Friday, April 21, 2017

November 1886 Issue of The Hebron Semester, a Student Publication of Hebron Academy at Hebron, Maine

Spring 1885 issue of The Hebron Semester, a student publication at Hebron Academy at Hebron, Maine.   This copy was owned by student Edith Lulu Packard of Hebron, Maine, who wrote her name at the top of the front cover.

See links to more posts about other issues of The Hebron Semester and other Hebron Academy memorabilia here.

Also, see another post that features the autograph album of Albert Smith Ventres of Canton, Maine, a member of the Hebron Academy Class of 1888; several of his schoolmates, mentioned farther below, inscribed pages in his album.

An alphabetical list of the people mentioned in this publication, with additional information about them gleaned throughout the issue, appears later in this post.

Editors of this issue of The Hebron Semester:

Ellery C. Park of Mexico, Maine, Editor-in-Chief
May A. Denning of Mechanic Falls, Maine, Associate Editor
Edward H. Moulton of Bowdoinham, Maine, Associate Editor
May I. Stearns of Paris, Maine, Associate Editor
Charles W. Skillings of North Auburn, Maine, Associate Editor
Frank D. True of Portland, Maine, Business Manager

The issue measures approximately 9-1/4" by 6-1/4" and contains 47 pages, plus 31 pages of advertising and advertisements on the inside front cover and inside back cover and back cover.

Images of all of the pages appear at the end of this post.

Interesting tidbits among the contents:
  • Rev. Harden has replaced Rev. Richardson as school pastor, pages 6 and 7
  • Commencement of June 27, 1886, pages 8-11
  • Poem "Grandma" by Anna Sargent Hunt, page 11
  • Essay, "Western Kansas", by F. P. S., presumably Frank P. Stearns, Class of 1882, who had moved to Kansas, pages 11-15
  • Essay "A Sea Voyage" by L. R. F., Class of 1889, presumably Leroy R. Flye of North Brooklin, Maine, pages 16 and 17
  • Essay "Early Reformation in England", by W. E. D., '87, presumably Wallace E. Day of Turner, Maine, pages 18 and 19
  • "The Golden Age", by Ovid, Book 1, and translated by G. E. L., '87, presumably Georgia Etta Lawrence of Bryant Pond, Maine, page 19
  • Poem "Truth Crushed to Earth Shall Rise Again", Graduation Essay by G. R. M., '86, presumably George R. Morton of South Paris, Maine, pages 20-22
  • Hebron Academy Lyceum meeting of October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Hebron Academy Base-Ball Club, pages 2728
  • Letter from W. W. Mayo of Fountain Colorado, former principal at Hebron Academy, pages 30 and 31
  • Wonderful recollection of "Old Hebron", by alumnus Percival Bonney, President of the Board of Trustees - he mentions many of the students of his time at Hebron Academy, pages 31-33
  • Essay "Self-Culture" by A. S. J. '87, presumably Abbie S. Jordan of Upper Gloucester, Maine, pages 34 and 35
  • Essay "The City of Newport, R.I.", by E. H. N.  I think that the "N" is a misprint and that this was written by Edward H. Moulton of Bowdoinham, Maine, Class of 1887, pages 36 and 37
  • Baseball games with Paris Hills and Streaked Mountain, page 39
  • Alumni Notes, with alumni from the Classes of 1886 back to 1881
  • Obituary of Roscoe Sullivan Kidder of Canton, Maine, a member of the Class of 1885, by F. H. C., a member of the Class of 1885, presumably Frederick Hale Cushing of Turner, Maine, pages 41 and 42
  • Lists of students: Senior, Junior, Sophomore, Freshmen, Post-Graduates and Preparatory, pages 44 and 45
  • School Information, including tuition and calendar, pages 46 and 47

  • Herbert M. Adkins of Turner, Maine; member and Vice-President of the Sophomore Class of 1889 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 45  [3 places]
  • Charles L. Aldrich, Class of 1885; teaching at Webb's Mills, Maine, page 41
  • Frederic A. Allen; Hebron Academy student in the 1850s/1860s era; later at Auburn, Maine; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Oscar D. Allen; Hebron Academy student in the 1850s/1860s era; later professor Metallurgy at Yale; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Arthur Williams Alley, "Our Nation's Strength as Proved by Trial", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; teaching in New Hampshire, page 41
  • George M. Atwood, Class of 1883; one of the editors of the Oxford Democrat, page 41
  • W. H. Atwood, Esq. of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees
  • George E. Ayer of Locke's Mills, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45

