Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Marriages & Deaths in Columbian Centinal, Boston, Massachusetts, August 3, 1814

While reading the August 23, 1814 issue of the Columbian Centinel newspaper for news of the Invasion of Maine, I came across a listing of New England Marriages and Deaths that I want to share with you.  

Hopefully readers will recognize some ancestors in the listings.  If so, please leave a comment.

Transcript of the above:

MARRIED.] - In Abington, Mr. GRIDLEY THAXTER, Jr. to Miss SUSANNA D. BROWN. -- In Scituate, on Sunday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Dean, Mr. BENJAMIN MERRITT to Miss SALLY COLE, eldest daughter of Mr. Charles Cole, of Scituate. -- In Natick, by the Rev. Mr. Kellogg, the Rev. MARTIN MOORE to Miss SARAH FISKE.
In this town -- By the Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Mr. THOMAS BACON, of Gloucester, to Miss SOPHIA-ANN WIGHTMAN, of Boston. -- On Sunday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Dean, Mr. JOSEPH FORBES, to Miss MARY WOODWARD.

DIED.] -- In England, the Earl of Sandwich -- In New York, Mrs. ELLEN A. RINDGE, wife of Captain William Rindge, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. -- In Dedham, Deacon JAMES KINGSBURY, age 76. -- In Cambridge, suddenly, Mrs. ABIGAIL, wife of Mr. John Hayden, age 38. -- In Charlestown, 11th ul. JOSEPH MILLER, age 1 month, and on Sunday last, ABIGAIL JONES, age 4 years, son and daughter of Mr. Timothy Thompson, Jr. -- In Fitchburg, on Monday morning, Miss ZABIAH MAY CUNNINGHAM, age 15, eldest daughter of William Cunningham, Jr., Esq.  In intellectual endowments, in enlargement of heart, and in purity of life, MISS CUNNINGHAM has left behind no superior among her coevals. -- In Cohasset, Mrs. MARIA T. NICHOLS, age 24, wife of Mr. John Nichols of this town, and daughter of Maj. Joseph Barton, of Chester, Vermont, after a long and painful sickness, which she bore with becoming fortitude.  She anxiously awaited the approaching moment to resign her soul to the Being who gave it; in her last moments bidding farewell to her relatives around her bed side, and observing that they ought not to mourn for her, as she considered her situation far preferable to theirs.  The funeral will be to-morrow afternoon, 4 o'clock, from Mr. John Nichols', Cohasset -- friends and relations are requested to attend without further invitation. -- In Haverhill, on Friday last, Mr. J. HAZELTINE, of Salem, who was on a visit to H. and was instantly killed by the fall of a house, blown down by a tornado that day.
In this town -- Capt. JOSEPH CLARKE, age 59, a revolutionary officer, and a member of the Cincinnati.
Drowned -- On Monday afternoon, Master JOHN W. STOWELL, son of Mr. John Stowell, age 6 years -- Funeral this afternoon, from his father's house in Nassau-street, at 4 o'clock.

If you have any insights into any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

A map of the Boston, Massachusetts area:

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