1880s autograph album of Maggie Drain of Barlow, Ohio, collected mostly while she was a student and early in her teaching career.
The album is approximately 7" x 4-1/4" and contains the sentiments of about 100 people, including Maggie herself on a page shared with fellow students, Maggie's relatives, friends and schoolmates. An alphabetical list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
Many of Maggie's fellow students were then attending B.N. & C. I., which might have been a Normal School and Institute at Beverly, Ohio. A reader may have a better translation. The montage below, created on 22 July 1887, was signed by several of Maggie's classmates, as well as Maggie herself.
Some of Maggie's students at Barlow, Ohio, had created a montage earlier in February 1887.
Either Maggie had been student teaching in February 1887, or her classmates who signed the top montage in July 1887 were getting together a year or so after their graduation.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Margaret Drain was born 23 December 1862 at Palmers Settlement, Ohio, in Washington County, the daughter of Scottish immigrants Duncan and Catherine (Greenlees) Drain. Her parents signed the first pages in her album.
Several of Maggie's siblings, cousins and other relatives signed pages in her album. Maggie's younger sister Rosa Drain signed a page at Barlow, Ohio, on 5 February 1887.
Annie Harvey (Drain) Trotter, Maggie's older sister, signed two pages, one of them on 20 January 1887. Her husband Orlando Trotter also signed a page on 20 January 1887.
Maggie's older sister Nettie (Drain) Curtis of Amesville, Ohio signed a page, as did her husband Charles Carey Curtis.
Maggie's older sister Eliza Drain of Barlow, Ohio, signed a page on 12 February 1887.
Many other relatives and in-laws signed pages in Maggie's album; please refer to the list of signers below.
Maggie Drain married James Merrill Proctor on 29 May 1895 in Washington County, Ohio. He was born on 13 January 1871 at Barlow, Ohio, son of Joseph H. and Ellen Elizabeth (Seely) Proctor.
James didn't sign a page in Maggie's album, but I believe that his older brother Walter S. Proctor did.
Maggie and James farmed and raised a daughter Helen Drain Proctor at Barlow, Ohio.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
Alphabetical list of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Uncle Dave, signed on 10 March 1887
- Maggie's cousin Mary E. Drain of Veto, Ohio, signed on 5 October 1887. Not sure of surname, which is very faint, and don't want to jump to conclusion that it is Drain, but it begins with D. The next signer's surname was Deming, which is another possibility, but they lived in different, though nearby, towns.
- A friend, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 22 February 1887
- Gertrude, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 27 May 1890
- Nellie Agin, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 16 October 1887
- Maggie M. Barber, signed at Ward, Ohio, on 20 July 1887
- Peggy Barber of ?, Ohio; shared a page with B.N. & C.I. classmates on 22 July 1887; Maggie signed as "Marguerite" Drain. "Seven Wonders of the World"
- Linnie Basim, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 24 October 1887
- Mercia A. Beach of Barlow, Ohio, signed on 21 June 1890
- Mary Breckenridge of Barlow, Ohio, signed on 25 September 1888; inscribed "To my Teacher"
- Ella Bryan; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- A. L. Burrowes, or A. L. Burrows, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 20 August 1887
- Elmer Caskey; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher. He signed an individual page "To my Teacher" on 2 February 1887
- Florence Caskey; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Roscoe Caskey; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Logan Caskey; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- E. E. Coburn of Mill Grove, Ohio, signed on 12 August 1887 at B.N. & C. Institute
- Flora Crooks of Pleasant Ridge, Ohio, signed at Beverly Normal School, on 25 August 1887
- Fannie M. Curtis, signed at Utley, Ohio, on 2 June 1887
- C. C. Curtis of Amesville, Ohio; husband of Maggie's sister Nettie (Drain) Curtis, who signed the right facing page.
- Nettie D. Curtis of Amesville, Ohio; Maggie's sister Nettie (Drain) Curtis, whose husband Charles signed the left facing page.
- Mamie E. Curtis, signed at Utley, Ohio, on 2 June 1887; likely Mary E. Curtis, daughter of Maggie's elder sister Nettie (Drain) Curtis, wife of Charles Carey Curtis.
- Clarrie B. Dearth, signed at Centre Bend, Ohio, on 17 August 1887; not sure of first name - could be Carrie Dearth
- Kate G. Deming, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 19 April 1888
- F. O. Deming, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 20 April 1888
- Maggie Deming of Barlow, Ohio, signed on 7 April 1888
- Maggie Drain, album owner. She signed a shared page of schoolmates at B.N. & C.I. as "Marguerite", but all of the signers had special names. Her name was, as far as I know, Margaret
- Duncan Drain, signed on 18 February 1887; Maggie's father
- Katy Drain, signed on 18 February 1887; Maggie's mother Catherine (Greenlees) Drain
- Maggie's cousin Mary E. Drain of Veto, Ohio, signed on 5 October 1887. Not sure of surname, which is very faint, and don't want to jump to conclusion that it is Drain, but it begins with D. The next signer's surname was Deming, which is another possibility, but they lived in different, though nearby, towns.
- Rosa Drain, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 5 February 1887; presumably the Rosa Drain who was Maggie's younger sister
- Maggie's cousin Nettie Drain, signed at Centre Belpre, Ohio, on 8 October 1887
- Mary Drain, signed on 4 February 1887; possibly the Mary Drain who was Maggie's older sister.
