1859-1897 autograph album of Calista L. (Hiland) Watriss of Hartland, Vermont, with many sentiments gathered while she was visiting, or perhaps living briefly, at Whitewater, Wisconsin. The Watriss surname has variants of Watrous, Watress and Waterhouse, among others.
Most autographs date to 1859 and the 1860s, but there is at least one later one, the autograph of Calista's granddaughter Blanche Watriss Leonard of Hartland, Vermont, signed in 1897. Blanche was born on December 25, 1886, the daughter of George Sylvester Leonard and Hattie Calista (Watriss) Leonard. Sadly, Blanche's parents had died by 1897, her mother in 1889 and her father in 1891.
Blanche signed her name on a page with the inscriptions of Mary L. Hamilton of Whitewater, Wisconsin, and Miss J. L. Rice of Hartland, Vermont. They may have signed the page years earlier than Blanche, and there may or may not have been a relationship between them and Blanche.
The album measures approximately 7-3/4" x 5-1/2" and contains the sentiments and autographs of 217 people, most of whom wrote their names on pages shared with others, whole families in a few cases. As noted above, many of the autographs were collected at Whitewater, Wisconsin, in 1859 and 1860; many more were signed by folks living at Hartland, Vermont. Perhaps Whitewater was a popular destination for settlers from the Hartland area.
An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal and family information they may have offered, appear at the end of this post. Many signers were Calista's family members and in-laws.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Calista L. Hyland was born in February 20, 1826 at Hartland, Vermont, the daughter of James Hiland and Lavina (Frost) Hiland, who were born in Massachusetts and Maine, respectively. The Hiland surname appears variously as Hyland and Highland. I'd like to know Lavina (Frost) Hiland's place of birth in Maine and the names of her parents.
On September 6, 1841 at Hartland, Vermont, Calista married Henry B. Watriss, son of Charles Frederick Watriss and Hannah (McCollester) Watriss.
Calista and Henry had a son Albert, who died in 1849. I don't know if they had other children before daughter Hattie Calista Watress in 1862, mother of Blanche, noted above, but there are no other children buried with them at the Hartland Village Cemetery, according to a list posted online by the Hartland Historical Society [kudos to them for a well-done website].
Whether the trip to Whitewater, Wisconsin, was a planned move that didn't work out or just a visit, I don't know, but she and Henry were back at Hartland, Vermont by the time of Harriet Calista Watriss' birth on November 9, 1862. I haven't yet found them in the 1860 Census, so perhaps they were in between places at that time. There are autographs from Whitewater, Wisconsin, up to March 13, 1860, but many are undated, so there could have been later ones.
Henry B. Watrous died in 1898. The 1910 Census of Hartland, Vermont, shows Calista living in the household of her granddaughter Blanche Watriss (Leonard) Bagley, her husband Harry A. Bagley and their two children. Calista died in 1912 and is buried with her husband, son Albert and daughter Hattie Calista (Watriss) Leonard at Hartland Village Cemetery, Hartland, Vermont.
Below, Calista's cousin Ira Hiland of Boston, Massachusetts, his wife Martha (Manson) Hiland and their daughter Sarah M. Hiland shared a page. Refer to the list of signers for the names of more relatives and in-laws.
Two of Henry B. Watriss' brothers signed pages in the album: Norman E. Watriss and Luke Willard Watriss. Refer to the list of signers for more members with a connection to the Watriss and Hiland families.
List of surnames
? - could be Wayne |
| Dann | King | Rice |
Abbott [2] | Deichman | Kiser [2] | Robbins |
Alexander [2] | DeWolf [3] | Knight [2] | Roberts |
Archbald | Ditson | Kellogg | Rockwell [2] |
Arnold |
| Kimball | Russell [3] |
| Eastman [3] | Knox [2] |
Baker [3] | Emmons [3] |
| Sawyer |
Bassett [2] |
| Leonard | Seger |
Beath | Farmer [2] | Littlejohn | Shepard |
Billings | Ferris [3] | Lull | Sherman |
Birge [2] | Fisher |
| Short [2] |
Blanchard | Frazer | Macey [2] | Smith [10] |
Brothers | Fuller [2] | Marcy [6] | Starin [7] |
Bullock | Furber | Mason | Stiles |
| McCollister | Swan [2] |
Cash [4] | Graves | McLang |
Chase [2] |
| McLaughlin | Tanner |
Churchill | Hamilton [2] | Miller | Tarr |
Clark [6] | Harding [3] | Minor | Tewksbury |
Clarke | Harvey | Mix | Thayer |
Clemens | Hatch [2] | Morse | Thompson [5] |
Cogswell | Hawes | Murphy | Tracy |
Colby [2] | Hayes [2] |
| Trippe [2] |
Cole [2] | Hemenway [2] | Newton |
Congar [2] | Hewitt [3] | Norton | Vance [2] |
Connor | Hiland [3] |
Cotton [2] | Hoadley | Partridge | Walker [4] |
Crombie | Hodgman | Payne [2] | Warne |