  • Hattie P. Bailey, instructor in Music at Hebron Academy
  • Rev. Dr. Bakeman of Chelsea, Maine, appointed by the Board of Trustees to participate in the fund raising for a new building at Hebron Academy, page 8
  • Paschal Barrell; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Annie D. Barrows, Assistant to the Principal at Hebron Academy in 1856; she later married Rev. Judson W. Shaw, a graduate of Colby in 1858; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Eva M. Barrows of Hebron, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Deacon Joseph Barrows, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • J. Barrows, left fielder on the Base-Ball team, page 39
  • Louisa Barrows, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era and sister of Nathan D. Barrows, married Warren Goodrich and moved to Missouri; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Lucinda Barrows, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era and sister of Nathan D. Barrows; married Rev. W. H. Clark, a 1868 graduate of Colby; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Nathan D. Barrows, Hebron Academy student in the 1850s/1860s era; graduated from Amherst College and became a teacher in New York; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • S. Myrick Barrows, Hebron Academy student in the 1850s/1860s era; served 3 years in the 5th Maine Regiment; post-war clerical position at Washington, D.C.; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Laura B. Beals of Turner, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Harry Bearce of Turner, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45
  • Henry M. Bearce, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era, later roomed with Percival Bonney at Waterville; became a lawyer at Norway, Maine; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Vivian Bearce of Hebron, Maine; preparatory class, page 45
  • Lida E. Benson of North Paris, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Dr. A. E. Besse of Sidney, Maine; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Noah Bicknell, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a teacher; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • W. Bicknell, centerfielder on the Base-Ball team, page 39  [2 places]
  • William A. Bicknell of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Alphonso J. Billings of Oxford, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Emirna E. Billings of Oxford, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Bisbee, pitcher on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Bonney, first baseman on the Base-Ball team, page 39, possibly William Lowell Bailey, Class of 1886
  • Judge Bonney made a visit, page 43
  • Hon. Percival Bonney of Portland, Maine; President of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees; wrote essay "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • W. L. Bonney, Esq. of Turner, Maine; member of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees
  • William Lowell Bonney, "Arnachism in the United States as an Outgrowth of Labor Agitation" {Anarchism ?], at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; will teach the coming winter, page 41
  • Alice J. Bradbury of Greene, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 44  [2 places]
  • Miss Bradbury, her novel entitled "We Three" is soon to be put before the public, pages 38 and 39
  • Olie B. Bradford of Lewiston, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45
  • Ernest Everett Briggs, "Salutatory in Latin - Present Condition", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; has entered Bowdoin, page 41
  • Roscoe Brown, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a teacher; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Bumpus, third baseman on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Dulcina Bumpus; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; married Joseph Hibbs; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Grace E. Bumpus of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Otho W. Burnham, Hebron Academy student in the 1850s/1860s era; joined the Army and later became a lawyer; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Adelbert Farrington Caldwell, "Life's Crosses", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9;  gave a Declamation at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27;  post-graduate, page 41; post-graduate, page 45
  • Annie C. Caldwell of Oxford, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Leonard A. Caldwell, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Minnie B. Caldwell of Oxford, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Prof. Capen; resigned from the department of Astronomy and Physics at Colby, page 40
  • M. W. Chase, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a music teacher in the West; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Roscoe G. Chase, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a fruit tree grower at Geneva, New York; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Effie G. Chesley of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Albert W. Clark, instructor in Penmanship at Hebron Academy
  • Allie M. Cloutier of West Minot, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Cobb, right fielder on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Laura J. Crafts; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; mother of Edward P. Barrell, who graduated from Hebron Academy in 1884; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Rev. A. R. Crane of Winthrop, Maine; member of Examining Committee, page 43
  • Willard H. Cummings of Hebron, Maine; Editor of the Hebron Journal; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44;  appointed to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24;  spoke at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Hattie E. Currier of Mechanic Falls, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Albion P. Cushman of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Amy Lee Cushman of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Bertha H. Cushman of North Paris, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Fannie F. Cushman of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Capt. Gideon Cushman, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Hannah B. Cushman; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; married Mr. Robinson and lives at Otisfield, Maine; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Dr. Harvey J. Cushing of Merrimac, Massachusetts; married Percival Bonney's Hebron Academy classmate Ellen Hutchinson; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Henry M. Cushman of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 44  [2 places]
  • M. Cushman, second baseman on the Base-Ball team, page 39  [2 places]
  • Mabel Cushman of North Paris, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Maud Cushman of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • S. P. Cushman, Esq. of Hebron, Maine; Treasurer of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees

