The papers range from Fogg's early business as a wheelwright in Sanbornton, New Hampshire, through moves to Lowell, Massachusetts, perhaps to Boston, Massachusetts, and, finally, to Bangor, Maine, where he conducted business with a Mr. Davis, possibly Jethro Davis, as Fogg & Davis.
Interestingly Sanbornton is also spelled as Sandbornton; even court documents shows the two different spellings.
See another post that features an 1830s account book presumably owned by Luke Witcher Fogg or one of his brothers.
Luke was the son of Meshach Fogg (1775-1870) and Abigail (Whittier or Whitcher) Fogg (1788-1857), New Hampshire natives who also moved to Maine.
Sadly, Luke did not long survive his move to Bangor, Maine. If you have information to share, please leave a comment for other researchers.
Note: this collection deserves the attention of a professional archivist and/or researcher. I'm neither of those, so use the information below as a guide only. Corrections would be gratefully received.
People Mentioned in the Collection, some multiple times:
- John E. F. ?; presumably New Hampshire
- George ?; presumably New Hampshire
- Philip Adams; presumably Maine
- Joseph Adams; Bangor, Maine
- Capt. Albert Baker; Massachusetts or Maine
- A. Ball, Dentistry Operations, Boston, Massachusetts; provided dental care to Miss Lambert
- H. & C. Beale; Maine; possibly Horatio Beale
- J. W. Berry; New Hampshire
- Samuel Bickford; New Hampshire
- Ebenezer Blanchard; New Hampshire
- J. B. Bowman ?; New Hampshire
- Stephen Brown, Merchant Tailor, Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire
- Joseph Brown, presumably related to Stephen Brown, Merchant Tailor of Concord, New Hampshire
- Daniel Burnham; New Hampshire
- Albert G. Burton; Bangor, Maine
- William Cabit; Bangor, Maine
- John Cate, Jr.; New Hampshire
- Charles Chase; New Hampshire
- B. A. Chase; presumably New Hampshire
- David Clark; New Hampshire
- John Clough; New Hampshire
- J. W. Cole; presumably New Hampshire
- John A. Cole; New Hampshire
- John Colebrook; New Hampshire
- Stephen Cross; New Hampshire
- Stephen Cross; New Hampshire
- F. Danforth, livery; possibly Maine
- Fogg & Davis
- Jethro Davis
- Edmund Dearborn, presumably New Hampshire
- Goddard & Dennis; presumably Massachusetts
- Charles Dodge; New Hampshire
- David Drake for Robert Morse; New Hampshire
- M. Drinkwater; presumably Maine
- John H. Durgin; presumably New Hampshire
- G. P. Eastman; presumably New Hampshire
- Seth Eastman; presumably Maine
- John L. Edgerly; New Hampshire
- Joseph Ela of Meredith, New Hampshire
- John Evans; New Hampshire
- John E. F. ?; presumably New Hampshire
- Farwell & Hemenway; Bangor, Maine
- Horace Fessenden; New Hampshire
- Hosea Fessenden of Concord, New Hampshire
- Luke W. Fogg (1808-1837); New Hampshire and Maine
- Priest Fogg; New Hampshire
- Nathan Fogg, New Hampshire
- Fogg & Smith; presumably Luke W. Fogg and presumably New Hampshire
- Wiggin & Fogg; presumably Maine
- Fogg & Davis
- Eben Foss, Jr; New Hampshire
- Charles Frost, surveyor; Maine
- Andrew Gilman; presumably New Hampshire
- C. Gilman, Walter Ingall's attorney; presumably New Hampshire; presumably Charles Gilman
- Charles Gilman; New Hampshire
- Charles M. Glidden; presumably New Hampshire
- Goddard & Dennis; presumably Massachusetts
- James Gordon; New Hampshire
- William Grant, Merchant, 44 Hanover St., Boston, Massachusetts; sold English watch to Luke W. Fogg, $15
- J. Grant; Bangor, Maine
- Thomas Haynes or Thomas Haines; New Hampshire
- Allen Haines; Maine