Crowther | Houghton | Peirce | Warner |
Culver [2] | Hubbard | Perkins [2] | Watriss [5] |
Curtice | Humphrey [2] | Pratt [7] | Webb |
Cutler | Hunter [2] | Wheeler [6] | |
Whittaker | |||
Williams [3] | |||
Williamson | |||
Wright [2] | |||
- Winchester D. Wayne or ?; not sure of surname. In fact, could be the residence of J. S. Patridge. Shared the page with E. H. Norton, J. S. Partridge; and William A. Frazer
- T. S. Abbott of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with John Taylor Smith
- Mrs. M. A. Abbott of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with R. M. Russell; Mrs. R. M. Russell; Jason D. Hewitt; and Mrs. Emily H. Hewitt
- D. F. Alexander of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with G. M. Hatch; and Clarissa Alexander
- Clarissa Alexander of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with G. M. Hatch; and D. F. Alexander
- J. M.Archbald of Montreal, C.E.; shared the page with Mrs. Kate B. Wheeler and J. M. Archbald
- Mrs. N. C. Arnold, or M. C. Arnold, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; shared the page with Julia A. Ferris
- Albert Baker of Ilion, New York; shared the page with Mrs. Julia A. Baker and Franklin Baker
- Mrs. Julia A. Baker of Ilion, New York, signed on March 26 [no year written]; shared the page with Albert Baker and Franklin Baker
- Franklin Baker of Ilion, New York; shared the page with Albert Baker and Mrs. Julia A. Baker
- Thomas Bassett of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. B. V. Bassett
- Mrs. B. V. Bassett of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Thomas Bassett
- Henry M. Beath or Henry M. Booth or ? of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Lovina C. Webb
- Mary E. Billings of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. Sarah Mason; and Mrs. H. Warne
- Julius C. Birge of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 27, 1859. Shared the page with John H. Miller
- Mrs. Frances Birge of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 28 [no year written] Shared the page with Mrs. Maria R. Graves
- E. J. Blanchard of Hartland, 4 Corners, Vermont, signed on April 4, 1876; shared the page with E. A. Smith
- Henrietta Brothers of North Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with Mrs. L. A. Tanner and Mrs. M. A. Smith
- Caroline A. Bullock, signed at Whitewater, Wisconsin, on March 5, 1859; presumably Caroline A. (Rowe) Bullock, wife of Daniel Bullock, Supt. of Northwestern Manufacturing Company. http://books.google.com/books?id=uWpBAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA688&lpg=PA688&dq=%22Daniel+Bullock%22+Whitewater+Wisconsin+Caroline&source=bl&ots=9uM2MEb3iE&sig=zSA0Qh1fgYTadihWcJpKNAU66mk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=sXcLVKehOamSsQSnhoLACQ&ved=0CCAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=daniel%20bullock&f=false Caroline was the daughter of Ira Rowe of Connecticut.
- W. Cash of Whitewarer, Wisconsin; middle initial might be H or K or ? Shared the page with H. Wright; Mrs. S. Wright; Mrs. M. A. Cash; Hattie Cash; and ? N. Cash
- Mrs. M. A. Cash of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with H. Wright; Mrs. S. Wright; W. Cash; Hattie Cash; and ? N. Cash
- Hattie Cash of Whitewater, Wisconsin, Walworth St. Shared the page with H. Wright; Mrs. S. Wright; W. Cash; Mrs. M. A. Cash; and ? N. Cash
- ? N. Cash of Whitewater, Wisconsin; not sure of initials. Shared the page with H. Wright; Mrs. S. Wright; W. Cash; Mrs. M. A. Cash; and Hattie Cash
- Horace J. Chase; shared the page with wife Mary Ann Chase
- Cousin Mary Ann Chase of Hopkinton, New Hampshire. She was Mary Ann (Dodge) Chase, daughter of Stillman and Sarah (Highland/Hiland/Hyland), so related to Calista through the Hiland line.
- C. E. Churchill, Pastor Univ. Society of Hartland, Vermont
- Alman L. Clark of Groton, Vermont; shared the page with A. B. Culver and Betsy H. Clark
- Betsy H. Clark of Groton, Vermont; presumably Alman's wife Betsy (Gilbert) Clark; shared the page with A. B. Culver and Alman L. Clark
- Miss Emma H. Clark of Whitewater, Wisconsin; daughter of Sylvia (Smith) Clark and Solomon Clark. Shared the page with Mrs. Clarissa Ferris; Miss Carrie D. Clark; Mrs. S. Clark; and Solomon Clark
- Miss Carrie D. Clark of Whitewater, Wisconsin; daughter of Sylvia (Smith) Clark and Solomon Clark. Shared the page with Mrs. Clarissa Ferris; Miss Emma H. Clark; Mrs. S. Clark; and Solomon Clark
- Mrs S. Clark of Whitewater, Wisconsin; Sylvia (Smith) Clark, born about 1828 in New York; wife of Solomon Clark. Shared the page with Mrs. Clarissa Ferris; Miss Emma H. Clark; Miss Carrie D. Clark; and Solomon Clark
- Solomon Clark, born about 1823 in New York. Shared the page with Mrs. Clarissa Ferris; Miss Emma H. Clark; Miss Carrie D. Clark; and Mrs. Sylvia Clark.