  • Nellie I. Day of Turner, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Wallace E. Day of Turner, Maine; member and Vice-President of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44  [2 places]; essay "Early Reformation in England", pages 18 and 19; on the affirmative side of a team debate at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Jabes T. Denning, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a merchant in Georgia; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Fannie E. Denning of Mechanic Falls, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 44  [2 places]
  • Kelsey Denning, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; now living at Poland, Maine; his two daughters attend Hebron Academy; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • May A. Denning of Mechanic Falls, Maine; Associate Editor of The Hebron Semester; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; elected to appoint members to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24; gave a piano solo and a Select Reading at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Charles H. Dodge of Sedgwick, Maine; member and President of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44  [2 places]; gave a Declamation at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Edward S. Donham; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Fannie A. Donham of Hebron, Maine; member and Secretary of the Sophomore Class of 1889 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 45  [3 places]
  • Josiah C. Donham; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Robert C. Donham; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a journalist at Boston, Massachusetts; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Frank E. Downing of Minot, Maine; member and Vice-President of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44  [2 places]; has left the Academy, page 24
  • Nena Gertrude Dudley, Class of 1886; teaching in Oxford, Maine, page 41; "The Value of Shakespeare to the Literary and Professional Man", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9
  • E. S. Dunham, former proprietor of the store at Hebron, Maine; has sold to Mr. Frank Glover, pages 24 and 25
  • Dr. J. C. Dunham, new physician at Hebron Academy, page 25
  • Lena Dunn of West Poland, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Hon. Mark H. Dunnell of Norway, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856 and, later, principal of Hebron Academy, then a practicing lawyer in Norway, Maine; Portland, Maine; and in Minnesota; then represented Minnesota in the U.S. Congress for 12 years; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Augustus Dwinal; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Rev. Joseph F. Elder, D.D., became Principal at Hebron Academy in the fall term of 1860; later professor at Mathematics at Colby; a Surgeon in the Army; married Miss Mary D. Hutchinson; died at Livermore Falls, Maine, in 1872; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Prof. Elder, instructor in Chemistry at Colby, page 40
  • George A. Emery, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a Judge at the Municipal Court of Saco and a member of the Legislature; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Charlie H. Everett of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Minnie L. Everett of Hebron, Maine, post graduate, page 45; "Sunshine and Shadow", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10; post-graduate, page 41

