Autograph album that was presented by teacher J. Simpson, on 29 February 1884, to student Maud Barnes for improvement in spelling.
The album is approximately 7" x 4-1/4" and contains pages signed by 24 people, including Maud's teacher, as noted, her siblings and friends. A complete list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
A neat feature of the album is an illustration for each month of the year, shown at the end of this post.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Ida Maud Barnes was born about 1875 in Pennsylvania, the daughter of Philip S. and Elizabeth Barnes. Maud had, I believe, six siblings, four of whom signed pages in her album. In page order, the siblings who signed:
Maud's sister Emma Barnes signed a page at Harrisville, Pennsylvania, on 29 March 1884.
Maud's sister Julia Barnes signed a page on 12 April 1887.
Maud's sister Laura Barnes signed a page.
Maud's unnamed sibling signed a page on 30 June 1884 [or 1887].
Maud's unnamed aunt signed a page at Grove City, Pennsylvania, on 18 April 1884.
Maud's cousin, G. W. Boundy [not sure of surname - please leave a comment if you have a correction], signed a page at Grove City, Pennsylvania, on 29 June 1884.
If you have corrections to the information above or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
Alphabetical list of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Maud's Aunt, signed at Grove City, Pennsylvania, on 18 April 1884
- Friend
- Ida Maud Barnes, album owner
- Maud's sister Emma Barnes, signed at Harrisville, Pennsylvania, on 29 March 1884
- Maud's sister Julia Barnes, signed on 12 April 1887
- Maud's sister Laura [Laura Jane Barnes]
- Maud's sibling [didn't sign a name but addressed the page to "Dear Sister"], signed on 30 June 1884 [or 1887]
- Maud's sister, Anna Barnes
- G. W. Boundy [not sure of surname], signed at Grove City, Pennsylvania, on 29 June 1884; Maud's cousin
- Mattie Brown, signed on "3-6-1886"
- Ollie Craig
- Carrie A. Dale of North Liberty, Pennsylvania, signed on 1 March 1888
- J. P. Dobson of Coaltown, Pennsylvania, signed on 23 March 1886
- J. M. Dobson of Coaltown, Pennsylvania, signed at Grove City, Pennsylvania, on 29 June 1884
- Clara Glenn
- J. A. Hanna, signed on 7 June 1885
- Ada Jack of Slate Lick, Pennsylvania, in Armstrong County, signed 12 June 1887
- Lissa Jack of Grove City, Pennsylvania
- Miss Jennie Martin of Butler County, Pennsylvania, signed 18 February 1894
- Lizzie McGeary of Slate Lick, Pennsylvania, signed on 12 June 1887
- M. Scruder, signed September 1886 [not sure of surname]
- J. Simpson, teacher and presenter of the album for Maud's improvement in spelling
- Ella Snyder of Grove City, Pennsylvania, in Mercer County
- Mary Williamson, signed at Grove City, Pennsylvania
- A. M. Williamson, signed on 16 March 1888
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