The album was presumably owned by one of Charles' children.
A previous owner of the album removed the photographs but fortunately retained any identifications that appeared on the page below where the photographs were tucked in, as you can see in the photograph of Thomas William Barber (1875-1952), shown at top.
Not all of Charles' children followed him to Vermont; his father, a sister and other children stayed in England.
Grandfather Barber; by the S. Bardsley studio of Heywood, England
Reverse of the CDV above
The photographs, listed by location of studio, with photographs with no imprint at the end
- Grandfather Barber - CDV of an older man; possibly Grandfather Barber; ID written on the page holding the CDV; by the Bardsley studio of Heywood, in Greater Manchester, Lancashire. Grandfather Barber was William Barber (1798-1877)
- Grandfather Barber, age 90, grandfather of Alice B. Wheeler - CDV of a man identified as "Grandfather Barber, age 90, of Alice B. Wheeler"; taken at the Charles Mizon studio on High Street, Haverhill in England. Grandfather Barber was William Barber (1798-1877). Grandaughter was Alice (Barber) Wheeler (1879-1974)
- Aunt Eliza Holden - CDV of a middle aged woman identified on the reverse as "Aunt Eliza Holden"; taken by the Anthony Beale studio on 5 South Bar Street in Banbury in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Eliza (Barber) Holden (abt 1833-1915), sister of Charles Barber (1839-1922)
- Brother John - CDV of a young woman and a young man, with the man identified on the page the photo is tucked in as "Brother John"; the woman appears to be the same woman as in another CDV of John, his wife and their child. The photo was taken by the M. Boak studio of Bridlington Quay, Driffield & Malton. He appears to be the same "John" in another photo. Possibly John Barber (abt 1865-1933), who stayed in England.
- John - CDV of a young man and wife and their baby, with the man identified on the page in which the photo is tucked a "John", presumably the same man as the "Brother John" in another photo. Nothing on reverse; no studio imprint, but he bears a strong resemblance to the "Brother John", John Barber (abt 1865-1933) above.
- CDV of an unidentified middle aged woman; by the E. Lillwhite studio of 69 York Street, Heywood, England
E. H. Allen studio of Bradford, Vermont
C. F. Bracy studio of Wells River, Vermont - or Fairlee branch
Corliss studio of Newbury, Vermont
Gates studio of Woodstock, Vermont
New Hampshire
- Lizzie - CDV of a young woman, identified as "Lizzie" on the page the CDV was tucked in; perhaps Elizabeth Barber (1871-1942) who married John C. Page.
- Cabinet photograph of unidentified young woman
- Cabinet photograph, dated August 18, 1894 of an unidentified young woman, age 18
C. F. Bracy studio of Wells River, Vermont - or Fairlee branch
- Cabinet photograph of an unidentified young man
- Cabinet photograph of two unidentified young children
- Cabinet photograph of an unidentified young boy
Corliss studio of Newbury, Vermont
- Tom Barber - cabinet photograph of a young man identified on the page that the photograph is tucked in as Tom Barber. Presumably the Thomas William Barber (1875-1952) shown at top.
- Cabinet photograph of an unidentified young boy and girl, presumably siblings
- Cabinet photograph of two unidentified young children, both presumably girls
- Cabinet photograph of an unidentified young woman
- Cabinet photograph of an unidentified young woman
Gates studio of Woodstock, Vermont
- Martha Marion (Burk) Holt - Cabinet photograph of an older woman identified on the reverse as the mother of Mrs. Elnora M. (Holt) Woods (1866-1936) of Newbury, Vermont, and siblings Mrs. Mary A. Pollard (1870-1960), "Mae", of Newbury, Vermont and Leon W. Holt (1873-1944), "Lee", of East Barnard, Vermont. The sitter was Martha Marion (Burk) Holt (1844-1926); a companion photograph shows her husband Henry Cyrus Holt (1844-1896)
- Henry Cyrus Holt - Cabinet photograph of an older man, Rev. Henry Cyrus Holt (1844-1896), his identification derived from relatives listed on the back; his wife Mrs. Martha Marion Holt (1844-1926) of Newbury, Vermont; and his children Leon W. Holt (1873-1944), "Lee", of East Barnard, Vermont; Mrs. Mary A. Pollard (1870-1960), "Mae", of Newbury, Vermont and Mrs. Elnora M. (Holt) Woods (1866-1936) of Newbury, Vermont. A companion photograph shows Henry's wife, Martha Marion (Burk) Holt (1844-1926). Her second husband was George Henry Temple, which might be the connection to the photograph of a young girl with the surname Temple, taken by a photographer in Taunton, Massachusetts.
New Hampshire
Hunt & Thurston studio of Franklin Falls, New Hampshire
H. H. Langill, photographer at the Dartmouth Photo Rooms, Hanover, New Hampshire
- Flora B. Gamsby - Cabinet photograph of a young woman or girl identified on the page that the photograph is tucked in as Flora B. Gamsby. Flora Belle (Barber) Gamsby (1877-1942), a Quebec native who lived in Vermont and New Hampshire. Flora's father, William Barber (1845-1930), was a brother to Charles Barber (1839-1922)
H. H. Langill, photographer at the Dartmouth Photo Rooms, Hanover, New Hampshire
- Harry Barber - Cabinet photograph of a young man identified on the page in which the photograph is tucked as Harry Barber. Presumably Harry Barber (1868-1964) or his cousin Henry Ralph Barber (1879-1960)
- Cabiniet photograph of an unidentified young man
S. Piper Studio of 864 Elm Street, Manchester, New Hampshire
- Cabinet photograph of an unidentified woman
Hunter Brothers studio, Taunton, Massachusetts
- ? A. Temple - CDV of a young child, with the name ? A. Temple on the reverse. Possibly related to the second husband, George Henry Temple, of Martha Marion (Burk) Holt (1844-1926)
No studio imprint
- Brother ?, possibly Brother Fred - CDV of a young man and baby; the man is identified as "Brother ?", possibly "Brother Fred"; no studio imprint. Possibly Frederick William Barber (1863-1954)
- Cabinet photograph of what appears to be an unidentified young married couple; no studio imprint; nothing on reverse
- Faded photograph of an unidentified seated woman in under a bower of vines; nothing on reverse
- CDV of an unidentified woman; no studio imprint; nothing on reverse
- Photograph of two unidentified young girls; no studio imprint; nothing on the reverse
- Snapshot of an unidentified woman at her gate; nothing on reverse except the number 58
- CDV of an unidentified elderly lady and young girl - presumably a copy of a painting; no imprint; nothing on reverse
If you have corrections and/or information to share on the Barber family of England and Vermont, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.
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