  • Joseph G. Fernald, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; graduated from Bowdoin in 1866 and died early; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Leroy R. Flye of North Brooklin, Maine; member and President of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45  [2 places]
  • Foster, right fielder on the Base-Ball team, page 39
  • Fred F. Foster of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; appointed to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24
  • H. S. French, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; served in the army and then settled at Lynn, Massachusetts where he was city treasurer and was in the Legislature; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Ed Glover, Catcher on the Base-Ball team, page 39
  • Frank Glover, formerly of Framingham, Massachusetts; new proprietor of the store at Hebron, Maine, pages 24 and 25
  • Robert L. Glover of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Wallie Glover of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Edwin R. Goodwin of Hebron, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Miss Gould is at work on an interesting book entitled the "Capture of Richmond"
  • Orissa W. Gould of Freeport, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Alida M. Graves of Hebron, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45; Vocal Solo at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Herbie J. Greenwood of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Jacob Gurney; he boarded cousins Percival Bonney, W. G. Lowell and S. R. Howard when they attended Hebron Academy in 1856, in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Hon. Clarence Hale of Portland, lectures, page 44
  • Frank E. Hanscom, Class of 1885; teaching at Gorham, Maine, page 41
  • Rev. C. V. Hanson of Damariscotta, Maine; gave lectures at Hebron Academy, page 43  [2 places]; addressed the students at morning exercises, page 25
  • Rev. Harden, who has replaced Rev. Richardson as pastor at Hebron Academy, pages 6 and 7
  • Harlan C. Harden of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Lila P. Harden of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Winnogene T. Harden of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Gertie M. Harlow of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 44
  • Lincoln Harlow, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; now a clergyman; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Austin J. Hayes of West Paris, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 45  [2 places]
  • Fred S. Hayes of Oxford, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45
  • Harry Tewksbury Hayes, "Knights of Labor", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; teaching in Oxford, Maine, page 41
  • Otis Hayford, Esq. of Canton, Maine; member of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees
  • Abbie LeB. Hibbs of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Joseph Hibbs; married Hebron Academy alumna Dulcina Bumpus; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a physician; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Joseph A. Hibbs of Hebron, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Blanche G. Hodgden of Yarmouthville; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Carroll I. Hooper of Paris, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Henry C. Howard, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; residing on the old homestead east of Hebron Academy; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • S. R. Howard, cousin of Percival Bonney; at Hebron Academy in 1856 with Percival and another cousin W. G. Lowell; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Anna Sargent Hunt, poem "Grandma", page 11
  • C. C. Hunt of Augusta, Maine; donated a piano stool to Hebron Academy, page 25
  • Ellen Hutchinson; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; married Dr. Harvey J. Cushing of Merrimac, Massachusetts, a classmate and friend of Percival Bonney; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Miss Mary D. Hutchinson, a Hebron Academy classmate of Percival Bonney; married Rev. Joseph F. Elder, former principal of Hebron Academy; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • F. W. Irish, on the negative side of a team debate at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Fred S. Irish of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Henry D. Irish of Buckfield, Maine; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; represented Buckfield in the Legislature; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Mabel Maude Irish, Class of 1886; teaching in Buckfield, Maine, page 41; "Valedictory - Their Lives Flow on Like Rivers that Water the Woodlands", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10
  • Percy Irish of Buckfield, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45

  • A. S. J., Class of 1887, essay "Self-Culture", pages 34 and 35
  • Millicent Frye Jackson, "Millie", Class of 1886; teaching in Lewiston, Maine, page 41;  "There are No Little Things", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9
  • Helen Augusta Johnson, Class of 1886; at Smith College, page 41; "Excelsior", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10
  • Mary Clifford Jones, "Mamie", Class of 1886; "All Sometimes Need to Thank Their Failures", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; stopping at home, page 41
  • Jordan, second baseman on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Abbie S. Jordan of Upper Gloucester, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; appointed to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24; Editress of the Hebron Journal, spoke at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Mary Eliza Jordan, "No Fall Fruit Without Spring Blossoms", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10
  • Mellie Eliza Jordan, Assistant in English at Hebron Academy;  "Class Ode", page 10; teaching at Hebron Academy, page 41

  • Mellie Josephine Keene, Class of 1886; stopping at home, page 41; "Earth's Benefactors", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9
  • Kemp Family performed at West Minot and in the Hebron Academy chapel, page 43
  • S. S. Kenney, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; "one of the brightest boys in school, but whose promising career was cut short by a rebel bullet in the Shenandoah"; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Roscoe Sullivan Kidder, Class of 1885; a memorial to him by F. H. C. , classmate of 1885 at Hebron Academy, pages 41 and 42
  • Mr. King, Principal at the Freedman;s School at Washington, D.C.; addressed the students at morning exercises, page 25
  • King went to Tufts College to finish his Engineering course, page 43
  • A. C. T. King, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; prominent in masonic matters; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Irene King of South Paris, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Harlan Page Knight, Class of 1886; freshman at Colby, page 41; "Character", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9