- William Hammett; Bangor, Maine
- Amos C. Hannaford; presumably New Hampshire
- Wheeler & Harrington; Boston, Massachusett
- Thomas Haynes or Thomas Haines; New Hampshire
- David Hazelton; New Hampshire
- Farwell & Hemenway; Bangor, Maine
- S. C. Hemenway; presumably Maine or Massachusetts
- Jacob Hersey; presumably New Hampshire
- David Hill; New Hampshire
- Daniel Hilton; presumably New Hampshire
- Hulross [?]; presumably New Hampshire
- Samuel A. Hyde; Bangor, Maine
- Steamboat Independence
- Walter Ingalls; presumably New Hampshire
- Jenness; Bangor, Maine
- William Jones; New Hampshire
- Jones & Hollman; presumably Maine or Massachusetts
- I. Kendrick & Co.; possibly Maine or Massachusetts
- W.Kent; New Hampshire
- William Kent; presumably New Hampshire
- William Kent; New Hampshire
- Isaac Kimball; presumably New Hampshire
- Caleb Kimball, signed court document; New Hampshire
- Cyrus K. Ladd; Steamboat Independence
- Miss Lambert; received dental care in Boston, Massachusetts
- H. P. Lane; presumably New Hampshire
- Joseph W. Lang; New Hampshire
- Josiah Leavitt; New Hampshire
- Joseph Leavitt; New Hampshire
- Leighton & Wing; Bangor, Maine
- William Lewis; Boston, Massachusetts
- Joseph Locke, Justice; New Hampshire
- Warren Lovell, New Hampshire
- Samuel Lowder or Samuel Lowd or Samuel Land; freight bill for goods delivered from Boston, Massachusetts toBangor, Maine
- H. McAllaster; presumably New Hampshire
- Hugh McAllaster; New Hampshire
- McGaffey Vedder & Co.
- McQuesten & Woodman; presumably New Hampshire
- Greenough McQuesten; New Hampshire
- C. Merrill, for G. P. Eastman; presumably New Hampshire
- L. V. D. Moore ?; Boston, Massachusetts
- Daniel G. Morrill; New Hampshire
- Ebenezer Morrison; New Hampshire
- Robert Morse; New Hampshire
- Jonathan Moulton; New Hampshire
- J. S. Moulton; New Hampshire
- A. D. Moulton; Bangor, Maine
- William Myrick, Boston, Massachusetts - bill to Luke W. Fogg for two weeks' board
- L. Newcomb; presumably Massachusetts or Maine
- Smith & Noyes; presumably New Hampshire
- A. Peirce, court clerk; New Hampshire
- Abraham Perkins; New Hampshire
- J. Perkins, for Olive Branch, presumably New Hampshire
- David Philbrick; presumably New Hampshire
- David Philbrick; presumably New Hampshire
- Josiah C. Philbrook; presumably New Hampshire
- William Pike; New Hampshire
- Mary G. Quincy; presumably New Hampshire
- John Quinley; Bangor, Maine
- ?, possibly J. W. Ramsey, for Steamboat Independence
- Wharton & Roberts; Bangor, Maine
- John Rogers or John Royers; presumably New Hampshire
- John Rogers or John Royers; presumably New Hampshire
- Rumney; presumably New Hampshire
- D. Sanborn; presumably New Hampshire
- Dearborn Sanborn; New Hampshire
- Ebenezer Scott; Boston, Massachusetyts
- J. W. Severans; presumably Bangor, Maine; possibly Joseph W. Severans
- George C. Shattuck, medical attendance; Boston, Massachusetts
- Stephen Shirley; New Hampshire
- Fogg & Smith; presumably Luke W. Fogg and presumably New Hampshire
- Smith & Noyes; presumably New Hampshire
- Benjamin F. Smith; New Hampshire
- Jeremith Smith; presumably New Hampshire
- John Swasey; presumably New Hampshire
- Henry Tibbetts; New Hampshire
- Jeremiah Tilton; presumably New Hampshire
- Alexander H. Tilton; New Hampshire
- Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff; New Hampshire
- A. & P. Titcomb; presumably Maine
- Thomas H. Treadwell; Bangor, Maine
- Trott & Co., 128 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts
- McGaffey Vedder & Co.