- Eliza Drain, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 12 February 1887; likely the Eliza Drain who was the older sister of Maggie Drain
- Bessie R. Fast of Beverly, Ohio, signed on 18 August 1887 [or 10 August 1887]
- Anna D. Fast, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 11 August 1887
- "Marna" [?] Fast of Hillside Cottage; shared a page with B.N. & C.I. classmates on 22 July 1887; Maggie signed as "Marguerite" Drain. "Seven Wonders of the World"
- "Virginia" Fast and/or "Kitten" Fast of Beverly, Ohio; shared a page with B.N. & C.I. classmates on 22 July 1887; Maggie signed as "Marguerite" Drain. "Seven Wonders of the World"
- Mary F. Fast, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 23 July 1887
- Joe Fast, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 16 June 1887
- Mollie Ferguson, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 21 February 1887
- Nelly Glen, signed in July 1887; former schoolmate at Beverly, Ohio
- M. Gordon, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 19 April 1888
- Susie Henry, signed at Brown's Mills, Ohio, on 10 October 1887
- Jessie M. Hosom of Barlow, Ohio, signed on 21 June 1890
- Annie Hunter, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 26 September [no year written], inscribed "To my Teacher"
- Inscribed "To my Teacher" by Sadie Jones, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 26 September 1888
- Maggie Lamb, signed at Barlow, Ohio, signed on 24 September 1888; inscribed "To my Teacher"
- Ada Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Mary Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Alva Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- George Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Frank Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Bertha Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Sibyl Marshall; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- George Marshall, signed on 2 February 1887; middle initial might be O or Q or ?
- Alva Marshall, signed on 2 February 1887
- LeRoy V. Martin of Warner, Ohio, signed on 24 August 1887
- Lou Ella Matheny, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 2 May 1890; signed "Your Scholar"
- L. G. Matheny, signed 29 May 1890; perhaps the Loring G. Matheny of Barlow, Ohio, listed on the 1890 Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War
- E. L. Matheny, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 25 August 1887
- Katie McCallum
- Netta McFarland, signed at Vincent, Ohio, on 4 October 1887
- Mary McGill of Veto, Ohio
- `Patience Miller, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 16 August 1887
- Ell Miller, signed on 20 May 1887
- Lucy Miller, signed on 20 May 1887
- Clarence Miller, signed on 19 May 1887
- Bertie S. Miller, signed on 19 May 1887
- "Lilliy" B. Moore of Warner, Ohio; Lilly B. Moore; shared a page with B.N. & C.I. classmates on 22 July 1887; Maggie signed as "Marguerite" Drain. "Seven Wonders of the World"
- Lillie Moore, signed at Warner, Ohio, on 22 July 1887, "B.N. & C. I."; Maggie's schoolmate
- Minnie O'Bleness of Belpre, Ohio, signed on 19 July 1887; her message indicates she was Maggie's former roommate. "B.N.&C.I.
- ? O'Bleness of Belpre, Ohio; shared a page with B.N. & C.I. classmates on 22 July 1887; Maggie signed as "Marguerite" Drain. "Seven Wonders of the World"
- Effie Porter, signed on 30 July 1887 at Beverly, Ohio, "B.N.&C.I.
- "Appie" Porter of Lower Salem, Ohio; shared a page with B.N. & C.I. classmates on 22 July 1887; Maggie signed as "Marguerite" Drain. "Seven Wonders of the World"
- H. C. Porter of Lower Salem, Ohio, signed on 2 August 1887
- Della M. Power, signed on 5 July 1890
- W. Proctor, signed 20 October 1887 [or 1889]; middle initial might be S
- Arthur Pugh, signed at Palmer, Ohio, on 21 December 1885
- Surname is Pugh; given name looks like Mant or Maset or Maut. First letter is defintely "M" and last letter is defintely "t"
- Elmer Pugh, signed on 21 December 1886
- Willie Richards of Barlow, Ohio, signed on 24 September 1888; inscribed "to my teacher"
- Blanche Rigg, signed at Barlow, Ohio, on 20 November 1887
- S. C. Ryan, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 20 August 1887; could be T. C. Ryan
- Katie Scott of Barlow, Ohio
- Lelia M. Skipton of Waterford, Ohio, signed on 12 September 1887
- R. J. Smith, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 23 August 1887
- Mary Smith and Della Smith, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 24 August 1887
- J. M. Starlin of Coal Run, Ohio, signed on 24 August 1881
- Elmer Trotter; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher
- Annie Trotter; Maggie's older sister Anne Harvey (Drain) Trotter, wife of Orlando Trotter
- Orlando Trotter, signed in 1887; he was the husband of Anne Harvey (Drain) Trotter, who signed the right facing page. Annie was Maggie Drain's older sister.
- Annie H. Trotter, signed on 20 January 1887; her husband Orlando Trotter signed the left facing page. Annie Harvey (Drain) Trotter was the older sister of Maggie Drain.
- E. G. Trotter, signed on 16 January 1886. Edward Gard Trotter, brother of Maggie's brother-in-law Orlando Trotter. Edward's wife Margery signed the right facing page.
- Margery Trotter, signed on 16 January 1887, wife of Edward Gard Trotter, who signed the left facing page.
- Richard Trotter, signed on 12 January 1886
- Caroline B. Trotter, signed on 12 January 1886. Possibly Caroline B. (Dunsmoor) Trotter, mother of Maggie's brother-in-law Orlando Trotter
- Henrietta Trotter, signed on 12 January 1887; younger sister of Maggie's brother-in-law Orlando Trotter
- Elmer E. Trotter
- Myron Webber; shared a page with several classmates on 2 February 1887; Maggie Drain was their teacher.
- Minnie Wright, signed at Beverly, Ohio, on 18 August 1887
Barlow, Ohio
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