Undated, to John Kelley Crockett from H. C. Moore, Treasurer: re" public meeting and uniforms for Lit Aelphi [possibly Adelphi ?]
36 papers, ranging from 1840 to 1854, with two undated, such as the one above, relating to John Kelley Crockett (1830-1854), a musical instrument maker in Concord, New Hampshire.
One of the items is a letter, dated November 6, 1854, from John's brother James S. Crockett (1821-1898) that mentions another brother, organ maker George W. Crockett (1819-1893). Sadly, neither James nor George would then know that John would die of typhoid fever within the month, on November 29, 1854.
November 6, 1854 letter to John Kelley Crockett from his brother James S. Crockett (1821-1898); shortly before John's death
Note: many online trees have John's death as November 2, 1854, but the photograph of his stone shows November 29, and that makes more sense, given James' letter.
After John's death in 1854, his widow, Sally Rebecca (Randall) Crockett (1827-1894) and daughter Anna Rebecca Crockett (1853-1915) lived with David Marston Dearborn (1810-1865), also an instrument maker, and perhaps John's employer and/or mentor. Interestingly, Marston's wife, Helen M. (Randall) Dearborn (1811-1859), was presumably related to Sally.
In 1873, Sally married William Goss (1820-1887), whose first wife, Maryett (Abbott) Goss, had died earlier that year. Anna Rebecca Crockett (1853-1915) would become the second wife of James Yeaton (1832-1906). Yeaton's first wife was Sally's maternal aunt Martha A. (Randall) Yeaton (1832-1869).
The papers:
- Undated; Concord, New Hampshire; acknowledgement of payment of John Kelley Crockett to Charles W. Batchelder. Perhaps Charles Willard Batchelder (1825-1890); work hours
- Undated; payment of John Kelley Crockett for expenses of public meeting; acknowledged by H. C. Moore, Treasurer; Aelphi, perhaps Adelphi?
- Receipt of payment by John Kelley Crockett on March 4, 1850 for banjo (?); rubbers and boots in 1849; payment acknowledged by Benjamin Gage; presumably Benjamin Gage (1815-1888)
- Concord, New Hampshire; June 5, 1850; Receipt of payment of John Kelley Crockett to Brown & Young; wash stand
- Received from John K. Crockett thirty dollars for Record of S. J. Crockett, July 19, 1850. Signed by William Crockett. Perhaps John Kelley Crockett's uncle William S. Crockett (1792-1865)
- Concord, New Hampshire; August 7, 1850; Receipt of payment by John Kelley Crockett to Benjamin Gage, signed by him in 1851. Presumably Benjamin Gage (1815-1888); rubbers, shoes
- Concord, New Hampshire; September 19, 1850; Receipt of payment of John Kelley Crockett of invoice of J. Stewart McFarland, signed by John Stewart McFarland, possibly the trotting horse enthusiast; purchase of violin, US maps, etc.
- 1849 to December 1850; payment acknowledged by F. C. Edmunds for payment on December 20, 1850 of John Kelley Crockett for shirts and pants; Possibly Frederick Charles Edmunds (1818-1896); purchase of collar, shirt, pants
- Concord, New Hampshire; December 27, 1850; acknowledgement of payment by John Kelley Crockett to James Prescott, signed by him. Perhaps the James Prescott (1803-1865) of Deerfield, New Hampshire.
- May 3, 1850 to July 11, 1850; receipt of payment at Concord, New Hampshire, on January 28, 1851, by John Kelley Crockett to R. Merrill, agent for ? [? H. Knight ?]; purchase of knife, paper, pen, envelopes, etc.
- Concord, New Hampshire; February 7, 1851; Receipt of payment of John Kelley Crockett to Edmunds & Robinson; purchase of sack coat
- February 17, 1851; acknowledgement by Brown & Young of the payment by John Kelley Crockett; purchase of rocking chair (?)
- Concord, New Hampshire; February 25, 1851; Receipt of payment by John Kelley Crockett to Benjamin Gage, signed by Gage; presumably Benjamin Gage (1815-1888).
- Concord, New Hampshire; March 1, 1851; acknowledgement of Brown & Young of the payment by John Kelley Crockett, for a 3 drawer bureau, $3.50
- Concord, New Hampshire; January 25, 1850 [possibly meant 1851] invoice; Receipt of payment on March 1, 1851 by John Kelley Crockett to William H. Kimball for duplicate picture of child; perhaps William Hazen Kimball (1817-1892)
- Invoice of Edmunds & Robinson to John Kelley Crockett of Concord, New Hampshire; December 10, 1850 to June 30, 1851; one payment in April and settled up on July 8, 185; purchases of clothing
- Concord, New Hampshire, December 8, 1851, invoice from Burnham & Peirce to John Kelley Crockett; purchase of spices and groceries
- November 19, 1851 to December 26, 1851; invoice from Page & Fay for December 1851; payment of John Kelley Crockett acknowledged by Page & Fay; purchase of remnant and mat, etc.