- A. Ward & Co.; New Hampshire
- Thomas Webber, New Hampshire
- Wharton & Roberts; Bangor, Maine
- Wheeler & Harrington; Boston, Massachusett
- E. S. Whitney, wagon repairer; presumably New Hampshire or Massachusetts
- Wiggin & Fogg; presumably Maine
- Leighton & Wing; Bangor, Maine
The papers, from earliest to latest, with undated papers at the end:
- February 10, 1829, Meredith, New Hampshire; promise to pay; J. W. Berry, Luke Witcher Fogg (1808-1837)
- February 11, 1829, Meredith, New Hampshire; promise to pay: Josiah Leavitt; Priest Fogg, presumably related to Luke Witcher Fogg (1808-1837)
- March 24, 1829, Meredith, New Hampshire; Luke Witcher Fogg (1808-1837); Jonathan Moulton; J. B. Bowman (?); Thomas Webber
- September 1829; Luke Witcher Fogg (1808-1837); Warren Lovell, to advise in dispute between Fogg and Nathan Fogg, perhaps Luke's uncle or brother
- October 5, 1829, New Hampshire, Stafford County Court at Gilmanton; ordering appearance of Thomas Webber and Luke W. Fogg to answer to Noah Burnham of Chester for payment of gig wagon; George Young; Arthur Livermore, Esq.; A. Peirce, Clerk
- November 9, 1829, Meredith, New Hampshire; promise to pay Joseph W. Lang or Long; Luke W. Fogg
- November 24, 1829, New Hampshire, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg; A. Perkins (presumably Abraham Perkins)
- December 12, 1829; New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg; Abraham Perkins
- January 5, 1830; A. Perkins (presumably Abraham Perkins); A. Ward & Co.; presumably pertaining to purchases by Luke W. Fogg
- January 16, 1830, Meredith, New Hampshire; promise to pay Luke W. Fogg by John Cate, Jr., to be done in shoemaking
- January 25, 1830; received of Luke W. Fogg for a set of wagon wheels that he took of mine and... Nathan Fogg
- January 25, 1830, Meredith, New Hampshire; Luke Fogg promises to pay Nathan Fogg
- February 26, 1830; receipt by James Gordon (sp) of payment of Luke W. Fogg
- March 2, 1830; Luke W. Fogg promises to pay Daniel Hilton
- March 2, 1830, receipt by Charles Chase at Meredith, New Hampshire, of payment by Luke W. Fogg
- March 2, 1830; Luke W. Fogg promises to pay David Philbrick
- March 2, 1830, Meredith, New Hampshire; Charles Chase promises to pay Luke W. Fogg in value of shoemaking
- March 3, 1830 at Meredith, New Hampshire; receipt by William Pike of payment by Luke W. Fogg
- Invoice/account from March 25, 1830 November 7, 1830; from B. A. Chase to Luke W. Fogg; paid in full August 6, 1836,
- March 28, 1830, Meredith, New Hampshire, Luke W. Fogg to John Colebrook, Jr., Esq.; paid on February 5, 1830
- April 17, 1830, Sandbornton, New Hampshire, Luke W. Fogg appointed one of the Engine-men to serve in Fire Engline Cmpany No. 1 of Sandbornton during the pleasure of the Firewards. Signed by Nathaniel Holmes and Chares Gilman
- May 10, 1830 to February 14, 1833; account of Luke W. Fogg with William Jones
- May 17, 1830; bill/receipt of payment to Fogg and Smith from Andrew Gilman
- May 25, 1830 to June 24, 1831; account/receipt of payment of Luke W. Fogg with Isaac Kimball
- July 1, 1830 to March 24, 1832; Invoice/payment in full; bought by Luke W. Fogg of Walter Ingalls, signed by C. Gilman, Ingalls' attorney
- August 3, 1830; invoice to Luke W. Fogg by G. P. Eastman; payment received by C. Merrill
- September 6, 1830 at Meredith, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg promises to pay David Philbrick
- September 6, 1830 at Meredith, New Hampshire; receipt by Joseph Leavitt of payment by Luke W. Fogg
- December 6, 1830, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt by Robert Morse of payment by Luke W. Fogg; payment accepted by David Drake
- December 29, 1830, Concord, New Hampshire; Mr. Samuel Bickford, bought of W. Kent
- February 23, 1831, Northfield, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg promises to pay Ebenezer Morrison - "to be paid in my work at my Shop in Sandbornton Bridge"
- March 10, 1831; receipt by Daniel Burnham of payment in full by Luke W. Fogg
- March 11, 1831, Meredith, New Hampshire; Daniel Burnham acknowledges receipt of payment Luke W. Fogg for a sleigh harness
- March 12, 1831; Josiah C. Philbrook acknowledges payment by Luke W. Fogg for 1500 feet of boards or $7.50
- March 29, 1831; Luke W. Fogg promises to pay Smith & Noyes $19.16 for value received; Fogg made payments in October 1831 and in February 1832 with some left to go
- May 3, 1831 to April 23, 1832; invoice to Luke W. Fogg from Jeremiah Tilton; boards, repairs, etc.