  • Dr. W. B. Lapham of Augusta, Maine; married Percival Bonney's Hebron Academy classmate Cynthia A. Perham; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Georgie E. Lawrence of Bryant's Pond, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; Class of 1887; translated the Ovid poem "The Golden Age", page 19
  • Arch D. Leavitt; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; graduated from Colby in 1862; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • J. G. Leavitt; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; preacher; died recently at Gardner, Massachusetts; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Florence M. Littlefield of Auburn, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Lombard, left fielder on the Base-Ball team, page 39
  • William E. Lombard of Turner, Maine; member and Treasurer of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45  [2 places]
  • Percival E. Lowell of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • W. G. Lowell, cousin of Percival Bonney, at Hebron Academy in 1856 with Percival and another cousin S. R. Howard; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Dr. Albert Q. Marshall; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; graduated from Colby in 1862; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Fred H. Marshall of Hebron, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Rev. H. B. Marshall, Colby 1858 graduate; married Percival Bonney's Hebron Academy classmate Annie Turner; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Bert L. Maxim of Hebron, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Percy E. Maxim of Hebron, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Prof. Mayo, graduated a class of 20 at Hebron Academy in 1883, page 8
  • W. W. Mayo, former Principal at Hebron Academy and now at Fountain, Colorado; his letter to the students, pages 30 and 31
  • Everard Claremont Megquier of West Poland, Maine; post-graduate, page 45;  "Every Man His Own Architect", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; on the negative side of a team debate at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27; pitcher on the Base-Ball team, page 39  [2 places]; Class of 1886; post-graduate, page 41
  • Charles A. Mendall, Class of 1885; booked at Bates College, page 41
  • Alice G. Merrill of Freeport, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; Miss Alice Merrill of Freeport, Maine; is no longer at Hebron Academy, page 24
  • A. Merrill, third baseman on the Base-Ball team, page 39  [2 places]
  • Austin F. Merrill of Brunswick, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887 and on its Committee of Arrangements, page 44; elected President of the Lyceum Association, page 24; his moustache, page 38
  • Henry H. Merrill of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Joseph H. Merrill of Pownal, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Phebe C. Merrill of Hebron; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • W. H. H. Merrill, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Willie J. Merrill of Hebron, Maine; Preparatory Class, page 45
  • Almeda F. Millett; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Howard Millett, son of the Baptist historian of Maine; classmate of Percival Bonney at Hebron Academy in 1856; Howard later graduated from Colby and moved to Malden, Massachusetts, which he represented in the Legislature; practiced law at Boston, Massachusetts; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Jennie Eliza Millett; Class of 1886; teaching in Hebron, Maine, page 41; "On Every Mountain Height is Rest", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9
  • William E. Millett, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Frank B. Milliken of Portland, Maine; member and Secretary/Treasurer of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44  [2 places]; President of the Base-Ball Association and Captain of the team, page 39; first baseman on the Base-Ball team, page 39; Mr. Frank Milliken of Portland, Maine - has left the Academy, page 24
  • Wilmot Brookings Mitchell, "Know Thyself", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; freshman at Bowdoin, page 41
  • Monk, left fielder on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Prof. J. F. Moody, graduated a class of 13 at Hebron Academy in 1878, page 8
  • John Marshall Washburn Moody, "Socialism", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; has entered Bowdoin, page 41
  • George Randall Morton, "Truth Crushed to Earth Shall Rise Again", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10; Class of 1886, poem "Truth Crushed to Earth Shall Rise Again" "Graduation Essay", pages 20-22; at his home in Paris, Maine, page 41
  • H. F. Morton, Esq. of Paris, Maine; member of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees
  • Walter E. Morton, instructor in Drawing at Hebron Academy; redesigned the cover of The Hebron Semester, page 24
  • Edward H. Moulton of Bowdoinham, Maine; Associate Editor of The Hebron Semester; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; elected to appoint members to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24; shortstop on the Base-Ball team, page 39  [2 places];  I believe the E. H. N. who wrote the essay "The City of Newport, R.I.", was actually E. H. M., and thus Edward H. Moulton, pages 36 and 37
  • Stephen Myrick of Hebron, Maine, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • E. H. N. [I believe is E. H. N. should be E. H. M., and that he is Edward H. Moulton.], essay "The City of Newport, R.I.", pages 36 and 37
  • Jonathan Nash, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Dr. Selden F. Neal became Principal at Hebron Academy in the spring term of 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Frank L. Nute of Turner, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45