- December 1, 1851 to December 31, 1851; acknowledgement by Ira Rowell of the payment of John Kelley Crockett; purchase of milk
- December 19, 1851 to April 1, 1852, dated April 1, 1852; John K. Crockett, Concord, New Hampshire; from Burnham & Peirce; purchase of groceries
- Concord, New Hampshire; January 6, 1852; acknowledgement by C. H. Norton of the payment of John Kelley Crockett - horse and sleigh to Deerfield, $2.50; presumably Charles Henry Norton (1812-1885)
- February 20 - April 12, 1852; acknowledgement by John Gear of the payment on account of John Kelley Crockett of Concord, New Hampshire; beef, $3.12. Presumably John Gear (1809-1892)
- April 24, 1852 - acknowledgement by David Dunlap of the payment of John Kelley Crockett; purchase of door
- May 27, 1852 to June 14, 1852 - items on account; acknowledgement by W. H. Page of the payment by John Kelley Crockett of Concord, New Hampshire. Perhaps William H. Page (1819-1855); basins, custards, matting, etc.
- Receipt of payment of June 1852 on account by John Kelley Crockett, acknowledged by E. A. Hill and D. A. Hill [not sure of first initial]. Presumably Elliot A. Hill (1794-1871) and Daniel A. Hill (1811-1878), furniture makers; purchase of furniture
- April 10, 1851 to October 21, 1852; invoice from R. Merrill, Agent for ?; payment of D. M. ? acknowledged as received on November 5, 1852, signed by R. Merrill; purchase of cards, envelopes, violin book, paper, checkerboard, Bible, knife, etc.
- November 15, 1852 to January 6, 1853; acknowledgement by E. S. Chadwick of payment for merchandise by John Kelley Crockett; Perhaps produce dealer Edmund Smith Chadwick (1809-1892)
- Concord, New Hampshire; January 7, 1853; receipt of payment by John Kelley Crockett, for a horse and wagon to Deerfield, to Dudley & Corning, signed by H. T. Dudley, perhaps Hubbard Thomas Dudley (1836-1863), son of Peter Dudley of Dudley & Corning livery stable
- Concord, New Hampshire; January 11, 1853; acknowledgement by I. F. Gear for John Gear of payment by John Kelley Crockett, bringing him up to date as of that date; John Gear (1809-1892); Isaac F. Gear (1835-1895)
- Concord, New Hampshire; July 1, 1853; acknowledgement by N. Knight of the payment of John Kelley Crockett - for 16 quarts of milk in June
- Concord, New Hampshire, February 7, 1854; Crockett & Gordon invoice to John Kelley Crockett; groceries
- Concord, New Hampshire; April 26, 1854; invoice of items purchased by John Kelley Crockett from John Gear; payment acknowledgement signed by John Gear's son Isaac F. Gear. John Gear (1809-1892); Isaac F. Gear (1835-1895); purchase of lard, sausage, beef, pork, etc,
- Concord, New Hampshire; April 24, 1854; acknowledgement by D. M. Dearborn of the payment of John Kelley Crockett for 3 months of house rent. Presumably David Marston Dearborn (1810-1865), also an instrument maker, and perhaps John's employer and/or mentor. At the time of enumeration of the 1860 Census of Concord, New Hampshire, John's widow and daughter were living with Dearborn; interestingly, Dearborn's deceased wife was born a Randall, presumably related to Sarah Rebecca (Randall) Crockett.
- Concord, New Hampshire; April 26, 1854; Promise to Pay $18.83 by John Kelley Crockett to lender R. ? Osgood
- Concord, New Hampshire; October 26, 1854; invoice of Joseph Grover, Whole and Retail Dealer in Furs, Hats, Caps and Buffalo Robes, 178 Main Street, Opposite American House, to John Kelley Crockett. Payment acknowledged by Grover in March 1855 (after John Kelley Crockett's death the previous November); purchase of hats, etc. Presumably Joseph Grover (1806-1865)
- Concord, New Hampshire; November 6, 1854; from J. S. Crockett, presumably James S. Crockett (1821-1898) to his brother John Kelley Crockett (1830-1854); mentions pew casing; hat rack; book; pew rent; overshoes; spit cup; also mentions George, presumably oldest sibling George W. Crockett (1819-1893). Note: John died later that month, on November 29, 1854
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