- July 1, 1831; court document from Gilford, New Hampshire, to Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sanbornton; in the case of a watch not returned to Joseph Ela of Meredith, New Hampshire; signed by A. Peirce, Clerk
- July 13, 1831, Sanbornton, New Hampshire; Joseph Early [perhaps Joseph Ela] vs. Luke W. Fog; seizure of bay mare; signed by Caleb Kimball
- August 22, 1831, Sanbornton, New Hampshire; acknowledgement by John Evans of receipt of payment by Luke W. Fogg
- October 1, 1831; acknowledgement by Charles M. Glidden of payment by Luke W. Fogg of all demands up to that date
- 1831 to 1832; acknowledgement by Edmund Dearborn of payment by Luke W. Fogg for cider delivered to D. Sanborn and also payment to Amos C. Hannaford
- November 1, 1831 to Feburary 8, 1832; acknowledgement by Hulross [?] of payment of Luke W. Fogg, for trimming a cloak with silk
- November 2, 1831, Sanbornton, New Hampshire; receipt by Eben Foss, Jr., of payment by Luke W. Fogg of all demands to this date
- November 7, 1831; receipt by McQuesten & Woodman of payment of Luke W. Fogg
- December 7, 1831; receipt by Mary G. Quincy & Rumney of payment of $2.50 by Luke W. Fogg
- December 12, 1831, Northfield, New Hampshire; promise to pay by Luke W. Fogg and John Clough [?] to Daniel G. Morrill; reverse shows a payment of June 23, 1832
- January 7, 1832; receipt by John H. Durgin of payment by Luke W. Fogg of all demands to that date.
- March 16, 1832; receipt by H. McAllaster [?] for payment of accounts in full by Luke w. Fogg
- April 7, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; John Clough sold 1/2 of ? to Luke W. Fogg
- April 25, 1823 invoice and receipt of payment from William Kent to purchaser Luke W. Fogg. Receipt signed by William Kent for H. W. Ralfe [?]
- June 11, 1832 receipt signed by J. Perkins for payment for the Olive Branch, No 14, Vol. 1 to No. 13, Vol. 2, made by purchasers Fogg & Clough
- June 18, 1832, list of items purchased by Luke W. Fogg from Smith & Noyes
- July 3, 1832, promise to Hugh McAllaster [?], signed by Luke W. Fogg [crossed out] and Ebenezer ?; paper is torn
- August 6, 1832, Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sandbornton is commanded to appear in court to answer to Hugh McAllaster of New Sandbornton on the issue of a debt of $4.72. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore [printed] and signed by A. Pierce, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff
- August 6, 1832, Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sandbornton, and Benjamin F. Smith of North ?, are commanded to appear in court to answer to Hugh McAllaster of New Sandbornton on the issue of a debt of $18.22. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore [printed] and signed by A. Pierce, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff
- August 8, 1832, Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sandbornton, is commanded to appear in court to answer to Stephen Cross of Sandburnton on the issue of a debt of $32.50. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore [printed] and signed by A. Pierce, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff
- August 8, 1832, Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sandbornton, is commanded to appear in court to answer to Alexander H. Tilton of Sandburnton on the issue of two debts. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore [printed] and signed by A. Pierce, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff
- August 8, 1832, Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sandbornton, is commanded to appear before Charles Gilman, Esq., a Justice of the Peace for the County of Strafford, at Daniel C. Atkinson's office in Sandbornton on August 25, 1832 to answer to Greenough McQuesten of Northfield. Signed by Charles Gilman, Jus. Peace. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff
- August 10, 1832, Sanbornton, New Hampshire; Receipt by Dearborn Sanborn for payment of Luke W. Fogg to Stephen Shirley for $10.25 toward note
- August 10, 1832, Concord, New Hampshire; commanding Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sanbornton to appear at Superior Court to answer to Ebenezer Blanchard of Franklin and David Hazelton of Northfield, dba Blanchard & Hazelton, pertaining to overdue payment of $39.08 of a note. Witnessed by William M. Richardson, Esq. [printed name] and ? Eastman, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff.
