr.122
Nathaniel Bacon122
Timothy Blake123
Joseph Blake123
Peter Blair123
Joseph Bangs123
Samuel Butts123
Nathaniel Brackett123
Mahitable Brackett123
Jane Beck, Widow123
Samuel Boulten123
Daniel Broad123
Samuel Bartlet or Bartles123
John Burnell123
Jeremiah Bowker123
Livy Buker or Becker or Beeker123
Timothy Bacon123
Simeon Brown123
Nathan Burnett123
John Blake124
Nathaniel Blake124
Elihu Baxter, Dr.124
Lucy Cross, Widow124
Jonathan Crockett124
Silas Chadbourn124
Ebenezer Cobb124
James Codman124
W. John Coolbroth124
David Cobb124
Solomon Crockett124
Nahum Chadbourn124
Peter Crockett124
Enoch Crockett124
A. Mary Cressey - not sure of surname124
Lydia Cole, Widow124
John Colley125
John Clark125
Moses Clark125
Isaac Carsley125
Andrew Crockett125
Joseph Cotten125
John Crockett125
Nathaniel Cobb125
Jacob Clements125
Samuel Crockett125
John Cloutman125
William Crockett125
James Crockett125
William Cloutman125
Jesse Cloutman125
Ebenezer Cates125
Jedadiah Cobb125
William Cobb126
John Crockett, Jr.126
Thomas Cannel126
Ebenezer Cresey126
Samuel Cobb126
Joseph Cresey, Jr.126
Joseph Cresey126
William Cammett126
John Cash126
Thomas Clay126
Samuel Deering126
Jonathan Davis126
Clark Dyer126
William Dyer126
John Darling126
John Dunn - not sure of surname - in crease between top & bottom sheets126
Samuel Edwards, Jr.127
Calvin Edwards127
Simon Elder127
David Elder127
James Edwards127
Joshua Emery127
Mahitable Elwell, Widow127
Reuben Elder127
Reuben Elder, Jr.127
Stephen Emery127
James Emery127
Samuel Elder127
Samuel Edwards127
William Edwards127
George Fogg128
Dudley Folsom, Dr.128
Charles Frost128
Mason Frost128
William H. Foster128
William Files128
Moses Fogg128
Robert Files128
Benjamin Frost128
George Files128
Samuel Files128
William E. Files128
Ebenezer Files128
David Freeman128
Samuel Freeman128
Nathaniel Frost, Jr.128
Moses Frost128
Nathaniel Frost128
Josiah Freeman129
Joshua Freeman129
Joseph Files129
William Frost129
Daniel Fogg or David Fogg129
Samuel Frost129
Samuel Flood129
Morris Flood129
Phebe Gilky, Widow129
Nathaniel Gould129
Catharine Gilky, Widow129
Samuel Gilky129
Edmund Gammon129
Obadiah Gould129
Stewart Green129
Edmund Griffin130
Samuel Hamblin130
Joseph Harmon130
Betsey Hatch, Widow130
Thomas Harding130
Robert Harding130
Seth Harding130
Seth Hearsey130
Joseph Harding130
George Hamblin130
John Horton130
Stephen Harding130
Ruth Hustin, Widow130
William Harris130
Stephen Harris130
Ephraim Hicks130
Nathaniel Hicks131
Caleb Hodsdon131
Saul C. Higgins131
Charles Horten131
George Hoyt131
Joseph Hamblin131
Cyrus Hamblin131
John Hamblin131
Abigail Hall, Widow131
Rufus Harmon131
George Hanscam or Hunscam131
Elkanah Harding131
James Haskell131
Nathan Hanson131
Daniel Hunt131
Joseph Hunt131
David Harding, Jr.131
John Harding132
Levi Hall132
Daniel Hunt132
Joseph Hamblin 3d132
Jacob Hamblin132
Prince Hamblin132
Moses Hanscam132
Humphrey Hanscam132
Enoch Hamblin132
Nicholas Harding132
John Hanscam132
Joseph Hanscam132
Stephen Irish132
James Irish132
Daniel Irish; perhaps the Enumerator132
Benjamin Irish133
Isaac Irish133
Benjamin Irish, either a Jr. or middle initial J.133
Benjamin F. Johnson133
Nathaniel Jordan133
Allen Jordan133
Josiah Jenkins133
John Johnson133
William Johnson133
Thomas Johnson133
Mathew Johnson133
Robert Johnson133
Joseph Knight133
Ebenezer Kemp133
Levi Knight133
James King134
Amos Kimball134
John Kinneson134
Benjamin Libby134
Jonathan Lowell134
Hannah Lombard134
James Lewis, Reverend134
Sarah Libby, Widow134
Richard Lombard134
Daniel Libby134
Royal Lincoln134
Edward Libby134
John Libby134
Simeon Libby134
Edward Libby, Jr.134
Stephen Lary134
Ephraim Libby135
Daniel Libby, Jr.135
Jethro Libby135
Joseph Libby, Jr.135
Stephen Longfellow135
Ephraim Lombard135