- Lottie E. Clarke of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. N. M. Littlejohn; and Mary L. Thayer
- Mrs. S. A. Clemens of Terryville, Connecticut; shared the page with Julia C. Rowe Mix
- A. Cogswell or Cogdull; shared the page with L. A. Farmer; another L. A. Farmer; George H. Smith; W. H. Lull; C. A. Pratt; and E. C. McLang
- John Colby of Hartland, Vermont; presumably the attorney John Colby, born September 19, 1807. Shared the page with wife Adiline Minerva (Kneeland) Colby.
- Mrs. Adiline M. Colby of Hartland, Vermont; presumably Adilene Minerva (Kneeland) Colby, wife of John Colby, with whom she shared the page. [Other records show the spelling Adeline and Adaline]
- Jennie L. Cole of Whitewater, Wisconsin; presumably Jennie Louisa Cole, daughter of Warren and Sophronia (Goodwine) Cole and sister of sister of signer Daniel Webster Cole; shared the page with Daniel W. Cole
- Daniel W. Cole of Whitewater, Wisconsin. Presumably Daniel Webster Cole, son of Warren and Sophronia (Goodwine) Cole and brother of signer Jennie L. Cole. Shared the page with Jennie L. Cole
- Edwin P. Congar of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Harvey Houghton; and M. E. Congar
- M. E. Congar of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Edwin P. Congar; and Harvey Houghton
- Elizabeth L. Connor of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. L. Culver; C. N. Wheeler; and Mrs. Mary E. Robbins
- Byron Cotton of Wamego, Kansas, signed on September 7, 1888; presumably the son of J. B. Cotton. Shared the page with william Ditson; and J. B. Cotton
- J. B. Cotton, signed at Hartland, Vermont; presumably John Brigham Cotton, born at Rutledge, Vermont on February 12, 1838; moved to Kansas. Presumably father of Byron Cotton. "After an absence of Thirty-six years the anticipated pleasure of seeing the old landmarks of boyhood and of enjoying the society of some known in youth has been more than realized and will remain as a fond memory while life lasts. Fraternally, J. B. Cotton". Shared the page with William Ditson and Byron Cotton
- W. H. Crombie of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Fannie L. Dann or Dawes; and C. F. Peirce
- Mrs. Margaret J. Crowther of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Lizzie Seger
- Mrs. L. Culver of Whitewater, Wisconsin, South St., West Roxbury, Massachusetts; shared the page with C. N. Wheeler; Elizabeth L. Connor and Mrs. Mary E. Robbins
- A. B. Culver of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Alman L. Clark and Betsy H. Clark
- Mrs. Ruth Curtice of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Miss Harriet A. Williamson and Mrs. R. M. Sawyer
- Mrs. Eva Cutler of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with May A. Sherman and Mrs. A. A. Smith
- Fannie L. Dann or Dawes or ? of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with W. H. Crombie; and C. F. Peirce
- Libbie Deichman or Libbie Deichmar of Whitewater, Wisconsin
- Miss Nettie DeWolf of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 13, 1860
- William DeWolf of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 13, 1860. Shared the page with Mrs. Eugenie L. DeWolf
- Mrs. Eugenie L. DeWolf of Main Street, presumably Whitewater, Wisconsin. Shared the page with William DeWolf
- William Ditson of Placerville, El Dorado County, California, signed on June 27, 1871; not sure of surname. If William Ditson, he was born about 1816 in Massachusetts and married Ruth P. (Head) Hoxie about 1872. She was born in Rhode Island. Shared the page with Byron Cotton; and J. B. Cotton
- Arlie E. Eastman of Hartland, Vermont, signed on March 1, 1876; shared the page with Sarah McLaughlin; H. A. Eastman; and Martha A. Eastman
- H. A. Eastman; shared the page with Arlie E. Eastman; Sarah McLaughlin; and Martha A. Eastman
- Martha A. Eastman of Reading, Vermont; shared the page with Arlie E. Eastman; Sarah McLaughlin; and H. A. Eastman
- Lewis Emmons, M.D., signed at Hartland, Vermont on September 30, 1861. Shared the page with wife Malinda (Hendrick) Emmons
- Mrs. M. H. Emmons of Hartland, Vermont. She was Malinda (Hendrick) Emmons, wife of Lewis Emmons, who shared the page.