- August 10, 1832 court document, Gilmanton, New Hampshire; Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright, of Sandbornton, New Hampshire; commanded to appear in court to answer to Clough for $124.36. [in error, the document has Luke answer to Luke, but the name Clough appears below.] Witnessed by Arthur Livermore, Esq. [printed] and A. Pierce, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff
- August 10, 1832 Sanbornton, New Hampshire; received of Luke W. Fogg two notes against Henry Tibbitts for grain; signed by Dearborn Sanborn
- August 11, 1832; receipt signed by H. P. L? for payment by Luke W. Fogg; possibly H. P. Lane & Co.
- August 12, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt by Charles Dodge of payment by Luke W. Fogg for all accounts up to date.
- August 15, 1832; receipt signed by Jacob Hersey for payment of Luke W. Fogg in full of all demands to this date.
- August 15, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt signed by John E. F? of payment by Luke W. Fogg for all demands to date. Perhaps John E. Forrest (1796-1881)
- August 17, 1832; receipt by John Swasey of payment of Luke W. Fogg of all accounts
- September 1, 1832; New Hampshire court document commanding Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, to appear at Concord to answer to William Kent of Concord for payment on a note. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore, Esq. [printed] and signed by M. Eastman, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff.
- September 1, 1832; New Hampshire court document commanding Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, to appear at Concord to answer to Horace Fessenden of Concord for nonpayment. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore, Esq. [printed] and signed by M. Eastman, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff.
- September 1, 1832; New Hampshire court document commanding Luke W. Fogg, Wheelwright of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, to appear at Concord to answer to Horace Fessenden of Concord for nonpayment. Witnessed by Arthur Livermore, Esq. [printed] and signed by M. Eastman, Clerk. Signed on the reverse by Samuel Tilton, Deputy Sheriff.
- September 5, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt by Thomas C. Haines for payment of Luke W. Fogg in full of all demands up to date. Spelled on same document as Thomas Haynes
- Partial scrap: September 13, 1832; receipt signed by John ? for payment by Luke W. Fogg. Possibly John Rogers or Royers
- September 21, 1832; receipt by Jeremiah Smith for payment by J. S. Moulton for two bushels of oats
- September 24, 1832; receipt by Stephen Cross of payment of Luke W. Fogg toward his balance
- September 24, 1832; receipt by Hugh McAllister for payment by Luke W. Fogg for the balance due on his account.
- September 29, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt signed by Samuel F. Jewett for payment of J. S. Moulton for 14 bushels of oats.
- October 1, 1832; receipt by John Clough of the payment of Luke W. Fogg of all demands.
