Dickey is asking that the Holbrooks visit him in Bangor, Maine, for the purpose of having a "degariotipe" taken, before it's too late. He also mentions other mutual friends.
Daguerrotypes were in wide use from the 1840s to the late 1850s. It would be interesting to know the name of the Bangor, Maine, photographer that Dickey had in mind.

Bangor June 16, 1851
Brother and Sister Holbrook. I have been thinking of writing to you for some time but have not untill now. The mane object of this letter is to invite you to visit us as soon as you can conveniently. Will you not come some time this month while it is cool & comfortable as it is very uncomfortable riding in the heat of the Summer.
I am very anxious for you to have your Degariotipe pictures & as life is very uncertain & what is Done must be Done quickly. I think it will be a great Satisfaction to our friens when we have past off the Stage to See our likenesses as we were while with them. If I could have the Degarotip picture of my Farther & Mother, I should value it more highly than Silver or gold.
Tuesday morning. it is a very pleasant morning. Wish we could see you today. It is hard to be seperated from those we love as we gain in years. I think we are more & more attached to those of our friends that ware nearly associated with us in the days of our youth. We had a very pleasant visit from Jonathan Lowrence, was glad you could see so meny of old friends in Northport. Franklin & Lady how do you do. Hope we may see you this summer and George, how do you do. Hope to see you when it is convenent. I supose you new Lucy J had moved to Dover __ (perhaps Mass - or Me.). We here from them about every two weeks. They happy situoded thare, have every thing to make them comfortable. How is it with Augustus and wife, please let us know in your letter. Sister Nancy will you please write to me as soon as you can after you quit this and let us know when we may see you so that we may be at home. We are all enjoying comfortable helth and common prosperity. Hope you are enjoying the same blessings. And may the Lord help us all to be thankful.
Respectfully yours, George Dickey
George was presumably Bangor merchant George Dickey (1800-1886), a native of Northport, Maine, and the husband of Lucy L. (Patch) Dickey (abt 1806-1896).
Thomas Holbrook (1790-1875) was a Castine native who moved to Northport, Maine, when young. His wife was Nancy (Dickey) Holbrook (1793-1867), a sister to the letter writer George Dickey.
Perhaps Jonathan Lowrence was Jonathan Powers Lawrence (1795-1853).
If you a theory as to the identities of the people mentioned in the letter or have information to share on the Dickey, Patch or Holbrook families, please leave a comment.
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