- B. F. Emmons of Hartland, Vermont, signed on September 29, 1861. He was Benjamin Franklin Emmons, son of Lewis Emmons, M.D., who signed the facing page with his second wife Malinda (Hendrick) Emmons,and first wife Jane (Sylvester) Emmons. Shared the page with Raymond C. Shepard
- L. A. Farmer of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed at the Commonwealth Building; shared the page with another L. A. Farmer; A. Cogswell or Cogdull; George H. Smith; W. H. Lull; C. A. Pratt; and E. C. McLang
- L. A. Farmer; shared the page with another L. A. Farmer; A. Cogswell or Cogdull; George H. Smith; W. H. Lull; C. A. Pratt; and E. C. McLang
- Lizzie M. Ferris of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed at Lockport, New York; shared the page with Martha Hatch
- Julia A. Ferris of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. N. C. Arnold [or Mrs. M. C. Arnold]
- Mrs. Clarissa Ferris, "aged 66" [there's a strikeover, so first digit may not be 6]; presumably Sylvia (Goodspeed) Smith Ferris, mother of Sylvia (Smith) Clark. Shared the page with Miss Emma H. Clark; Miss Carrie D. Clark; Mrs. S. Clark; and Solomon Clark
- Judson Fisher of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts; shared the page with ? H. Warner
- William A. Frazer; shared the page with E. H. Norton; and J. S. Partridge
- Mrs. Maretha A. P. Fuller of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on May 30, 1859. She shared a date: Aug. 29, 1834, that must be her birthdate. Shared the page with E. D. Fuller
- E. D. Fuller of St. Albans, Vermont, signed on May 30, 1859. Shared a date that must be his birth month and year: March 1834. Shared the page with Mrs. Maretha A. P. Fuller
- Marcia E. Furber of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with Martha Harding; Henry Harding; and E. B. Harding
- Mrs. Maria R. Graves of Tafton, Wisconsin. Shared the page with Mrs. Frances Birge
- Mary L. Hamilton of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Miss J. H. Rice; and Blanche W. Leonard
- Addie A. Hamilton of Whitewater, Wisconsin. Shared the page with Mrs. Frances E. Starin; Jacob Starin; and Kate G. Tarr
- Martha Harding of Hartland, Vermont; middle initial might be S or L or I or ? Shared the page with Henry Harding; Marcia E. Furber; and E. B. Harding
- Henry Harding of Bridgeport, Connecticut; shared the page with Martha Harding; Marcia E. Furber; and E. B. Harding
- E. B. Harding of Hartland, Vermont; not sure of first initial; possibly Edward B. Harding, son of John and Lucy (Willard) Harding. Shared the page with Martha Harding; Henry Harding; and Marcia E. Furber.
- Frank E. Harvey of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 13, 1860; shared the page with Dean Hawes
- G. M. Hatch of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with D. F. Alexander; and Clarissa Alexander
- Martha Hatch of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with Lizzie M. Ferris
- Dean Hawes of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 13, 1857; shared the page with Frank E. Harvey
- Henry W. Hayes of Palmyra, Wisconsin; born at Brookline, Massachusetts; shared the page with wife Lavinia Thomas (Thompson) Hayes
- Mrs. Lavinia Hayes of Palmyra,Wisconsin; Lavinia Thomas (Thompson) Hayes, born at Hartland, Vermont; wife of Henry W. Hayes, with whom she shared the page.
- Philip Hemenway, "Aged 87"; shared the page with wife Eunice (Stone) Hemenway. They must have inscribed this page about 1863. Philip died on August 29 of that year, and Eunice died the next year. They were Massachusetts natives.
- Eunice Hemenway, "Aged 79", of Whitewater, Wisconsin. She was Eunice (Stone) Hemenway, wife of Philip Hemenway, with whom she shared the page. They must have inscribed this page about 1863. Philip died on August 29 of that year, and Eunice died the next year. They were Massachusetts natives.
- Jason D. Hewitt; contemporary note: "1860 Census, B 1815 Farmer 2000 - 500 + Emily, 1820 No War." Shared the page with R. M. Russell; Mrs. R. M. Russell; Mrs. M. A. Abbott; and Mrs. Emily H. Hewitt
- Mrs. Emily H. Hewitt of Woodstock, Vermont; contemporary note: "1860 Census, B 1815 Farmer 2000 - 500 + Emily, 1820 No War." Shared the page with R. M. Russell; Mrs. R. M. Russell; Mrs. M. A. Abbott; and Jason D. Hewitt
- Mary J. Hewitt
- Your cousin Ira Hiland of Boston, Massachusetts. Son of Thomas and Sarah (Palmer) Hiland, born Langdon, New Hampshire in 1816; wife of Martha (Manson) Hiland. Shared the page with wife Martha M. Hiland; and Sarah M. Hiland
- Your cousin Martha M. Hiland of Boston, Massachusetts; Martha (Manson) Hiland; born abt 1823 in Vermont, daughter of David Manson. Shared the page with husband Ira Hiland; and Sarah M. Hiland
- Sarah M. Hiland of Boston, Massachusetts; shared the page with her parents Ira Hiland and Martha M. (Manson) Hiland.