- October 2, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt by John L. Edgerly of the payment of J. S. Moulton for oats
- October 6, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt signed by David Hill for the payment of 6 bushels of corn purchased by Luke W. Fogg
- October 8, 1832; receipt signed by J. W. Cole for the purchase by Luke W. Fogg of 4 bushels of oats from D. Hazelton
- October 17, 1832; receipt signed by H. Fessenden for payment of Luke W. Fogg on account
- October 18, 1832, Gilford, New Hampshire; receipt signed by John A. Cole for payment of Luke W. Fogg of all demands
- October 22, 1832, Concord, New Hampshire; bill for pantaloons from the firm of Stephen Brown, Merchant Tailor, Main Street, Concord, New Hampshire; receipt of purchase by Luke W. Fogg; signed by Joseph Brown. The lower part of the bill shows an itinerary, presumably that of Luke W. Fogg, on his way from Sandbornton Bridge to Lowell, Masachusetts, and then to Woburn and Boston
- October 24, 1832, Sandbornton, New Hampshire; receipt signed by David Clark for payment of Luke W. Fogg of all demands to date.
- October 25, 1832; receipt by George ? of payment by Luke W. Fogg in full of all demands
- November 6, 1832, Boston, Massachusetts, Luke W. Fogg purchased from William Grant at No. 44 Hanover St, one English Watch, London No. 3453, warranted for one year, cost $15. Receipt signed by Nathaniel Kimball.
- April 1833 to March 1834; account of wagon repairer E. S. Whitney - not sure of middle initial - to Luke W. Fogg
- May 20, 1883, court document; Luke W. Fogg, wheelwright, late of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, now in Lowell, Massachusetts, is commanded go appear before Justice of the Police Court in Lowell, to answer to Hosea Fessenden of Concord, New Hampshire, for debt. Signed by Joseph Locke, Justice
- June 28, 1833, Boston, Massachusetts; receipt by William Myrick of the payment of Luke W. Fogg for two weeks' board
- September 13, 1833 bill from Trott & Co. of 128 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts (Paints, Medicines and Dye Stuffs, also New England Crown and Chelmsford Window Glass), to Luke W. Fogg; payment received by Trott & Co.
- October 25, 1833, Boston, Massachusetts; receipt by L.V.D. Moore [?] of payment by Luke W. Fogg
- November 6, 1833 to December 1834; for medical attendance by George C. Shattuck to Luke W. Fogg; payment received for Shattucy by A Perkins
- November 9, 1833, Boston, Massachusetts; receipt by Eben. Scott for payment made by Luke W. Fogg, for items purchased in October
- December 12, 1833, Boston, Massachusetts; receipt by Eben. Scott for payment made by Luke W. Fogg for various items purchased in November and December
- December 23, 1833, receipt by Goddard & Dennis of the payment made by Luke W. Fogg
- March 29, 1834, Boston, Massachusetts; receipt by William Lewis of the payment made by Luke W. Fogg for a small locket with miniature portrait
- April 5, 1834, receipt by L. Newcomb for the payment by Mr. Fogg for clothing items bought at auction
- April 16, 1834, Bangor, Maine; items purchased from Jenness in March by Luke W. Fogg
- April 24, 1834, Boston, Massachusetts; receipt by Wheeler & Harrington for the payment of Luke W. Fogg for Flour
- July 3, 1834, Bangor, Maine; receipt by Albert G. Burton of the payment of Luke W. Fogg for painting 2-1/2 days
- November 12, 1834, Bangor Maine; receipt by A. D. Morton for payment of Luke W. Fogg, for payment of all due to that date
- November 26, 1834; receipt by Philip Adams for the payment of Fogg & Davis
- November 26, 1834 court document; Penobscot County; where Luke W. Fogg is commanded to appear before Allen Haines to answer to a plea by Charles Gilman of Baltimore, Maryland; signed by Allen Haines
- January 13, 1835; invoice from A. & P. Titcomb to Luke W. Fogg
- June 10, 1835, Bangor, Maine; bill for fabric charged to Fogg & Davis by Farwell & Hemenway; payment received by S. C. Hemenway & C. P. Hemenway
- July 16, 1835, Bangor, Maine, court document, where Joseph Adams, house painter, of Bangor is commanded to appear in Municipal Court in Bangor to answer to Samuel S. Dudley for nonpayment of debt. Witnessed by Charles Stetson [printed] and signed by R. S. Prescott, Recorder., and A. Jones, Constable of Bangor
- July 16, 1835, Bangor, Maine, court document, where Joseph Adams, house painter, of Bangor is commanded to appear in Municipal Court in Bangor to answer to Samuel S. Dudley for nonpayment of debt. Witnessed by Charles Stetson [printed] and signed by R. S. Prescott, Recorder., and A. Jones, Constable of Bangor. This document also brings in the names of Luke W. Fogg and Jethro Davis of Bangor, who Dudley alleges are holding Adams' assets. The signature or name of Samuel Garnsey, Atty, appears on the reverse.