Luther Libby135
William Lakeman135
Solomon Lakeman135
Ebenezer Lakeman135
Esther Lakeman, Widow135
Richard Libby135
Ebenezer Lombard, Revered135
Joseph Libby135
Lemuel Libby135
Phillip Larrabee135
Samuel Lombard135
Nahum Lord136
Lothrop Lewis136
John Lombard136
Isaac Libby136
John Lincoln136
Samuel Moody136
William McLellan136
James March136
Ebenezer Murch136
Benjamin Mitchell136
Joseph McDonald136
James McDonald136
George Murch136
Richard Mabury136
Nathaniel Mosher136
Daniel Mosher137
James Mosher, Jr.137
Benjamin Mosher137
James McIntosh137
Prince McLellan137
William McLellan, Jr.137
John W. Morris137
Alexander McLellan137
Samuel McLellan137
David McDugal137
David Morten137
Matthias Murch, Jr.137
Matthias Murch137
Moses Mabury137
David Mains137
John Murch137
James McLellan137
William McGuilliam138
David McLellan138
Rebecca McLellan, Widow138
James Morten138
Samuel Meller138
Thomas McLellan138
Robert McLellan138
Edmund Mann138
Robert Molley138
Thomas Morten138
William Morten138
David Morten, Jr.138
John Morten138
Daniel Merrill138
Enos Newcomb139
Uriah Nason139
Uriah Nason, Jr.139
Samuel Nason139
James Nason139
Joseph Nason139
Lot Nason139
Richard Nason139
Reuben Nason139
Jotham Odiorne139
Samuel Putney139
David Patrick139
Clement Phinney139
Charles Patrick, Jr.139
Charles Patrick140
Thomas Patrick140
Nathaniel Phinney140
James Phinney, Jr.140
C. Nathan Penfield140
Andrew Pasted - presumably Andrew Plaisted140
John Phinney140
Samuel Plaisted140
Christopher Plummer140
Isaac Plummer140
George Plowman140
Daniel Purrington140
William Paine140
Samuel Paine140
Richard Paine140
William Prentiss140
James Phinney140
Edmund Phinney or Edward Phinney141
Nathaniel Phinney, Jr.141
Joseph Phinney141
Thomas Paine141
John Patridge141
Amos Rich141
B. John Ryan141
S. Thomas Robie141
Toppan Robie141
Joseph Roberts, Jr.141
George Rounds141
Benjamin Rand141
Christopher Rand141
Nathaniel Riece - perhaps Rice141
John Riece - perhaps John Rice141
William Riggs141
Mary Rounds, Widow142
Samuel Roberts142
Asa Rand, Reverend142
B. John Rand142
Moses Richardson142
Joseph Roberts142
Moses Stone142
James Smith142
James Sturgis142
John Selle142
Henery Sawyer - not sure of given name142
Enoch Shaw142
Joel Sawyer142
Ephraim Smith, Jr.142
Ephraim Smith142
William Snow142
Jonathan Sturgis142
Enoch Shaw, Jr.143
David Sturgis143
William Stephenson143
Joseph Skillings143
Alexander Stimpson143
Josiah Shaw143
Samuel Staples143
Jacob S. Smith143
Archulas Stone - presumably Archelaus Stone143
Jonathan Stone143
Neptune Stephenson143
John T. Smith143
Samuel Stephenson143
George Strout143
Ai Staples143
Clark Swett143
Benjamin Stephens143
Joshua Swett143
Jonathan Stone, Jr.144
Thomas Snow144
William Smith144
Martha Sanbourn, Widow144
James Swett144
Joseph Swett144
John Smith144
Caleb Sever144
Edward Scammon144
Benjamin Skillings144
Mercy Skillings, Widow144
Abner Tole144
James Tyler144
Andrew Twombly144
T? - surname possibly Thomes - obscured145
Elizabeth Tyng, Widow145
George Thomes145
Mary Tebbets145
Charles Thomes145
Jeremiah Tole145
Nathaniel Thomes145
Daniel Tyler145
John Walker145
James Warren145
Samuel Warren145
Nathan Ward145
Samuel Woodward145
Betsey Whitney, Widow145
Nehemiah Westcot145
Ezekiel Ward145
James Westcot146
Abigail Weymouth146
James Warren 3d146
Peter Whitney146
Eli Whitney146
Zebulon Whitney146
Daniel Whitney146
Seth Webb146
Edward Webb146
Edmund Watson146
Greenleaf C. Watson146
Nathaniel Webster146
Isaac Whitney146
Reuben Westcot, Jr.146
Thomas Worcester146
Jeremiah Williams146
Peter Williams146
Jesse Ward147
John Ward147
Reuben Westcot147
Robert Weeks147
George Waterhouse147
Young, Lydia, Widow147

Gorham, Maine, Today

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