- G. C. Hoadley of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Henry Newton
- Mrs. Mary Ann Hodgman of Hartland, Vermont, signed on March 25, 1863 Another daughter of William Henry H. Walker and Rachel (Stevens) Walker; Mary married Franklin Hodgman.
- Harvey Houghton of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Edwin P. Congar; and M. E. Congar
- Charles F. Hubbard of East Westmoreland, New Hampshire. Shared the page with George Macey and Mrs. Sarah A. Macey
- Mrs. Sarah C. Humphrey of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with S. Ravella Humphrey and T. L. King [or T. S. King]
- S. Ravella Humphrey, Rector of St. Luke's, Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on September 24, 1859
- William Hunter of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with his wife Mrs. Sarah (Potter) Hunter.
- Mrs. Sarah P. Hunter of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 14, 1860. Shared the page with her husband William Hunter. According to contemporary writing on the facing page, she was Sarah (Potter) Hunter. William was born in New York about 1823 and Sarah in New York about 1830. They had 3 children born in Wisconsin: Calvin, Garland and Mary.
- Mrs. S. M. Kellogg of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Nellie A. Payne; and Sarah A. Payne
- Timothy Kimball of Claremont, New Hampshire; middle initial possibly D., for Timothy Dakin Kimball. Shared page with Caroline M. Kimball. Contemporary note: "6500-2500. Timothy, Retired Mechanic, Born 1810. W.I. Goods Dlr. 3,000-3,000. Caroline 1874"
- Caroline M. Kimball of Claremont, New Hampshire; shared the page with Timothy D. Kimball. Contemporary note: "6500-2500. Timothy, Retired Mechanic, Born 1810. W.I. Goods Dlr. 3,000-3,000. Caroline 1874"
- T. L. King, or T. S. King; not sure of surname
- F. L. Kiser of Whitewater, Wisconsin; Francis L. Kiser. Shared the page with Mrs. P. J. Kiser
- Mrs. P. J. Kiser of Whitewater, Wisconsin; Phoebe Jane (Esterly) Kiser. Shared the page with Francis L. Kiser
- A. F. Knight of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Sarah A. (Caswell) Knight
- Mrs. Sarah A. Knight of Whitewater, Wisconsin; Sarah A. (Caswell) Knight; shared the page with A. F. Knight
- A. F. Knox of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. Celestia A. Knox. Contemporary note: "1860 Census, A.F. B 1819, Farmer 600/2000 + Celestia B 1821, No War"
- Mrs. Celestia A. Knox of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with A. F. Knox. Contemporary note: "1860 Census, A.F. B 1819, Farmer 600/2000 + Celestia B 1821, No War"
- Blanche W. Leonard of Hartland, Vermont, signed in 1897. She was Blanche Watriss Leonard, future wife of Harry A. Bagley. Granddaughter of Calista L. (Hiland) Watriss. Shared the page with Mary L. Hamilton and Miss J. H. Rice
- Mrs. N. M. Littlejohn of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Lottie E. Clarke; and Mary L. Thayer
- W. H. Lull; shared the page with L. A. Farmer; another L. A. Farmer; A. Cogswell or Cogdull; George H. Smith; C. A. Pratt; and E. C. McLang
- George Macey of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on February 19, 1860 Shared the page with Mrs. Sarah A. Macey and Charles F. Hubbard
- Mrs. Sarah A. Macey of Whitewater, Wisconsin; Sarah Ann (Birge) Macey, wife of George Macey. Shared the page with George Macey; and Charles F. Hubbard
- Ithamar Marcy of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with Mrs. M. L. S. Marcy
- Mrs. M. L. S. Marcy of Hartland, Vermont. She was Mary Lydia (Smith) Marcy, wife of Ithemar Marcy, who shared the page.
- Fred I. Marcy of Hartland, Vermont; he was Frederick Ithamar Marcy, son of signers Ithamar and Mary Lydia (Smith) Marcy. Shared the page with ?? Murphy
- Julietta J. Marcy of Hartland, Vermont; Juliette Josephine Marcy, daughter of signers Ithamar and Mary Lydia (Smith) Marcy. Shared the page with M. Addie Marcy and Alice I. Marcy
- M. Addie Marcy of Hartland, Vermont; Mary Adelaide Marcy, daughter of signers Ithamar and Mary Lydia (Smith) Marcy. Shared the page with Julietta J. Marcy and Alice I. Marcy.
- Alice I. Marcy of Hartland, Vermont; Alice Isabel Marcy, daughter of signers Ithamar and Mary Lydia (Smith) Marcy. Shared the page with Julietta J. Marcy and M. Addie Marcy
- Mrs. Sarah Mason of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mary E. Billings; and Mrs. H. Warne
- S. H. McCollister; shared the page with Nettie Roberts. Contemporary note: "Author". Presumably Sullivan Holman McCollester, born December 18, 1826, son of Silas and Achsah (Holman) McCollester. Educator, pastor, author.