  • Zibeon L. Packard, Esq., of Hebron, Maine; Secretary of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees; and on page 47
  • Charles K. Packard; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a physician; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Edith Lulu Packard, "Prophecy", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10; Class of 1886; teaching in Hebron, page 41
  • Jennie W. Packard of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888 and on its Committee of Arrangements, pages 44 and 45
  • Ellery C. Park of Mexico, Maine; Editor-in-Chief of The Hebron Semester; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; elected Vice-President of the Lyceum Association, page 24; on the negative side of a team debate at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • F. Parlin, right fielder on the Base-Ball Team, page 39
  • Fletcher A. Parlin of West Sumner, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Annie I. Parsons of South Paris, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888 and on its Committee of Arrangements, pages 44 and 45
  • Aphia Jane Parsons, Class of 1886; married and lives at South Paris, page 41; "Chronicles", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10
  • Cynthia A. Perham; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became wife of Dr. W. B. Lapham of Augusta, Maine; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Lena G. Perkins of Poland, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • George P. Phenix, A.B., instructor in Sciences and French at Hebron Academy; gave a Bass Solo at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • James Madison Pike of Hebron, Maine, post-graduate, page 45; on the affirmative side of a team debate at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27;  "Milestones in our Nation's Progress", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, pages 9 and 10; at Hebron Academy and will enter Colby this winter, page 41
  • Frank H. Pratt; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • George W. Pratt, Hebron Academy student in the 1850s/1860s era; served 3 years in the 5th Maine Regiment; post-war clerical position at Washington, D.C.; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Lena Alma Pratt, Class of 1886; at her home in Paris, Maine, page 41; "Life is What We Make It", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9
  • Rosie L. Pratt, Class of 1885; rusticating at Hebron, Maine, page 41
  • Charles J. Prescott, teacher at Hebron Academy in 1856 and later a principal at Jersey City; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Agnes Merton Prince, "Silent Influences", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; Class of 1886; at her home in Minot, Maine, page 41
  • Anna M. Proctor of North Raymond, Maine; member and Secretary/Treasurer of the Junior Class of 1888, pages 44 and 45; gave a Select Reading at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27

  • L. F. R., Class of 1889, "A Sea Voyage", pages 16 and 17
  • Mertie B. Records of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • A. M. Richardson, Class of 1881; assistant in Wayland Seminary, D.C., page 41
  • Charles W. Richardson, student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; came up from Portland; became a merchant; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Rev. S. D. Richardson of Tenants Harbor, now Tenant's Harbor, Maine; member of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees
  • A. A. Richmond of North Paris, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45
  • Hannah J. Robertson; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Prof. William A. Rogers, previously of the Harvard University Astronomical Observatory, is a new professor in the department of Astronomy and Physics at Colby; several paragraphs on his background, page 40  [2 places]
  • Rev. John Rounds of New Gloucester, Maine, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856 and, in 1886, a pastor in Minnesota; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Russell, catcher on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Artel J. Russell of East Sumner, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; catcher on the Base-Ball team, page 39

  • F. P. S., essay "Western Kansas", pages 11-15
  • William E. Sargent, A.M., Principal of Hebron Academy and instructor in Latin, Greek and Ancient History; graduated a class of 27 from Hebron Academy in 1886; went to Rockland to plead our cause at the Baptist Convention, page 43
  • Shaw, centerfielder on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Mary Abbie Shaw, "Is Life a Failure?", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; Mary A. Shaw, Class of 1886; "wielding the birch" in Paris, Maine, page 41
  • Charles W. Skillings of North Auburn, Maine; Associate Editor of The Hebron Semester; member and President of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44  [2 places];  elected to appoint members to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24; on the affirmative side of a team debate at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Rev. A. K. P. Small of Buckfield, Maine, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856 and, in 1886, pastor of the First Baptist Church at Portland, Maine; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Rev. Dr. A. K. P. Small of Portland, Maine, appointed by the Board of Trustees to participate in the fund raising for a new building at Hebron Academy, page 8; conferred the diplomas at the commencement for the Class of 1886, page 10; addressed the students at morning exercises, page 25
  • Prof. A. W. Small of Colby University; gave a Baccalaureate Sermon at Hebron Academy on June 27, 1886, page 8
  • Rev. E. S. Small of Livermore Falls, Maine; gave a lecture at Hebron Academy, page 43
  • Linnie R. Smith of Paris, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Frank Snell of Paris, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • Cornie Maynard Spear, "Life", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9; one of the freshmen ["men" in italics as Cornie was a woman] at Colby, page 41
  • F. P. Stearns, Class of 1882; in Kansas, page 41
  • May I. Stearns of Paris, Maine; Associate Editor of The Hebron Semester; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44
  • William C. Stearns of Paris, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Rev. L. C. Stevens, pastor of the church at Hebron in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Luther Stevens; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era and son of the resident pastor; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • William Cary Stevens; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era and son of the resident pastor; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • B. F. Sturtevant of Boston, Massachusetts, appointed by the Board of Trustees to participate in the fund raising for a new building at Hebron Academy, page 8
  • Ernest W. Sturtevant of Hebron, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45
  • Fred I. Sturtevant of Hebron, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45
  • Julia Sturtevant; married William N. Thomas, who attended Hebron Academy with Percival Bonney; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Addie M. Sutton of Turner, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • John P. Swasey; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a lawyer and politician; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • George W. Sylvester of Turner, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45