- July 1835 - July 22, 1836, presumably Bangor, Maine; account of Fogg & Davis with H. & C. Beale; paid July 22, 1836; perhaps Horatio Beale
- September 12, 1835 - November 4, 1836, Bangor, Maine; account of Fogg & Davis with Wharton & Roberts
- October 5, 1835, Boston, Massachusetts; received of Capt. Albert Baker by Mr. Fogg, $76; signed by George ? & Co. [Hacker ?]
- October 5, 1835, Bangor, Maine; acknowldgement by John Quinley of receipt of payment by Fogg & Davis - for Quinley's one day's labour
- December 3, 1835, Bangor, Maine; partially torn; appears to show name Jenness; presumably a bill from Jenness to Luke W. Fogg and Jethro Davis
- December 20, 1835 to June 10, 1836; invoice to Fogg & Davis from M. Drinkwater
- December 30, 1835 to Juy 16, 1836; invoice to Fogg & Davis from S. C. Hemenway; payment received for purchases throughout that time on July 16, 1836
- January 30 to March 28, 1836; account of Luke W. Fogg with J. Severans; receipt of payment
- February 9, 1836, Bangor, Maine; bill to William Hammett to J. Grant for measuring 1580.56 of painting at 1/2 cts per yard
- Feburary 16, 1836, account of Levi Fogg with J. W. Severans for potatoes and sugar; payment received; perhaps Joseph W. Severans
- February 24, 1836 to May 7, 1836; account of Luke W. Fogg with J. W. Severans; payment received
- April 11, 1836 - April 15, 1836. Account of Fogg & Davis with I. Kendrick & Co.; payment received by I. Kendrick
- April 13, 1836 to April 30, 1836; account of Fogg & Davis with J. W. Severans; payment received
- April 26, 1836, bill to Fogg & Davis from Samuel Lowder [or Lowd or Land] for freight from Boston to Bangor; payment received
- May 6, 1836, bill of Luke W. Fogg from Jones & Hollman; payment received
- June 1836, Boston, Massachusetts; bill from Bangor Despatch Line to Fogg & Davis for freight to Boston on the Schooner Tremont
- June 8, 1836, Boston, Massachusetts; bill for freight of paint to Fogg & Davis in Bangor; by Steam Boat Independence; payment received, signed by Cyrus K. Ladd for ?, possibly J. W. Ramsey
- June 21, 1836, Bangor, Maine; bill to Fogg & Davis for fabric items from S. A. Hyde, presumably Samuel A. Hyde
- June 21, 1836, Bangor, Maine, bill to Fogg & Davis for fabric items from Samuel A. Hyde
- June 24, 1836, Bangor, Maine; bill to Fogg & Davis from William Cabit; payment received
- August 2, 1836, Bangor, Maine; bill from Leighton & Wing; payment received
- May 29, 1845 to July 23, 1845, Boston, Massachusetts; bill to Miss Lambert from A. Ball, Operations in Dentistry; payment received for A. Ball by ?
- Undated; Bangor, Maine; bill to Joseph Adams from Thomas H. Treadwell; payment received for Thomas H. Treadwell by G. F. Treadwell [not sure of initials]
- Undated; McGaffey Vedder & Co.; furniture ware room, white with black letters
- Undated; bill to Luke W. Fogg from ?
- Undated bill for surveying services by Charles Frost and Charles Gilman to Fogg & Davis
- Undated bill to Luke W. Fogg from Seth Eastman; payment received by Seth Eastman
- Undated bill to Fogg & Davis from Wiggin & Fogg; payment received by Wiggin & Fogg
- June 8, no year written; bill to Fogg & Davis from F. Danforth [not sure of initial] for horse & Chaise
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