- E. C. McLang; signed December 28, 1859; shared the page with L. A. Farmer; another L. A. Farmer; A. Cogswell or Cogdull; George H. Smith; W. H. Lull; and C. A. Pratt
- Sarah McLaughlin of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Arlie E. Eastman; H. A. Eastman; and Martha A. Eastman
- John H. Miller of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 28, 1859; shared the page with Julius C. Birge
- Lucy A. Minor of Hartland, Vermont, signed on February 25, 1862. Shared the page with Julia Swan and Sibyl Swan
- Julia C. Rowe Mix of Terryville, Connecticut, signed in March 1860 at Hartford 28; shared the page with Mrs. S. A. Clemens
- Mrs. Susan M. Morse of Medfield, Massachusetts, signed on April 9, 1863; shared the page with Frances M. Walker; and James Walker
- ? ? Murphy of Whitewater, Wisconsin; first initial might be V or N. Shared the page with Fred I. Marcy
- Henry Newton of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with G. C. Hoadley
- E. H. Norton of Whitewater, Wisconsin; later note: "1860 Clerk" Shared the page with J. S. Partridge; and William A. Frazer
- J. S. Partridge; not sure of middle initial. Shared the page with E. H. Norton and William A. Frazer
- Nellie A. Payne or Mellie A. Payne of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Sarah A. Payne and Mrs. S. M. Kellogg
- Sarah A. Payne of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Nellie A. Payne; and Mrs. S. M. Kellogg
- C. F. Peirce Jr. of Middleboro, Massachusetts; shared the page with Fannie L. Dann or Dawes; and W. H. Crombie
- Orren Perkins of Winchester, New Hampshire; Rev. Orren Perkins, husband of Sarah Maria (Clinton) Perkins. Shared the page with his wife and D. A. Russell
- S. M. Perkins of Winchester, New Hampshire; Sarah Maria (Clinton) Perkins, wife of Rev. Orren Perkins. Shared the page with D. A. Russell and husband Orren Perkins.
- Morgante Pratt; shared the page with Daniel Vance and Angeline P. Vance
- C. A. Pratt; shared the page with L. A. Farmer; another L. A. Farmer; A. Cogswell or Cogdull; George H. Smith; W. H. Lull; and E. C. McLang
- Mrs. Anna M. Pratt of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 5, 1860. Shared the page with Margaret Pratt
- Margaret Pratt of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 5, 1860. Shared the page with Mrs. Anna M. Pratt
- Mrs. F. L. Pratt of Whitewater, Wisconson, signed on March 5 [no year written]; Malinda (Mack) Pratt, wife of Freeman Liberty Pratt. Shared the page with her husband Freeman Libery Pratt and daughter Luella Josephine Pratt
- F. L. Pratt; Freeman Liberty Pratt, husband of Malinda (Mack) Pratt. Shared with the page with wife Malinda (Mack) Pratt and daughter Luella Josephine Pratt
- Miss Luella J. Pratt; Louella Josephine Pratt. Shared the page with her parents Malinda (Mack) Pratt and Freeman Liberty Pratt
- Miss J. H. Rice of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with Mary L. Hamilton; and Blanche W. Leonard
- Mrs. Mary E. Robbins of Boston, Massachusetts; shared the page with Mrs. L. Culver; C. N. Wheeler; and Elizabeth L. Connor
- Nettie Roberts of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with S. H. McCollister
- Augusta P. Rockwell of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 28, 1859. Shared the page with Mary S. Rockwell
- Mary S. Rockwell of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 28, 1859. Shared the page with Augusta P. Rockwell
- R. M. Russell of Woodstock, Vermont; shared the page with Mrs. R. M. Russell; Mrs. M. A. Abbott; Jason D. Hewitt; and Mrs. Hemily H. Hewitt
- Mrs. R. M. Russell; shared the page with R. M. Russell; Mrs. M. A. Abbott; Jason D. Hewitt; and Mrs. Emily H. Hewitt
- D. A. Russell of Walpole, New Hampshire; shared the page with Rev. Orren Perkins and wife Sarah Maria (Clinton) Perkins
- Mrs. R. M. Sawyer of New Orleans and New Iberia, Louisiana; shared the page with Mrs. Ruth Curtice and Miss Harriet A. Williamson
- Lizzie Seger of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. Margaret J. Crowther
- Raymond C. Shepard of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 28, 1859. Shared the page with Benjamin Frank Emmons
- May A. Sherman of Eagle, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. Eva Cutler and Mrs. A. A. Smith
- S. R. Short of Hartland, Vermont; Contemporary note: "B 1813, 1860 Census Farmer 1000-400; Harriet B 1813". Shared the page with J. C. Thompson; Rhoda A. Thompson; Albert F. Thompson; L. E. W. Thompson; L. L. Thompson; and Mrs. H. L. Short
- Mrs. H. L. Short of Hartland, Vermont; contemporary note: "B 1813, 1860 Census Farmer 1000-400; Harriet B 1813" Shared the page with J. C. Thompson; Rhoda A. Thompson; Albert F. Thompson; L. E. W. Thompson; L. L. Thompson; and S. R. Short
- Mrs. A. A. Smith of West Randolph, Vermont; shared the page with Mrs. Eva Cutler and May A. Sherman.