  • William N. Thomas; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; married Julia Sturtevant and resides on the old farm; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Lucien B. Thompson; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era and Tufts 1863 graduate; became a lawyer at Boston, Massachusetts; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Roscoe H. Thompson; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a lawyer at Boston, Massachusetts; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Susie S. Thurlow of North Raymond, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Rev. Mr. Tilley of Lewiston, Maine; gave a lecture at Hebron Academy, page 24
  • Rev. C. C. Tilley of Lewiston, delivered a lecture, page 44
  • Rev. Mr. Train, addressed the students at morning exercises, page 25
  • Harrison A. Tripp; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became a lawyer at Blue Hill, Maine; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Frank D. True of Portland, Maine; Business Manager of The Hebron Semester; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; elected Secretary of the Lyceum Association, page 24; read the Report of Secretary at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • John H. True; student from Portland, Maine, at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; merchant; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • John L. Tubbs; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Mr. Tubbs of Minnesota made a short address at prayers, page 44
  • Turner, shortstop on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Annie Turner; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; became wife of Rev. H. B. Marshall, who graduated from Colby in 1858; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Ventres fell into the pond, page 43
  • Albert S. Ventres of Canton, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Henry W. Ventres of Canton, Maine; member of Freshman Class of 1890, page 45

  • Prof. Wadsworth, instructor in Geology at Colby, page 40
  • William Howard Walker, Class of 1886; teaching at Freeport, Maine, page 41; "Influence", at the Hebron Academy Commencement of the Class of 1886 on June 27, 1886, page 9
  • Prof. Warren, instructor in pure Mathematics at Colby, page 40
  • Wells sisters; students at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Ellery White; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era and "my room-mate at the Red Lion, whom for the first time in twenty-six years, I had the pleasure of meeting in San Francisco three months since"; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Emore S. Whitman; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; died in the Civil War; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Frank M. Whitman; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; worked at the Custom House in Boston, Massachusetts; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Levi Whitman, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Mabel F. Whitman of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Senior Class of 1887, page 44; appointed to the Prudential Committee of the Lyceum Association, page 24; gave a Select Reading at the public lyceum of the Hebron Academy Lyceum Association on October 20, 1886, page 27
  • Nellie L. Whitman, Presceptress of Hebron Academy and instructor in Mathematics and Bookkeeping
  • G. P. Whitney, Esq. of Oxford, Maine; member of the Hebron Academy Board of Trustees
  • Hon. William C. Whitney of Norway, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Annie W. Whittemore of Hebron, Maine; member of the Junior Class of 1888, page 45
  • Samuel J. Whittemore of Hebron, Maine; member of the Sophomore Class of 1889, page 45
  • Rev. Adam Wilson, D.D., of Paris, Maine, trustee of Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33
  • Wing, first baseman on the baseball team Streaked Mountains, page 39
  • Lucy D. Woodman of Minot, Maine; student at Hebron Academy in the 1850s/1860s era; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

  • Miss L. Margaret Young of Norway, a teacher at Hebron Academy in 1856; in an essay by Percival Bonney entitled "Old Hebron", pages 31-33

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