- Leonard C. Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin; contemporary note: "1860 L. C. Smith B 1825; Speculator $1800-2000 + Amanda M. B 1826" Shared the page with Mrs. Amanda M. Smith; and Mrs. Sybil H. Stiles
- Mrs. Amanda M. Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin; contemporary note: "1860 L. C. Smith B 1825; Speculator $1800-2000 + Amanda M. B 1826" Shared the page with Leonard C. Smith; and Mrs. Sybil H. St
- John Taylor Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin Contemporary note: "1870 Census, B 1820 John Smith Billiard Saloon Keeper + Amanda B 1834" Shared the page with T. S. Abbott
- Mrs. M. A. Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. L. A. Tanner and Henrietta Brothers
- E. A. Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on November 2, 1859; shared the page with E. J. Blanchard
- George H. Smith; shared the page with L. A. Farmer; another L. A. Farmer; A. Cogswell or Cogdull; W. H. Lull; C. A. Pratt; and E. C. McLang
- George H. Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 28, 1859; George Harvey Smith. Shared the page with Mrs. George H. Smith; Miss Ida Carrie Smith; and Miss Nettie DeWolf
- Mrs. George H. Smith of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on February 10 [no year written]; Annie Eliza (Burgit) Smith, wife of George Harvey Smith. Shared the page with George H. Smith; Miss Ida Carrie Smith; and Miss Nettie DeWolf
- Miss Ida Carrie Smith; daughter of George Harvey Smith and Annie Eliza (Burgit) Smith. Shared the page with George H. Smith; Mrs. George H. Smith; and Miss Nettie DeWolf
- Fred Starin; Frederick Jacob Starin. Shared the page with wife Jane Maria (Groat) Starin and daughter Magaret Frances Starin
- Mrs. Jane M. Starin; Jane Maria (Groat) Starin. Shared the page with husband Frederick Jacob Starin and daughter Margaret Frances Starin.
- Maggie F. Starin; Margaret Frances Starin. Shared the page with her parents Frederick Jacob Starin and Jane Maria (Groat) Starin.
- Mrs. H. J. Starin, Brookside Cottage, Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 20, 1859; shared the page with Louise Starin
- Louise Starin of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on December 21, 1859. Shared the page with Mrs. H. J. Starin
- Mrs. Frances E. Starin of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on November 7, 1859. Shared the page with Jacob J. Starin; Kate G. Tarr; and Addie A. Hamilton
- Jacob J. Starin. Shared the page with Mrs. Frances E. Starin; Kate G. Tarr; and Addie A. Hamilton
- Mrs. Sybil H. Stiles of Brandon, Vermont; shared the page with Leonard C. Smith; and Mrs. Amanda M.Smith
- Julia Swan of Hartland, Vermont, signed on February 25, 1862. Shared the page with Lucy A. Minor and Sibyl Swan
- Sibyl Swan of Hartland, Vermont, signed on February 25, 1862; middle initial could be N or M or ?. Shared the page with Lucy A. Minor and Julia Swan
- Mrs. L. A. Tanner of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. M. A. Smith; and Henrietta Brothers
- Kate G. Tarr of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 13, 1860. Shared the page with Mrs. Frances E. Starin; Jacob Starin; and Addie A. Hamilton
- T. F. Tewksbury of Hartland, Vermont; shared the page with Mary W. Tracy
- Mary L. Thayer of Hartland, Vermont, 4 Corners; shared the page with Mrs. N. M. Littlejohn and Lottie E. Clarke
- J. C. Thompson of Palmyra, Wisconsin, signed on March 8, 1860; shared the page with Rhoda A. Thompson; Albert F. Thompson; L. E. W. Thompson; L. L. Thompson; Sr. R. Short; and Mrs. H. L. Short
- Rhoda A. Thompson; shared the page with J. C. Thompson; Albert F. Thompson; L. E. W. Thompson; L. L. Thompson; S. R. Short and Mrs. H. L. Short
- Albert F. Thompson; shared the page with J. C. Thompson; Rhoda A. Thompson; L. E. W. Thompson; L. L. Thompson; S. R. Short; and Mrs. H. L. Short
- L. E. W. Thompson; shared the page with J. C. Thompson; Rhoda A. Thompson; Albert F. Thompson; L. L. Thompson; S. R. Short; and Mrs. H. L. Short
- L. L. Thompson; shared the page with J. C. Thompson; Rhoda A. Thompson; Albert F. Thompson; L. E. W. Thompson; S. R. Short; and Mrs. H. L. Short
- Mary W. Tracy of Hartland, Vermont, signed on March 23, 1877; shared the page with T. F. Tewksbury
- Daniel C. Trippe; presumably Daniel Comstock Trippe. Shared the page with Mrs. ? P Trippe, presumably Florence (Pratt) Trippe
- Mrs. ? P. Trippe of Whitewater, Wisconsin; presumably Daniel Comstock Trippe's wife Florence (Pratt) Trippe, with whom she shared the page.
- Daniel Vance; shared the page with Morgante Pratt; and Angelina P. Vance
- Angelina P. Vance of Groton, Vermont, signed on October 26, 1865; shared the page with Morgante Pratt; and Daniel Vance
- Frances M. Walker of Hartland, Vermont, signed on April 3, 1863; shared the page with Mrs. Susan M. Morse; and James Walker
- James Walker of Hartland, Vermont, signed on March 25, 1863 Added note: "B 1824, Farmer, 0-$400". Shared the page with Frances M. Walker and Mrs. Susan M. Morse
- W. Henry H. Walker of Hartland, Vermont, "Late of Rebellion", signed on March 24, 1863 Later note: "B 1810, Farmer" Most records show him as William Walker. Shared the page with Joanna S. Walker; and Mrs. Mary Ann Hodgman
- Joanna S. Walker of Hartland, Vermont, signed on March 24, 1863. Added note: "B 1840, Daughter" [of William Henry H. Walker and Rachel (Stevens) Walker. ]. Shared the page with W. Henry H. Walker; and Mrs. Mary Ann Hodgman
- Mrs. H. Warne of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mary E. Billings and Mrs. Sarah Mason
- ? H. Warner; shared the page with Judson Fisher
- Mrs. C. L. Watriss, signed at White Water, Wisconsin, on February 27, 1859. Album owner. Possibly Mrs. Calista L. (Hyland) Watriss, wife of Henry B. Watriss of Hartland, Vermont.
- Luke W. Watriss of Claremont, New Hampshire; Luke Willard Waterhouse/Watriss, brother of Henry B. Watriss, husband of album owner Calista L. (Hiland) Watriss. Shared the page with Lucia E. (Lull) Watriss
- L. E. L. Watriss, signed on September 14, 1870; Lucia E. (Lull) Watriss, wife of Luke Willard Watriss, with whom she shared the page.
- "Your sister" and "Also Emma". Presumably Lizzie L. (?) Watriss, wife of Norman E. Watriss. Emma was their daughter, born in 1855. Shared the page with Adelia Whittaker and Norman E. Watriss.
- Norman E. Watriss of Hartford, Connecticut; shared the page with Adelia L. Whittaker and his wife Lizzie L. (?) Watriss. He was a brother of Henry B. Watriss, husband of album owner Calista L. (Hiland) Watriss. Shared the page with Adelia L. Whittaker and his wife Lizzie L. Watriss.
- Lovina C. Webb of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on March 13, 1860; shared the page with Henry M. Beath
- Mrs. Kate B. Wheeler of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with J. P. Wheeler and J. M. Archbald
- J. P. Wheeler; shared the page with Mrs. Kate B. Wheeler and J. M. Archbald
- C. N. Wheeler of Whitewater, Wisconsin, signed on November 17, 1859; shared the page with Mrs. L. Culver; Elizabeth L. Connor and Mrs. Mary E. Robbins
- Cousin Etta of Palmyra, Wisconsin: Esther Wheeler, wife of Charles W. Wheeler. Shared the page with daughter Clara Wheeler and husband Charles W. Wheeler
- Clara Wheeler, shared the page with her parents Etta and Charles W. Wheeler
- C. W. Wheeler, "a live Yankee of Palmyra, Wisconsin; Charles W. Wheeler, born about 1823 in New York. Shared the page with wife Etta Wheeler and daughter Clara Wheeler
- Adelia L. Whittaker of Hartford, Connecticut. Shared the page with Lizzie L. Watriss; and Norman E. Watriss
- Richard Williams of Palmyra, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mary W. Williams and Henry R. Williams
- Mary W. Williams of Palmyra, Wisconsin; shared the page with Richard Williams and Henry R. Williams
- Henry R. Williams of Palmyra, Wisconsin; shared the page with Richard Williams; and Mary W. Williams
- Miss Harriet A. Williamson of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. Ruth Curtice; and Mrs. R. M. Sawyer
- H. Wright of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with Mrs. S. Wright; W. Cash; Mrs. M. A. Cash; Hattie Cash; and ? N. Cash
- Mrs. S. Wright of Whitewater, Wisconsin; shared the page with H. Wright; W. Cash; Mrs. M. A. Cash; Hattie Cash; and ? N. Cash
Hartland, Vermont, and Whitewater, Wisconsin
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